chapter 1 introduction to computer -...

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213301Computer Programming for Engineering

Chapter 1 Introduction to Computer

The Amazing Computer

• List a few profession in which computers are routinely usedand the way computers have effected the work of people inthose professions. • List the four parts of a computer system.• Identify four kinds of computer hardware.• List the two major categories of software and explain their

purposes.• List the four common types of computers available today and describe what kind of job each does best.

What will be known :-

Computers have become so fundamental to modern societythat without them, our economy would grind to a halt.

Presentation to customer by portable computer.

Using computer fordiagnosing and assisting the surgery.

Computer are every where

• Create purchase orders • Set up employee files

• Track expenses and income • Pay taxes

• When you go to bank

• Call information for a phone number

Computer are every where

Computers have become as essentialto learning process as books, paperand pens. Computers have been usingto develop science projects, prepare reports, and gather information fromsources around the world.

Computer are every where

Computer are every where

Computer are every where

Computer are every where

Computer are every where

Computer are every where

Computer are every where

“Believe me,” wrote Bill Gates “there is no artificial intellect at work inside Deep Blue. It’s just a computer running clever software.

Despite the difference in size and use, all the computers have four common parts.

Overview of Computer System

Hardware refers to any part of computer you can touch.Hardware consists of interconnected electronic devices.

Software refers to sets of electronic instructions that tell the hardware what to do. The sets of instructions are also known as programs, and each one has a specific purpose.

Computer are every where

Data refers to the raw facts the computer can manipulate.Data can consists of letters, numbers, sounds, or image.Computer converts data into number, as form of digital.Within the computer, data is organized into files.

The computer file is simply a set of data or program instructions that has been given a name. A file is also called a document.

Programs are organized into files as well, but because programs are not considered data, they are not document files.

In discussions about computers, people are usually referred as users.

Computer are every where

The computer hardware has many parts, but each piece falls into one of four categories:

1 Processor

2 Memory

3 Input and output devices

4 Storage devices

Looking inside the machine

The Processor

• The procedure that transforms raw data into usefulinformation is called processing. To perform this

transformation, the computer uses two components:the processor and memory.

• The processor is like the brain of computer; the part that organizes and carries out instructions that come from the user or the software.

• The processor, in a personal computer, usually consists of one or more microprocessors, which are the electronic devices.

The microprocessor is plugged into a circuit board containing the circuitry that connects the processor to other hardware.

• The circuit board to which the microprocessor is connected is called motherboard.

Processing devices

The term central processing unit (CPU) refers to a computer’sprocessing hardware, whether it consists of a single chip or severalcircuit boards.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Memory• Memory is the computer’s electronic scratch pad. Program are loaded

into and run from memory. Data used by program is also loaded into memory for fast access -- but only temporarily.

• Most common type of memory is called random access memory (RAM).

The most common measurement unit for describing a computer’s memory is the byte -- to store a character --

Kilobyte (KB) ~ 1000 bytes is 1024 bytes for exact

Megabyte (MB) ~ 1000000 bytes is 1024 x 1024 bytes for exact

Gigabyte (GB) ~ 1000,000,000 bytes is 1024 x 1024 x 1024 bytes for exact

Input and Output DevicesInput devices accept data and instructions from user

Output devices return processed data back to the user

• The most common types of devices that can perform both input and output, however; are communication devices, which connect one computer to another-- a process known as networking.

• Some types of hardware can act as both input and output devices. Touch screen is an example.

- Modem

- Network interface cards (NICs)

Storage• Storage is a place to hold the data files and the

program files.

• The three distinctions between storage and memory:1 More room in storage than in memory

2 Contents are retained in storage when the computer is turned off, whereas the contents in memory disappear.

3 Storage is much cheaper than memory.

• The most common storage medium is the magnetic disk.

- floppy disk - hard disk

There are two read/write heads on eachaccess arm

The read/write headaccessing disk

Software brings the machine to life

• When a computer is using a particular program, it is said to berunning or executing that program.

• Two major categories of software:

• System software i.e. operating system

• Application software

Software: Operating Systems

• When a computer is turn on it goes through steps to prepare itself for use:

1 Self-test. Identify the attached devices, the amount of memory available and their functioning. This routine is initiated by a part of system software located in read-only memory(ROM).

2 Next, the computer runs the operating system program stored indiskette or hard disk.

• The operating system tells the computer how to interact with the user and how to use devices such as the disk drives, keyboard, and monitor. The operating system is continue to run until thecomputer is turn off.

3 After the computer finds and runs the operating system, the user can issue commands to the computer.

Software: Application Software

•Thousands of application are available; however some major categories that likely to be encounter are:

• Word processing software

• Spreadsheets

• Database management software (DBMS)

• Multimedia, graphic and presentations

• Entertainment and education

• Utilities

• Communication

• Application software is a program that help people accomplish specific tasks.

The shapes of computers today

Although the capabilities and type of computer have changed quickly. There are the terms describing:

• Supercomputer

• Mainframe

• Minicomputer

• Microcomputer

All these type s of computers can be connected to formnetworks of computers, but each individual computer, whether it is on a network or not, falls into one of thesefour categories.

Supercomputers• Supercomputers are the most powerful computer made.

• They are used to process huge amounts of data, model of complex processes and simulate the processes.

• Nuclear fission

• Air pollution

• Weather forecast

Because computer technology changes so quickly, the advanced capabilities of a supercomputer to day may become the standard features of a PC a few years from now.

Cost upwards of $20 million.

Mainframe Computers

• Mainframe computer is the largest type computer in use.

• Mainframe computers are used where many people in a largeorganization need frequent access to the same informationwhich is organized into one or more huge databases.

A terminal is a keyboard and screen wired to mainframe.It does not have its own CPU or storage: it is just input/output ( I/O ) device.

• Its used to be common for mainframe computers to occupy entire rooms or even an entire floor of a high-rise building.Today, a typical mainframe computer looks like an unimposing file cabinet.

Can cost from $35000 to many million.

Minicomputer• The capabilities of a minicomputer lies somewhere between

those of mainframe and those of personal computer.

• Minicomputer can handle much more input and output than personal computers can.

• The major minicomputer manufacturers include DEC, DataGeneral, IBM and Hewlett-Packard.

Although some minis are designed for a single user; many can handle dozens or even hundreds of terminal.

Minicomputers cost anywhere from $18000 to $500000.


• The term microcomputer and personal computer are interchangeable,but PC--which stands for personal computer-- sometimes has a morespecific meaning.

Microprocessors, memory chips, and storage devices keep making gains in speed and capacity, while physical size and price remain stable or in some cases are reduced.

• One result of increasing PC power is that the differencebetween mainframes, minis, and microcomputers are notas they once were.

• Desktop Models• Notebooks• Palmtops

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