characteristics that may influence business interaction in foreign country

Post on 10-Jan-2017



Economy & Finance



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“The Characteristics That May Influence Business Interactions In A Foreign Country”

PPPrrreeepppaaarrreeeddd FFFooorrr

AAArrrssshhhaaaddd HHHuuusssaaaiiinnn

PPPrrreeepppaaarrreeeddd BBByyy

SSSuuummmaaaiiirrraaa SSSuuullltttaaannnaaa TTTaaalllpppuuurrr

JJJUUUNNNEEE 222,,, 222000000888


I thank Almighty Allah for giving me patience and courage in making this report. I

would like to acknowledge the help of this report. The time required to prepare this

report must be paid for my teacher Mr. Arshad Husain, who encourages me to prepare

this report on NBP overseas operations. I sincerely thank him to provide the ideas and

suggestions for this report.

I would also like to thank to Mr Sardar Muhammad Waheed (NBP group chief) to help

in the preparation of this report I sincerely thank him to provide the information, which

is necessary to prepare this report.

EEExxxeeecccuuutttiiivvveee sssuuummmmmmaaarrryyy The topic of my report is

“““TTThhheee CCChhhaaarrraaacccttteeerrriiissstttiiicccsss TTThhhaaattt MMMaaayyy IIInnnfffllluuueeennnccceee BBBuuusssiiinnneeessssss iiinnnttteeerrraaaccctttiiiooonnnsss

iiinnn aaa fffooorrreeeiiigggnnn cccooouuunnntttrrryyy”””

In order to demonstrate this topic I select an organization “National Bank of

Pakistan” As I know in the today’s competitive world survival of any organization

is too much difficult because keep customer loyal is difficult task for any

organization. In order to survival and growth organizations now look beyond their

domestic boarders and search opportunities internationally which are feasible for

them. I write my report on the NBP overseas operations.

NBP maintains its position as Pakistan's premier bank determined to set higher

standards of achievements. It is the major business partner for the Government

of Pakistan with special emphasis on fostering Pakistan's economic growth

through aggressive and balanced lending policies, technologically oriented

products and services offered through its large network of branches locally,

internationally and representative offices.

NBP offer services such as Demand Draft, Mail Transfer, Pay order, Telephone

telegraphic, NBP Karobar, Travelers Cheques, Letter of Credit, Commercial

finance, foreign remittances, swift system, Short Term Investments, NIDA,

Agriculture finance services, agriculture credit, farm credit, production loan,

corporate finance loan etc.

NBP open its branches overseas because of following reasons, Represent Pakistan Globally, Increase Profits, Facilitate International Trade,

Increase customers Ratio, Increase shareholders wealth, Earn foreign

Exchange, Competition, Facilitate Local customers, Increase sales of Its

products, Want to acquire strong financial position, Learn Different Culture, Want

Global Presence, Explore International Markets for its Product, Find foreign talent

or expertise for its local branches, Learn International Job training for its

Employees, Operations in different Working environment, Long term relationship,

Search more innovative products, Increase foreign investment, Search latest

technology for its local branches, Increase its Growth Rate.

I will further include my suggestions which will surely help NBP to improve its

performance and also help to increase customers these suggestions are as


Open more branches in different countries, Give opportunities its local employee

to work in international branches, Adopt international working Standards also in

local branches, Open one more Training institute in any foreign country, Use of

latest technology in Local Branches, Must hire Eligible candidate, Provide ATM

facility in its Every local Branch.

All in all this report will help the NBP to overcome the darker areas in which it

lacks and will tend to improve its services quality, so that it can provide superior

services to its customers, which will help NBP to grow rapidly.


This report is prepared on the topic

“The Characteristics That May Influence Business interactions in a foreign country”

For the demonstration of this topic I choose an organization that is NNNaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll

BBBaaannnkkk ooofff PPPaaakkkiiissstttaaannn... I will analyze the NBP Overseas operations and will

recommend my suggestions which I think should be adopted to open more

branches worldwide, which can help to achieve success and improve


TTTaaabbbllleee ooofff CCCooonnnttteeennntttsss

NNNooo DDDeeessscccrrriiippptttiiiooonnn PPPaaagggeee NNNooo















HISTORY OF NBP…………………………………………………


BRANCH NET WORK...............................................................

DOMESTIC BRANCHES...........................................................

OVERSEAS BRANCHES..........................................................

NBP VISION.............................................................................

NBP MISSION.......................................................................

NBP DELIVER VALUES TO CUSTOMER................................

NBP SERVICES.......................................................................


INTERACTION IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY............................




















HHHiiissstttooorrryyy ooofff NNNBBBPPP National Bank of Pakistan (the Bank) was established on November 9, 1949 under the

National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance, 1949 in order to cope with the crisis conditions

which were developed after trade deadlock with India and devaluation of Indian Rupee

in 1949. Initially the Bank was established with the objective to extend credit to the

Agriculture sector. The normal procedure of establishing a banking company under the

Companies Law was set aside and the Bank was established through the promulgation

of An Ordinance due to the crisis situation that had developed with regard to financing

of jute Trade. The Bank commenced its operations from November 20, 1949 at six

important jute Centers in the then East Pakistan and directed its resources in financing

of jute crop. The Bank’s Karachi and Lahore offices were subsequently opened in

December 1949. The nature of responsibilities of the Bank is different and unique from

other Banks/financial institutions. The Bank acts as the agent to the State Bank of

Pakistan for Handling Provincial/Federal Government Receipts and Payments on their

behalf. The Bank has also played an important role in financing the country’s growing

trade, which has expanded through the years as diversification took place. Today the

Bank Finances import/export business to the tune of Rs. 52.7 billion, whereas in 1960

financing under this head was only Rs. 1.54billion.


OOObbbjjjeeeccctttiiivvveeesss aaannnddd AAAccctttiiivvviiitttiiieeesss

The Bank is providing all banking services of mercantile and commercial banking

Permissible in the country, which include

Handling of treasury transactions for the Government of Pakistan as agent to

The State Bank of Pakistan.

Providing services under a Trust Deed as Trustee to the National Investment

Trust (NIT) including safe custody of securities on behalf of NIT.

Accepting of deposits of money on current, fixed, saving, term deposit and profit

and Loss Sharing accounts.

Borrowing money and arranging finance from other banks.

Advancing and lending money to its clients.

Financing of projects, including technical assistance, project appraisal through

long- term / Short-term loans, term finance and Musharika certificates, etc.

Buying, selling, dealing, including entering into forward contracts of foreign


Financing of seasonal crops like cotton, wheat, rice, sugar cane, tobacco, etc.

Receiving of bonds, scraps, valuables, etc. for safe custody.

Carrying on agency business of any description other than managing agent, on

behalf of clients including Government and local authorities.

Generating, undertaking, promoting, etc. of issue of shares and, bonds, etc.

Transacting guarantee and indemnity business.

Undertaking and executing trusts.

Joint venturing with foreign dealers, agents and companies for its representation


Participating in "World Bank" and "Asian Development Bank's" lines of credit.

Providing personalized Hajj services to intending Hajjis.


BBBrrraaannnccchhh NNNeeetttwwwooorrrkkk

Presently the Bank is divided into 10 Groups headed by SEVPs/EVPs. Its field

operations are controlled by 9 Regions reporting to as many Regional Chiefs, who

control 40 Zones and 15 Single Branch Zones headed by Zonal Chiefs; 12 corporate

branches and 1,395 domestic branches headed by Branch Managers. With the

geographical development of its branches, the Bank has been able to extend its

services to a much larger number of Pakistanis all over the country. Today it has more

than 8.5 million accounts. Bank maintains its presence in all the major financial centers

of the world through its 23 overseas branches and 5 representative offices. Of these,

three Representative offices have recently been set up at Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Baku

(Azerbaijan) and Almighty (Kazakhstan) to take advantage of the emerging

opportunities in CIS countries. Bank’s role globally is well assisted by its network of

correspondent banks Located strategically in Asia, America, Europe and Africa. Apart

from having a vast branch network, Bank is at the forefront in the acquisition and

Application of new technologies in every aspect of its banking facilities. It has acquired

leased telephone lines for on-line banking. The Bank has 12 Regional Computer

Centers To cover various on-line and batch system requirements of branches and

controlling offices. Bank has also a presence on the Internet. It has modernized its

services by installing Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) called "CASH LINK" at

selected branches and presently 17 ATMs are operational in major cities.

DDDooommmeeessstttiiiccc BBBrrraaannnccchhheeesss SSSiiinnndddhhh



Jacobabad/ Shikarpur





Nawabshah/Noshero feroz




All Branches




RY Khan






Jhelum / Gujrat/ Chakwal














AAAzzzaaaddd KKKaaassshhhmmmiiirrr



OOOvvveeerrrssseeeaaasss BBBrrraaannnccchhheeesss

AAAmmmeeerrriiicccaaa AAAnnnddd EEEuuurrrooopppeee RRReeegggiiiooonnn






MMMiiiddddddllleee EEEaaasssttt,,, AAAfffrrriiicccaaa &&& SSSooouuuttthhh AAAsssiiiaaa RRReeegggiiiooonnn





FFFaaarrr EEEaaasssttt RRReeegggiiiooonnn

Hong Kong


South Korea


CCCeeennntttrrraaalll AAAsssiiiaaannn RRReeepppuuubbbllliiiccc








VVViiisssiiiooonnn ooofff NNNBBBPPP

“““NNNBBBPPP vvviiisssiiiooonnn iiisss ttthhhaaattt iiittt wwwaaannntttsss tttooo bbbeee ttthhheee PPPrrreee---eeemmmiiinnneeennnttt FFFiiinnnaaannnccciiiaaalll IIInnnssstttiiitttuuutttiiiooonnn

iiinnn PPPaaakkkiiissstttaaannn aaannnddd aaaccchhhiiieeevvveee mmmaaarrrkkkeeettt rrreeecccooogggnnniiitttiiiooonnn bbbooottthhh iiinnn qqquuuaaallliiitttyyy aaannnddd

dddeeellliiivvveeerrryyy ooofff ssseeerrrvvviiiccceee aaasss wwweeellllll aaasss ttthhheee rrraaannngggeee ooofff ppprrroooddduuucccttt oooffffffeeerrriiinnnggg”””

MMMiiissssssiiiooonnn ooofff NNNBBBPPP

“““OOOuuurrr MMMiiissssssiiiooonnn tttooo bbbeee rrreeecccooogggnnniiizzzeeeddd iiinnn ttthhheee mmmaaarrrkkkeeettt ppplllaaaccceee bbbyyy

iiinnnssstttiiitttuuutttiiiooonnnaaallliiizzziiinnnggg aaa mmmeeerrriiittt aaannnddd PPPeeerrrfffooorrrmmmaaannnccceee CCCuuullltttuuurrreee,,, CCCrrreeeaaatttiiinnnggg aaa

PPPooowwweeerrrfffuuulll aaannnddd dddiiissstttiiinnnccctttiiivvveee bbbrrraaannnddd iiidddeeennntttiiifffyyy,,, aaaccchhhiiieeevvviiinnnggg tttoooppp---tttiiieeerrr fffiiinnnaaannnccciiiaaalll

pppeeerrrfffooorrrmmmaaannnccceee,,, aaannnddd aaadddoooppptttiiinnnggg aaannnddd llliiivvviiinnnggg ooouuuttt ooouuurrr cccooorrreee vvvaaallluuueeesss”””


NNNBBBPPP DDDeeellliiivvveeerrr VVVaaallluuueeesss tttooo CCCuuussstttooommmeeerrrsss

NNNBBBPPP aaaiiimmm tttooo bbbeee aaannn ooorrrgggaaannniiizzzaaatttiiiooonnn ttthhhaaattt iiisss fffooouuunnndddeeeddd ooonnn

Growth through creation of sustainable relationships with our customers.

Prudence to guide our business conduct

A National presence with a history of contribution to our communities

NNNBBBPPP ssshhhaaallllll wwwooorrrkkk tttooo

Meet Expectations through market-based solutions and products

Reward entrepreneurial efforts

Create Value for all its Stakeholders

NNNBBBPPP aaaiiimmm tttooo bbbeee PPPeeeooopppllleee wwwhhhooo

Care about relationships

Lead through the strength of our commitment and willingness to excel

Practice integrity, honesty and hard work. We believe that these are measure of

true success

NNNBBBPPP hhhaaavvveee cccooonnnfffiiidddeeennnccceee ttthhhaaattt tttooommmooorrrrrrooowww IIIttt wwwiiillllll bbbeee

Leaders in its industry

An organization maintaining the trust of our Stakeholders

An Innovative, creative and dynamic institution responding to the changing needs

of the internal and external environment

AAAfffttteeerrr aaallllll,,, IIIttt iiisss “““TTThhheee NNNaaatttiiiooonnn’’’sss BBBaaannnkkk”””




If you are looking for a safe, speedy and reliable way to transfer money, you can now

purchase NBP’s Demand Drafts at very reasonable rates. Any person whether an

account holder of the bank or not, can purchase a Demand Draft from a bank branch


Move your money safely and quickly using NBP Mail Transfer

service. And we also offer the most competitive rates in the


NBP collect utility bills, taxes and different types of collection from customer. It is called

fund transfer of government collection or utilities bill collection. Then all that bills were

transfer through mail transfer. These collections are transfer at the end of the day

For example like utility bills of electricity, gas and telephone are transfer to Aimai House

Abdullah Haroon road, Karachi. This branch is basically called Hub branch of all utility

collections. Then KESC, SSGC and PTCL collected amount and bill from aimai branch.



NBP provides another reason to transfer your money using our facilities. Our pay

orders are a secure and easy way to move your money from one place to another. And,

as usual, our charges for this service are extremely competitive.


NBP provides another facility to transfer the money very fast

as within half an hour so this is called TT. In this money can

be transfer to NBP branch to NBP only any where in

Pakistan for this NBP charge exchange, postage and telephone charges.

Postage were fixed as Rs. =75.

Telephonic is Rs.250

Exchange was depending upon the amount of money.

In TT NBP made some codes for customer information then the NBP responding branch

recheck the code of customer so it is consist of two number part 1 and part 2.


Take upto 20 advance salaries

(currently for NBP account holders of govt. or related organization employees).

NNNaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll BBBaaannnkkk ooofff PPPaaakkkiiissstttaaannn (((NNNBBBPPP)))

In January-2003, National Bank of Pakistan has launched a unique product, ‘NBP-

Advance Salary’. Currently this product is for fixed-income permanent employees of

Federal & Provincial Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous, Semi-autonomous,

local bodies and other Government organizations. The product is purely cash flow

based and offers its holder to avail 20 (twenty) net salaries in one go to be repaid in up

to 60 (sixty) months. With no collateral, insurance or requirements, Advance Salary

provides rapid disbursement in a short turnaround time.


Government of Pakistan (GOP) support:

1. Life and disability insurance paid by GOP with no medical

examination required.

2. 6% mark-up paid by customer, rest paid by GOP.





Financing will be provided to set-up a Utility Store under

franchise of Utility Store Corporation through

Set-up of a Utility Store in an owned/rented shop

A 'Mobile' Utility Store: 4 stroke Petrol/CNG/LPG Vehicle (Rickshaw) with

attached loader body \ (Thehla type or Store)


Financing will be provided to purchase 4 strokes Petrol/CNG/LPG Vehicle (Rickshaw)

with attached loader body (Thehla type) to set up Mobile General Store without USC



Financing will be provided to purchase a 4 stroke Petrol/CNG/LPG Vehicle (Rickshaw)


Women of today is not the women of yesterday she is more

knowledgeable more


confident, and more dynamic. To salute the women of Pakistan, NBP introduces loan

products for the women of Pakistan to bring them out from the hardships of poverty,

through the following self-employed schemes of NBP Karobar.


Finance will be provided to purchase Wireless/ Mobile/Desktop telephone set(s) with

prepaid connection and credit balance(s) to establish a PCO



Finance will be provided to purchase Wireless/ Mobile/Desktop telephone set(s) with

connection, computer(s) and printer cum fax machine cum photocopier cum scanner etc

to establish a Tele-centre on a rested shop or owned premises


Negotiability: Pak Rupees Traveler’s Cheques are a negotiable instrument

Validity: There is no restriction on the period of validity

Availability: At 700 branches of NBP all over the country Encashment: At all 400 branches of NBP

Limitation: No limit on purchase

Safety: NBP Traveler’s Cheques are the safest way to carry our money.



NBP is committed to offering its business customers the widest range of options in the

area of money transfer. If you are a commercial enterprise then our Letter of Credit

service is just what you are looking for. With competitive rates, security, and ease of

transaction, NBP Letters of Credit are the best way to do your business transactions.


LLLeeettt uuusss hhheeelllppp mmmaaakkkeee yyyooouuurrr dddrrreeeaaammmsss bbbeeecccooommmeee aaa rrreeeaaallliiitttyyy

Our dedicated team of professionals truly understands the needs of

professionals, agriculturists, large and small business and other segments of

the economy. They are the customer’s best resource in making NBP’s

products and services work for them.


To facilitate its customers in the area of Home Remittances, National

Bank of Pakistan has taken a number of measures to:

Increase home remittances through the banking system

Meet the SBP directives/instructions for timely and prompt

delivery of remittances to the beneficiaries


NNNeeewww FFFeeeaaatttuuurrreeesss

The existing system of home remittances has been revised/significantly improved and

well-trained field functionaries are posted to provide efficient and reliable home

remittance services to nonresident Pakistanis at 15 overseas branches of the Bank

besides United National Bank (the joint venture between NBP and UBL in UK)., and

Bank Al-Jazira, Saudi Arabia.

Zero Tariffs: NBP is providing home remittance services without any charges.

Strict monitoring of the system is done to ensure the highest possible security.

Special courier services are hired for expeditious delivery of home remittances to

the beneficiaries.


The SWIFT system (Society for Worldwide Inter bank

Financial Telecommunication) has been introduced for speedy

services in the area of home remittances. The system has

built-in features of computerized test keys, which eliminates

the manual application of tests that often cause delay in the

payment of home remittances.




The SWIFT Center is operational at National Bank of Pakistan with a universal access

number NBP-PKKA. All NBP overseas branches and overseas correspondents (over

450) are drawing remittances through SWIFT.

Using the NBP network of branches, you can safely and speedily transfer money for our

business and personal needs.



NBP now offers excellent rates of profit on all it’s short term

investment accounts. Whether you are looking to invest for

3 months or 1 year, NBP’s rates of profit are extremely attractive, along with the security

and service only NBP can provide.


National Income Daily Account The scheme was launched in December 1995 to

attract corporate customers. It is a current account scheme and is part of the profit and

loss system of accounts in operation throughout the country.



NBP has accelerated its activities in the stock market to improve its

economic base and restore investor confidence. The bank is now

regarded as the most active and dominant player in the development of the stock

market. NBP is involved in the following:

Investment into the capital market

Introduction of capital market accounts (under process)

NBP’s involvement in capital markets is expected to increase its earnings, which would

result in better returns offered to account holders




NBP provides Agricultural Finance to solidify faith, commitment and pride of farmers

who produce some of the best agricultural products in the World.

AAAgggrrriiicccuuullltttuuurrraaalll FFFiiinnnaaannnccceee SSSeeerrrvvviiiccceeesss:::

“I Feed the World” program, a new product, is

introduced by NBP with the aim to help farmers maximize the

per acre production with minimum of required input. Select farms will be made role

models for other farms and farmers to follow, thus helping farmers across Pakistan to

increase production.

AAAgggrrriiicccuuullltttuuurrraaalll CCCrrreeedddiiittt:::

The agricultural financing strategy of NBP is aimed at three main objectives:-

Providing reliable infrastructure for agricultural customers

Help farmers utilize funds efficiently to further develop and achieve better


Provide farmers an integrated package of credit with supplies of essential inputs,

technical knowledge, and supervision of farming.

AAAgggrrriiicccuuullltttuuurrraaalll CCCrrreeedddiiittt (((MMMeeedddiiiuuummm TTTeeerrrmmm))):::

Production and development

Watercourse improvement



Farm power

Development loans for tea plantation


Solar energy

Equipment for sprinklers

FFFaaarrrmmm CCCrrreeedddiiittt:::

NBP also provides the following subsidized with ranges of 3 months to 1 year on a

renewal basis.

Operating loans

Land improvement loans

Equipment loans for purchase of tractors, farm implements or any other


Livestock loans for the purchase, care, and feeding of livestock

PPPrrroooddduuuccctttiiiooonnn LLLoooaaannnsss:::

Production loans are meant for basic inputs of the farm and are

short term in nature. Seeds, fertilizers, sprayers, etc are all

covered under this scheme.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to

e-mail us


WWWooorrrkkkiiinnnggg CCCaaapppiiitttaaalll aaannnddd SSShhhooorrrttt TTTeeerrrmmm LLLoooaaannnsss:::

NBP specializes in providing Project Finance – Export Refinance to exporters – Pre-

shipment and Post-shipment financing to exporters – Running finance – Cash Finance –


Small Finance – Discounting & Bills Purchased – Export Bills Purchased / Pre-shipment

/ Post Shipment Agricultural Production Loans

MMMeeedddiiiuuummm ttteeerrrmmm llloooaaannnsss aaannnddd CCCaaapppiiitttaaalll EEExxxpppeeennndddiiitttuuurrreee FFFiiinnnaaannnccciiinnnggg:

NBP provides financing for its clients’ capital expenditure and other long-term

investment needs. By sharing the risk associated with such long-term investments,

NBP expedites clients’ attempt to upgrade and expand their operation thereby

making possible the fulfillment of our clients’ vision. This type of long term financing

proves the bank’s belief in its client's capabilities, and its commitment to the country.

LLLoooaaannn SSStttrrruuuccctttuuurrriiinnnggg aaannnddd SSSyyynnndddiiicccaaatttiiiooonnn:::

National Bank’s leadership in loan syndicating stems from ability to forge strong

relationships not only with borrowers but also with bank investors. Because we

understand our syndicate partners’ asset criteria, we help borrowers meet substantial

financing needs by enabling them to reach the banks most interested in lending to their

particular industry, geographic location and structure through syndicated debt offerings.

Our syndication capabilities are complemented by our own capital strength and by

industry teams, who bring specialized knowledge to the structure of a transaction.

CCCaaassshhh MMMaaannnaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt SSSeeerrrvvviiiccceeesss:::

With National Bank’s Cash Management Services (in process of being set up), the

customer’s sales collection will be channeled through vast network of NBP branched

spread across the country. This will enable The customer to manage their company’s

total financial position right from your desktop computer. They will also be able to take

advantage of our outstanding range of payment, ejection, liquidity and investment

services. In fact, with NBP, you’ll be provided

everything, which takes to manage your cash flow more



CCChhhaaarrraaacccttteeerrriiissstttiiiccc TTThhhaaattt MMMaaayyy IIInnnfffllluuueeennnccceee NNNBBBPPP IIInnnttteeerrraaaccctttiiiooonnn IIInnn aaa

FFFooorrreeeiiigggnnn CCCooouuunnntttrrryyy

Following are the main characteristics that influence NBP to operate its wings globally.

111... RRReeeppprrreeessseeennnttt PPPaaakkkiiissstttaaannn GGGlllooobbbaaallllllyyy

NBP is the first and largest government bank of Pakistan. Its vision is to promote

Pakistan internationally .it also want that, countries who think that there is no world

wide demand of Pakistani organizations which is operated by Pakistani government

.NBP prove it because the NBP is the only bank of Pakistan that qualifies the

international standards of capital Adequacy ratio.

222... IIInnncccrrreeeaaassseee PPPrrrooofffiiitttsss

Every organization wants to increase its profit at any

cost but in today’s world where companies’ survival is

very difficult then how they increase its profits. So it’s necessary for every

organization to look global opportunities for their products and services. That’s why


When NBP fell that its now reaches at saturation point and it’s hard to compete

competition then it’s utilize global opportunities and increase Its profit.

333... FFFaaaccciiillliiitttaaattteee IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll TTTrrraaadddeee

NBP provide facility of letter of credit this step encourage local costumers to do

business internationally. Because letter of credit is a guarantee taken by bank to do

business transactions with international client as well as local Client. So NBP foreign

operation also facilitates international trade.

444... IIInnncccrrreeeaaassseee CCCuuussstttooommmeeerrrsss RRRaaatttiiiooo

Basically NBP international operations Increase customers of Its product, which

means sells of product increase which definitely turn in to higher profits and higher

growth rate.

555... IIInnncccrrreeeaaassseee SSShhhaaarrreeehhhooollldddeeerrrsss WWWeeeaaalllttthhh

International operations help National banks to increase its shareholder wealth by

introducing new products and more customers of its products. Because the higher

the customer ratio, higher the sales of the product. And we all are know that when

sales of any organizations increase it also create value for shareholders.

666... EEEaaarrrnnn FFFfffooorrreeeiiigggnnn EEExxxccchhhaaannngggeee

NBP international operation also increase it foreign exchange reserves. Because it

operates different countries and that mean its customers are also foreigners’


.suppose they open saving deposit account in NBP so they deposit their own country

currency so this step is also increase growth and stability of NBP.

777... CCCooommmpppeeetttiiitttiiiooonnn

As we all are know that competition are becoming tough in today’s world. So in order

to survival and future growth NBP search opportunities and utilize these

opportunities. It means competition also influencing factor for NBP to operate


888... FFFaaaccciiillliiitttaaattteee LLLooocccaaalll CCCuuussstttooommmeeerrrsss

NBP also want to facilitate local customers to provide them feasibility to transfer their

money international banks. Suppose there any kin relations of customers go for

study and they need funds for further customers never take tension

because pak remit service of NBP resolve this issue.

999... IIInnncccrrreeeaaassseee SSSaaallleeesss ooofff IIItttsss PPPrrroooddduuuccctttsss

Overseas operations also increase Sales of NBP product because

New customer’s increase that’s means sales of product also increase.

111000... WWWaaannnttt TTTooo AAAcccqqquuuiiirrreee SSStttrrrooonnnggg FFFiiinnnaaannnccciiiaaalll PPPooosssiiitttiiiooonnn

NBP also want to acquire strong financial position because we all are now our

country economic and political conditions are unstable so its hard for any

organizations to grow .so in order to strong financially NBP open its branches stable

countries because if some time local branches fail to give it expected return then


foreign branches recover its losses which is caused by our domestic country

economic down turn.

111111... LLLeeeaaarrrnnn DDDiiiffffffeeerrreeennnttt CCCuuullltttuuurrreeesss

NBP operate internationally because it also wants to learn different working culture.

Which help it working in local culture. Because if something is new for overseas

culture which is also feasible for its local culture must be adopted by local branches

if it has skilled HRM.

111222... WWWaaannnttt GGGlllooobbbaaalll PPPrrreeessseeennnccceee

NBP also wants its presence globally because global presence helps organizations

to survive in tough and cut through competition.

111333... EEExxxppplllooorrreee IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll MMMaaarrrkkkeeetttsss FFFooorrr IIItttsss PPPrrroooddduuucccttt

NBP main purpose is to operate or open its branches overseas search different

market for its products. Basically it target niches market segment because its want to

provide valuable services to this targeted segment.

111444... FFFiiinnnddd FFFooorrreeeiiigggnnn TTTaaallleeennnttt ooorrr EEExxxpppeeerrrtttiiissseee FFFooorrr IIItttsss LLLooocccaaalll BBBrrraaannnccchhheeesss

NBP overseas operations also help it to search cream employees for its local

branches. Because it’s major draw back is its employees are not as skilled as banks



111555... LLLeeeaaarrrnnn IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll JJJooobbb TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg fffooorrr IIItttsss EEEmmmpppllloooyyyeeeeeesss

Global operations also help NBP to learn international standards job trainings for its

employees which definitely increase moral of its employee because NBP have its

own on the job training institute. it Further learn how to provide best job training to

employees through its overseas working environment.

111666... OOOpppeeerrraaattteee IIInnn DDDiiiffffffeeerrreeennnttt WWWooorrrkkkiiinnnggg EEEnnnvvviiirrrooonnnmmmeeennnttt

NBP also want to learn how operate in different working environment through

operate internationally. Because it want to know the ups and downs of different

environments. And also want to operate successfully in

every kind of environments.

111777... LLLooonnnggg TTTeeerrrmmm RRReeelllaaatttiiiooonnnssshhhiiippp

It also want to maintain good relationship with different countries because suppose

due to political and economic unstablitiy in our country it face economic or financial

crises in its local branches then every country in which its branches exist, central

banks must help its in time of difficulty.

111888... SSSeeeaaarrrccchhh MMMooorrreee IIInnnnnnooovvvaaatttiiivvveee PPPrrroooddduuuccctttsss

For satisfying its local or international customers it also search new and innovative

product which create value for its customers as

well as its shareholders.


111999... EEEnnncccooouuurrraaagggeee FFFooorrreeeiiigggnnn IIInnnvvveeessstttmmmeeennntttsss

NBP International operations also increase foreign investment. Because as we all

are know it’s a government bank of Pakistan and take guarantee for investment then

investors doesn’t fell hesitations to invest in Pakistan. So encourage foreign

investment help to establish our country economy.

222000... SSSeeeaaarrrccchhh LLLaaattteeesssttt TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy FFFooorrr IIItttsss LLLooocccaaalll BBBrrraaannnccchhheeesss

NBP also want complete understanding of latest technology for its

success because if it don’t have use of latest technology to its local branches that’s

means it’s hard for NBP to survive this competitions. As I visited for my report

preparation in NBP Branches They are still Maintain its record manually and

computers are out dated. This era is for laptop computer not desktop. So it also

search world for new software which help NBP to maintain its record Computerized.

222111... IIInnncccrrreeeaaassseee IIItttsss GGGrrrooowwwttthhh RRRaaattteee

Every organization want to grow rapidly so international operation of NBP help its to

increase its growth rate.beacause this step help to increase its customer, its sales,

get expert cream employees, learning of different cultures, understanding of global

economy so these all are indication of Its Increasing Growth rate.



Every organization wants to get success and grow rapidly. So in order to get these long

term perspective every organizations search opportunities world wide before their

saturation point occur.

So I select NBP for My topic explanation. Because NBP operates 18 countries across

world. To get strong financial position and increase its growth rate NBP utilize all

opportunities which are feasible for it.

As I know all about NBP and competition, I am certain the NBP will get success in its

endeavor to improve its sales and profitability, if it should make itself sensitive and

responsive to the environmental demands. Because they are the calls of time.



111... OOOpppeeennn MMMooorrreee BBBrrraaannnccchhheeesss IIInnn DDDiiiffffffeeerrreeennnttt CCCooouuunnntttrrriiieeesss

In order to maintain presence in world market NBP should open its more

Branches in different countries. Or same countries which it is already

Operate. Because more branches generate more revenue and also make

Strong financial position.

222... GGGiiivvveee OOOppppppooorrrtttuuunnniiitttiiieeesss IIItttsss LLLooocccaaalll EEEmmmpppllloooyyyeeeeee TTTooo WWWooorrrkkk IIInnn IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll


NBP should have to give opportunities to local branches employees to work in its

international branches because they learn different working cultures and adopt

easily international working standard in local branches.

333... AAAdddooopppttt IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaatttiiiooonnnaaalll WWWooorrrkkkiiinnnggg SSStttaaannndddaaarrrdddsss AAAlllsssooo IIInnn LLLooocccaaalll BBBrrraaannnccchhheeesss

As we know NBP operate in 18 countries. So it should adopt international working

standard in its local branches. For example ATM facility in 18 overseas branches

available but in our country just specific branches have this opportunity.


444... OOOpppeeennn OOOnnneee MMMooorrreee TTTrrraaaiiinnniiinnnggg IIInnnssstttiiitttuuuttteee IIInnn AAAnnnyyy FFFooorrreeeiiigggnnn CCCooouuunnntttrrryyy

NBP should open one more training institute as it is in Pakistan. Because that

training institute has acquire international standards.NBP should train its local

employees according to Internationally acceptable working standards .because as I

visited NBP for collecting information regarding my topic I Note that there is no time

management exists. So It is feasible opportunity if NBP take this step and send its

local employees for foreign Trainings.

555... UUUssseee OOOfff LLLaaattteeesssttt TTTeeeccchhhnnnooolllooogggyyy IIInnn LLLooocccaaalll BBBrrraaannnccchhheeesss

Technology is essential for every organization success but when I visit domestic

branches I found that employees still maintain manual records and use out dated

computer system. So NBP should increase morale of its local branches because it

exist internationally just because of local branches devotion. If it works

internationally then it must maintain IAS in its every Branch. So it must use latest

software’s for record keeping.

666... MMMuuusssttt HHHiiirrreee EEEllliiigggiiibbbllleee CCCaaannndddiiidddaaattteee

Another draw back I found in NBP that is hiring of unskilled, insufficient

knowledgeable and not eligible candidates which definitely effect its overseas

operations. as we know that head office of NBP exist here so any decision which

take in international branches must be directed by Head office .NBP should hire

skilled and knowledgeable persons because lack of


skill and knowledge create hurdles for making right and good decisions which effect

badly on reputation of any organization.

777... PPPrrrooovvviiidddeee ‘‘‘AAATTTMMM ’’’ FFFaaaccciiillliiitttyyy EEEaaaccchhh LLLooocccaaalll BBBrrraaannnccchhh

NBP should provide ATM facility in its all local Branches rather than some major

branches because this step increase its popularity more and create a good

impression on its overseas operations.

Today’s world getting success is difficult. So any organization must think so

Many times before doing any thing. Change is essential for any organization

Success so NBP should adopt changes and provide valuable service to its

Customers because its is necessary to keep remain and loyal customers for

Organization profits as well as growth.

NNNBBBPPP PPPrrroooddduuuccctttsss

Unprecedented Safety - Unprecedented Return

Unprecedented Safety - Unprecedented Return

President's Rozgar Scheme - Easy financing for self employment

Affordable, Flexible & Convenient home financing for all

Take upto 20 Advance Salaries - Affordable Installations from 1 - 60 months

One Card does it all - ATM plus Debit Card in one

Invest with Confidence - Marginal Finance Facility

Meet your need for ready cash against your idle gold jewelry with no minimum limits


NBP's affordable agricultural program offers you a wide range of financing

Knitting Links - AASAN Banking

NBP Helpline

NBP's Internet Based Home Remittances Service

Personal Accident Insurance


1. As we all are know competition is now becoming tough, so that how

NBP retain its loyal customer?

2. Is NBP overseas branches culture is acceptable according to IAS?

3. Which segment NBP target in overseas operations?

4. Are overseas operations feasible for share holders?

5. Are operations feasible for your local customers?

6. Are your overseas operations feasible for your local employees as well

as management?

7. Is there any training system exist?

8. Do you think that employees training are necessary for overseas


9. Are u plan to open NBP more branches in different countries?

10. Does u have any plan to open training institute in overseas?

11. Is you acquire global presence if yes then how?

12. How you promote your services in foreign markets?

13. As NBP spread its wings internationally does NBP acquire strong

financial position? Or understand global economic conditions?

14. What unique strategy NBP adopt to operate internationally?

15. As we know world is technology driven then what latest technology

NBP adopt in its domestic branches?

16. Do NBP employees understand IAS working environments?

17. Do NBP send your domestic employees for overseas trainings?

18. The objectives which set for NBP success through overseas

operations. Does NBP get these goals? if yes then how



1. Financial times mastering strategy

2. International Business Analysis



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