chapter 22: world war ii, 1941–1945 the new world rescues the old world-yet again

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Chapter 22: World War II, 1941–1945

The New World Rescues the Old World-Yet Again

Fighting World War II-Crash Courses


• (Mr. Greene)


• (Hip Hughes)

I. Fighting World War II: The Road to War

• During the 1930s, Americans were preoccupied with the domestic economic crises wrought by the Great Depression.

• International relations and foreign affairs initially played a minor role in FDR’s administration.

• However, despite America’s tendency toward isolationism and reluctance to become involved in further European entanglements, especially after World War I, events in Asia and Europe quickly took center stage, as international order and the rule of law seemed to disintegrate in the mid-1930s.

I. Fighting World War II: The Road to War

• In 1931, seeking to expand its power in Asia, Japan invaded Manchuria, a northern province in China. In 1937, it pushed further, committing a massacre of 300,000 Chinese prisoners of war and civilians at Nanjing.

••Japanese Expansionism Before and During World War Two (WWII) - Part 1 (9m)

I. Fighting World War II: The Road to War

• In Europe, Hitler, after consolidating his rule within Germany, launched a campaign to dominate the continent. He violated the Versailles Treaty by pursuing a massive rearmament and, in 1936, by sending troops into the Rhineland, a demilitarized zone between France and Germany.

•• Hitler's Occupation of the Rhineland (1m)

I. Fighting World War II: The Road to War

• (The failure of Britain, France, and the United States to oppose Hitler’s aggression convinced him that these democracies would not resist his future intended aggressions.)

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyThis Hand Guides the Reich

I. Fighting World War II: The Road to War

Benito Mussolini, the father of fascism in Italy, invaded and conquered Ethiopia in 1935. (Abyssinia)••Abyssinia Crisis, 1935 - The failure of the League of Nations (5m)

I. Fighting World War II: The Road to War

• When General Francisco Franco in 1936 mounted a rebellion against the democratically elected government of Spain, Hitler and Mussolini sent men and arms to support him. In 1939, Franco won and established another fascist government in Europe.

–– WWII in Colour: Spanish Civil War (9m)

I. Fighting World War II: The Road to War

• Hitler then annexed Austria and Sudetenland, a German area of Czechoslovakia, and soon thereafter invaded and annexed all of that nation, too. *Part of his plan to unite all Europeans of German origin in a single empire.*

•• Hitler in the Sudetenland (3m)

I. Fighting World War II: The Road to War

•Throughout the 1930s, Roosevelt became more and more alarmed by Hitler’s actions in Germany and Europe, but in 1937 called only for a “quarantine” of aggressors. Roosevelt had little choice but to follow the “appeasement” policy of France and Britain, who hoped that agreeing to Hitler’s demands could prevent war.

• In 1938, British prime minister Neville Chamberlain returned from the *Munich conference of 1938*, which awarded the Sudetenland (S.W. Czechoslovakia) to Hitler, promising “peace in our time.”

–– Neville Chamberlain returns from Germany with the Munich

Agreement (2m)

II. Fighting World War II-Isolationism

• The threat posed by Germany and Japan seemed distant to most Americans, and Hitler, in fact, had many admirers in America, from those who praised his anti-communism to businessmen who profited from business with the Nazis, such as Henry Ford.

• Trade also continued with Japan, including shipments of American trucks, aircraft, and oil, which amounted to 80 percent of Japan’s oil supply. Many Americans now believed American involvement in World War I had been a mistake and benefitted only international bankers and arms producers.

II. Fighting World War II: Isolationism

• 1. American businessmen did not want to give up profitable overseas markets in Japan and Germany.

• 2. Many Americans were reluctant to get involved in seemingly endless European conflicts because of the legacy of World War I.

• (100,000+ American war dead from World War I)

• 3. Italian-Americans and German-Americans did not want to fight against their ancestral homelands. Irish-Americans despised the British.

• 4. Congress favored isolationism, as seen with various Neutrality Acts-banned travel on belligerent ships and arms shipments to warring nations.

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyIn a 1940 cartoon, war clouds engulf Europe

III. Fighting World War II: War in Europe• In the *Munich agreement of 1938*, Britain and France had caved

in to Hitler’s aggression. To make matters even worse….

-Communist Soviet dictator Josef Stalin signed a non-aggression pact w/ Hitler, in 1939, who then immediately invaded Poland, on September 1.

-Britain and France then declared war on Germany, because of an earlier pledge to protect Poland from aggression.

-Within a year all of 1-Poland, much of Scandinavia (2-Denmark and 3-Norway), 4-Belgium, and 5- the Netherlands were all occupied by the Germans.

-On June 14, 1940, Germans marched into 6-Paris, France.

(All of these nations fell from Sept. 1, 1939-June, 14, 1940) (9 months)

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyA newsreel theater in New York’s Times

III. Fighting World War II: War in Europe• *Germany invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939.*

– “-Blitzkreig” appeared unstoppable–– WWll 1st of September 1939 Invasion of Poland in colour,


For nearly two years, Britain stood virtually alone in fighting Germany.

• Winston Churchill, who became Prime minister in 1940, at the age of sixty-five, vowed to resist a threatened Nazi invasion of the British mainland.

• In the Battle of Britain of 1940-1941, the Luftwaffe (German air force) launched devastating attacks on Britain, particularly London, in the “Blitz.” Resisted valiantly by the RAF (Royal Air Force).

III. Fighting World War II: War in Europe

–– WWll in Colour-The Battle of Britain and the Blitz Over

London (10m)

–– (Prime Minister Winston Churchill: This Was Their Finest Hour)


–– (Churchill: We Shall Fight on the Beaches) (2m)

III. Fighting World War II: War in Europe

FDR wished to help Britain, but American public opinion and isolationist sentiment limited him.

Churchill pointedly called upon the U.S. to help when he asked for the “new world, with all its power and might,” to come to the rescue of the old.

III. Fighting World War II-The War in Europe


• Winston Churchill Appeals to the U.S. for help: "Give us the tools, and we will finish the Job," 9th February 1941 (3m)


• Winston Churchill again appeals to the U.S. for help: "United We Stand, Divided We Fall," 16th June 1941 (2m)

IV. Fighting World War II: Toward Intervention

• Though Roosevelt considered Hitler a direct threat to the United States, most Americans simply wanted to avoid war.

• After fierce debate, Congress in 1940 approved plans for military rearmament and agreed to sell arms to Britain on a “cash and carry” basis—Britain would pay in cash for arms and transport them in British ships.

• But Roosevelt, mindful of the 1940 presidential election, went no further.

• Opponents of American intervention mobilized, and included such prominent individuals as Henry Ford, Father Coughlin, and Charles A. Lindbergh

IV. Fighting World War II: Toward Intervention

• In 1940, breaking with a tradition that dated back to George Washington, FDR announced his candidacy for a third term as president. (Felt the world-wide situation was too dangerous and the domestic/home front too fragile for him to leave office.)

• At FDR’s urging, Congress passed the Lend Lease Act in 1941 . FDR called the U.S. ‘The Great Arsenal of Democracy,’ and froze Japanese assets.

•• US President Franklin Roosevelt addresses the nation

regarding the lend lease aid...HD Stock Footage (3m)

Interventionists tried to awaken a reluctant country to prepare for war. War described as an ideological struggle between dictatorship and the “free world.”

V. Fighting World War II: Pearl Harbor

• Meanwhile, in the Pacific…..

• With the government’s attention on Europe….• Out of a clear blue Hawaiian sky….

V. Fighting World War II: Pearl Harbor

• On December 7, 1941, Japanese plans launched a surprise attack from aircraft carriers bombed the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

• The sneak attack killed more than 2,000 American soldiers and sailors and destroyed much of the base and the U.S. Pacific Fleet.

• Roosevelt, calling December 7 a “date which will live in infamy,” asked Congress to declare war on Japan, which it did nearly unanimously.

• The next day Germany, in turn, declared war on America and the United States had finally entered the largest war in history.

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyThe battle ships West Virginia and Tennessee in flames

V. Fighting World War II: Pearl Harbor


• Pearl Harbor - Dec. 7, 1941 - The only color film of the attack (6m)


• (FDR asks for a declaration of war against Japan. (12/8/41 (7m)

VI. Fighting World War II: The War in the Pacific

• *The first few months of American involvement in the war with Japan witnessed an unbroken string of military disasters.*

• Japan took even more territory in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, including Guam, the Philippines (capturing tens of thousands of U.S. troops, thousands of whom died on the way to and within prisoner camps), and other Pacific islands.


• (Bataan Death March) (2m)

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & Company

Some of the 13,000 American troops forcedto surrender to the Japanese

VI. Fighting World War II: The War in the Pacific

• The tide of war turned with the battles at Coral Sea and Midway in May and June 1942.

• These successes allowed the United States to begin a step-by-step “island-hopping” campaign to reclaim vital and strategic territories in the Pacific.

•• Battle of the Coral Sea - Lest We Forget (6m)•• Battle Of Midway - WWII in colour (8m)

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyMap 22.1 World War II in the Pacific, 1941-1945

VII. Fighting World War II: The War in Europe

• Meanwhile…the American war effort in Europe was first fought in North Africa and Italy.

• In November 1942, British and American forces invaded North Africa and, by May 1943, forced the surrender of German forces there.

•• (El-Alamein and Tunisia) (10m)

• [By this time, the Allies had also gained an advantage in the fight in the Atlantic Ocean against German submarines.]

•• (German U-Boats and the Battle of the Atlantic) (2m)

VII. Fighting World War II: The War in Europe

• In July 1943, American and British forces invaded Sicily and began the liberation of Italy, whose government, led by Mussolini, was overthrown by popular revolt. Fighting continued against German forces there throughout 1944.

•• (N. Africa in WW2, 3m)

•• (The Italian Campaign, 4m)

VII. Fighting World War II: The War in Europe

• *America’s main fight in Europe began on June 6, 1944—D-Day.* On this date, nearly 200,000 American, British and Canadian soldiers led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower invaded Normandy in northern France. More than a million troops soon followed them, in the largest sea-land operation in history. The Germans resisted but retreated, and by August, Paris had been liberated.

•• (Archive Video Of The D-Day Normandy Landings, 9m)

•• (Omaha Beach, D-Day, 6 June 1944, 4m)

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & Company

Members of the U.S. Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guardtaking part in an amphibious assault

VII. Fighting World War II: The War in Europe

• Some say the most crucial fighting in Europe took place on the eastern front between Germany and the Soviet Union, where millions of Germans and Soviet troops faced each other in very costly battles, and particularly at *Stalingrad*, where a German siege ended in a German surrender to the Soviets, a decisive defeat for Hitler.

• Other Russian victories marked the end of Hitler’s advance and the beginning of the end of the Nazi empire in eastern Europe. A full 10 million of Germany’s nearly 14 million casualties were inflicted on the eastern front, and millions of Poles and Russians, many of them civilians, perished.

•• The Battle Of Stalingrad. The deadliest and most important

battle in human history (13m)

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyMap 22.2 World War II in Europe, 1942-1945

VII. Fighting World War II: The War in Europe

• The war claimed millions of lives– Hitler’s “Final Solution”. The Holocaust= 6+ million Jews and

others (Gypsies/Roma, homosexuals, the disabled, political prisoners/dissenters, POWs)

– Explore the following site: The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum


Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & Company

Prisoners at a German concentration campliberated by Allied troops in 1945.

VIII. The Home Front-Mobilizing for War

• Within the United States, the war transformed the role of the federal government. Roosevelt established new wartime agencies such as the War Production Board, War Manpower Commission, and Office of Price Administration to control labor distribution, shipping, manufacturing quotas, and fix wages, prices, and rents. The number of federal workers rose from 1 million to 4 million, and unemployment, at a rate of 14 percent in 1940, virtually disappeared by 1943.

• The government sold millions in war bonds, hiked taxes, and starting taking income tax from Americans’ paychecks.

IX. The Home Front: Business and the War

• Wartime production was gargantuan in scale and shocking in its intensity, not only making military equipment by the millions, but also leading to inventions such as radar, jet engines, and early computers.

•• The Arm Behind the Army 1942 US Army; Industrial

Production for World War II (10m)

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyMap 22.3 War Time Army and Navy Bases and Airfields

X. The Home Front: Fighting for the Four Freedoms

• World War II came to be remembered as the Good War, in which the nation united behind noble aims. But all wars need the mobilization of public opinion, and *freedom* was a prominent theme in efforts to “sell” the war.

• Roosevelt believed the Four Freedoms represented essential American values that could be universalized across the globe. 1-Freedom from fear meant a desire not only for peace, but for long-term security in a chaotic world. The importance of 2/3-freedom of speech and religion seemed self-evident, but their prominence emphasized the new significance of First Amendment protections of free expression.

• 4-Freedom from want seemed the most ambiguous of the Four Freedoms. Through FDR first used it to refer to eliminating barriers to trade, he soon linked this freedom to guaranteeing a standard of living for American workers and farmers by preventing a return of the Depression. FDR argued this would bring “real freedom for the common man.

X. The Home Front: Fighting for the Four Freedoms, The Office of War Information

• The Office of War Information (OWI), was established in 1942 to foster public support for the war.

• Liberal staff at the OWI tried to portray the war as a “people’s fight for freedom” against fascism and tyranny, giving it an ideological meaning while trying to avoid nationalist hysteria.

• Images of America standing for liberty in a world overrun by tyranny and slavery recalled the American Revolution and emancipation during the Civil War.

X. The Home Front: Fighting for the Four Freedoms, The Fifth Freedom

• With the OWI’s demise, mobilizing public opinion fell to private advertising firms that urged Americans to buy war bonds and take other patriotic actions. These advertising firms, which sold manufactured goods for big business, worked with the National Association of Manufacturers and other companies to suggest that Roosevelt had missed a fifth freedom—“free enterprise.”

XII. The Home Front: Women at War

• War mobilization sparked an unprecedented growth in women’s employment to fill industrial jobs left by men. Government and private ads celebrated the independent women worker with images like Rosie the Riveter, the female industrial labor painted by Norman Rockwell as a muscle-bound and self-reliant woman. With 15 million men in the military, women in 1944 were one-third of the civilian workforce, and 350,000 women served in auxiliary military units.

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & Company

A female lathe operator in a Texas plant that producedtransport planes.

XII. The Home Front: Women at War, Women at Work

• Yet government, employers, and unions saw women’s work as only a temporary wartime necessity. Though ads told women working in factories that they were “fighting for freedom,” their language promoted victory, not women’s rights or independence. After the war, most women war workers, especially those in high-paying industrial positions, lost their jobs to men.

• Women at work WWII 1943 (1m)

XIII. The American Dilemma: Japanese-American Internment

• The military, facing an explosion of anti-Asian sentiment and fearing an invasion, persuaded Roosevelt to issue an order in early 1942 that expelled all persons of Japanese descent from the West Coast. 110,000 men, women, and children—two-thirds of whom were American citizens—were removed to internment camps far from home, where they were confined in an environment of military discipline and surveillance.

• No court hearings, due process, or writs of habeus corpus challenged the internment, which was supported almost universally by the press, the Congress, and public opinion. The Supreme Court upheld the policy, arguing that an order applying only to Japanese was not based on race.

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyMap 22.4 Japanese- Americans

Japanese-American Internment


• Japanese Internment Camps During WWII (2m)

XIV. The End of the War

• In early 1945, Allied triumph seemed inevitable. Hitler momentarily pushed the Allies back in France with a surprise counterattack that created a huge bulge in Allied lines. Though the Battle of the Bulge was the largest single battle ever fought by the U.S. Army and inflicted 70,000 American casualties, the German assault failed, and by March, American troops had crossed into Germany.

•• WWII in HD: Battle of the Bulge (3m)

XIV. The End of the War• Hitler killed himself, Soviet troops took Berlin, and on May 8,

V-E Day (Victory in Europe), the war against Germany ended. U.S. forces in the Pacific moved closer to Japan after retaking Guam and the Philippines in 1944 and a decisive naval victory at Leyte Gulf.

•• Rare Battle For Berlin Footage (3m)•• Battle of Guam: "The 957th Day" 1944 US Navy in the

Pacific, World War II (10min) •• (Battle of Leyte Gulf, 14m)

XIV. The End of the War: The Most Terrible Weapon

• In the 1944 presidential election, Roosevelt defeated Thomas E. Dewey, Republican governor of New York, and won an unprecedented fourth term.

• But FDR died on April 12, 1945, before the Allies secured victory. His successor, Harry S. Truman, immediately faced an extraordinary decision—whether to use the atomic bomb against Japan. Truman, not knowing about the weapon project before becoming president, was told by the secretary of war that the United States had built “the most terrible weapon ever known in human history.”

•• Newsreel story about the life and career of Franklin

Delano Roosevelt. Transferred from original 35mm print. (7m)

XV. The End of the War: The Dawn of the Atomic Age

• On August 6, 1945, a U.S. plane dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. It destroyed virtually the entire city and killed 70,000 immediately (140,000 more died from radiation by the end of 1945, and thousands more died in the next five years).

• Three days later, the United States dropped a second bomb on Nagasaki that killed 70,000.

• The same day, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan and invaded Manchuria. Japan quickly surrendered.

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & CompanyOn August 10, 1945, the day after the detonation

After the A-Bomb, Hiroshima and Nagasaki


• This 1946 film shows actual footage of the atomic bomb destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. (12m)

XVI. The End of the War: Planning the Postwar World

• During the conflict, meetings between Allied leaders outlined the architecture of international relations in the postwar period. Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin met in Tehran, Iran, in 1943 and at Yalta in the Soviet Union in 1945 to develop agreements. The last “Big Three” conference occurred at Potsdam, outside Berlin, in July 1945 and involved Stalin, *Truman*, and Churchill.

•• (Big Three at Tehran) (5m)

•• Big Three Conference At Yalta Aka Big Three Meeting - 1st

Pictures (1945) (3m)

•• Potsdam Conference: Big Three: Truman, Stalin & Churchill

Meet in Berlin 1945 US US OWI Newsreel (5m)

Give Me Liberty!: An American history, 3rd EditionCopyright © 2011 W.W. Norton & Company

The Big Three—Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill—attheir first meeting,

XVI. The End of the War: Planning the Postwar World

• There Allied leaders created a military administration for Germany and agreed to try Nazi officials for war crimes.

•• Nuremberg Trials Key Moments [Full Resolution]

• None of the three great Allied powers entirely trusted each other, and each vied for geostrategic advantage.

• The Allies’ decision to delay the invasion of Europe cost many Russian lives on the eastern front and incited Soviet resentment, but their sacrifice persuaded Britain and the United States to allow the Soviet Union to dominate eastern Europe.

XVII. The End of the War: Yalta and Bretton Woods

• At* Yalta*, Roosevelt and Churchill barely protested Stalin’s plans to control areas of eastern Europe that had been part of the Russian empire before World War I.

• Stalin agreed to enter the war on Japan later in 1945, include non-communists in the pro-Soviet Polish government, and allow free elections there. But Stalin intended to make eastern Europe communist, and soon the Allies disagreed over the region’s fate.

• Churchill also resisted U.S. pressure to move toward national independence for India and other British colonies, and he made separate, private deals with Stalin to split southern and eastern Europe into separate spheres of influence.

• Britain also fought American efforts to control the postwar global economy.

XVII. The End of the War: Yalta and Bretton Woods

• Delegations from forty-five nations that met at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in July 1945 replaced the British pound with the U.S. dollar as the main currency for international exchange. The meeting also created two U.S.-dominated financial institutions. The 1-World Bank would provide money to developing nations and help rebuild Europe, and the 2-International Monetary Fund would prevent government from devaluing their currencies for trade advantages.

•• A short introduction to the Bretton Woods System (5m)

XVIII. The End of the War: The United Nations

• In 1944, near Washington, D.C., the “Dumbarton Oaks meeting,” the Allies also founded a successor organization to the League of Nations. The new United Nations (UN) would consist of a General Assembly of nations where each member nation had an equal voice and a Security Council tasked with maintaining world peace and security.

• • The Security Council had six rotating members and five permanent ones—

Britain, China, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States, each with the power to veto resolutions. In June 1945, fifty-one countries meeting in San Francisco adopted the UN Charter, which outlawed force or its threat as a means for settling international disputes, and the next month, Congress endorsed it.

•• Delegations from the US, Britain and the Soviet Union attend

the Dumbarton Oaks C...HD Stock Footage

XIX. The End of the War: Peace, but not Harmony

• The war *radically redistributed world power.* The major military powers of Japan and German were defeated. Britain and France were weakened. While only America and the Soviet Union could still project their own power on the international stage, the *United States essentially became the dominant nation in the world.*

• But international harmony did not follow the peace. Soviet occupation of eastern Europe soon helped spark the Cold War, and the atomic bombs inspired much fear across the globe.

Warlords: Churchill vs. Roosevelt


• (45m)

Warlords: Churchill vs. Stalin


• (45m)

Warlords: Roosevelt vs. Stalin


• (45m)

Mini-biography on Josef Stalin


Mini-biography on Winston Churchill


Mini-biography, Adolf Hitler


Dwight D. Eisenhower, mini-bio


Harry S Truman-Mini-Bio


General George Patton-speech


The Big Picture - George C. Marshall - Part 1 of 2

• (14m)

Henry H. “Hap” Arnold


Omar Bradley-America’s Last 5-Star general


Georgi Zhukov-Soviet General


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