chapter 5 section 2 notes. i. rule and order in greek city-states

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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Chapter 5 Section 2 Notes

I. Rule and order in Greek City-States

A. Polis was the local city-state and

its surrounding farmland

B. Acropolis was the fortified hilltop

in a city-state

Acropolis at Athens

Acropolis at Athens

Parthanon at Athens

C. Political structure

1. In some city-states a king or

monarchy ruled

2. Aristocracy was a government ruled

by a small group of nobles

3. An oligarchy was a government ruled by a few powerful


D. New kind of army developed

1. Iron was more common than

bronze , cheaper more people could


2. More people from different classes

3. Foot soldiers called hoplites stood

side by side and formed the phalanx

Greek Phalanx

Todays Phalanx

E. Tyrants Seize Power

1. Gained control by appealing to the

poor and discontent

II. Sparta Builds a Military State

Acropolis at Sparta

A. Sparta was located on the Peloponnesus

B. Sparta conquered the Messinians

which were the local people around


1. The Messinians became known as Helots (farmers)

2. The Messinians outnumbered the


3. Spartans developed a

Military State

C. Sparta’s Government and


1. Two groups ruled Sparta

a. An assembly composed of free adult males and elected officials

b. Second group Council of Elders

1. Five elected officials called

Ephors carried out the laws

D. Spartan Education

1. For Men

a. Daily life centered around military training

b. Age 7 boys left home for military


c. Rigorous training

d. Intense discipline

2. For Girls

a. Service to Sparta above love of family

b. Did not have right to vote

c. Raise healthy babies

3. Most powerful army in Greece

a. Suppressed individual expression

b. Did not value art

c. Not much freedom


III. Athens Builds a Limited Democracy

A. Athens located on the Hellas

B. Democracy : a state ruled by the


1. Direct Democracy is where people vote directly

for issues

2. Representative Democracy is where people elect others

to rule for them also

called a republic

C. Only free adult males could vote

D. Athenians were in to art, philosophy , and the fine thing

of life

E. Political Reformers

1. 621 Draco records the first legal code for


2. Solon outlaws debt slavery in 594


3. Solon also introduced the legal

concept that any citizen could bring

legal charges against wrongdoers

4. Pisistratus in 546 provided funds for

farmers to buy back their farms from nobles

5. Cleisthenes in 508 B.C.

reorganizes the assembly to break

up the power of the nobles.

a. Creates the Council of Five


F. These political reforms kept Athenian

farmers from revolution and led to

Athens becoming a democracy

IV. The Persian Wars

A. Began at the city of Miletus on the Ionian peninsula

B. Darius I was the Persian king who

would lead his armies against the


C. In 490 B.C. Darius leads a fleet of 25,000

troops against the Greeks at the Battle of


1. The Greeks use the fighting

formation called a phalanx

2. Pheidipppides races back to Athens 26.2 miles away to

summon the Spartans that are


3. The Greeks would win at the

Battle of Marathon

D. In 480 B.C. Xerxes the son of Darius leads a

massive force some 75,000

Persians to the Battle of Thermopylae on the

northern Hellas against 7000 Greeks

1. Some 300 Spartans fight to the death for

three days before 25,000 Persians

finally break through

2. Now the Persians head towards


3. The Athenians head to a nearby

island called Salamis

E. The Battle of Salamis

1. The Persians follow the Athenians towards the island and the Athenians sink about

one third of the remaining Persians


2. Some Persians land on the island but are quickly killed by the

Spartans who are there waiting

3. Never again do the Persians come


F. Consequences of the Persian Wars

1. The Greeks no longer fight against the Persians, fight against each other

2. The Athenians create the Delian

League on the island of Delos

a. People of the Hellas and islands

off the Hellas

3. The Spartans create the

Peloponnesian League as a defense against the Delian


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