chaos or order

Post on 20-Jul-2016






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Spiritual Enlightenment


help but feel that the change we are going through is either going to result in, or has been the cause of, a shift in our consciousness. Either way, the result could be quite an exciting change. After all, if our reality is an out-picturing of our consciousness, then a shift in consciousness means a shift in the world we manifest as a by-product.

Is it a good thing or bad? I guess that depends on the nature of our collective consciousness. I’m inclined to believe that while the current circumstances appear dismal (translate ‘bad’); what results may just turn out to be very significant.



Chaos or Order?

The economy is spiraling downward, out of control, Congress is split down party lines regarding the US Government’s role in doing something about it, and the news media seems to be making matters worse with their dooms-day outlook and blame. Every day businesses are failing and more and more people are out of work. So, what’s really going on; are we in the midst of chaos or something else? Better yet, what are the lessons to be learned, the observations we can make?

The one thing we can say for sure is that we are certainly going through a change. I’m not a prophet nor do I possess a magic crystal ball that ‘knows all’ and ‘sees all,’ but I can’t

Issue # 39

“To me, every hour of light and dark is a miracle.” “To me, every hour of light and dark is a miracle.” “To me, every hour of light and dark is a miracle.” “To me, every hour of light and dark is a miracle.” Walt Whitman

Ringling Museum, Sarasota, FL

Let’s look at the Big Picture. The global economy, led by the United States, has been driven by consumer spending on a ‘bigger is better,’ ‘buy now-pay later,’ ‘money is cheap,’ and ‘appearance is everything’ kind of ego-gratification. There has been a collective consciousness of greed, starting at the top - ‘me first and forget the rest,’ and it has brought us to a point of collapse. That system isn’t going to work anymore, but we’re trying, throwing huge sums of money at the problem anyway, in the hope that we’ll soon be back to normal, spending and consuming without skipping a beat. The collective consciousness is what has gotten us here and it stands to reason that it will take a change in consciousness to help us return to a balanced state of affairs.

What is interesting is that there have been the two major subjects during the past several years that appear to have contributed to the problem. Global warming and oil independence. Notice how the two are connected. Burning oil gives off carbon emissions, which produces greenhouse gasses, which results in global warming. By reducing one we just might eliminate the other.

But ‘going green’ has broader implications than simply burning less gas and oil. It also means cutting our waste to a minimum, consuming less in the way of clothes, cars, houses and plastic disposables; eating more natural foods and keeping our bodies healthy and strong. It means putting our energies into feeding the hungry throughout the world instead of clear-cutting our forests for timber, and pulp for paper, or strip-mining coal so we can generate more electricity.

Consuming less also means

manufacturing less, which means using less of our natural resources – which is good, but it also means employing fewer people and selling fewer products – which appears to be not-so-good. Massive unemployment seems to go hand in hand with increased crime and increased childbirths, another ‘oops’ that clouds the picture, and on it goes. Is the future bleak, or…

Is there one single solution? Is there a simple directive that brings it all back together? Perhaps there is. Divine Order! If we can begin to see that all that we are going through is the result of error thinking on a global scale, then maybe we can come to the conclusion that a shift in our mind-set is actually the answer to prayer. And our prayer is one in which we restore the Divine Order to everything, and God is that order. But, when we are hurting or confused, most of us are not concerned with the order of the universe; we want to know what can be done for us right now. And this is where the idea of Divine Order shines.

Divine Order is the natural state of things under God’s plan of good. Order is the first law of the universe, for without order there would be no universe; no moon and sun and stars, holding orbits that help create and sustain life here on earth – and who knows where else. We cannot live without Divine Order, but we sure like to fowl it up from time to time.

For years one of the favorite affirmations in Silent Unity has been: “Divine Order is now established in my mind, body and affairs.” I remember my friend and mentor, Rev. Jack Kern saying, “When our lives get out of whack, far from the kind of life we would truly want to live, we need something to get us back on track. Instead of worrying

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about what is wrong or being confused as to what to do about it, we really need to know that there is a proper order for things. Using this affirmation of Divine Order helps set our mind at ease,” and a mind at ease manifests easily…and rightly.

Through the years we all have experienced a challenge or two; sometimes great, often small, but if we have been paying attention we have to admit that the challenges that we have met head on and overcome, have left us stronger and more capable of whatever lay ahead. Haven’t we heard ourselves saying ‘there must have been a reason why I had to go through that (whatever ‘that’ may have been).’ There was Divine Order in and through the challenge itself. And, what is true of us individually is also true collectively.

Whatever the challenge, we can do it. We falter or fail temporarily when we lose sight that God’s presence and power is with us, to guide and direct us, and see us through. But when we awaken and remember that “wherever I am, God is,” we gain the strength we need to rise above the challenge. Affirming ‘Divine Order’ brings about that awakening.

While the Bible doesn’t speak of Divine Order per se, there are plenty of places in the scriptures that provide evidence, if we are willing to make the connection. Paul said in one of his letters to the fledgling ministries he started, “Whatsoever things are beautiful, think on these things…” When we’re in the midst of a major challenge, when the future seems bleak, what better way to reconnect with Divine Order than to re-set our mind on all the beautiful examples of God’s wonder-filled creation? If there is order in the simple beauty of a single blossom, how much more

order must there be in each of our lives.

Jesus was more specific when he said in John 14:16, “And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth… You know him for he dwells with you, and will be in you.”

And what words are more beautiful or more confident building than the words of the Twenty-third Psalm; “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; he makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside the still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake… Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord, forever.” Reciting these words are sufficient to quiet even the most frightened or concerned mind.

And yet, sometimes people use affirmative prayer as a way to get God to do what they want. Declaring Divine Order seems like you are trying to bring the universe into your order. For example, for some people, Divine Order is spoken as a directive, with a forceful voice, as much as to say “God, fix this mess I’m in and do it now! Restore my Divine Order.” Not exactly words of prayer, but certainly a reflection of the state of mind of the speaker. For others, Divine Order is spoken with a voice searching for answers: “Lord, I want to understand, where is the Divine Order in this challenge? I feel helpless and I don’t know where to turn or what to do.” Once again the words are a reflection of the speaker’s emotional state; a desperate plea for help.

While neither approach is either right or wrong, there is one that is better to use. What we actually want to do is get in tune with the

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order, God’s Order, that already exists. We need to speak Divine Order as a positive, affirmative and expectant prayer based on faith and trust. ‘Divine Order is established in this situation, bringing wisdom (to answer the questions I face) and energy (to do what is mine to do).’ More succinctly we might say, “Divine Order is now established, filling me with wisdom and energy.” The statement is made calmly and confidently, sure of the Presence and Power that are with the speaker, guiding and directing everyone involved to a conclusion that is for the highest and best good of all concerned.

In the recent weeks we witnessed the miraculous landing of the US Airways aircraft, filled with 150 passengers, on the Hudson River, after both engines were destroyed by a large flock of birds. When we look at the Divine Order statement above we can see how everything worked together to save every single life; from the pilot’s years of experience, the right decision to land in the river instead of a populated city; the proximity and the skills of the boaters in the harbor and the totally cooperative effort of everyone involved, from the passengers orderly exiting the plane to the people and equipment that took them safely to shore. “Divine Order WAS established in the situation, bringing wisdom to answer the questions the pilot faced and energy to the activities that were his and everyone else’s to do.”

While Captain ‘Sulley’ Sullenberger indicated he didn’t have time to pray at the time of the emergency, we can tell by his confidence, experience and calmness in that dire situation that he is a person who lives his life in harmony with Divine Order. Sometimes the words don’t need to be spoken

in order to be invoked. But, until we all get to that place, it pays to affirm our faith and build our trust so that Divine Order will become a natural and constant part of our lives.

Do you ever have the sense, right in the middle of a problem, that everything is going to turn out right? Do you think you might be sensing the basic order of the universe that pervades all things? Perhaps you are becoming aware that God is in the situation, so good has to come out of it some way or other.

If that’s the case, then God must be in the global financial crunch we are all witnessing and experiencing, which means good must come out of this as well. Maybe the shift in consciousness we are detecting is the first sign of the good that is about to be. One thing to remember is that while we may not see the whole picture, Spirit does. Perhaps we have to go through this financial melt-down in order for God to get our attention, because until we all become conscious of the big picture, the action of just a few individuals will not be enough to address the problem and undertake the broad solutions necessary.

It is going to take the participation of everyone to re-establish the order that is truly Divine. “Divine Order is now established in OUR collective mind, body and affairs.” And all is well.

Richest blessings,

Art Holt, Upward Bound Journal #39

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M E D I T A T I O N In my world I have found special places where I can go apart from the business of activities and

obligations; where, in just a few moments of quiet listening, I can experience peace of mind and body. I go

there now, whether in reality or through the power of my imagination…and I begin with a few deep and

relaxing breaths, as I let go and open myself to the presence of God’s indwelling Spirit.

Peace, be still…

As I focus on my breathing I become acutely aware that I am experiencing my life one single moment

at a time. This moment, right now, is the only moment I have in which I simply am. I – Am! I Am, now.

The moment ago has already dissolved and disappeared behind me, and the moment before that is

forgotten and gone. The moments ahead are too abstract to predict and I realize that each future

moment will take care of itself as long as I give my attention to the one moment I hold in my hand; this

moment, right now.

What is past is past; what is done is done; the words I spoke before and the deeds I have done,

whether fair or foul, lie dormant in the history of my life. Nothing I can say or do now will change them.

And so, in this moment, the time has come for me to let go of all past mistakes, old ideas, erroneous

judgments and resentments, and open myself to forgiveness, understanding, and acceptance. I breathe in

God’s loving Presence and it fills me with the ability to put the past to rest, to let go of those things that

are no longer worthy of my concern, and to forgive all people, including myself, for acting in error or

making mistakes.

I pray that anyone who may have been hurt by words I may have spoken, or acts I may have done or

left undone, is now willing to forgive me. I pray for my own ability to forgive all persons who may have

spoken or acted in ways that I perceived to be ill intended or in error.

I am grateful for the complete sense of well-being that forgiveness allows me to experience – and

want only that same sense of well-being to be my gift to all people everywhere, not only in this moment,

but every moment.

I am suddenly aware that the only way I can be truly happy and filled with peace is to willingly offer that

same gift of peace and happiness to everyone else…for while one person still suffers from my un-

forgiveness, I cannot possibly know the complete joy of God’s loving presence in my life.

And so I leave the memories of the past in God’s loving care to be cleansed and healed. I let go

completely and as I do so God’s all-encompassing love moves into the places in my mind and heart where

those old angers or frustrations or resentments were once held.

I am free at last of their heavy burden. My heart is filled with the joy of letting go. I feel the freedom of

my breath filling me with energy and vitality, and I glow with a great sense of gratitude. And I thank God

that it is so.

I thank God for this breath of life that I take in and release one breath at a time, and begin now to shift

my awareness back to my breathing and the now moment. As I begin to return my attention to the

physical world around me I realize that I am now energized and eager to dig in to this moment, using it to

the best of my ability and to be all that I was created to be.

The words and music of an inspiring joy song burst forth from within: “I am free, I am unlimited. There

are no chains that bind me. I am free, I am unlimited, right now! Right now!”

And so it is. Thank You, dear and wonderful God. Thank You.

Amen. ~

“He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he, himself, must pass.”

- Lord Herbert


WORDS TO LIVE BY Our thoughts and words create our reality. Let us

acknowledge one thought that will impact our lives in wonderful ways. This time it’s...

“Let Go and Let God” Everything we wish to ‘Let Go’ of is either

past or future, but the only time we can live

in is ‘Right Now.’ By choosing to make the

most of the moment at hand, we have no

choice but to let go of trying to control what

has already happened or what is about to

come. Whether we are bothered by the

actions of others or the regrets of our own

actions or inactions, what is past is past; what

is done is done.

We can relax in confidence that God has

control (we never did anyway) and will

resolve whatever it is we are trying to ‘let

go.’ It’s out of our hands. So we Let Go and

Let God by releasing it to Him, and by

concentrating on the only thing we have, the

moment at hand. What do we do now; where

do we go from here?

This moment is the only thing that is

important. We can choose to enjoy it, to

make something out of it, to relish it, to love

it, to feel fulfilled by it, or we can choose to

do something that will make it ugly or

negative. By doing something positive, we

not only make the moment better, but we

plant the seeds that will reap a positive

harvest in some future ‘now’ moment.

Let Go and Let God and live this moment as though it is the only moment we have. It is.



Rev. Arthur Holt,

Unity Minister Dottie Holt,

Licensed Unity Teacher

Upward Bound of Unity, Inc. 10870 SW 71st Circle

Ocala, FL 34476

Phone (352) 861 - 5518


Upward Bound Journal is a Unity publishing ministry based on Biblical

teachings and dedicated to writing and presenting spiritual, inspirational, and metaphysical principles which empower people to enrich and transform their lives.

For more information about Upward Bound email us at: or check our website: Issue # 39 Upward Bound Journal is © of Upward Bound of Unity, Inc. 2009

Member: Association of Unity Churches International, SunCoast Unity Ministers Association, and affiliated with: Unity Institute and Silent Unity, publishers of Daily Word. Upward Bound of Unity, Inc. is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), charitable corporation sustained entirely by your tax deductible gifts.


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Photo by Art Holt

“All of nature is a canvas painted by the hand of God.” - Unknown

All photographs in Upward Bound Journal are by Art Holt

Chensegut Retreat Center, Brooksville, FL

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