challenges and problems faced by airtel in india (m2)

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Challenges and problems faced by Airtel in ndia Doing business in ndia offers immense benefits for international organisations, however there are a number of key cultural challenges that can create misunderstanding and conflict as well as huge direct and indirect costs to the organisation if overlooked. Different states of ndia have different official languages, some of them not recognized by the central government. Some states have more than one official language. Bihar in east ndia has three official languages (Hindi, Urdu and Bengali) which are all recognized by the central government. But Sikkim, also in east ndia, has four official languages of which only Nepali is recognized by the central government. Besides the languages officially recognized by central or state governments, there are other languages which don't have this recognition and their speakers are running political struggles to get this recognition. The Official language of ndia therefore is Hindi but another language that has an official status in all states is English. Religion in ndia is taken very seriously and it influence people even outside their personal life. All relationships involve hierarchies. n school teacher are called gurus and they are the source of knowledge, in a family the father is the leader of the family, and in a business the boss is seen as the source of ultimate responsibility in business. ndian culture places a high importance on authority and status. Communication between levels is relatively closed so valuable insight or suggestions from employees in lower positions will rarely be shared with their superiors. Without understanding the complexity of ndian attitudes to authority and how they impact business, Airtel doing business in ndia will struggle to implement change as quickly as necessary, and fail to harness the experience and value of its employees. Some religious events must be taken in concern hen doing business in ndia. For example Durga Puja is a Hindu celebration in honour of the goddess Durga, is one of the most important socio-cultural events for Hindus and must be understood by anyone doing business in ndia. This five day annual holiday is celebrated in many ndian States such as West-Bengal, Assam and Delhi as well as in countries like Nepal and Bangladesh.When doing business in ndia during Durga Puja celebrations, it's important to show an awareness of the traditions and importance of this festival in the life of many Hindus. ndia is a polychronic culture, in other words, people tend to change priorities depending on their importance and attitudes towards punctuality are relaxed. Airtel require adherence to strict deadlines and fast decision-making, so they struggle to cope with the idea that when doing business in ndia, time cannot be controlled and is not absolute. The ndian business culture focuses a lot on relationship and trust building rather than working hard and quick towards specific business objectives which can result to immense frustration, delayed projects, failure to reach tangible results and general clash as a result of different preferences for relationships and tasks and processes.

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