chapter 1-3

Post on 25-Nov-2014






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1.1 Problem Background

English is a foreign language is formally taught in Indonesia from the elementary school

through university. It is expected that the graduated students are able to master English well

and reading. Reading, as one of the language skills must be mastered by the students. By

reading, the students get much information and to improve our translation ability, because if

we read something and we don’t know the meaning, it is useless. But if we understand and

also know that reading can help us to get some information we should try to read it.

In Indonesia English a foreign language according to KTSP, English may be tough from the

fourth year of elementary school as an elective subject. The objectives of teaching English

are in tented to improve the students’ skill in communication. The skills include listening,

speaking, and writing. Practice the speaking skill that the students have been studying

English. The students will find that learning reading skill and understand English is not as

difficult. Reading is an activity for setting information skills which is taught in the school

from elementary school until university as the main subject. It takes on a very significant role

in teaching as a foreign or second language.

Based on this research, the most important, problem as MTs N 1 Batanghari Metro is the

students interest in learning English is low and there are many reason for this condition,

another reason are of motivation to learning English; learning facilities, and psychological. In

general student still have difficulties in understanding reading comprehension the common

problem from our students’ vocabulary in their native language, the students’ assume that

English lesson is difficult.

Result of data from pra survey in MTsN 1 Batanghari, 4 students’ have score from 85-100

that is excellent, 5 students’ have score 75-84 that is good. 4 students’ have score 60-74 that

is satisfactory, 12 students’ have score 40-59 that is unsatisfactory, and 11 students’ have

score 0-39 that is fail.

Likewise the condition in MTs N 1 Batanghari, in the eight class student face difficulties in

their reading comprehension. One of case that causes students reading comprehension is

students’ interest. From the problem above, the researcher wants to know whether there is

any correlation between students’ interest in learning English and reading comprehension.

Related with the problem about. The researcher would like to have research about the interest

English in reading comprehension. Hopefully the student are able to increase students’

interest and have reading comprehension well.

1.2 Problem Identification

The problem identification on this research are:

1. The students’ interest in learning English is still low.

2. There are so many students’ find difficulties in learning reading comprehension.

3. The correlation between the students’ interest in learning English and reading


1.3 Problem Limitation

Based on the identification problem above the research would like to focus the investigation

only on “The Correlation Between The Students’ Interest In Learning English and The

Reading Comprehension Eight Grade of MTsN 1 Batanghari in Academic Year 2010/2011”.

1.4 Problem Formulation


Based on the background above, the problem formulation as follow:

1. How far is the students’ interest in learning English?

2. How far is the students’ in reading comprehension?

3. Is there any correlation between the students’ interest in learning English and reading


1.5 Research Objective

Based on the problem formulation above, the objective there are:

1. To identify the students’ interest in learning English.

2. To know the difficulties in the students’ reading comprehension.

3. To know whether is the correlation between the students’ interest in learning English

and reading comprehension.

1.6 Research Benefit

After doing this. The research hopes that the result of this research can be useful:

1. To give information for the English teacher that there is a difference between students

who interest in learning it toward the students reading comprehension.

2. To enlarge the researcher’s understanding about the correlation between students’

interest in learning English and the reading comprehension.

3. To motivate the students in learning English especially in interest learning English

toward reading comprehension and to increase the students’ skill in reading.

1.7 Research Scope

This research is a quantitative descriptive research which was focused on student interest in

learning English and reading comprehension. The scope of the research are as follow:

1. The characteristic of this research is correlation study.

2. The subject of this research in the first semester students of MTs N 1 Batanghari.


3. The object of this research is “the correlation between the students interest in learning

English and reading comprehension of MTs N 1 Batanghari 2010/2011”.

4. The place of this research is MTs N 1 Batanghari.

5. The time of this research is in academic year of 2010/2011.



2.1 Previous Research Overveiw

In the research, there are many research discussing reading. The research have purpose to

increase the students’ ability in reading. Many of them use the class room action research.

This research the researcher takes two research as previous overview.

The first research over view in Uni Asnawati’s S1-thesis (2008) the title is “Correlation

Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension Ability in the

First Year of SMA Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung.

She finds that her students get difficulties in reading comprehension ability, because the

students do not vocabulary mastery, it will be difficult for the student in reading

comprehension, she formulates of the problem background: is true any their reading

comprehension ability. In her objective of the research is to identify whether there is the

significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension ability,


the student who get good scores in vocabulary mastery test tended to get good scores to in


The second, research overview in Sari, Kartika 2009 the title is “the implementation of

skimming technique in students reading ability at the eight grade in SMP Paramarta Seputih

Banyak Lampung Tengah Academic Year 2009/2010. She find that her students get

difficulties in reading oral understanding of the skimming technique. The most important

problems not enjoy their material in the homework and there are many reason for his

condition, another reason is a long article and not familiar so that the lack of time.

The result of the analysis indicates that most of the students’ have difficulties in their reading

comprehension ability. Based previous research overview above, the researcher is interested

to find out the correlation between the students’ interest in learning English and the reading


2.2Theoretical Review

2.2.1 Concept of Students’ Interest

a. The concept of interest

Interest is to give attention, the condition of wanting to know or learn about, the

quality that arouses concern or curiosity, that hold one’s attentions.

Another definition of interest in:

1) To course of permit to share.

2) To be concerned with or engaged in: to affect, to concern, to excite, after

used impersonally.

3) To engaged the attention of: to a waken interest in to excite emotion or

passion in be help of a person or thing.

4) Participation in advantage, profit and responsibility shore portion.


Based on the quotation above, it can bed inferred that interest is the condition of

wanting to know of engaged the attention of a person of thing as the subject to

some object concern. Interest is not only expressed by the statement to show that

students prefer to something, bat also can be their activity on join a program.

b. The indicators of interest

1) Developing students’ interesting in teaching English learning process.

2) Developing students’ inelegancy in learning process.

3) Developing students’ capabilities with generic software such as

spreadsheets. Tool and communication.

c. The component of interest

1) Providing the opportunity for students’ to experience the learning as it

would be experienced and used by people in their professional lives.

2) Equipping students with skill for self.

3) Linking the classroom with the community by arranging incursion to a


4) Including studies of the local environment survey in the local community

and local industry.

5) Tightly individual students to take advantage of camps.

d. The factor that influence of interest

Many factor that influence of interest toward something. That rise from internal

which concerned example weigh, experience ability of feeling, individuality, etc.


And that from external including environment of family, school and society.

According to craw and crow, the are there factor including interest.

1) Motivation from individual.

2) Social motive, that can become the factor which up of interest for

doing something.

3) Emotion factor, the interest have a dose relationship with emotion.

e. The kinds of interest

There are three kinds of interest. Depending on the interest appear. On the

direction of and on the give expression:

1) Based on the interest appear, interest can be differed into two parts.

They are primitive and cultural interest.

Primitive interest is the interest that makes because necessary of

biologics, cultural interest of social interest is the interest of the process of


2) Based on the direction, interest can be different into intrinsic and


Intrinsic interest is the interest that connects with activities, that is the be

basic or gin interest. Extrinsic interest in the interest connecting with the

and of the purpose activities.

3) Based on the way give expression. Interest can be different into four part

they ac.

a) Expressed interest

b) Manifest interest

c) Tasted interest

d) Inherited interest


f. Technique inspire learning interest

Interest is an important part in teaching learning process. So teacher must have

technique to keep students interest in learning process. Some of them are as


1) Open up a new interacting are of real of vicarious

2) Stimulate the asking of question

3) Make available reading material in which answer can be found

4) Provide books on closely related topic

2.2.2 The Concept of Reading

Reading is one of a good way to get much information and to improve our translation

ability because if we read something and we do not know the meaning, it is useless. But if

we understand and also know that reading can help us to get some information we should

try to read it.

Reading need student’s ability in understanding the meaning and main idea, Dechan

Infahmi Abdul Ghafur (2008:7) states that reading is more that simple recognition of the

organic symbols of the word, it is a progressive comprehension of the meaning and idea

represented by sequence of word.

Based on the concept previously descried it can be concluded that reading has throng to

enrich language. Reader’s knowledge about the culture, attitude, believes, behavior, and

custom of the native language is important in understand in the reading articles.

Siahaan (2008:28) reading can be variable according to level of proficiencies. For the

classroom activities at aspects and principles of a language. Its level of proficiency is to

enable the student to use the language as a tool of communication to both the native and


non-native speakers of the language in bath spoken and written language. For those

whose knowledge on the formal aspect and principles of the language are already in good

command to express them and can understand after. Reading then touch the stages of the

educated adults expression of content and social relation.

Richard and Bamford say that “reading is the construction of the meaning involutes the

reader commenting information from the writer’s message with previous knowledge to

arrive the meaning” (Richard and Bamford in fahmi, 2005:14).

Reading is essential in many language classes, it is source of information and pleasure.

The students ability in reading means that the students can understand about the text.

Before going further to discuss the concept of reading comprehension, it is good to know

firefly what reading putting the contact and communication with idea. Therefore, reading

is actually a conversation of sorts bet weed a writer and reader. Reading as a complex

activity dependent upon the thinking and language skill of reader.

Based on this statement does not only read, tot also needs thinking and our language skill.

Moreover reading English text. Without using that skill, someone will get

misunderstanding in comprehension what the author massage on the reading wrong

meaning of shades may result distorted understanding of not at all.

In establishing the concept of reading in this level this article tries to integrate there

interrelated terms, Siahaan (2008:117). The first term is reading it is one of the four

language skill. It is categorized in to the are of a receipted skill. This category is a skill to

comprehend a place of information in the written language.


The second term is higher mental process it is considered to be congruent with reading as

a process of decision making or problem solving, or analysis, or evaluating, or other

manifestation of the cognitive process which involves the quality of thinking.

The third term is “background knowledge” the most basic background knowledge which

the readers must improve to his mind is the linguistic code of the language of the text he

is reading. On the level of linguistic analysis, the principle deal with the way a sentences

is structured. How it owns semantic meaning and how that meaning function in a

communicative interaction.

2.2.3 The Concept of Reading Comprehension

Dalman said that comprehension is more that moving that each letter of alphabets

standing for reading involutes more than word recognition that without comprehension no

reading takes place. Following Dalman in Setiyadi (2007:519) it is important that help be

given to the learners in acquiring such skill as noting detail that support the main idea of a

selection. Judging the authenticate of a report. And making generalizations on the basis of

what is read. Therefore, a number of various comprehension skills are identified below.

As suggested by adamant all the seraphic skills may be classified according to:

1. The purpose of the reader

2. The length and the rapture of the selection read

The fallowing skills are classified according to the purpose of the reader. Study the

discussion of each classification carefully:

1. Reading to find the main idea

2. Reading to select significant details

3. Reading to follow directions

4. Reading to answer question


5. Reading to make summaries and organize materials

6. Reading to arrive at generalization and conclusion.

7. Reading to predict our chores.

8. Reading to evaluate critically.

9. Reading to develop skills in acquiring word meaning.

Furthermore, Sutanto (1988:5) says that reading meaning communication. It means that

through reading the reader are able to catch the writer’s idea and directly have he

perception in this mind about. What they read. So based on this explanation it may be

said that reading is a process of interaction between the winter and through his language

code and the readers through his thought.

Eskye, said that reading comprehension means knowing what one already knows. More

cues. He says that reading comprehension is not different from other kind that depends on

knowledge (Eskey in Ghayur, 2008:147). It can be understood that reading

comprehension is a process in which the reader uses the background knowledge to make

sense of what the reading and make students enjoyable in studying English ever they will

find the difficulties in their translation some words in the articles.

2.2.4 The Important of Interest in Learning Process Reading Comprehension

Interest is main requirement or making tracing learning process become effective and

competent. If the teacher does not pay attention to the interest, educational goal or

purpose will not obtained well and maximally, interest can be use to facilities learning in

a num of ways.

Previous research has established that interest in a text is related to better comprehension

and recall, but the impact of interest on reading comprehension in testing situation has


been not widely investigated. This study used Hararical Linear Model (HML) to examine

the relationship between students’ interest in reading passage and their performance on

reading comprehension test items over those passage, the study involved 19.735 students

in grade 4 through 8, stimuli consisted of 98 different reading passage a small but

significant relationship between interest and test performance was found. Which was

stronger for students of higher ability level. A second HML analysis was employed to

explore whether certain passage characteristics was associated with higher or lower


2.2.5 The Correlation between Students’ Interest and Reading Comprehension

Interest is main requirement or making teaching tearing process become effective and

competent. If the teacher does not pay attention to the interest education goal of purpose

will not well and maximally. Interest can be use to facilitate learning in nom of ways.

According to Guntur Tarigan that “interest is the biggest influence in student learning. If

the text which given by teacher is appropriate cultch their interest and ability also they

will be good learning”. Previous research has established that interest in a texts is related

to better comprehension and recall. But the impact of interest on ready comprehension

interest situation has been not widely investigated.

2.1 Thinking Framework

English is important to be teaching and learning because it has accepted and use as the first

international language for communication propose and English has also playing an impotent

role in national development. In instructional English most of the students get difficulty to

understand in reading comprehension. The common problem comes for our students’ interest

in learning English. The teacher must apply method and techniques to support their way of


teaching, so teacher’s creativity in applying technique will interest the students’ attention and

in can be reading comprehension will be well.

2.2 Hypothesis

Based on the theorist and statement assumption, there research hypothesizes “there is

significant correlation between the second year of MTs N students’ interest in learning

English and reading comprehension.


Student’s Interest in Learning English

X1) Student’s interest in learning

english can be improve the student’s readimg comprehension.

2) Student’s interet in leaning english to icrease the student’skill in reading.

Student’s Reading Comprehension

Y1) The student’s understand

with their reading comprehension.

2) The students’ reading comprehension will be well.



3.1 Research Design

The research is quantitative one, because the research will study about product of

teaching learning process. The writer will like to investigate the significant correlation

between students’ interest in learning English and reading comprehension. The research

design is correlation study. The research will not apply any treatment to the samples. She will

analyze the collected data taken from student’s answer to the questionnaire about interest in

learning English and Reading comprehension.

3.2 Research Variable

In the research, there are two variables: independent and dependent variable. The

independent variable is Interest in leaning English called X. The dependent variable that

observes and measures to determine the degree significance of the independent variable and

called Y. The dependent variable in this research is Reading comprehension.

3.2.1 The Operational Definition of Variable

The writer describes the characteristic the variable of the research;

1. Interest is the condition of waiting to know of enggaged the attention of a person of thing

as the subject to some objeck concern. Interest is not only expressed by the statement to show

that student’s prefer to something, but also can be their activity on join a program. So the

teacher must be have tecnique is an activity who give information in learning English proses

the student’s in order easy to touch lesson especially in the students’interest in learning

english are;


1) The Students’ interest in learning English can be improve the students’ readi ng

comprehension, 2) The Students’ interest in learning English to increase the students’ skill in


2. Reading is one of a good way to get much information and to improve our translation

ability. Reading comprehension is a process in which the reader use the background

knowledge to make some sense of whta the readong and make students’ enjoyable in

studying English ever they will find the difficulties in their translation some words in the

articles. . Some of way have they do get solution in order the students can be improved

English lesson especially reading comprehension. The students’ perception to English are:

1) The student’s understand with their reading comprehension, 2) The students’ reading

comprehension will be well.

3.2.2 The Meansurement Design of Variable

The wrier design the meansurement of variable is to know the result of students’ interest in

learning english towords in Reading comprehension.

The writer gave test reading comprehension and test angket to know so far the students’

interest in learning english. The test is objective test that is multiple-choice test that consist of

50 items of five options a, b, c, and d. Each item gets 2 points. The students have learned the

materials of the test. The score of every test is 0 for lowest and the highest score is 100.

3.3 Population

The data will be collected all of students in MTsN 1 Batanghari. The total number of

student is 600 students which consist of 16 classes. Each class consist of 35 until 37 students.

The classes were not graded based on the intelligence level so that all of them have the same


to be taken as the sample. And then the research takes the sample from each group


3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique

In this research, the writer used the cluster random sampling technique (is a sampling

technique used when “natural” groupings are evident in a statistical population. In this

technique, the total population is divided into these groups (or cluster) and a sample of the

group is selected), because the students in the experimental class and the control class are

heterogonous and the ability of each student is different from others. There would be two

classes. One class consists of 36 students as experimental class and other class consists of 34

students as control class.

3.5. Research Instrument

3.5.1. Procedure

In a effort of collecting the data on both the students’ interest (X) and reading

comprehension (Y), the writer will be used the instrument, i.e. questionnaire. The type of

questionnaire items is the objective test. The writer will be distributed 60 questionnaire items

to the participants, 30 questionnaire items about reading comprehension and 30 questionnaire

items about student interest in learning English. The questionnaire will be constructed based

on the theory, definition and explanation of students’ interest in learning English and reading

comprehension. The researcher will be constructed based on the indicators of students’

interest in learning English and reading comprehension. This questionnaire requires the

students to show their interest in learning English and reading comprehension..

3.5.2. Kind of Instruments


To get the data of this research, the researcher will use questionnaire as a primer

method, and observation also documentation as supporter method to collect the data at MTsN

1 Batanghari in academic year 2010/2011.

3.5.3. Specification Table of Instrument

To get the data, the researcher used questionnaire as a primer method, and observation

also documentation as supporter method to get the data. There are two kind of specification

table of instrument:

a. General specification table of instrument is a specification that is made to illustrate

all of variable that will be measured, completed with all source of data, all method,

and instrument that will be used.

b. Special specification table of instrument that is made to illustrate plan of points that

will be arranged for the instrument.

Tabel 3.1 Specification Table of Instrument Research Variable

Variabel Penelitian Sumber Data Metode Instrumen1. Students’ interest in learning

english (X variable)2. Reading Comprehension (Y








Tabel 3.2 Specification Table of Instrument Student’s Interest in Learnibg English

Variabel Indikator Variabel Item


Variabel (X)Students’ interest in

Learning English

1. To Facilitate Reading2. Students’ interesting3. Students’ inelegncy4. Students’ capabilities5. Students’ tool and communication

1, 2, 3, 4, 56, 7, 8, 9, 1011, 12, 13, 14, 1516, 17, 18, 19, 20

Tabel 3.3 Specification Table of Instrument Student’s Reading Comprehension

Variabel Indikator Variabel Item

Student’s Reading

Comprehension(Y Variable)

1. Feeling of concern2. Feeling of attracted3. Taking a part and without

any command4. Giving attention5. Permanent incline6. Considered important


1, 2, 3, 4, 56, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1113, 14, 15, 16, 21

12, 22, 24, 26, 2825, 27, 29, 3017, 18, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

3.6 Validity and Reliability

3.6.1 Try Out

Before the questionnaire will be distributed to the respondents, a try out will be

conducted to decide its validity and reliability of the questionnaire.

3.6.2. Validity

To determine its validity, the questionnaire will be constructed based on the theory,

definition and explanation of Students’ interest and Reading comprehension. This

questionnaire requires showing their interest in learning english and reading comprehension.

In this case, the writer will be used:

(Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006: 273)

= Total add score

= Total even score


= Value of correlation variable X and Y

Then from the calculation result to interpreting the coefficient correlation, according

to Suharsimi Arikunto (2006: 276) as follow:

Between 0,800 until 1,000 = very high

Between 0,600 until 0,800 = high

Between 0,400 until 0,600 = fair

Between 0,200 until 0,400 = low

Between 0,000 until 0,200 = very low

3.6.3. Reliability

Before the questionnaire is administered to the participants, the research wants to

know whether the questionnaire is reliable or not. The researcher will employ the Spearman

Brown formulation as follows.

(Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006: 180)


r11 : The full coefficient correlation regularity level (reliability).

Rxy : The coefficient correlation between X and Y

2 and 1 : The constant number

3.7 Data Collecting Technique

1. Primer

1) Questionnaire

Questionnaire is a number of written questions used to get information from

respondents about the report of themselves or known matters. It is used to mention the


method or instrument. This instrument to support the data and correlation between students’

interest in learning English and reading comprehension are multiple choice forms. This

questionnaire requires the students to show their interest in learning English and Reading

comprehension. There are two kinds of questionnaire:

a. Direct questionnaire, it is respondent who answer about themselves

b. Indirect questionnaire, it is respondent who answer about other people

In this research, the writer will be used direct questionnaire and indirect questionnaire

that is showed to the students to get data about students’ interest in learning english and

reading comprehension. The questionnaire used liker scale. It is a scale contains of degree of

respondent answers about the question about respondent agreeing about the statements that is

told to answering options that have been provided. Each item has a numerical value, for


1 =I never do it

2 =I almost never do it

3 =I something do it

4 =I often do it

The weight of score answering between 1 – 4 score. Each item consists of four choices that

have weight of each option. Its mean that for first choice is 1 poin, second choice is 2 poin,

third choice is 3 poin, and the fourth choice 4 poin. So, each item of questions is provided

four choices.

2. Secondary

1) Observation

Observation is a systematic perception about fhenomenon that is

Investigated. There are kinds of observation:


a. Participant observation/non participant

b. Systematic observation/non systematic

c. Experimental observation/non experimental

In this research, the writer used observation non participant, it is the writer just

performing perception at the research area and the researcher not do activity in object that is

observed by the researcher. The data that is observed in this research is a supporter data;

consist of society’s situation and place of research environment.

2) Documentation

Documentation the source of information is all of kind in the source information that

is related with document. Actually, it is can formal document or informal document. In this

method, the writer used it to get data of the students MTsN 1 Batanghari in academic year

2010/2011 and also to get the supporter data at environment of the research.

3.8 Data Analysis Technique

To find the correlation between students’ interest in lerning english and reading

comprehension, the data analysis of this research is used product moment correlation by

Pearson with the formula.

( Suharsimi Arikunto, 2006: 274)

n = Total sample

= Total add score


= Total even score

= Value of correlation variable X and Y

Then from the calculation result to interpreting the coefficient correlation, according

to Suharsimi Arikunto (2006: 276) as follow:

Between 0,800 until 1,000 = very high

Between 0,600 until 0,800 = high

Between 0,400 until 0,600 = fair

Between 0,200 until 0,400 = low

Between 0,000 until 0,200 = very low

3.9 The Hypothesis in This Research

There are two hypotheses in this research:

1. H1: There is correlation between students’ interest in learning english and reading

comprehension. This hypothesis can be accepted if robsevation (ro) is higher than r table (rtab).

2. Ho: There is no correlation between between students’ interest in learning english and

reading comprehension.. This hypothesis can be accepted if robsevation (ro) is lower than r

table (rtab).

To find the significant correlation between X and Y, the following formula will be



(Sugiyono, 2008:184)23

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