chapter 7 multiple choice 7 quiz.pdf · c. texas has strong political parties and ineffective...

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Chapter 7 Multiple Choice

1. An organization of individuals with similar views that tries to influence government to respond favorably to its views is called a(n)

a. voluntary association. b. benevolent society. c. interest group. d. political party.

2. Interest groups try to influence public policy by a. lobbying only one specific political party. b. working only with a political party's leaders. c. lobbying government officials regardless of Qar~ affiliation. d. ignoring key decision makers in the political process.

3. The principal purpose of political party activity is to a. achieve changes through the constitutional amendment process. li gain control of government bx w 'nning elections and thus achieve patty goals. c. influence public officials who are already in office to respond to the party's goals. d. obtain favorable treatment for party members in governmental activities.

4. Which constitutional right is the foundation of the right to form and participate in interest groups? a. Free speech Ii Freedom of association c. The right to vote d. Equal protection under the laws

5. Which of the following is true of interest groups and parties in Texas? a. Texas has strong political parties and influential interest groups. b. Texas has weak political parties and ineffective interest groups. c. Texas has strong political parties and ineffective interest groups. d. Texas has weal{ ROlitical {>arties and influential interest groups.

6. The Texas Tea Party is a. a Qowerful faction within the Texas Re ublican Party. b. a political party that formed to challenge both the Republican and Democratic Parties. c. an interest group that promotes the interests of tea growers and distributors. d. a minor faction within the Texas Democratic Party.

7. Which occupational group is least likely to have a large representation in an interest group? a. Lawyers b. Accountants

Physicians Receptionists

8. Which of the following is not a common reason that citizens join interest groups? a. They are not accepted as..m_embers of official political parties. 5. They enter the workforce and want or need to join a professional or occupational group. c. They want to associate with a group of like-minded individuals working for a cause they believe in. d. They receive information or benefits from the interest group.

9. Interest groups organized to promote policies that maximize profits and wages for their members are known as a. economic interest groups. 5. social groups. c. public interest groups. d. social movements.

10. Which of the following goals would a business organization be least likely to pursue? a. Tax reductions, breaks, and subsidies b. Limits on lawsuits against corporations c. Fewer concessions to labor unions a. Increased safety and environmental standards

11. Which of the following is true regarding labor organizations in Texas? a. Labor grou s are not as numero s or as g w rful as business-relate groups in Texas. b. Labor groups are more numerous, but less powerful than business-related groups in Texas. c. Labor groups are more numerous and more powerful than business-related groups in Texas. d. Labor groups are not as number, but are more powerful than business-related groups in Texas.

12. Which kind of group exists to promote policies that would increase wages, adequate health and unemployment insurance, and promote safe working conditions?

a. Business groups b. Labo group=s __ c. Illegal immigrants d. Ethnic groups

13. A social interest group would be least likely to get involved in which of the following issues? a. School prayer b. Women's rights

ffighway funding ------' Civil rights

14. The Christian Coalition would be most likely to promote which of the following? a. Banning same-sex marriage b. Allowing women unrestricted access to abortion and contraception c. Keeping prayer out of public schools d. Programs to provide food and health care to the poor

15. Which of the following techniques do interest groups use to influence policy decisions? a. Lobbying b. Campaign financing c. Providing favors and gifts d. All of these choices are technigues used by interest groups.

16. A lobbyist is an individual who a. works to get a candidate elected to office. b. sits on a Congressional committee. c. attempts to influence the decision making of lawmakers. d. issues rulings on majO"'r court cases.

17. Which of the following is the most commonly employed strategy of influencing legislation? a. Public debates with legislators to prove them wrong b. roviding'theJ egislator w't relevant information c. Abandoning the legislature and lobbying the governor d. Providing cash bribes to legislators to change their votes

18. The political term grassroots refers to activity that a. begins locally a to broader areas. b. starts at the state level and works down. c. is associated with agriculture. d. has produced little or no growth.

19. Which of the following is an example of an electioneering technique? a. Coordinating a "Get Out the Vote" (GOTV) campaign b. Lunch meetings with elected officials to establish personal relationships c. Getting group members to email or call legislators to influence their vote on an important issue d. Testifying at a committee hearing

20. Typically, in order to get people to the polls, which of the following is generally employed? .---.Mail-outs, telephone calls, door-to-door solicitation, and.transportation to the polls

b. Bribes of money and promises of a job if one votes for a specific candidate c. Providing free signs and food to potential voters d. Calling mass meetings and demonstrating against opponents

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