chap005 five competitive strategies thompson

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  • 8/3/2019 Chap005 Five Competitive Strategies Thompson


    McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright 2010 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Chapter 5: The Five Generic

    Competitive Strategies: WhichOne to Employ?

    Screen graphics created by:Jana F. Kuzmicki, Ph.D.

    Troy University

  • 8/3/2019 Chap005 Five Competitive Strategies Thompson


  • 8/3/2019 Chap005 Five Competitive Strategies Thompson


    Winners in business playrough and dont apologize for

    it. The nicest part of playinghardball is watching your

    competitors squirm.

    George Stalk Jr. and Rob Lachenauer

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    Chapter Learning Objectives

    1. Gain command of how each of the five genericcompetitive strategies lead to competitiveadvantage and deliver superior value tocustomers.

    2. Learn why some of the five generic strategies

    work better in certain kinds of industry andcompetitive conditions than in others.

    3. Learn the major avenues for achieving acompetitive advantage based on lower costs.

    4. Learn the major avenues for developing acompetitive advantage based on differentiatinga companys product or service offering from

    the offerings of rivals in ways that better

    satisfy buyer needs and preferences.

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    Chapter Roadmap

    The Five Competitive Strategies

    Low-Cost Provider Strategies

    Broad Differentiation Strategies

    Best-Cost Provider Strategies

    Focused (or Market Niche) Strategies

    The Contrasting Features of the FiveGeneric Competitive Strategies: ASummary

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    Strategy and Competitive Advantage

    Competitive advantageexists when afirms strategy gives it an edge in

    Attracting customers and

    Defending against competitive forces

    Convince customers firms product / service

    offers superior value A good productat a low price

    A superior productworth paying more for

    A best-value product

    Key to Gaining a Competitive Advantage

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  • 8/3/2019 Chap005 Five Competitive Strategies Thompson


    Figure 5.1: The Five Generic Competitive Strategies

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    Low-Cost Provider Strategies

    Make achievement of meaningfullower coststhan rivals the themeof firms strategy

    Include features and servicesin productoffering that buyers consider essential

    Find approaches to achieve a cost

    advantagein ways difficultfor rivals tocopy or match

    Keys to Success

    Low-cost leadership means low overall costs, not

    just low manufacturing or production costs!

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    Option 1: Use lower-cost edge tounder-price competitors and attractprice-sensitive buyers in enough

    numbers to increase total profits

    Option 2: Maintain present price, be

    content with present market share,and use lower-cost edge to earn ahigher profit margin on each unit sold,thereby increasing total profits

    Translating a Low-Cost Advantage intoHigher Profits: Two Options

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    Approaches to Securinga Cost Advantage

    Do a better job than rivals ofperforming value chain activities

    efficiently and cost effectively

    Revamp value chain to bypasscost-producing activities that add

    little value from the buyers




    Approach 1

    Approach 2

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    Approach 1: Controlling the Cost Drivers

    Capture scale economies; avoid scale diseconomies

    Capture learning and experience curve effects

    Control percentage of capacity utilization

    Pursue efforts to boost sales and spread costs suchas R&D and advertising over more units

    Improve supply chain efficiency

    Substitute use of low-cost forhigh-cost raw materials

    Use online systems and sophisticated

    software to achieve operating efficiencies Adopt labor-saving operating methods

    Use bargaining power to gain concessions fromsuppliers

    Compare vertical integration vs. outsourcing

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    Use direct-to-end-usersales/marketing methods

    Make greater use of onlinetechnology applications

    Streamline operations by eliminating low-value-added or unnecessary work steps

    Relocate facilities closer to suppliers orcustomers

    Offer basic, no-frills product/service

    Offer a limited product/service

    Approach 2: Revamping the Value Chain

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    Wal-Marts Approach toManaging Its Value Chain

    Institute extensive information sharing with vendors viaonline systems

    Pursue global procurement of some items and centralizemost purchasing activities

    Invest in state-of-the-art automation at its distribution


    Strive to optimize the product mix and achieve greater salesturnover

    Install security systems and store operating procedures

    that lower shrinkage ratesNegotiate preferred real estate rental and leasing rates withreal estate developers and owners of its store sites

    Manage and compensate its workforce in a manner to yieldlower labor costs

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    Nucor CorporationsLow-Cost Provider Strategy

    Key elementsof Nucors strategy Use of electric arc furnace technology allows forlower investment costs for facilities and equipmentand eliminates many expensive steps in makingsteel products from scratch

    Use incentive compensation to achieve highproductivity and low labor costs per ton produced

    Locate plants close to customers to keep shippingcosts down

    Cost advantages and bottom-line results Lower capital investment and operating costs

    Ability to charge lower prices than traditional steelcompanies using make-it-from scratch technology

    Earned attractive profits for shareholders since 1966

    C S

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    Key Characteristics of SouthwestAirlines Low-Cost Provider Strategy

    Mastery of fast turnarounds at gates (25 minutes vs.45 minutes for rivals) allows

    Planes to fly more hours per day

    More flights to be scheduled per day with fewer aircraft

    More revenue generated per plane on average than rivals

    Elimination of several servicesresults in cost savings

    In-flight meals

    Assigned seating

    Baggage transfer to connecting airlines

    First-class seating and service

    Fast, user-friendly online reservation system Facilitates e-ticketing

    Reduces staffing requirements at telephone

    reservation centers and airport counters

    K t S i A hi i

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    Keys to Success in AchievingLow-Cost Leadership

    Scrutinize each cost-creating activity,

    identifying cost drivers

    Use knowledge about cost drivers to managecosts of each activity down year after year

    Find ways to restructure value chain to eliminate

    nonessential work steps and low-value activities

    Work diligently to create cost-conscious corporatecultures

    Feature broad employee participation in continuous cost-

    improvement efforts and limited perks for executives

    Strive to operate with exceptionally small corporate staffs

    Aggressively pursue investments in resources andcapabilities that promise to drive costs out of the


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    Wh D L C t

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    Price competition is vigorous

    Product is standardized or readily availablefrom many suppliers

    There are few ways to achieve

    differentiation that have value to buyers Most buyers use product in same ways

    Buyers incur low switching costs

    Buyers are large and havesignificant bargaining power

    Industry newcomers useintroductory low prices to attract

    buyers and build customer base

    When Does a Low-CostStrategy Work Best?

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    Pitfalls of Low-Cost Strategies

    Being overly aggressive in cutting price Low cost methods are easily

    imitated by rivals

    Becoming too fixated onreducing costs and ignoring

    Buyer interest in additional features

    Declining buyer sensitivity to price

    Changes in how the product is used

    Technological breakthroughs open up costreductions for rivals

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    Test Your Knowledge

    Striving to be the industrys low-cost provider and

    achieving lower costs than rivals entails

    A. doing a better job than rivals of performing valuechain activities more cost-effectively.

    B. having a smaller labor force than rivals, paying lowerwages than rivals, locating all facilities in countrieswhere labor costs are low, and outsourcing manyvalue chain activities to suppliers with world-classtechnological capabilities.

    C. revamping the firms overall value chain to eliminateor bypass cost-producing activities that produce littlevalue added insofar as customers are concerned.

    D. adopting activity-based costing, utilizing more bestpractices than rivals, and having a narrower productline than rivals.

    E. Both A and C.

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    Differentiation Strategies

    Incorporate differentiating featuresthatcause buyerstoprefer firms productorservice over brands of rivals

    Find ways to differentiate that create

    value for buyersand are not easilymatched or cheaply copiedby rivals

    Keeping the cost of achieving differentiationbelow the higher price that can be charged


    Keys to Success

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    Benefits of Successful Differentiation

    A product / service with unique,

    appealing attributes allows a firm to

    Command a premium priceand/or

    Increase unit salesand/or

    Buildbrand loyalty

    = Competitive Advantage

    Whichhat is


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    Unique taste Dr. Pepper

    Multiple features Microsoft Vista and Office, iPhone

    Wide selectionand one-stop shopping Home Depot,

    Superior service FedEx

    Spare parts availability Caterpillar

    Engineering design and performance Mercedes,BMW

    Prestige and distinctiveness Rolex

    Product reliability Johnson & Johnson

    Quality manufacture Karastan, Michelin, Toyota

    Technological leadership 3M Corporation

    Top-of-line image Ralph Lauren and Starbucks

    Types of Differentiation Themes

    S staining Differentiation
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    Sustaining Differentiation:Keys to Competitive Advantage

    Most appealing approachestodifferentiation are those

    Hardest for rivals to match or imitate

    Buyers will find most appealing

    Best choicesto gaina longer-lasting, moreprofitable competitive edge

    New product innovation

    Technical superiorityProduct quality and reliability

    Comprehensive customer service

    Unique competitive capabilities

    Where to Find Differentiation

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    Where to Find DifferentiationOpportunities in the Value Chain

    Purchasing and procurement activities Product R&D and product design activities

    Production process / technology-relatedactivities

    Manufacturing / production activities

    Distribution-related activities

    Marketing, sales, and customer serviceactivities

    Activities,Costs, &

    Margins ofForward

    Channel Allies

    InternallyPerformedActivities,Costs, &Margins

    Activities,Costs, &

    Margins ofSuppliers



    How to Achieve a

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    How to Achieve aDifferentiation-Based Advantage

    Incorporate features that raiseperformance a buyer getsout of the product

    Incorporate features that enhance buyersatisfactionin non-economic or intangible ways

    Outcompete rivals via superior capabilities

    Incorporate product features/attributes thatlower buyers overall costs of using product

    Approach 1

    Approach 2

    Approach 3

    Approach 4

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    Test Your Knowledge

    Which of the following is notone of the four basic

    routes to achieving a differentiation-based competitiveadvantage?

    A. Appealing to high-income buyers who are willing andable to pay a premium price for a high-performing,multi-featured product

    B. Incorporating features that raise product performance

    C. Incorporating product attributes and user featuresthat lower the buyers overall costs of using the

    companys product

    D. Delivering value to customers via competencies andcompetitive capabilities that rivals dont have or cant

    afford to match

    E. Incorporating features that enhance buyer

    satisfaction in intangible or non-economic ways

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    Importance of Perceived Value

    Buyers seldom pay forvalue that is not perceived

    Price premium of adifferentiation strategy reflects

    Value actually deliveredto the buyer


    Value perceivedby the buyer

    Actual and perceived value can differ whenbuyers are unable to assess theirexperience with a product

    Signaling Value as

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    Signaling Value asWell as Delivering Value

    Incomplete knowledge of buyers causes them tojudge value based on such signalsasPrice

    Attractive packaging

    Extensive ad campaigns

    Ad content and imageSeller facilities or professionalism and

    personality of employees

    Having a list of prestigious customers

    Signals of valuemay be as important asactual valuewhenNature of differentiation is hard to quantify

    Buyers are making first-time purchases

    Repurchase is infrequent

    Buyers are unsophisticated

    When Does a Differentiation

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    When Does a DifferentiationStrategy Work Best?

    There are many ways to differentiate aproduct that have value and pleasecustomers

    Buyer needs and uses are diverse

    Few rivals are following a similar

    differentiation approach

    Technological change andproduct innovation are fast-paced

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    Pitfalls of Differentiation Strategies

    Appealing product features are easily copied by


    Buyers see little value in unique attributes ofproduct

    Overspending on efforts to differentiate the productoffering, thus eroding profitability

    Over-differentiating such that product featuresexceed buyers needs

    Charging a price premiumbuyers perceive is too high

    Not striving to open up meaningfulgaps in quality, service, or performancefeatures vis--vis rivals products

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    For Discussion: Your Opinion

    A low-cost provider strategy can defeat adifferentiation strategy when buyers are

    satisfied with a basic product and dont think

    extra attributes are worth a higher price.True or false? Explain.

    C S

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    Best-Cost Provider Strategies

    Combinea strategic emphasison low-costwith a strategic emphasis on differentiation

    Make an upscale product at a lower cost

    Give customers more value for the money

    Deliver superior value by meeting or exceeding

    buyer expectations on product attributes and

    beating their price expectations

    Be the low-cost provider of a product with good-to-excellent product attributes, then use costadvantage to underprice comparable brands


    Competitive Strength of a

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    Competitive Strength of aBest-Cost Provider Strategy

    Competitive advantageis based on thecapability to include upscale attributes at alower cost than rivals comparable products

    To achieve competitive advantage,

    a company must be able toIncorporate attractive features

    at a lower cost than rivals

    Manufacture a good-to-excellent quality

    product at a lower cost than rivalsDevelop a product that delivers good-to-excellent

    performance at a lower cost than rivals

    Provide attractive customer service at a lower

    cost than rivals

    When Is a Best-Cost

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    When Is a Best-CostProvider Strategy Appealing?

    When buyer diversitymakes product

    differentiation the norm

    When many buyers arealso sensitive to priceand value

    Key Characteristics of Toyotas

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    Key Characteristics of Toyota sBest-Cost Provider Strategy for the Lexus

    Design an array of high-performance characteristics and

    upscale features into Lexus models to make them comparable

    in performance/luxury to other high-end models, i.e. Mercedes,


    Transfer its capabilities in making high-quality Toyota

    models at low cost to making premium-quality Lexus modelsat costs below other luxury-car makers

    Use its relatively lower manufacturing costs to

    underprice comparable Mercedes and BMW models

    Establish a new network of Lexus dealers, separate from

    Toyota dealers, dedicated to providing a level of

    personalized customer service unmatched in the industry

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    Risk of a Best-Cost Provider Strategy

    A best-cost providermay get squeezedbetween strategies of firms using low-costand differentiationstrategies

    Low-cost leadersmay be able to siphoncustomersaway with a lower price

    High-end differentiatorsmaybe able to steal customersawaywith better product attributes

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    Test Your Knowledge

    Which of the following are distinguishing features of a best-

    cost provider strategy (based on the comparisons of the fivegeneric competitive strategies shown in Figure 5.1)?

    A. The strategic target is price-conscious buyers

    B. A marketing emphasis on charging a slightly higher

    price than rival brands having comparable featuresand attributes

    C. A product line that stresses wide selection, manyproduct variations, and emphasis on differentiatingfeatures

    D. A competitive advantage based on more value for themoney

    E. Using constant product innovation, excellent R&Dskills, and periodic technological breakthroughs to

    sustain the strategy

    F / Ni h St t i

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    Focus / Niche Strategies

    Involve concentrated attention on a narrowpiece of the total market

    Serve niche buyers better than rivals

    Choose a market niche where buyers

    have distinctive preferences, specialrequirements, or unique needs

    Develop unique capabilities toserve needs of target buyer segment


    Keys to Success

    A h D fi i M k Ni h

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    Geographic uniqueness

    Specialized requirements inusing product/service

    Special product attributesappealing only to niche buyers

    Approaches to Defining a Market Niche

    E l f F St t i

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    Examples of Focus Strategies

    Community Coffee Specialty coffee retailer

    Animal Planet and History Channel Special interest Cable TV programs

    Porsche Sports cars

    Bandag Specialist in truck tire recapping

    CGA Inc. Specialty insurance provider Online dating service

    Focus / Niche Strategies
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    Focus / Niche Strategiesand Competitive Advantage

    Achieve lower costs than rivals inserving a well-defined buyer segment

    Focused low-cost strategy

    Offer a product appealing to uniquepreferences of a well-defined buyer segment

    Focused differentiation strategy

    Which hat

    is unique?

    Approach 1

    Approach 2

    What Makes a Niche

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    What Makes a NicheAttractive for Focusing?

    Big enough to be profitable and offers goodgrowth potential

    Not crucial to success of industry leaders

    Costly or difficult for multi-segment

    competitors to meet specializedneeds of niche members

    Focuser has resources and capabilitiesto effectively serve an attractive niche

    Few other rivals are specializing in same niche

    Focuser can defend against challengers viasuperior ability to serve niche members

    Ri k f F St t

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    Risks of a Focus Strategy

    Competitors with broad product lines havingwide appeal find effective ways to matcha focusers capabilities in serving niche

    Niche buyers preferences shifttowards product attributes desiredby majority of buyers nichebecomes part of overall market

    Segment becomes so attractive it becomescrowded with rivals, causing segment profitsto be splintered

    F Di i Y O i i

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    For Discussion: Your Opinion

    Which of the five generic competitivestrategies do you think the followingcompanies are employing:

    The Saturn division of General Motors

    Abercrombie & Fitch

    Avon Products

    Deciding Which Generic
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    Deciding Which GenericCompetitive Strategy to Use

    Each positions a company differently in its market and

    competitive environment Each establishes a central theme for how a company will

    endeavor to outcompete rivals

    Each creates some boundaries for maneuvering asmarket circumstances unfold

    Each points to different ways of experimenting with thebasics of the strategy

    Each entails differences in product line, productionemphasis, marketing emphasis, and means to sustain

    the strategyThe big risk Mixing and matching pieces of the generic

    strategies to create a mixed bag or stuck in the middle

    strategy! This rarely producesa sustainable competitive

    advantageor a distinctive competitive position !

    Table 5.1: Distinguishing Features of the Five Generic Competitive Strategies

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    Table 5.1: Distinguishing Features of the Five Generic Competitive Strategies

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