chapter 11 thermodynamics and energy conversion in heusler …€¦ · mations have been studied...

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Chapter 11Thermodynamics and Energy Conversionin Heusler Alloys

Yintao Song, Chris Leighton and Richard D. James

Abstract Heusler alloys, particularly in the family Ni2MnZ (Z=Ga, In, Sn and Sb)and nearby compositions, often exhibitmartensitic phase transformation from a high-temperature cubic (L21) structure to a low-temperature, low-symmetry martensiticphase. These transformations are commonly accompanied by a change in magneticordering, due to the sensitivity of spin interactions to the change in interatomicdistances and local symmetry. Various forms of energy can be made to intercon-vert during this multiferroic phase transformation. A particularly interesting familyof alloys for this purpose is Ni50−xCoxMn25−yZy (Z = Ga, In, Sn and Sb). Overa small compositional range, the phase transformation in these alloys is accom-panied by a large change in magnetization—up to 1.2MA/m (1200emu/cm3) inNi45Co5Mn40Sn10. In such materials it is possible to design an energy conversiondevice that directly converts heat to electricity using Faraday’s law of induction andcyclic phase transformation. Both the efficiency and work output per volume of suchan energy conversion device are significantly affected by the size of the hystere-sis, which is however tunable in these systems. A thermodynamic theory for such aenergy conversion method is presented based on a free energy function that includescontributions from phase transformation and magnetism. Material constants in thefree energy functions are determined by magnetic and calorimetric measurements.We give the estimates of efficiency and power output in terms of material constants,design parameters and working conditions for this energy conversion method. The

Y. Song · R.D. James (B)Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics,University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USAe-mail:

Y. Songe-mail:

C. LeightonDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USAe-mail:

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016C. Felser and A. Hirohata (eds.), Heusler Alloys,Springer Series in Materials Science 222, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-21449-8_11


270 Y. Song et al.

first-order nature of the phase transformation, leading to an effect of magnetic fieldon transformation temperature and a mixed-phase region, play a critical role for theeffectiveness of these methods.

11.1 Introduction

With increasing demand for electric power and unabated, approximately linearincrease of fossil fuel consumption, energy conversion from sustainable sourcesto electricity by environmentally friendly methods has become an imperative. Wasteheat from the production of electricity, and from the devices that use this electricity,is ubiquitous, but is limited to a regime of relatively small temperature differencefrom ambient, too small to utilize steam generation, the main worldwide source ofelectricity. In addition, the deserts and arctic regions of the world provide naturalsources in this small temperature difference regime. First order solid-solid phasetransformations with an abrupt change in magnetic or electric polarization are wellsuited to do energy conversion in this regime. The basic idea is to periodically inducethe phase transformation using the heat source, bias the material by an applied fieldor stress, and use processes of induction or charge separation to generate electricity.Essentially, a portion of the latent heat absorbed is converted to electricity. These canbe termed direct methods for the conversion of heat to electricity [1] because they donot need a separate electrical generator. In principle, the device can be quite compactand, therefore, distributed generation becomes a possibility. The critical aspect thatenables the possibility of large efficiency and power output, consistent with the giventemperature difference, is the same as that of a steam generator: unlike in single phasematerials, the first order nature of the phase transformation implies the existence ofa mixed phase region that supports Carnot and related high efficiency cycles.

Heusler alloys play into this energy conversionmethod becausemanyof themhavethe following properties: (1) a first order phase transformation emitting/absorbing alarge latent heat; (2) an abrupt change in ferromagnetic or ferroelectric ordering nearthe transition temperature; (3) the tunability to achieve conditions of compatibilitythat imply low thermal hysteresis and high phase reversibility that, in turn, enablenumerous conversion cycles. These specifications provide a reliable alloy develop-ment strategy to look for the best candidates for energy conversion applications.Starting with the most popular Ni2MnGa ferromagnetic shape memory alloy [2, 3],a large number of its nearbyHeusler alloyswith reversiblemartensitic phase transfor-mations have been studied for mechanical caloric and magnetocaloric effects [4–6],for actuation, and for solid state refrigeration [7–9]. Similarly, the periodic oscilla-tions in magnetization between phases can be used for electromagnetic induction.The family of Ni2MnX and its slightly off-stoichiometric compositions where X =In, Sn, and Sb is of particular interest as an applicable waste heat energy conversionmedium. Many in this family of Heusler alloys have phase transformations from aweakly ferromagnetic (including paramagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic) martensite

11 Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion in Heusler Alloys 271

to a strongly ferromagnetic austenite. While the study of these methods is just begin-ning, there are now at least two demonstrations [1, 10] of energy conversion devicesin the family Ni2MnX (X = In, Sn, Sb) of Heusler alloys with appropriate chemicalsubstitution.

To use these materials as the working medium for a large number of conversioncycles, an important prerequisite is to control the phase reversibility and thermalhysteresis while the material changes its crystal structure back and forth. The changeof crystal structure results in formation of microstructure. If the phase interface iselastically incompatible [11, 12], stress accumulates in the material at the interface.The creation of these stressed transition layers has been identified as the main causeof thermal hysteresis [12, 13], via the mechanism of the formation of an energybarrier [14]. Under cyclic operation, dislocations and other defects may also formin these transition layers and cause degradation and eventual failure of the material[15, 16]. In Sect. 11.2, we describe a theoretical approach to minimize the thermalhysteresis and enhance the transformation reversibility in martensitic materials thatis apparently widely applicable to known Heusler alloys having a martensitic phasetransformation. The simplest result of this theory is the alloy-development criterionλ2 = 1, where λ2 is the middle eigenvalue of the transformation stretch tensor. Thedeviation of λ2 from 1 represents microstructural incompatibility of a single variantof martensite with austenite. Experimentally, by systematically changing the atomiccomposition using doping elements with similar chemical properties, the conditionλ2 = 1 can often be satisfied. An example of the use of this strategy occurs inthe off-stoichiometric Heusler system (Ni, Co)2MnSn with small amount of cobaltdoping from 3 to 9 at.% [6]. This system not only shows low thermal hysteresis (only6◦C) during the phase transformation, but themaximummagnetization under modestapplied field (1 T) also jumps up to 1.2MA/m (1200emu/cm3), which is ideal forenergy conversion applications.

A typical specific concept of an energy conversion device is the following. A plateor rod of an alloy, sayNi45Co5Mn40Sn10, is surroundedby apick-up coil, and is placednear a permanent magnet. By heating the sample through the transformation, themagnetization M in the material is suddenly increased to its maximum value, biasedby the permanent magnet. The dipolar relationship B = μ0(H + M) implies that thelarge ∂M/∂t is partitioned between ∂B/∂t and −∂H/∂t . This partitioning is mainlygoverned bymicromagnetic principles, and it is well-known that the demagnetizationenergy (and the associated shape effect) plays an important role. With a suitableshape and field, the large ∂M/∂t produces a large ∂B/∂t . Owing to Faraday’s law,∂B/∂t = −curlE, i.e., an electric field is created in the coil by electromagneticinduction. When cooling the sample to pass through the martensite temperature, themagnetization in the material is decreased to its smallest value while the electricfield is generated in an opposite direction. Oscillating the phase transformation by aperiodic temperature field, an alternating current can be generated directly from heatthrough the periodic change of magnetization in such a material. A demonstrationbased on these ideas is given by Song et al. [17].

Thermodynamic models for energy conversion can also be used to analyze mag-netocaloric refrigeration [8, 9, 18]. In fact, the Heusler alloys Ni-Mn-Sn have an

272 Y. Song et al.

“inverse magnetocaloric effect” [19]. Since the thermodynamic cycles of a refrig-erator and a heat engine working at the same temperature difference are identicalexcept for the signs of the net work done and heat absorbed, the explicit free energyand our analysis presented below of energy conversion cycles can be easily adoptedto magnetic refrigerators that use the same materials.

One difficulty for the prediction of the power output is the quasistatic nature ofthe ferroic-caloric energy conversion. The simplest generally accepted finite-timethermodynamics is the endoreversible thermodynamics proposed by Curzon andAhlborn [20]. The terminology “endoreversibility” means that the dissipation onlycomes from the heat exchange between the working material and heat reservoirs,while theworkingmaterial internally still performs reversible processes [21, 22]. Thelosses due to the finite rate of processes are located only in the interaction betweenthe reversible subsystem and its environment. Van den Broeck et al. [23] proved thatthe efficiency formula derived by Curzon and Ahlborn [20] (the C–A efficiency)agrees with, without approximation, the theory of linear irreversible thermodynam-ics, universally up to the quadratic order in the deviation from equilibrium [24]. Byadopting the assumption of endoreversibility, Song [25] established a finite-rate ther-modynamic model for energy conversion by phase-transforming Heusler alloys thatis capable of predicting the power output of the energy conversion method reviewedhere.

11.2 Multiferroic Heusler Alloys with Low Hysteresisat Phase Transformation

To achieve low hysteresis of phase transformation for the sustainability of cyclicapplications, the lattice parameters in the two phases should satisfy the compatibilitycondition that λ2 = 1 where λ2 is the middle eigenvalue of the transformation stretchmatrix U. The stretch matrix U is the pure stretch part of the deformation gradientmapping the unit cell of austenite to one of martensite. The deformation gradient Ffor a martensitic transformation is calculated by the Cauchy-Born rule that

emi = Feai , (11.1)

where eai and emi , i = 1, 2, 3, are three linearly independent lattice vectors of austeniteand martensite as shown in Fig. 11.1. The transformation stretch matrix U = √

FT F.Physically, λ2 = 1 is the necessary and sufficient condition that there exists anundistorted interface between austenite and a single variant of martensite [11, 12].

Multiferroic Heusler alloys often undergo cubic (L21) to 4 periodic layer modu-lated orthorhombic (4O) or 7, 10 periodic layer modulated monoclinic (7M, 10M)structural transformations. In these kinds of complex lattices, the deformation gradi-ent is still given by (11.1) (according to the Cauchy-Born rule), but the lattice vectors

11 Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion in Heusler Alloys 273

Fig. 11.1 Illustration of the Cauchy-Born rule for the face-centered cubic to monoclinic phasetransformation

eai and emi , i = 1, 2, 3, are interpreted as suitable sublattice vectors of austenite andprimitive lattice vectors of martensite, respectively. Particularly, the Heusler alloyfamily Ni50Mn50−xSnx undergoes an L21 to (7M, 10M) transformation, and the formof the transformation stretch matrix is

U =⎡⎣

α β 0β δ 00 0 γ

⎤⎦ , (11.2)

in the orthonormal cubic basis. Here, the components α, β, δ and γ depend onthe lattice parameters of the austenite and martensite phases. The lattice parame-ters measured by X-ray diffraction are used to determine the transformation stretchmatrix and its middle eigenvalue λ2. The hysteresis of the transformation is calcu-lated as (As + Af − Ms − Mf)/2 where As, Af , Ms and Mf are austenite start/finishand martensite start/finish temperatures respectively. These transformation temper-atures can be characterized by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Table11.1shows the transformation stretchmatrices, the correspondingmiddle eigenvalues andthe thermal hysteresis upon martensitic transformation in the Heusler alloy systemNi50Mn50−xXx (X = In, Sb, Sn). Slight changes in lattice parameters results in sig-nificant variation of the condition of compatibility between the two phases. A directbenefit of the satisfaction of compatibility is to drop the transformation hysteresis andincrease phase reversibility [12]. Using NiMn40Sn10 as a starting point for a furthercompositional tuning process, the thermal hysteresis decreases to 6◦C by substitutionof Co for Ni.

In the alloy system Ni50−xCoxMn40Sn10, x = 3, 5, 7, 9 have been investigatedand it turns out that x = 5, 6 satisfy the condition λ2 = 1 closely [6]. Dueto the Co substitution, the saturation magnetization of the austenite phase in this

274 Y. Song et al.

Table 11.1 Lattice parameters, transformation stretch matrices and λ2 for the family of Heusleralloy Ni-Mn-X (X = In, Sb, Sn) undergoing martensitic transformation

Alloy Latt. param. (Å) Transformation stretchtensor

λ2 Hys. (◦C)

Aus. Mart.

Ni50Mn37Sb13 [26] 5.971




⎡⎢⎣0.8515 0.1682 0

0.1682 0.8515 0

0 0 1.4080

⎤⎥⎦ 1.01963 9

Ni50Mn35In15 [5] 5.998





⎡⎢⎣1.0077 0.0069 0

0.0069 1.0423 0

0 0 0.9426

⎤⎥⎦ 1.00643 12

Ni50Mn36Sn14 [27] 5.988




⎡⎢⎣1.0235 0.006 0

0.006 1.0235 0

0 0 0.9522

⎤⎥⎦ 1.01756 12

Ni50Mn37Sn13 [26] 5.973




⎡⎢⎣0.8504 0.1708 0

0.1708 0.8504 0

0 0 1.4065

⎤⎥⎦ 1.02118 15

Ni50Mn40Sn10 [28] 5.965





⎡⎢⎣0.9864 0.0061 0

0.0061 1.0548 0

0 0 0.9338

⎤⎥⎦ 0.9859 10

Ni45Co5Mn40Sn10 [6] 5.986





⎡⎢⎣1.0590 0.0082 0

0.0082 1.0054 0

0 0 0.9425

⎤⎥⎦ 1.0047 6

Ni44Co6Mn40Sn10 [29] 5.987





⎡⎢⎣1.0591 0.0082 0

0.0082 1.0060 0

0 0 0.9425

⎤⎥⎦ 1.0042 6

system increases up to 1.2 MA/m (1200 emu/cm3) (at x = 5) in sharp contrast tothose moderate magnetization values in the NiMnSn system. Figure11.2 shows thecalorimetry (DSC) and magnetometry (VSM) measurements for Ni45Co5Mn40Sn10with λ2 = 1.0047.

11 Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion in Heusler Alloys 275

Fig. 11.2 a Calorimetry and b magnetometry measurements on Ni45Co5Mn40Sn10. Reproducedfrom [6] with permission © American Institute of Physics

11.3 Energy Conversion Devices

The fact that the Heusler alloy Ni50−xCoxMn25−yZy (Z = Ga, In, Sn and Sb) has alow thermal hysteresis and a big jump of magnetization at the phase transformationhas inspired various designs of energy conversion devices [1, 10]. The main idea isfirst to convert thermal energy intomagnetostatic and/or kinetic energy by driving thephase transformation cyclically, then further to convert the latter to electric energyby Faraday’s law of induction.

Figure11.3 is the schematic view of the prototype built by Srivastava et al. [1].According to the aether relation, the magnetization M, the magnetic induction B andmagnetic field H satisfy

B = μ0(H + M), (11.3)

Fig. 11.3 A design based on oscillatory temperature field and fixed specimen. Reproduced from[17] with permission © The Royal Society of Chemistry

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where μ0 = 4π × 10−7 is vacuum permeability. H can be further divided into twoparts: the external field Hext and the demagnetization (internal) field Hd. Duringthe phase transformation upon heating, M is increased in the specimen, giving asubstantial component of M := ∂M/∂t . Complete demagnetization is prevented bythe presence of the nearby permanent magnet. Hence, by Faraday’s law of induction,for each turn of coil we have


E · d� = − d



B · nda. (11.4)

Above, O is a surface with normal n enclosed by the turn of coil ∂O . When the coilhas N turns in total, the EMF across the two ends of the coil is

V =N∑



E · d� = − d




B · nda. (11.5)

Assuming the load can be modeled as a resistor with resistance R, and the resistivityof coil is ρ, by Ohm’s law, we obtain the current

I = V

R + (ρ/a)∑N

i=1 |∂Oi |, (11.6)

where a is the cross sectional area of the wire.Notice that this current in the coil will generate a secondary external field, called

the back field Hb, which satisfies the Biot-Savart law

Hb = 1



Id� × r|r|3 , (11.7)

where r is the vector from the wire element d� to the point where the back field iscalculated. The back-field plays an important role in this method of energy conver-sion. We can divide the total external field into two parts Hext = H0 + Hb where H0is the background field generated by the permanent magnet, and is constant for thedesign shown in Fig. 11.3. Combining (11.5), (11.6), (11.7), we have an ODE for thecurrent I :


⎛⎝R + ρ



|∂Oi |⎞⎠ = −μ0





⎛⎝Hd + M + 1


∮∂O j

Id� × r


⎞⎠ · nda.


To solve (11.8), besides the geometry of the coil, we need to know Hd + M, i.e. thedynamics of phase transformation. That requires heat transfer and thermodynamicanalysis, which will be discussed in later sections.

11 Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion in Heusler Alloys 277

The main driving force of the system is M, i.e., I is almost proportional to−M ·n.Besides, (d� × r) · n > 0. That is, Hb weakens the driving power of M. This is easyto understand by realizing that the back field is a recoil effect caused by the changingof M. But the back field Hb is not a malicious factor of the system at all. In fact, itis the source of energy output, in this particular design. This can be seen by writingdown the first law of thermodynamics in two different approaches [17]. In the firstapproach, the thermodynamic system is chosen to be the specimen only. Denotingthe region occupied by the specimen , the first law reads



udx = −∮

q · nda + μ0

(H0 + Hb) · Mdx, (11.9)

where u is the internal energy density, q is the heat flux per unit area, and H0 isthe background field coming from the permanent magnet. Integrating (11.9) over acyclic process C ∈ [0,∞), history independent terms all vanish, and we have



q · ndadt = −μ0

Hb · Mdx . (11.10)

That is that the net heat absorbed equals to the net work done by the back field. Thenwe need to show that the net heat absorbed is the same as the total electricity deliveredto the load. To show this, let us introduce the second approach, where the systemis chosen to include all the components, i.e. specimen, permanent magnet, coil andload resistor. Now the system only exchanges energy with the environment by heattransfer through the specimen, the coil and the resistor. The former is the same as theleft hand side of (11.10), the latter must be a net cooling that equals the accumulatedJoule heating over a cycle in order to bring the system to the initial state after a cycle.Finally, we have the equivalence of thermal-magnetic and thermal-electric energyconversion:

− μ0

Hb · Mdx =∮C

I 2(

R + ρ



|∂Oi |)dt. (11.11)

Equation (11.11) states that all the electricity comes from the magnetostatic workdone by the back field, and is distributed on the load and the coil.

The design discussed so far is not the only possible design. For example, Gueltiget al. proposed an alternative design utilizing a thin film specimen, as shown inFig. 11.4. Compared to the previous design, this one uses a fixed temperature gra-dient (difference) and an oscillating specimen, instead of an alternating temperaturefield and a fixed specimen, to drive cyclic phase transformation. This mechanicallyoscillatory design has been used in pyromagnetic energy conversion devices [30,31], but its application to first order phase transformation in Heusler alloys is ratherrecent [10, 32].

278 Y. Song et al.

Fig. 11.4 A design based on fixed temperature gradient and oscillatory specimen. Reproducedfrom [10] with permission © John Wiley & Sons, Inc

11.4 Quasistatic Thermodynamic Analysis

11.4.1 Gibbs Free Energy and Clausius-Clapeyron Relation

As discussed in the previous section, the overall behavior of a whole cycle can beunderstood by studying only the thermal-magnetic energy interaction. For simplicity,from this section, we assume all variables are spatially uniform in the specimen. Letus define a Gibbs free energy ψ as a function of external magnetic field H andtemperature T , which satisfies the following two Maxwell relations:

∂ψ(H, T )

∂ H= −μ0M,

∂ψ(H, T )

∂T= −S. (11.12)

Here we choose

M =∣∣∣∣1



∣∣∣∣ (11.13)

and H such that

H M = 1


M · Hdx . (11.14)

Integrating the first relation of (11.12), we have

ψ(H, T ) = −μ0

∫ H

0M(h, T )dh + f (T ). (11.15)

where f (T ) is the field-independent component of the free energy, and M(H, T ) isthe magnetization as a function of external field and temperature. The latter can be

11 Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion in Heusler Alloys 279

obtained from single-phase M-H and M-T measurements reported in the followingsections, where the exact method of interpolation is also provided.

Recall the definition of heat capacity

C(H, T ) = T∂S(H, T )

∂T= −T

∂2ψ(0, T )

∂T 2. (11.16)

Then the zero field heat capacity is

C(0, T ) = −T f ′′(T ). (11.17)

f (T ) can be obtained by integrating twice (11.17). Equation (11.17) only holdsfor single variant specimens. If a mixed-phase specimen is considered, extra termsrelated to phase distribution (e.g. volume fraction) must be included. For a singlephase specimen, the general solution for the field-independent free energy is

f (T ) = f (T0) +∫ T


[f ′(T0) −

∫ t2


C(0, t1)


]dt2. (11.18)

T0 is some reference temperature, which is usually chosen to be the transforma-tion temperature under zero-field. f (T0) and f ′(T0) are two integral constants. Forexample, for the Heusler alloy Ni44Co6Mn40Sn10, T0 = 390K.

Combining (11.15) and (11.18) gives the full Gibbs free energy function, andhence an important thermodynamic function: entropy.

S(H, T ) = μ0

∫ H


∂ M(h, T )

∂Tdh +

∫ T


C(0, t)

tdt − f ′(T0). (11.19)

Clearly − f ′(T0) is an integral constant representing the field-independent entropyat the temperature T0.

The Gibbs free energy function (11.15) defines a function on the H -T plane foreach phase, as shown in Fig. 11.5a. Austenite (red surface in Fig. 11.5a) has lowerenergy thanmartensite (blue surface) does at high temperature. Therefore austenite ismore stable at high temperature. The fundamental rule of quasistatic thermodynamicsis that phase transformation occurs when the Gibbs free energies of the two phasesbecome equal. In Fig. 11.5, that is represented by the intersection (green curve) ofthe two Gibbs free energy surfaces.

Using subscripts a and m to denote the austenite and martensite respectively, atevery point on the curve we have

ψm(H, T ) = ψa(H, T ). (11.20)

280 Y. Song et al.

Fig. 11.5 a Gibbs free energy and b Clausius-Clapeyron relation. Red and blue surfaces representthe Gibbs free energy of austenite and martensite respectively. Green curve is where the phasetransformation could occur. (b) is the projection of the green curve in (a) on the H -T plane

The solution to (11.20) gives the transformation temperature as a function of externalfield TM(H), which satisfies

T ′M(H) = −μ0

Ma(H, TM) − Mm(H, TM)

Sa(H, TM) − Sm(H, TM), (11.21a)

TM(0) = T0. (11.21b)

Equation (11.21a) is also called the Clausius-Clapeyron relation. The denominatormust be positive because transforming from martensite to austenite absorbs latentheat. So if Ma > Mm, TM(H) curves has a negative slope. It is equivalent to say thatwhen Ma > Mm, external magnetic field stabilizes austenite.

Substituting (11.19) into (11.21a), the denominator becomes

�S(H, TM) = μ0

∫ H


∂[Ma(h, TM) − Mm(h, TM)]∂T

dh +∫ TM


Ca(0, t) − Cm(0, t)

tdt + L



where L is the latent heat of the transformation under zero field, and the last termcomes from the definition of latent heat

f ′a(T0) − f ′

m(T0) = −L/T0. (11.23)

Without loss of generality, we can fix the four integral constants in the two Gibbsfree energy functions as

fm(T0) = 0, f ′m(T0) = 0, fa(T0) = 0, f ′

a(T0) = −L/T0. (11.24)

11 Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion in Heusler Alloys 281

To sum up, if we know Ma,m(H, T ), Ca,m(0, T ), L and T0, we can completelydetermine the Gibbs free energy functions and the Clausius-Clapeyron relation. For agiven material these functions and quantities can be determined through calorimetryand magnetometry. Song et al. [17] derived these functions and quantities for theHeusler alloy Ni44Co6Mn40Sn10.

11.4.2 Thermodynamic Cycles

Engines work by repeating cyclic thermodynamic processes. Let the system be thephase-transforming specimen in an external field; consider the following cycle thatconsists of subprocesses:

1. Start with the state S1 = (T−, Sm(H−, T−)), i.e. martensite under the externalfield H− and at the temperature T− = TM(H−).

2. Change the field to H+ isothermally. The state is now S2 = (T−, Sm(H+, T−)).3. Heat up under the constant field H+ to the transformation temperature T+ =

TM(H+).1 The state is now S3 = (T+, Sm(H+, T+)).4. Transform from martensite to austenite under the field H+ and the temperature

T+. The end state is S4 = (T+, Sa(H+, T+)).5. Change the field back to H−, isothermally. The state becomesS5 = (T+, Sa(H−,

T+)).6. Cool down under the constant field H− to T− = TM(H−), i.e.S6 = (T−, Sa(H−,

T−)).7. Transform from austenite to martensite under the field H− and the temperature

T−. The system comes back to the initial stateS1.

Denote the rate of heat absorption q(t). For a quasistatic process from time ta totb, the net heat absorbed during the process Qab is

Qab =∫ tb

taq(t)dt =

∫ S(tb)

S(ta)T dS = T (tb)S(tb) − T (ta)S(ta) −

∫ tb

taS[H(t), T (t)]T (t)dt


Hence, in the cycle defined above,

Q12 = T−[Sm(H+, T−) − Sm(H−, T−)], (11.26a)

Q23 = T+Sm(H+, T+) − T−Sm(H+, T−) −∫ T+

T−Sm(H+, T )dT, (11.26b)

Q34 = T+[Sa(H+, T+) − Sm(H+, T+)], (11.26c)

1H+ is not necessarily higher than H−.

282 Y. Song et al.

Q45 = T+[Sa(H−, T+) − Sa(H+, T+)], (11.26d)

Q56 = T−Sa(H−, T−) − T+Sa(H−, T+) −∫ T−

T+Sa(H−, T )dT, (11.26e)

Q61 = T−[Sm(H−, T−) − Sa(H−, T−)]. (11.26f)

Following Carnot’s argument, the efficiency of a (quasistatic) cycle C ∈ [0,∞) is

η =2



q + |q|dt. (11.27)

By the physical meaning of latent heat, Sa[H, TM(H)] > Sm[H, TM(H)] for all H .By the positivity of heat capacity, ∂Sa,m(H, T )/T > 0 for all H and T . Then using(11.26), we have


qdt =∫ T+

T−Sa(H−, T ) − Sm(H+, T )dT, (11.28a)




q + |q|dt = Q23 + Q34 + Q12 + |Q12|2

+ Q45 + |Q45|2

. (11.28b)

Using (11.27) and (11.28), we can calculate the efficiency of the aforementionedenergy conversion cycle. After some tedious algebra, the efficiency can be expressedin the form

η = AT0 + L(T+ − T−)

BT0 + LT+. (11.29)

A and B have complicated dependence on Ma,m(H, T ) and Ca,m(0, T ).This is not the only valid, or the best, cycle for this kind of energy conversion.

Song et al. [17] discussed another two types of thermodynamic cycles, namely thethermomagnetic Rankine cycle and the thermomagnetic Ericsson cycle. Moreover,the cycle proposed here is only a simplification of the true cycles used by the devices[1, 10] mentioned in the previous section. For the device of Srivastava et al. [1], thedifference between H+ and H− should be considered as arising solely from the backfield, i.e. H± ≈ H0 + Hb±. For the device built by Gueltig et al. [10], one must addelastic potential energy into the Gibbs free energy and modify the analysis above.As discussed in the equivalence of thermal-magnetic and thermal-electric energyconversion, the result will be similar to the analysis above.

11 Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion in Heusler Alloys 283

11.4.3 A Simplified Model

Here, we propose an idealized model for the phase-transforming material to simplifythe Gibbs free energy functions and the efficiency formula. The same simplifiedmodel will also be used in later sections.

First, we make the magnetization functions Ma and Mm constants, and denote thedifference �M = Ma − Mm. Then

∫ H

0Ma,m(h, T )dh = Ma,mH, and

∫ H


∂ Ma,m(h, T )

∂Tdh = 0. (11.30)

Second, let the zero-field heat capacities Ca and Cm be constants. Equation (11.18)gives

fm(T ) = −Cm

[T0 − T + T ln



)], (11.31a)

fa(T ) = −Ca

[T0 − T + T ln



)]− L(T − T0)

T0. (11.31b)

And (11.19) gives

Sm(H, T ) = Sm(T ) = Cm ln



), (11.32a)

Sa(H, T ) = Sa(T ) = Ca ln



)+ L

T0. (11.32b)

So (11.28) becomes


qdt = (Ca − Cm)

[T+ ln


)− T− ln


)− (T+ − T−)

]+ L(T+ − T−)






q + |q|dt = (Ca − Cm)T+ ln


)+ Cm(T+ − T−) + LT+

T0. (11.33b)

Since both phases are similar metals, terms involving Ca − Cm are expected to besmall compared to other terms. So the efficiency as defined by (11.27) is now

η = L(T+ − T−)

CmT0(T+ − T−) + LT+. (11.34)

Clearly, η � (T+ − T−)/T+, the Carnot efficiency. In other words, when (Ca −Cm)T0 � L and CmT0 � L , the quasistatic cycle defined earlier gives exactly theCarnot efficiency in terms of T±. We will continue adopting these two assumptions

284 Y. Song et al.

in the remaining part of this chapter. Note that this pair of assumptions is equivalentto CaT0 � L and CmT0 � L .

Finally, let H± = H0 + Hb±, for constant H0 and Hb±, and try to rewrite theefficiency (11.34) in terms of Hb±. Start by reducing (11.22) to

�S(TM) = (Ca − Cm) ln



)+ L

T0. (11.35)

Then the Clausius-Clapeyron relation (11.21a) is reduced to a constraint betweenTM(H) and H ,

(Ca − Cm)

[TM ln



)− (TM − T0)

]+ L(TM − T0)

T0= −μ0�M H (11.36)

Again, assuming (Ca − Cm)T0 � L ,

TM(H) = T0 − μ0�M H T0

L. (11.37)


T± = T0 − μ0�M(H0 + Hb±)T0

L, (11.38)

and the Carnot efficiency can be expressed as

η = T+ − T−T+

= −2C(Hb+ − Hb−)

�M − C(H0 + Hb+), (11.39)

where the dimensionless number C is the Clausius-Clapeyron coefficient

C = μ0(�M)2

L. (11.40)

Since η > 0 and −H0 < Hb+ < 0 < Hb− < H0, dη/dC > 0, i.e. when the cycleis driven by Hb±, the efficiency increases as C increases. C is a material constant.For the Heusler alloy Ni44Co6Mn40Sn10, �M ≈ 106 A/m and L ≈ 108 J/m3, soC ≈ 0.012.

11.5 Finite-Time Performance Analysis

The quasistatic analysis above cannot be applied to the discussion of power out-put, because the process is assumed infinitely slow. The thermodynamics of fullynon-equilibrium processes is still a difficult problem nowadays. Often, various

11 Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion in Heusler Alloys 285

assumptions are adopted to study finite-rate processes so that analysis analogousto that used in equilibrium thermodynamics, e.g. Gibbs’ theory, can be used. In thissection, we validate Gibbs’ picture of first order phase transformation by adopt-ing the assumption of endoreversibility [20, 23, 24]. Hence, we are able to modelfinite-rate—but not far from equilibrium—processes for energy conversion usingphase-changing multiferroic materials. We should mention that the assumption ofendoreversibility also gives results in broad agreement with many kinds of energyconversion devices in use today [20, 33].

The basic idea of an endoreversible process is that the irreversibility only comesfrom the energy exchange between the system and the environment, e.g. heat trans-fer. The processes in the system, called the inner processes (inner cycles), are stillquasistatic. So the work output for a process is calculated in the same way as for aquasistatic process. To get power output, we just need to know the time duration ofthe process. That is, for a cyclic process the power output is

P = 1

|C |∫C

qdt. (11.41)

For example, the system undergoes a Carnot cycle with working temperature T+and T−, called the inner cycle. The isothermal heating and cooling are modeled byNewton’s law of cooling

q± = αh±(τ± − T±), (11.42)

where α is the ratio between the area for heat exchange and the volume of thespecimen, h± are respectively the heat transfer coefficient in the unit W m−2 K−1,and τ± are the ambient temperature (temperature of the heat reservoir) during thetwo isothermal processes. Clearly, we have the constraint τ− < T− < T+ < τ+.Curzon and Alborn [20] discussed these kind of cycles in detail. Here, we focus onthose driven by a first-order phase transformation.

Recalling the assumptions CaT0 � L and CmT0 � L , we note that the twoadiabatic processes in the endoreversible Carnot cycle take negligible time. Using(11.33), the power output is therefore

P = L(T+ − T−)

T0(t+ + t−), (11.43)

where t± are the time cost by the two isothermal processes. The efficiency is stillthe Carnot efficiency, but based on the environmental temperatures. However, sinceour control parameters are in fact τ± instead of T± in this case, we need to rewriteefficiency and power output in terms of the former.

The relation between T± and τ±, and the values of t± originate from the heattransfer law (11.42) and the Clausius-Clapeyron relation (11.38). Taking the heating

286 Y. Song et al.

at T+ as an example, the total amount of heat that needs to be supplied in order tofinish the phase transformation is, according to (11.35),

L+ = T+�S(T+) = LT+T0

. (11.44)

The time t+ is therefore

t+ = L+q+

= LT+αh+T0(τ+ − T+)

. (11.45)

To further eliminate T+, we need to use the fact that T+ is the transformation tem-perature that deviates from T0 due the presence of the back field Hb via the Clausius-Clapeyron relation (11.38).

Recalling the previous discussion in Sect. 11.3, in particular (11.8), the back fieldis related to the rate of change of magnetization. A full simulation of (11.8) isquite complicated and requires a lot of additional information about the device. Areasonable estimate of the rate of change in magnetization is the linear interpolationM± = ±�M/t±. Then the back field can be obtained by first solving (11.8) for thecurrent I . As proposed by Song [25], a simple upper bound of the current can serveas an estimate, which leads to a linear dependence of the back field on M±. Hencethe total external fields during heating and cooling are respectively H0−�M±. Then(11.38) reads


= 1 − μ0�M(H0 − �M+)

L. (11.46)

Applying the same argument to T− leads to the new expressions of efficiency andpower output

η = C�(M+ − M−)

�M − C(H0 − �M+), (11.47a)

P = − LC�M+M−(�M)2

. (11.47b)

And the corresponding frequency is

f = − M+M−�M(M+ − M−)

. (11.48)

Note that this frequency is a result of enforcing M± and the assumption that the innercycle is a Carnot cycle, so it is not a control parameter of the cycle.

11 Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion in Heusler Alloys 287

Substituting M± = ±�M/t± into (11.45) yields

M± = g(zz′±, τ±)(�M − CH0)

2C�, (11.49)

where z′+ = 1, z′− = h−/h+, and τ± = τ±�M/(�M − CH0)T0 are the ambient

temperatures normalized by the transformation temperature under H0. The dimen-sionless function g(x, y) is defined as

g(x, y) = −x − 1 +√

(x + 1)2 + 4x(y − 1). (11.50)

Finally, we obtain as a figure of merit the dimensionless parameter

z = C�αh+T0�M

(�M − CH0)L. (11.51)

Two time scales are involved in the figure of merit: (i) the electromagnetic induc-tion time scale � and (ii) the heat transfer time scale L/αh+T0. A larger ratio of theformer to the latter leads to a larger z. A larger C gives a larger z, too.

Efficiency, power output and frequency can all be expressed in terms of z and thefunction g(x, y):

η = g(zz′+, τ+) − g(zz′−, τ−)

2 + g(zz′+, τ+), (11.52a)

P = P�M

(�M − CH0)αh+T0= −g(zz′+, τ+)g(zz′−, τ−)

4z, (11.52b)

f = f2C��M

�M − CH0= − g(zz′+, τ+)g(zz′−, τ−)

g(zz′+, τ+) − g(zz′−, τ−). (11.52c)

Since limx→∞ g(x, y) = 2(y − 1), we have

limz→∞ η = τ+ − τ−

τ+, lim

z→∞ P = 0, limz→∞ f = �M − CH0


(τ+ − 1)(1 − τ−)

τ+ − τ−.


That is as z → ∞, the Carnot efficiency is recovered, but the power output vanishes.When x is in the vicinity of zero, g(x, y) = 2x(y − 1) + O(x2). Thus, we have thesimplified formulas for small z, up to the order O(z),

η = z · [(τ+−) + h′(1 − τ−)

], (11.54a)

P = z · αh−T0

(1 − CH0


)(τ+ − 1)(1 − τ−), (11.54b)

f = αh+T0


h−(τ+ − 1)(1 − τ−)

h+(τ+ − 1) + h−(1 − τ−). (11.54c)

288 Y. Song et al.

(a) (b)


Fig. 11.6 a Efficiency, (b) effective power output, and (c) effective frequency of the proposeddevice with the figure of merit varying from 0.1 to 10. In a, green thin solid lines are the efficiencyfor the thermal-magnetic generators with different z values. The z value increases from 0.1 to 10,as the efficiency curve moves from bottom to top. The purple and red thick solid curves representthe Carnot and Curzon-Ahlborn [20] (C-A) efficiencies, respectively. The blue thick solid curvecorresponds to thermoelectric generators with the ZT value of 2. b and c are contour plots. In all ofthese plots, we choose z′± = h′ = 1 and τ− = 0.5. Reproduced from [25] with permission © ThePCCP Owner Societies (Color figure online)

So when z is small, η and P grow in the order of z.Song [25] discussed in detail this endoreversible model, and Fig. 11.6 is the cal-

culation for z ∈ [0.1, 10]. In Fig. 11.6, the efficiency of thermoelectric is calculatedusing the formula

ηTE = τ+ − τ−τ+

√1 + Z T − 1√

1 + Z T + τ+/τ−, (11.55)

where T = (τ+ + τ−)/2, and Z T is the so-called figure of merit for thermoelectricmaterials. The value of ZT depends on the Seebeck coefficient, the electric andthermal conductivity of the material, in addition to the working temperatures. Formost of the existing thermoelectric materials, ZT is less than 2 over a wide rangeof temperature. In Fig. 11.6, Z T is chosen to be 2 for the comparison. An importantobservation from Fig. 11.6 is that the power output reaches a maximum at z = 1,when h− = h+ and τ− = 0.5, and for the same z gives the Curzon-Alborn efficiency,at which many existing heat engines operate [20, 33].

11 Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion in Heusler Alloys 289

Table 11.2 Methods of conversion of heat to electricity using phase transformations inmultiferroics

Phase 1 Phase 2 Physics Notes

1. Ferromagnetic Nonmagnetic Faraday’s law Biasing by apermanent magnet;external coil

2. Ferroelectric Nonferroelectric Ohm’s law Biasing by a capacitor;polarization-inducedcurrent

3. Ferromagnetic; highanisotropy

Ferromagnetic; lowanisotropy

Faraday’s law Biasing by apermanent magnet,external coilintermediate magneticfield;

4. Ferroelectric; highpermittivity

Ferroelectric; lowpermittivity

Ohm’s law Biasing by a capacitor,intermediate electricfield;polarization-inducedcurrent

5. Ferromagnetic;large Ms near Tc

Nonmagnetic Faraday’s law Second-ordertransition; biasing by apermanent magnet[34]

6. Ferroelectric; largePs near Tc

Nonpolar Ohm’s law Second-ordertransition; biasing by acapacitor [35]

7. Metal Insulator orsemiconductor

Ohm’s law Biasing by a capacitor;polarization-inducedcurrent

8. Nonpolar;nonmagnetic


Stress-inducedtransformation;Faraday’s law

Shape-memory enginedriving generator;biased by stress [36]

In all cases the transformation is induced by direct heating and cooling. Ms is the saturation mag-netization. Ps the saturation polarization, and Tc the Curie temperature (magnetic or ferroelectric,resp.) (Reproduced from [1] with permission © John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

11.6 Other Similar Energy Conversion Methods

The method discussed in this chapter mainly concerns the transformation from aferromagnetic phase to a nonmagnetic one. In fact, there are many other similarkinds of phase transformation can be utilized, which are summarized in Table11.2.Some of them have been prototyped, while many are waiting to be explored. Mostof these multiferroic properties have been found in Heusler alloys.

Acknowledgments TheworkofYSandRJwas supported by theMURIproject FA9550-12-1-0458(managed by AFOSR), ONR N00014-14-1-0714 and NSF-PIRE OISE-0967140. The contributionof CL was supported by the DOE under award DE-FG02-06ER46275

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