checkweighers hsc350

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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DESCRIPTION Since 1976 NEMESIS projects, builds and installs quality control systems using advanced technology: from checkweighing systems to weigh-price labeling systems are numerous the verification device realized by NEMESIS in the last few years. Discover why HSC350 is the forefront of checkweighing technology and why you should buy it.


HSC350by Nemesis

Your opinion of checkweighers will never be the same.

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36NEMESIS is an Italian company located in Modena, North of Italy.

Since 1976 is active in the industrial automation field developing dynamic weighing technologies mounted on HSC350 machines.

of passion for dynamic weighing


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NEMESIS core business is design, project and build checkweighers. We do not pretend to have hundreds of machines in our portfolio, we just do what we know very well and we do it

with the very forefront technologies.

That’s what we do. Better than you can imagine.

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A checkweigher is an automatic machine able to weigh dynamically every item of a production line sorting and/or rejecting it according its weight.

Checkweighers give you control

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Manually sampling 24 items per hour with a throughput of 100 items per minute gives you a 0,5% control over the full production.

It’s a really insignificant control on the quality and it has huge costs in term of time and manpower.

Is manual sampling signi!cative?


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The key value of a checkweigher is to control 100% of the production. It records data for every single item passed through your line for statistical and process-quality analysis .

This is signi!cative.


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It does more than you expect.

Check for missing items or components.

Discard, sort overweight and underweight items

Check the fill of liquids before and after preparation

Measure efficiency of production lines with statistical reports.

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Comply the law requirements

Comply the big customer requirements

Why people buy checkweighers

is this the only reason?

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Production speed 220 ppm

Gram’s price € 0,0030

0,5 g overfill per product € 0,0015 / prod.

Cost per minute € 0,33

Cost per hour € 19,80 €

Cost per day (2 shifts) € 316

How much 0,5 g cost to you?

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Checkweighers make you money.

72.864 €per year

We know that every single gram of your product really worth to you. That’s why we are focusing our research and development to achieve the highest accuracy ever.

We don’t guess the weight, we really measure it.

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That’s why you should buy it.

Avoid manual and non significative operations

Do not risk customer relationship

Avoid costly fines and respect the law

Improve the efficiency of your production line

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Our machines are fully designed and assembled in Italy using only the best quality components. We do a very intensive test session: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for not less

than 3 months.

Italian style, Italian quality.

Why choose HSC350?

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NEMESIS invest every year 50% of its resources on Research & Development. In the last 6 years we reinvented the product 4 times with an average lifecycle of only 18 months. And

we still give full support to older products.

Forefront of weighing technology

50%Research & Development

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We know that time is money. Our first rule while developing software interface is to produce something extremely easy and intuitive to use: we don’t want you waste time

learning difficult procedures.

As easy as a click.

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HSC350 equipments are fully certificated according Italian decree, OIML R-51 and MID directives up to 60 kg in all different configurations.

Not last, we are 100% certi!cated

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It’s a very diffused but old technology, most manufacturers are still using it inside checkweighers. It measures the value of weight in the “peak” part of the signal coming from

the load cell.

What is peak weight?

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It doesn’t look so good.

Certificated only for few products clearly shown in the plate

Requires expensive and long calibration procedures

Badly affected by wind, temperature, vibration...

Requires a dynamic factor to correct the weigh measure

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It’s a new weighing technology by HSC350 that uses sophisticated algorithms to measure the weight. Checkweighing has never been so easy and quick. No more calibration or any

manual just works.

What is real weight?

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Do I have to worry about calibration?

With real weight, you don’t have to worry

Do I have to worry about wind, vibration, temperature?

Do I have to worry about shapes or orientation?

Do I have to worry about new products?

Do I have to worry about dynamic factor?

Do I will miss a peak weight checkweigher?

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That’s why you should buy it.

HSC350by Nemesis

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