chapter 5 vocab list. 1. arbitrary adj. based on a whim, random the court needs exact evidence...

Post on 18-Jan-2018






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2. Coerce V.  To force somebody to do something Do not let someone coerce you into doing something you are not comfortable with.


Chapter 5 Vocab List

1. Arbitrary Adj.Based on a whim, random

The court needs exact evidence because it cannot make a decision on arbitrary evidence.

2. Coerce V.To force somebody to do something

Do not let someone coerce you into doing something you are not comfortable with.

3. Denounce V.To harshly criticize or condemn

something publiclyReverend Hale denounced the Salem court when he realized the girls were telling lies.

4. Esoteric Adj. Difficult to understand

Because I could not understand the esoteric instructions that came with my new computer, I had to hire someone to help me set it up.

5. Extemporaneous Adj.Performed without any preparation or

rehearsalWhen Suzi did not show up for our presentation, I had to put together an extemporaneous exhibit to present to the boss.

6. Fallacious adj.A mistaken belief or idea

Some believe in the fallacious idea that man did not really to go the moon.

7. Imbue V.To fill something with a particular quality

When children are imbued with a love for reading, school seems easier for them.

8. Juxtapose V.To place side by side to compare

When Brian juxtaposed his 7th grade essay with his 11th grade essay, he could tell a marked difference in quality.

9. Loath Adj.Reluctant to do something

(Loath to) I am loath to running a marathon because I do not think I could keep up the grueling pace for 26 miles.

10. Loathe V. To dislike somebody or something intensely

Kris loathes snakes so much that she will not go into a grassy area for fear one will slither around her feet.

11. Meticulous Adj.Extremely careful and precise

Kelsey’s meticulous handwriting helped her in getting the assistant job for the prestigious lawyer.

12. Paucity N. A lack of something

With the paucity of water in the reservoir, the mayor felt he needed to restrict watering lawns to every other day.

13. Pernicious Adj.Causing serious harm

The pernicious storm raced through the city with more intensity than had ever been seen before.

14. Phlegmatic Adj.Unemotional and difficult to arouse

Mrs. Keller had a difficult time getting the phlegmatic students get out their books for reading time.

15. Precocious Adj.Mentally advanced for age

Being the precocious child she was, Gabbi’s mother had to continually make explanations about her behavior.

Practice Assignment• Make flash cards for each word. Use two

sheets of computer paper and divide each sheet into eight sections. Cut along the fold to make 16 cards. On the front write the word and on the back write the definition. Use these flash cards to help you learn the word. Secure them with a rubber band to hand in.

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