chapter 4 section 3 (dna)

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DNAChapter 4 Section 37th Grade Life Science


Chapter 4: Section 37th Grade Life Science

Minersville Area Jr./Sr. High SchoolMr. Motuk



Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

A. What is DNA and Why is it important?

1. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid.

2. The chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell contains a code.

a. This code is in the form of a chemical called deoxyribonucleic acid. (DNA)


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

3. DNA is the master copy of an organism’s information code.

a. Every cell in your body contains your DNA.


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)B. History of DNA

1. Since the mid 1800’s, it has been known that the nuclei of the cells contains chemicals called nucleic acids.

2. Rosalind Franklin discovered that the DNA molecule was a strand of molecules in spiral shape.

a. Using X-ray technique Dr. Franklin showed that the molecule was so large it was probably made up of two spirals.

b. The structure of DNA is similar to the handrails and steps of a spiral staircase.


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

Rosalind Franklin


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)C. DNA Model

1. James Watson and Francis Crick made a model of a DNA molecule using the work of Dr. Franklin and others.

a. Watson and Crick determined the sides (handrails of the stairs) of the DNA molecule are made up of two twisted strands of SUGAR and PHOSPHATE molecules.


Watson and Crick

a. James Watson and Francis Crick studied the structure of DNA

b. Watson, Crick, Franklin video with Journal Entry!

c. Do not copy!!!


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)C (DNA Model) -1 (Watson and Crick Model)

b. The “stairs” that hold the two sugar phosphate strands (hand rails) apart are made up of molecules called nitrogen bases.


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

2. Four types of Nitrogen Bases in DNA

a. Adenine (represented with an A)

b. Guanine (represented with a G)

c. Cytosine (represented with a C)

d. Thymine (represented with a T)


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

C. DNA Model (continued)3. Watson and Crick discovered that the

nitrogen bases ALWAYS occur in pairs. a. The Watson and Crick model shows that:

1. Adenine pairs Thymine (A-T)2. Guanine pairs with Cytosine (G-C)3. Each base pairs up only with its correct partner!!!!


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

D. How DNA Copies Itself1. When chromosomes are doubled at

the beginning of cell division, the amount of the DNA in the nucleus is doubled.

a. This process is called DNA REPLICATION.


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)D. How DNA Copies Itself

2. Steps of DNA Replicationa. An enzyme breaks the bonds between the

nitrogen bases; the two strands separate. b. The bases attached to each strand then pair

up with new bases from a supply found in the cytoplasm.

i. Adenine pairs with Thymine, Cytosine pairs with Guanine.

ii. The order of the base pairings of DNA will match the order in the original DNA!!


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

D. How DNA Copies Itself2. Steps of DNA Replication

c. Sugar and phosphate groups from the side of each new DNA strand.

i. Each new DNA strand contains one strand of original DNA and one new strand of DNA

ii. Show video clip of DNA Replication.


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)E. Genes

1. DNA is important because all of the characteristics that you have are affected by the DNA that you have in your cells.

a. It controls things like eye color, hair color, and whether you can digest milk.

b. These characteristics are called TRAITS.c. How traits appear in you depends on the kinds

of proteins your cells make. d. DNA stores the blueprints for making proteins.


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

E. Genes2. Proteins are made up of amino acids.

a. Amino acids are linked in a certain order. i. The chain can be hundreds or thousands of

amino acids to create one protein. ii. Changing the order of one amino acid

would change the type of protein being made.


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

E. Genes3. The section of DNA

for a chromosome that directs the making of a specific protein is called a gene.

a. The gene gives the direction for the order in which amino acids will be made.


• We have at least 30,000 different genes. Each of us has two copies of every gene. One set of copies is inherited from our mother, the other from our father. They are made up of a complex chemical called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA controls all the processes which take place in our bodies by producing proteins which carry out the genes’ instructions.

• When genes are damaged they may cause the production of abnormal proteins that lead to disease. It is known that cancer can occur due to changes in particular genes


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

F. RNA (ribonucleic acid)1. Proteins are made by ribosomes.

(remember?)a. If the proteins are made by ribosomes,

and genes found on chromosomes tell what amino acids to make in order to from proteins, how does the information leave the nucleus?(Do not copy this Question?)


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

F. RNA (ribonucleic acid)2. The code for making proteins are

carried from the nucleus to the ribosomes by RNA.

3. RNA is different from DNAa. Made up of only one strand. b. Contains a nitrogen base called Uracil

(U) instead of Thymine (T).


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

F. RNA (ribonucleic acid)4. Two different types of RNA are made

from DNA in the nucleus. a. Messenger RNA (mRNA)b. Transport RNA (tRNA)


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)5. How does RNA work?

a. Protein assembly begins as mRNA moves out of the nucleus and attaches to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm.

b. Pieces of tRNA pick up amino acids in the cytoplasm and bring them to the ribosomes.

c. There tRNA temporarily matches up with mRNA and the amino acids become arranged according to the code carried by the mRNA.

d. The amino acids become bonded together and a protein molecule begins to form.


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)G. Mutations

1. Any permanent change in a gene or chromosome is called a mutation.

2. Causes of mutations: a. Error during replication of a gene. b. Occasionally a cell receives an entire extra

chromosome.c. Outside factors such as X-rays and chemicals

have been know to change or breakdown chromosomes.


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)G. Mutations

3. What Happens When Mutations Occur?

a. If a mutation occurs in a body cell it may or may not be life threatening.

b. If a mutation occurs in a sex cell then all the cells that are formed from that sex cell will have the mutation.


Chapter 4: Section 3 (DNA)

G. Mutations4. Are All Mutations Lethal? (Deadly)

a. Many mutations are harmful or deadly to organisms.

b. Some mutations do not appear to have any effect on the organism.

c. Mutations can be helpful in some organisms; they add variety and make them more resistant to certain diseases.


G. Mutations5. Video clip of

gene mutations and effects.

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