changes from rough cut to final cut

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Changes from Rough Cut to Final Cut

I asked my target audience what they liked and disliked about my rough cut and used that to change my magazine for the final cut.

From talking with them I isolated 6 main things I needed to change on my cover, contents and double page spread.

Cover •The font of the main text on the cover with the name of the band on.•The slant of the text to the left hand side of the page with the band names on and quotes.

Contents•The size of the band names on the left hand side of the page.•The photos and backgrounds.

Double page spread•The number of columns that my article is presented in and the lack of variation in text.•The lack of page numbers on my pages.


This is my rough cut and my final cut side by side.

My target audience said that the main text on the cover with the name of the band on was too plain and needed to stand out against the other texts on the page.

I changed the font to a much more personalised font. This makes it stand out against the other fonts on the page.

My target audience said that the slanted text on the left of the page with the band names on and quotes didn’t look right.

So I changed it to horizontal. I also changed the sized of different words in the text to make them stand out more.

My target audience said it was hard to make out the difference between the band names and the quotes or taglines on the contents page.

I enlarged the text slightly and typed the band names in bold to make the band names stand out more.

I also changed the order of the bands because I wanted there to be some variation in the length of band name and type of tagline.

My target audience said that the photos and backgrounds were too similar and this made the magazine look unprofessional.

For the first image I kept the same photograph because I thought the composition and use of the rule of thirds worked.I used Photoshop to cut out the band and change the background to a photograph I took of a burnt out building.I think this works well because it makes the photograph look a lot more intriguing. I retook the second photograph because my target audience said that it looked unprofessional because of the shadow on the background and the expressions. Also the outfits they wore did not match or give off an indie vibe. The new photograph has a much better composition and works well with the rule of thirds.I used Photoshop to manipulate the saturation and turn the photograph black and white. This works well and makes the photograph look indie.

In the bottom right hand corner of my double page spread I had put the date of the issue and the magazine logo.

My target audience said that they didn’t like the lack of page numbers.

I added a page number between the date of issue and the logo. I did it in black font and put a small white box around it because if a page number is going to go on every page in my magazine then it would have to have a background so that it stands out.

My target audience said that they didn’t like how my article was in two columns and not three. Also how I only had two different types of text on the whole page.

I changed this on InDesign. I also changed the text used for the enlarged R to make it the same as the one on the cover and the text used for the quote in the middle.

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