characterization powernotes for giver ms vanko

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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characterization powerpoint


Characterization Mini-Lesson Notes/ Questions

I wonder how screenwriters would describe me?

Wouldn’t life be easier if everyone you met wore a shirt that told you what they were like?

Think about it! (Answer the question on your page)

Life is like a novel or movie, where you have to observe a character to find out what they are like.

Authors use a process called characterization to help readers understand characters in novels.

Characterization is the process by which the author reveals the personality of the characters

*There are 2 types of characterization!

1) Direct characterization is The process in which an author DIRECTLY tells readers what a character is like.

Example: “Asher talked too fast and mixed things up, scrambling words and phrases until they were barely recognizable and often very funny.”

The author is telling you exactly how Asher sometimes makes errors while speaking.

2) Indirect characterization is when you have to study the character and come to your own conclusions about the kind of person he/she is.

“Jonas sighed. This evening he almost would have preferred to keep his feelings hidden. But it was, of course, against the rules.”

Why is this an example of indirect characterization?

Possible Answer…

It is an example of indirect characterization because the author is showing readers Jonas’s actions, thought, and feelings. We can infer that Jonas does not feel comfortable sharing his dream, but the author does NOT directly state this.

How does a writer show what a character is like? Through descriptions of…

• Appearance (How a character looks)• Speech ( How a character speaks)• Thought/feelings a character has• Actions (What a character does)• Reactions of other characters to that

one character you are studying

Practice: Passage from Chapter 6 of Giver Novel Please underline any elements of characterization that SHOW readers Lily’s character.

“She stood solemnly listening to the speech of firm instructions on the responsibilities of Eight and doing volunteer hours for the first time. But Jonas could see that Lily, though she seemed attentive, was looking longingly at the row of gleaming bicycles, which would be presented tomorrow morning to the Nines.”

Check your work!“She stood solemnly listening to the speech of firm instructions on the responsibilities of Eight and doing volunteer hours for the first time. But Jonas could see that Lily, though she seemed attentive, was looking longingly at the row of gleaming bicycles, which would be presented tomorrow morning to the Nines.”

What do these descriptions reveal indirectly about Lily?

Possible Response:They might show us that Lily is trying

her best to act maturely, but she is distracted by her desire to ride the


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