chapter 3 excretion

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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form 3 science


1,1j NltwsttEtst*lon

1 Which of these statementsbest describes the processof excretion?A It is the process by

which blood is filteredand cleansed by thekidneys.

B It is the process bywhich undigested foodis removed by rhe bodythrough the anus.

C It is the process

whereby plantsshed their leaves inunfavourableconditions.

D It is the process bywhich excretoryproducts produced bythe activities ofcells are

removed from the body.

Which of the following isnot an excretory organ?A SkinB I IeartC Lungs

D Kidneys

Which of rhe followingprocesses would be affectedifthe kidneys are foundnot to be functioningproperly?A DigestionB ExcretionC RespirationD Reproduction

Each question below is followed by four possible answers, A, B, C and D. Choose the correct or best answer.

Which of these substances

is not an excretoryproduct?A UreaB WaterC Amino acidD Carbon dioxide

Which of the following are

correctly matched?

Skin Urea

Kidney Protein

Lungs Carbondioxide

A X and Y onlyB X and Z onlyC Y andZonlyD X, Y and, Z

Which of these substances

is not removed by thesweat glands ofthe skin?A UreaB WaterC Mineral salts

D Carbon dioxide

The diagram shows a partofthe human excretorysystem.


What are K I and M?

r L


Urethra Urcter


Urcter Urethra

Kidney Urinarybladder



Penis lvledulla

a R

PeMs Medulla Corta(

C-orto( Medulla Pelvis

I).,ramid Llreter Capsule

Nephron Urethra Ureter

3.2 l- met llr,i n aru Sy,ste m int

Mgtt8 'lhe diagram shows the

Iongitudinal section of ahuman kidney.

What are P, Q and R?


Which pan of the humanexcretory system stores

urine formed by thekidneys3A PelvisB UreterC UrethraD Llrinary bladder





{Jrine producedis expelled from

What are parts 4 Q, R and S?

What will happen if theureters are blocked?A Urea cannot enter the

kidneys.B Urine cannot enter the

kidneys.C Urine cannot enter the

body caviryD Urine cannot enter the

urinary bladder

The diagram shows theIongitudinal section of a

human kidney.

Which statements arecorrect?

I K is dark-red in colour.[[ I transports

deoxygenated bloodfrom the kidney back tothe heart.

III M connects the kidneyto the urinary bladder.

A I and II onlyB I and III onlyC II and III onlyD I, ll and III

The statement describes a brief mechanism ofthe excretorysystem.

Urine formed in thekidneys is sent to theurinary bladder by theA urelerB urethraC tubulesD renal anery

Which of these substancesare found in the urine of ahealthy person?I l]reaII Clucose

III ProteinIV Dxcess waterA Iand II CB I and IV D

II and IIIIII and IV

Which of these can causekidney failure?I Drugs or chemicalsII High blood pressure

III Infections caused bymicroorganisms

A I and II onlyB I and III onlyC II and III onlyD I, II and III

Ifboth kidneys ofa personfail and kidney donors arenot available, the personwould have toA use a dialysis machine

to filter the blood





P fiKidney Ureter Urinarv bladder Urethra

Kidney Urethra Urinary bladder Ureter

Ureter Kidney Urethra Urinary bladder

Urethra Kidney Ureter Urinary bladder


exercise more to makethe kidneys work againtake herbal medicine torejuvenate the kidneysundergo bloodtransfr:sion to obtainnew blood

17 What is dialysis?A It is a type ofblood

transfusion using a

machine.B It is a chemical method

of cleaning the blood ina machine.

C It is the method ofregenerating bloodusing a machine.

D It is the process offiltering and cleaningthe blood using amachine

18 'lhe following are steps

f;11 in the workings of a* haemodialvsis machine.

R - Blood from r

' patrent ls pr.l'into a dialysrconlalnl

,rl',.. of semi-"r :r - (ubings.

S , The dialthe wast

,r away lic'lr'. and is d

T - A dialvsr

o S






Anange the steps in thecorrect order of oPeration.A P+ Q+R >S>TB R+T+P+Q+SC Q+T+P+R+SD T+P>R>Q+S

19 Which statements are trueabout the human kidneYs?

I Kidney failure leads toan accumulation oftoxic excretory waste inthe blood.

Il Ce(ain drugs orchemicals can damagethe function of kidneYs.

III Kidney failure will lead

to death.A I and II onlYB I and III onlYC II and III onlYD I, ll and III

_3.3rUggelbttii&PlgutA20 Which ofthese substances

are excretory Products ofplants?

I Latex

II CumsIll Resins

A I and II onlyB I and III onlyC II and III onlyD l, lt and tll

21 Which of these statements

is true about excretion inplants?A Plants do not produce

excretory products.

Plants have specialorBans to eliminateexcretory Products.Plants eliminateexcretory productsthrough transpiration.Plants store excretoryproducts in their roots.

22 Which of the following are


leaves ofthe poppyplant


Stem ofthe rubbertree


Bark ofthecinchonatree





,l and ( only.l and L onlyK and I onlyl,Kar.dL

Which of these plant parts

contains an excretoryproduct which is used as

oil?A Resin ofthe pine tree

B Stem of the rubber tree

C Leaf ofthe EucalyptustIee

D llower ofthe tobaccoplant


24 Excess water and carbondioxide can be removed

from plants thtough theA stomaB xylemC phloemD chloroplast

Which of these is not a

method used by plants toeliminate their excretoryproducts?A Removal of water

through the xylemvessels in the stem

B Elimination of excretoryproducts such as waterthrough the lenlicels inthe stemElimination of excretoryproducts such as carbondioxide through thestoma of leaves

Depositing the waste

products in Ieaves andother parts ofthe Plantswhich will die or dropoff

relAnswer all questions.

I The diagram shows the human urinary system.



(u) (i) Name the parts labelled p, e, R and S.


(ii) What is rhe funcrion of 7l

(b) Name the blood vessel that

(i) carries blood conraining excretory products into the kidneys,

(ii) carries blood relatively free from excretory products out ofthe kidneys.

(.) (i) Describe what happens to the body when both kidneys fail.

(ii) What is needed by a person whose kidneys are not functioning?



2 the following diagram shows a longitudinal section through a human kidney'



(u) (i) Complete the diagram by drawing and labelling the following parts of a kidney

Cortex Medulla Pelvis

(ii) Label, with an X, the parr that will carry the udne from the kidneys to a bladder

(iii) State what anows P and Q mean.



(b) (i) Describe the shape of the kidneys.

(ii) why is the pan labelled y important?

(c) (i) How is rhe dialysis machine similar to the functional units of the kidneys?

(ii) State two functions of the kidney in the human body.



3 The diagram shows a patient in a hospital undergoing a treatmenr.

What treatment is the patient unde€oing?(u) (i)

(ii) lxplain why the patient needs this treatment.

(iii) Name the instrument used in the treatment.

(b) State two methods of maintaining the health of the organ treated in rhe diagram.


(c) Besides the treatment shown in the diagram, what other altemative does the patient have?

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