chapter 10 lesson… · chapter 10...

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Chapter 10 Lesson 1

Study of how your body takes in and uses food

Nutrients – substances in food that your

body needs to grow, repair, and supply


Calorie – unit of heat used to measure the

energy your body uses and the energy it

receives from food

Proper nutrition and calorie balance is

important for your lifelong health

Hunger and Appetite – Your body’s physical &

psychological clue that you are low in calories

Food and Emotions – Some may eat for an

emotional response

Family and Culture – certain foods may be your

preference because of your family

Friends – learning new things, eating the way they


Time and Money – busy schedules, cost of a meal

Advertising – eating meals because of what you see

Ch 10 Lesson 2

Everything you eat contains nutrients

The body uses nutrients to:

o Provide energy

o To heal, build, and repair tissues

o To sustain growth

o To transport oxygen to cells

o To regulate body functions

6 types of nutrients:

o Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins – provide energy (contain calories)

o Vitamins, Minerals, and Water – provide for functions in the body (do not contain calories)

Provides 4 calories per gram

Carbohydrates are categorized in 3 ways:

o Simple – (sugars) – provide instant energy

o Complex – (starches) – require items to be

digested, then used as energy

o Fiber – can not be digested by the body, but is

required for digestion to take place

Most carbs are turned into glucose, which can be

stored and used for times of intense activity

Used mostly to build and maintain cells and tissues

Provide 4 calories per gram

Made up of amino acids

20 required by the body, but 9 of those must come from food sources (essential amino acids)

Animal sources – (complete) provide all essential amino acids

Plant sources – (incomplete) missing one or more of the amino acids

Proteins also protect hemoglobin which is required to carry oxygen, and builds hormones

Required for brain development of babies, blood clotting,

controlling inflammation, cushioning, healthy skin and hair,

also transporting fat soluble vitamins

Provide 9 calories per gram


o Unsaturated – (plants) may lower risk for heart disease

o Saturated – (animal) may increase risk for heart disease

o Trans fat – formed through hydrogenation – taking a

liquid fat and making it a solid, can raise blood

cholesterol and increase risk for heart disease

Ingesting and carrying too much on the body will cause

major problems in our cardiovascular system

Help regulate many body processes

Two different categories of vitamins:

o Fat Soluble – A, D, E, K (stored in fat)

o Water Soluble – B vitamin complex,

Vitamin C (not stored, must eat everyday)

Vitamin Role in Body Food Sources

A Night vision, immune system,

healthy skin

Orange veggies, Leafy

greens, fish, liver, egg yolk


(sunshine vitamin)

Use calcium and phosphorus Fortified foods and dairy,

fatty fish

E Protect cells from damage, aid in

blood flow, repair body tissues

Fish, milk, egg yolk, fruits,

nuts, green veggies

K Blood clotting Green leafy veggies,

cheese, tomatoes

Fat Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin Role Food Sources

B1 (Thiamine) Helps body use carbs,

nervous system

Enriched/whole grains,

pork, liver

B2 (Riboflavin) Body use carbs, proteins,

fats, skin health

Beef, pork, organ meats,

legumes, eggs, dairy, nuts

B3 (Niacin) Body use carbs, proteins,

fats, nervous and

digestive system health

Liver, poultry, fish, beef,

peanuts, beans

C (ascorbic acid) Protect against infection,

healthy mouth, heal


Citrus fruits, berries,

peppers, tomatoes,


Folic Acid (folate) Form and maintain new

cells, reduce birth defects


Green leafy veggies,

legumes, oranges,

fortified grain products

Items that become part of the body, assist vitamins

Minerals Role Food Source

Calcium Forms bones and teeth,

aids in blood clotting,

reduces risk of


Dairy, anything calcium

fortified, broccoli

Phosphorus Produces energy,

maintains healthy bones

Dairy products, pears,

meat, eggs

Magnesium Maintain muscle and

nerve function, regular

heartbeat, bone growth

and energy production

Meat, milk, leafy greens,

whole grains, nuts

Iron Helps red blood cells carry

oxygen, aids in energy,

supports immune system

Red meats, poultry, beans,

fortified grain products

Most important nutrient

Must have 8-10 cups a day for optimal health

New recommendation: Take your weight, divide by 2, that is the amount in ounces you need.

Needed for:

o Moving food through digestive system

o Aiding in chemical reactions to use carbs, fats, and proteins

o Transporting nutrients and removing waste

o Storing and releasing heat

o Cooling the body through perspiration

o Cushioning the eyes, brain, and spinal cord

o Lubricating joints

Chapter 10 Lesson 3

Set of recommendations about smart eating and physical

activity for all Americans


Three main guidelines:

o Make smart choices from every food group

o Find a balance between food and activity

o Get the most nutrition out of your calories

Smart choices should come from MyPlate

Choose nutrient dense foods – foods high in nutrients, low

in calories

Consider your eating patterns

Plan your plate

Start your day off right, EAT BREAKFAST!

Choose sensible snacks

Eat right when eating out

o Watch portions

o Pay attention to how food is prepared

o Add fresh veggies and fruits

o Go easy on toppings

o Don’t drink your calories!

Chapter 10 Lesson 4

Provide major information about the nutrition and

ingredients of food

Required by law on all packaged foods

Pay attention to serving size and calories per serving

Watch for sodium, sugar, protein, and fiber

Ingredient lists

o Appear on label by weight (most listed first least listed last)

Food additives

o Added for a different effect to the food

Foodborne illness – food poisoning (75 million Americans

each year)

o E. Coli & Salmonella – caused by bacteria

Can be avoided by following the food safety rules:

o Clean

o Separate

o Cook

o Chill

US govt. has processes such as pasteurization to start

safety at the grocery store level

Food allergies – body’s immune system reacts to

substances in some foods

o Becoming much more prevalent today – gluten, peanuts, shellfish

o Anaphylaxis – life threatening – throat swells causing difficulty


Food intolerance – negative reaction to food that doesn’t

involve the immune system

o Cannot digest

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