“charting the course together” implementing the common core state standards -mathematics- middle...

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“Charting the Course Together”

Implementing the Common Core State Standards


Middle School Leadership Teams

February 6, 2014

• Understand that formative assessment is a cycle and how it can be purposefully planned into instruction

• Analyze a lesson plan and a video of a Sac City colleague for the purpose of identifying how a well planned lesson supports the implementation of formative assessment in practice

• Collaboratively create and share a chunk of a lesson incorporating the formative assessment cycle and EL and UDL specific strategies


Survey Time!!!!!

After completing the survey, please sign up for either the EL or UDL break-out session

Backward Design Process

Stage 1 •Identify Desired Results as Determined by the Standards (Content & SMP)

Stage 2 •Determine Acceptable Evidence [Assessment]• Reflective of the Standards

Stage 3 •Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction Aligned to the Standards

Before Unit During Unit

Stage 1- Build a deep understanding of the

expectations and coherence of the standards (content and practice)

Stage 2- Determine how to gather evidence

to assess mastery of the Unit as a whole (End of Unit Assessment)

Stage 3- Determine a logical sequence of


Stage 1- Identify the relation between the

specific learning outcome and the standard(s)

Stage 2- Determine what evidence will be

gathered to assess mastery of desired learning outcome

Stage 3- Plan and implement instruction to

gather desired evidence and use it formatively

Backwards Design in Practice

Using the Textbook as a ResourceStarting From your Textbook…

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3The book groups the standards together in a unit for you

There are progress assessments and unit assessments for every unit

There are lesson plans that are already chunked for you by various tasks

The Formative Assessment Cycle

Prompt/ Question

Student Action

Student Response

Gather Evidence &

Provide Feedback

Revise or Extend

Thinking or Move On

Understanding the Template

Analyzing the Lesson PlanPart 1

Look at top part only first: objective, standard, and task

If you are in quadrant 1 or 2: Read the standard and the lesson objective. Identify what part of the standard is being addressed by the objective.

If you are a 3 or a 4: Read the lesson objective and look at the target task. Be prepared to discuss the following question: “If a student can do this task, have they met the lesson objective?”

The Formative Assessment Cycle

Prompt/ Question

Student Action

Student Response

Gather Evidence &

Provide Feedback

Revise or Extend

Thinking or Move On

Analyzing Lesson Chunk 13. What is the Goal of this Chunk? How do the questions/

prompts relate this goal? (cycle 1) 4. What actions are the students going to be expected to perform (think/write time? work individually/ partners/ groups? how are they going to be expected to respond? Etc.) (cycle 2 and 3) 1. How is the teacher going to collect evidence? What are some possible misconceptions that she might encounter?

(Cycle 3 and 4) 2. What would you consider as acceptable evidence that would say it is ok to move on? What might the teacher do if a few, some, most, or all of her students don’t meet the learning goal for this chunk? (cycle 4 and 5)

Analyzing Lesson Chunk 22. What is the Goal of this Chunk? How do the questions/

prompts relate this goal? (cycle 1) 3. What actions are the students going to be expected to perform (think/write time? work individually/ partners/ groups? how are they going to be expected to respond? Etc.) (cycle 2 and 3) 4. How is the teacher going to collect evidence? What are some possible misconceptions that she might encounter?

(Cycle 3 and 4) 1. What would you consider as acceptable evidence that would say it is ok to move on? What might the teacher do if a few, some, most, or all of her students don’t meet the learning goal for this chunk? (cycle 4 and 5)

Analyzing Video Chunk 2

As you watch the video please consider and be prepared to discuss 2 questions:

1. Where does the lesson plan show up in the video?

2. What do you notice that she does in the video that doesn’t show up in the plan? Why do you think she made these changes?

3. Make a list of questions that you have for Gretchen based on what you just watched

Analyzing the Lesson Chunks (3 and 4)Each quadrant of your table should choose 1 of the 4 cycles from chunks 3 and 4 and do the following:• Quickly identify the parts of the cycle • Identify 1 component of the cycle that you want to share out

with your group. This could be a question, a protocol, an instructional strategy, etc..

Creating Your Own Lesson Chunk 5

• Quadrant 1 partner with 4 and Quadrant 2 partner with 3

• Given the goal of this lesson chunk, take 10 minutes to collaboratively plan how you would teach this chunk using the formative assessment cycle

Analyzing Video Chunk 5

As you watch the video please consider and be prepared to discuss 3 questions:

1. Where does the lesson plan show up in the video?

2. What do you notice that she does in the video that doesn’t show up in the plan? Why do you think she made these changes?

3. Make a list of questions that you have for Gretchen based on what you just watched

Analyzing Student Work

Quadrant 1 pair with Quadrant 2 Quadrant 3 pair with Quadrant 4

- Go through each piece of student work and write down one comment

- As a group, discuss what the evidence reveals about student learning and what you think Gretchen’s next steps should be

Time for Collaborative Planning• Identify a lesson that you

are going to be teaching tomorrow or next week

• Your goal: plan at least one full chunk of the lesson using the formative assessment cycle

• You will have a chance to share this chunk and receive feedback from another group of teachers later today

Lunch12:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Time for Collaborative Share Out• Find a group of teachers

from another school site• Identify who will share first• Group talks through their

chunk completely before any feedback is given

• Feedback is constructive• Is the cycle clear?• Positive(s)• I wonder(s)

• Switch and repeat

Personal ReflectionOne idea that interests me as an instructional leader is…

Something I’d like to try …

One step I can take in the near future is … I wonder …

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