challenging the contemporary role of central banks by siya biniza.pdf

Post on 30-Oct-2015






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This is a critique of the contemporary role of central banks. The approach is focused on criticising the limited and indirect policy tools utilised by contemporary central banks such as inflation-targeting and interest rate or fundamentals-based policies. Therefore, the paper is a comparative and critical analysis of the contemporary role of central banks contrasted with the classical role of central banks and empirical findings on the ideological underpinnings of the contemporary discourse on the role of central banks. Thus this analysis concludes that central banks should not just pursue inflation targets at the expense of growth. Moreover, given that employment and poverty reduction are also vital towards macroeconomic stability, central banks should expand their mandate in co-operation with governments to include such objectives and move away from financial conservatism; if their main purpose is to stimulating economic growth and development.


  • Challenging the Contemporary Role of Central Banks

    Written by Siyaduma Biniza*

    The role of central banks is focused on inflation-targeting and currency protection. This

    is quite different from the historical role of central banks which was more extensive and

    developmental focused. This changing of the role of central is firstly a consequence of

    the international dominance of neoliberalism. Secondly, this changed role is

    characteristic of a deeper ideological and scholarly disjuncture on the growth and the

    efficiency of markets. This disjuncture is mostly characterised by mainstream and

    heterodox views on growth and inflation. The mainstream view is that central banks

    can only pursue economic growth at the cost of inflation. Whereas, the heterodox view

    is that central banks can pursue economic growth whilst avoiding hyperinflation.

    Considering these aspects of the current role of central banks this paper discusses

    whether central banks should focus on inflation of support employment and economic


    Early central banks in now developed countries typically evolved from private banks

    that were granted access to subsidised credit in return for performing some functions.

    Some of these functions include issuing national currency, being a commercial and a

    state bank, being the lender of last resort, providing monetary policy to maintain

    foreign reserves, price level, and economic activity, and offering credit towards state

    objectives (Epstein, 2007). Moreover, central banks historically played distributive,

    political and allocation roles (Epstein, 2007). This means that central banks can affect

    the class distribution in an economy. Central banks also played an integral role in

    strengthening currencies and sovereignty (Epstein, 2007). Thus, central banks

    historically had a far more extensive role.

  • However, the role of central banks has changed dramatically. The purposes above,

    which are direct uses of central bank policy for macroeconomic outcomes, have

    changed to more indirect uses of central bank policies through macroeconomic

    fundamentals (Epstein, 2005). Therefore central banks now practice monetary policy

    that targets macroeconomic objectives through fundamentals such as interest rates,

    inflation and money supply. These policies are intended to achieve macroeconomic

    goals such as promoting economic growth through indirectly means such as the

    impact of these fundamentals on investment. Thus the current approach emphasises

    the reliance on market mechanisms which is seen as the best practice for central banks

    (Epstein, 2005).

    This evolved role of central banks that has resulted in central banks orientation

    towards markets is a consequence of the dominance of neoliberal economics. Firstly

    central banks have come under the influence of institutional reform associated with

    credibility policy. This means that central banks have had to undertake certain policy to

    fit into the criteria of credible policies that are aligned with investment and the possibly

    resulting economic growth. In other words, over the Washington Consensus era, which

    led to the reduction of the role of the state, the independence of central banks has

    increasingly become a prerequisite for the credibility of monetary policy which is

    necessary for investor confidence (Grabel, 2000). This separation of the central bank

    from the state and politics has reformed central banks into inherently neoliberal

    institutions. The result has been the dissolution of central banks historically political

    role through the use of central bank independence as a criterion for policy credibility;

    which is often used as precondition for private investment. This has become the first

    tenet of central banks best practice amongst with other characteristics that fit within

    the neoliberal agenda.

  • Associated with this is the emphasis on inflation-targeting. In developing economies,

    the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Funds (IMF) have been the stalwarts

    of this narrowing of central banks prerogatives (Grabel, 2000). Following economic

    crises these international financial institutions would impose economic programming

    in return for financial assistance to developing economies in distress. Together with the

    independence requirement, the IMF and WB would orchestrate institutional reform in

    central banks through educating central bank authorities in best practices which

    emphasised a focus on inflation fighting (Grabel, 2000). Inflation-targeting and other

    neoliberal policies that constituted the structural adjustment packages were often

    taken as a prerequisite for economic development and recovery in many developing

    economies (Epstein, 2005). Yet none of these policy packages have resulted in

    favourable macroeconomic outcomes in the developing economies.

    Nevertheless, inflation-targeting was again reinforced through the credibility theory

    which often associated policies that served the interest of private investors with

    policies that would lead to economic development and growth (Grabel, 2000). Hence,

    the adoption of rule-based practices such as inflation-targeting, which serves the

    interest of private investors, has been reinforced as a required policy for economic

    development and growth. Thus, inflation targeting was used a requirement for credible

    macroeconomic policies that would attract private investors towards developing

    economies. Again, this is characteristic of the dominance of neoliberal economics. But

    this is also characteristic of a deeper underlying ideological battle about the impact of

    inflation on economic growth.

    The theoretical foundations of inflation targeting originate from a seminal speech by

    Michael Friedman. Friedman (1968) argued that monetary policy cannot be used to

    control interest rates for any extended time-period nor can it be used to control the

  • unemployment rate for any extended time-period. According to Friedman, the

    mechanisms through which monetary policy can affect both interest and

    unemployment rates have been misunderstood. The misunderstanding stems from a

    conflation between real and nominal quantities and analyses that are not time-

    sensitive (Friedman, 1968).

    So the central bank controls only nominal quantities, i.e. its liabilities in the form of

    bonds, and it cannot control real quantities such as the real interest or unemployment

    rates, real GDP, real growth rate or the real growth rate of the quantity of money

    (Friedman, 1968). These real quantities are consequences of immediate and delayed

    consequences of monetary policy. Thus, although monetary policy can affect these

    quantities it cannot control them and it can only influence the real quantities in the

    short run (Friedman, 1968).

    This means that monetary policy can be used to curb economic shocks (Friedman,

    1968). Therefore, monetary policy can be used to affect nominal interest rates which

    are useful as an economic incentive for certain economic activity such as saving or

    holding money. This means that in cases of lack of confidence in the banking or

    financial system, the central bank can adjust expectations by manipulating the nominal

    interest rate or the nominal quantity of money in the economy; to induce saving or

    stimulate spending.

    Secondly, monetary policy can be used as a backbone for economic stability. Monetary

    policy can affect the stability of prices which signals and reinforces the stability of the

    economy allowing for greater economic activity. Stability of prices of prime importance

    for most economy activity in a capitalist system; but this is only useful as a way of

    affecting preferences for technological and spending changes (Friedman, 1968).

  • Lastly, monetary policy can be useful in offsetting major economic shocks that arise

    from non-monetary sources (Friedman, 1968). For example monetary policy can be

    useful to offsetting major inflation as a result of unrestrained government spending

    and a rising budget deficit. Monetary policy can be used to induce reduced spending

    and increased savings or debt-servicing. Thus, monetary policy can be used to control

    the extent of nominal quantities, as a backbone for economic stability and to curb

    major economic disturbances.

    The significance of Friedman on the direct and content of the debate on the role of

    monetary policy and central banks is clear given this summary of his contribution. This

    is why the focus of central banks has been on price stability since Friedmans work

    convincingly argued that monetary policy cannot affect things like long-term growth.

    Therefore, the mainstream approach has become an understanding of the impact of

    monetary policy that is consistent with the Phillips curve. The idea is that central banks

    should only concern themselves with short-term economic stability which is done

    through nominal quantities such as the interest rate. The assertion is that central banks

    can influence aggregate demand through interest rate which affects consumers

    liquidity preferences. In other words, if there is low aggregate demand and high

    unemployment, the central bank can reduce the interest rate which increases the

    demand for money. This would affect consumers liquidity preferences in that the cost

    of borrowing would be cheaper and the demand for money would increase whilst the

    demand for assets such as bond decrease; this would result in higher aggregate

    demand which can decrease unemployment in the short-run (Friedman, 1968).

    However in the long-run, when prices can adjust to the changes in aggregate demand,

    the result would be that aggregate demand increase only relate to increases in price

    levels which does not result in any changes in unemployment (Friedman, 1968).

  • Thus, the mainstream conclusion is that growth only occurs at the cost of inflation in

    the long-run. This makes it seem as though growth and inflation are incompatible and

    that monetary policy that pursues targets besides inflation would only lead to some

    growth in the short-run at the cost of inflation; which is seen as inimical to economic

    growth. Moreover, the assumption is that growth, unemployment and reduction in

    poverty will be an automatic consequence of macroeconomic stability which is

    reduced to price stability (Epstein, 2007).

    But empirical evidence shows that different policy recommendations can be made

    when we separate between levels of inflation. A study by Bruno and Easterly shows

    that, if we separate between normal inflation and hyperinflationary, the relationship

    between inflation and growth is less determinate. For low inflation there is an

    indeterminate relationship between inflation and economic growth (Bruno & Easterly,

    1998). But growth cannot be sustained under hyperinflation (Bruno & Easterly, 1998).

    This means that growth can be achieved with inflation whilst avoiding hyperinflation.

    This is the heterodox view that central banks can pursue economic growth whilst

    avoiding hyperinflation. At low to moderate level of inflation the negative association

    of inflation and growth are not as robust (Bruno & Easterly, 1998). This discredits the

    mainstream view that is built on the premise that inflation is inimical to growth and

    that central banks should only pursue inflation-targeting to avoid the negative impact

    of inflation on economic growth. However, the mainstream thesis is true when we look

    at hyperinflation such growth cannot be sustained with high levels of inflation. The

    consequence of this is that the best practice of central banks, which is a fundamentalist

    pursuit of price stability, is unfounded and that this might actually be at the expense of


  • Furthermore, even though macroeconomic stability is a necessary condition for

    sustained economic growth, price stability is not the only way to pursue

    macroeconomic stability. The narrow view of what constitutes macroeconomic stability

    is unfounded given the indeterminate relationship between growth and low to

    moderate levels of inflation. This suggests that certain levels of inflation might

    conducive to economic growth. Moreover, central banks should be blindly pursuing

    economic growth through inflation-fighting when inflation can actually stimulate

    economic growth. Thus central banks should not just pursue inflation targets at the

    expense of growth. Moreover, given that employment and poverty reduction are also

    vital towards macroeconomic stability, central banks should expand their mandate in

    co-operation with governments to include such objectives and move away from

    financial conservatism; if their main purpose is to stimulating economic growth and

    development (Sen, 1998; Epstein, 2007).

    But a relaxation of central bank policy or the extension of central banks mandates is

    unlikely given the dominance of neoliberalism which throttles economic growth with

    its independence requirement on central banks and the best practices of inflation-

    fighting. This is because; the use of credibility theory which reinforces the neoliberal

    agenda has been enshrined through best practice rules, legislation and even national

    constitutions at times (Grabel, 2000). But the fortunate misfortune of financial

    instability, which is a greater threat to economic growth than inflation, is that recent

    financial crises have exposed the short-comings and inadequacy of markets. Hopefully

    this will result in a better understanding of the role that central banks can play given

    that recovery from the crisis became the prerogative of central banks worldwide; which

    has increased the scope of central banks economic tools.

  • Bibliography

    Bruno, M. & Easterly, W., 1998. Inflation Crisis and Long-Run Growth. Journal of

    Monetary Economics, 41, pp.3-26.

    Epstein, G., 2005. Central Banks as Agents of Economic Development. Working Paper

    Series No. 104. Amherst: Political Economy Research Institute University of

    Massachusetts Amherst.

    Epstein, G., 2007. Rethinking Monetary and Financial Policy: Practical Suggestions for

    Monitoring Financial Stability While Generating Employment and Poverty Reduction.

    Employment Working Paper No. 37. Geneva: International Labour Organization

    International Labour Office, International Labour Organization.

    Friedman, M., 1968. The Role of Monetary Policy. American Economic Review, 58(1), pp.1-


    Grabel, I., 2000. The Political Economy of 'Policy Credibility': The New-Classical

    Macroeconomics and the Remaking of Emerging Economies. Cambridge Journal of

    Economics, 24, pp.1-19.

    Sen, A., 1998. Human Development and Financial Conservatism. World Development,

    26(4), pp.733-42.

    * Siyaduma Biniza is currently a B.Com. (Hon) in Development Theory and Policy student at the University of the Witwatersrand, holding a B.Soc.Sci in Politics, Philosophy and Economics from the University of Cape Town.

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