change your mindset

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Mindset TransformationHow to Accept Change


CHANGE YOUR MINDSET = TRANSFORM YOUR BUSINESSBy Jessika Hepburn  |  Wednesday, January 5, 2011



by Cam Pietralunga of

Do you ever wonder how a successful woman manages to run a prosperous business, raise

well-adjusted children, keep a happy husband and take care of herself? I know I do. But I

also know that successful woman isnʼt a magician or a robot, sheʼs masteredsomething we

all need to master – sheʼs mastered her mindset. Sheʼs harnessed her mind to achieve the

great results sheʼs getting. We can all take a lesson from her and hereʼs your fast-track

guide to getting started.

1. What is YOUR business mindset? -

Your mindset is your approach to the world around you. Think of your mindset as a filter.

Everything you experience is put through your mental filter. The resulting thoughts are your

mind analyzing and rationalizing the experience. For instance, imagine your husband eats

the last piece of pizza that you really wanted. You could get mad at your husband because

youʼre disappointed OR you could feel grateful that your husband removed that temptation

for you. A positive mindset might choose the latter. A mindset is intensely personal and

everyoneʼs is different. Do you view the glass as half empty or half full? Are you a pessimist,

realist or optimist? Do you view the world with rose-colored glasses? These types of

questions will help you determine if you have a naturally positive mindset or if you need to

do some inner work in order to achieve the right mindset that will lead to success in your

business and life.

2. You DO have control over your business mindset!

Contrary to what most of us are raised to believe, we actually do have control over our

mindset. We donʼt have to succumb to the whims of our moods like we did when we were

teenagers! Sure. We all have natural tendencies to be positive or negative but we have the

option ALL DAY LONG to consciously modify our behavior and actually teach our

subconscious to be more positive and approach business challenges with a hopeful resolve.

3. How your mindset affects your business success

What do you do when clients and customers start to dry up and things get scary in your

business? That can be a scary time for all of us but how you respond to this situation will

make or break you. A natural pessimist might respond by assuming the Universe wants her

to give up. She might say to herself, “My business isnʼt working. I have no new clients

coming in so Iʼm going to give up and go back to the corporate world!” While, a natural

optimist might assume the Universe wants to simply teach her a lesson and push her to

grow and learn more about her business & her ideal client. She might say to herself, “I know

these are hard times right now BUT Iʼm committed to this. Iʼm going to learn what I need to

learn and do whatever it takes to get visibility for my business and make this work!” She

might need to take a side-job to help support herself through a rough patch but the Optimist

will view it as a temporary situation, whereas the Pessimist might resign herself to the side-

job forever. Essentially giving up on her dream business.

If your mind is looking for the “good” in life, it will find it. If your mind is expecting failure,

expecting rejection, expecting difficulties, it will find it. What you pay attention to and focus

on you will get more of. Itʼs guaranteed. So how about focusing on your good points – your

ability to talk with strangers passionately about your business; your ability to keep

organized; your commitment to your business and familyʼs success. These and a slew of

other good things in your life deserve to have your attention. Remember, what you focus on


affirmation from laura george

4. How to take control of your mindset

There are many tools you can use to take control of your mindset. Here are a few: You can

use daily affirmations. these are positive statements you repeat throughout the day that

will remind you of your goals, your positive traits and keep you on track. You can use visuals

such as a vision board or vision book. These are boards or books in which you paste

inspiring images and words. Again, you refer to it throughout the day and when you do your

meditation. An essential aspect of business success is the most obvious one – you must

define what success is to you before you can achieve it. These are called business

blueprints. They involve mapping out your grand plans for your business. You use large

poster paper to make a clear outline of your business now and where you want your

business to go. Itʼs your plan for your future. An internal tool you can use is simply

controlling your thoughts. You literally replace a negative thought or reaction to a challenge

with a positive thought or reaction.

You must also remember this equation:

think the positive thoughts (train your mindset) + feel the feelings of success (as in

meditation) + informed positive action (use your business blueprint) + staying grateful

(throughout the day in your affirmations or prayers) = transformation in your life and your


Some of these concepts are simple and easy to put into action. Some are more complicated

and will take focus and commitment from you. All are proven to create great results. Armed

with a new outlook and a new plan of attack, 2011 can be an amazing year for us all full of

outstanding and uncharacteristic achievement!

Happy New Year!

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