changing serps and how to act on it

Post on 18-May-2015






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For CAC Amsterdam Bas van den Beld talked about the changing SERPS (Search Engine Results PageS) and how we should act on it.


Casino Affiliate Conference Amsterdam 2010

Bas van den Beld

The changing SERPS and what to do with them

Who am I?

One sheet about me• NetTraject

• Search & social strategy expert, blogger, trainer, speaker

• Radioshow

• Founder Searchcowboys

• Founder

• International blogger

Somebody is looking for you, are you there?

The SERPS are changing

How do we handle these changes?

To understand the changes…

You must know how the search engines “think”

If others say its good, they believe it

Search engines are like humans

Therefore links matter…

How do search engines think?

Search Engines are trying to understand what the user really wants

User intent

How do search engines think?

Hand out the information as fast as you can

More than Google?

In The Netherlands 95% - 98%

Worldwide 70% - 90%

2nd largest search engine?

Another one…

2nd largest search engine?

Focus on Google

Let’s take a look at the SERPS

How do users respond to this?

Top results are important

Google is changing

Google is looking at the user

Google is changing

Research shows: images attract attention

Google is changing

Video is becoming more important

Google is changing

Google responses to location

Google is changing

Newsrelated articles can change in the top of the SERPS

The placement of the News results can change, based on relevance

Google is changing

Users are tempted to use the suggestions

Suggestions are based on number of searches

Google is changing

Results from your friends in your ‘social circle’

Google is changing

All elements are shown within the SERPS

Universal or Blended Search

Google is changing

Changes in responses

Other results are getting more attention

More changes

“Realtime” becoming more important

More changes

Personalized Search

More changes

Rankings might change from one person to another!

A little trick


Google’s extra sidebar

Google’s extra sidebar

Time differences

Social or not

Different types

Already visited pages

Google’s extra sidebar



In images other options


What does that mean for response?

Not yet in the Netherlands

Playing songs in the results

Not yet in the Netherlands

Vince Update: Brands

Not yet in the Netherlands

Local results

We have to change with the SERPS

Changing the way you think is hard but important

We have to change with the SERPS

Don’t change and you will be lonely…

We have to change with the SERPS

Dare to look in different directions

We have to change with the SERPS

Dare to step away from your site

We have to change with the SERPS

Listen to your audience

We have to change with the SERPS

Communicate with your potential visitor

Communicate at their place

We have to change with the SERPSMake sure it fits both you and your target audience

Go where your visitors go, but only if it fits

We have to change with the SERPS

Twitter is not sacred but handy

But Twitter is being indexed by the engines…

We have to change with the SERPS

Use YouTube

We have to change with the SERPS

Use images, both on and off your site

They will recognize you

We have to change with the SERPS

Blogs are well indexed and found

Get in touch with 'influentials'

If they talk about you they will find you

Use bloggers

The Sony example

New LCD TV launched, pre-informed bloggers

The Sony example

Optimized video’s

The Sony example

At the launch they dominated the SERPS

But I’m an affiliate, not Sony!

Can Affiliates do this?

The affiliate way

Be creative

Think outside of the box

Dominate the results

Don’t forget…

Mobile is not the future, its here already

Next Steps?

Be creative

Listen to your audience

Look outside your own siteLook what fits you

Dominate the SERPS!!


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