cheerful vibrant australian sweet orange essential oils for spring … · 2018-09-21 · vibrant...

Post on 04-Jul-2020






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cheerful vibrant Australian sweet orange essential oils for spring time discover why we love macadamia oil


The arrival of the spring season brings with it new beginnings and an abundance of positivity. We often look to nature to assist in providing answers that may improve our health and wellbeing. Keeping that in mind, we hope our readers will enjoy this spring issue of Oily as we inspire happiness for this season. We explore Sweet Orange Oil from Australia with its vibrant aroma and cheerful tones. We take a look at natural anti-ageing oil trends to rejuvenate and protect the skin. We share our love for the ever-nourishing Macadamia Oil and touch upon Cypress Oil and Castor Oil in our Spotlight feature. We also bring you a summary of essential oils that may provide some natural relief from those dreaded spring allergies. Happy reading. Kerry Pittavino, Editor


Spring Cover: Rose GeraniumPelargonium graveolensWith a rich, sweet scent reminiscent of rose, geranium is an exceptional aromatic ingredient. In natural skincare products, geranium is a beneficial ingredient that balances sebum production and helps keep the skin soft and supple. It offers a strong scent profile that is perfect for moisturisers, body washes and even soap formulations. Grown in Egypt’s Beni-Suef province, south of Cairo, crops are planted in October and are harvested the following June/July. The whole of the plant is then steam distilled to produce Rose Geranium essential oil.

For further information, please contact our sales team on 02 9565 2828 or at

04 Harvest: Sweet Orange Essential Oil Vibrant aromatic from Australia 08 Spotlight: Cypress Oil and Castor Oil Cupressus sempervirens and

Ricinus communis 10 Lifestyle: Anti-Ageing Oil Trends Natural rejuvenation and protection 14 Up Close: Macadamia Oil Nourishing carrier oil for the skin

18 Essential Oil: 6 Oils for Spring Time Suggestions to relieve and soothe

22 Product Specification: Australian Sweet Orange Oil Specification for manufacturers

23 Formulation: Gentle Face Exfoliating Cream

Featuring Australian Sweet Orange Oil



Happiness is... Sweet Orange Oil

Australia’s Sweet Orange Essential Oil is a favourite in natural cosmetic formulations. Its vibrant colour and sweet, zesty, fresh aroma is cheerful and friendly, appealing to both men and women.

Navel OrangeThe vibrant orange colour – along with the bright citrus aroma – is a key characteristic of Australia’s Sweet Orange Essential Oil. These traits are what set it apart from other oils and make it extremely appealing both locally and in overseas markets.


Happiness is... Sweet Orange Oil

The Orange Tree THE ORANGE TREE’S success comes from a climate that offers warm-to-hot temperatures throughout the day and cooler temperatures at night. The species prefers regular rainfall but can also be prolific when fully irrigated. Seedlings are planted in rows roughly two metres apart, allowing for full tree growth and optimal fruit harvesting.

Fruit first starts to bear after 2-3 years and commercial harvesting commences when full

maturity is reached at approximately the 7-year point. When grown in the best conditions,

some orange trees can even live up to 50 years, continually flowering and fruiting every season.

The citrus sinensis species has several varieties, the main being Navel and Valencia. Both are

grown throughout Australia, but the Sweet Orange Essential Oil is only derived from the Navel

orange. The Navel orange fruit season begins in May and continues through to the beginning

of September.

Navels have no seeds and are also sold to both the whole-fruit market and the juice industry,

offering farmers a higher return from 3 industry sectors rather than the Valencia, which is

primarily used for juicing. This versatility caused many citrus growers to change their crops

from Valencia to Navel to increase the overall profitability of their orchards during the recent

years of drought.



The Orange Harvest

Small white-orange flowers appear in October during the fresh spring months and develop into fruit by May. The fruiting season continues all the way through winter and finishes around the beginning of September.

The fruit is hand-picked by a diverse

and transient labour force. Whilst

some locals do get involved, the

industry heavily relies on travelling

fruit pickers, who trek across the

country from region to region,

following the different harvesting

seasons. Community support is crucial

for the industry to maintain its

success and to ensure the harvest

cycle is uninterrupted, with many

local hostels providing private bus

services to and from the orchards.

A day in the life of an orchard picker involves climbing up and down ladders picking only the

ripest fruit, loading and emptying their canvas pouches as they go. Picking is a speedy process

and a skilled worker can collect an impressive three tonnes a day. The pickers empty their

pouches into large plastic bins that are located throughout the rows of trees. Once full, these

containers are combined into open truck trailers and sent to the packing sheds to be processed.

Inspection of the harvest is undertaken at the packing sheds. The fruit is sorted and graded for

whole fruit sale, juicing and/or essential oil extraction.

Above and below: Orange harvesting Australia is fortunate to have extremely favourable soils and climatic conditions in which to grow the citrus sinensis species.


The Essential Oil

Sydney Essential Oil Co.’s supply partner receives their fruit directly from the packing sheds and then prepares them to commence processing the essential oil.

Mechanical extractors separate the fruit in preparation for juicing and essential oil extraction.

The essential oil is extracted from the flavedo, or outer part of the orange peel. To facilitate this,

the thin part of the peel is removed from the rest of the orange. The remaining orange goes for

juicing, and the peel is then mixed and crushed with water in a cold press. This oil and water

mixture is then processed through a hydrocyclone and centrifuge to separate the essential oil

from the water molecules, and finally out through a polisher refined centrifuge to ensure

absolute purity of the oil.

It takes approximately 500kg of fruit to produce 1kg of essential oil from the peel. The essential

oil is an important bi-product and provides a complementary source of revenue to the fruit

growing industry. From that 500kg of fruit, 250L of juice will be extracted and the leftover

remnants are used as a stock feed supplement, resulting in zero wastage. It is said that the

orange waste can improve the milk yield of dairy cows.

When added to a body butter or cream, Sweet Orange Essential Oil may improve muscle tone

and the appearance of healthy skin. When incorporated into a cleanser, it may reduce irritations

and redness in dry or acne prone complexions. It is valuable in anti-ageing serums and eye

lotions, as it can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. More importantly, the

sweetness of this oil will help to promote a feeling of joy to your mood, benefiting your

everyday life.

We invite you to try our Australian Sweet Orange Essential Oil today.

SEOC’s Sweet Orange Essential Oil is available in 1kg or smaller pack sizes. To place an order or request a quote, contact our sales team at or call 02 9565 2828.

Above: A centrifuge separates the essential oil from the water collected during the cold-pressing extraction method.



Cypress Oil

Cupressus sempervirens is very robust and, when grown

wild, trees are believed to live for centuries. In Turkey’s

historic Karaca Ahmet Cemetery, cypress trees tower over ancient graves that date

all the way back to the 1500s. Whilst much of the species’ history is somewhat

solemn, it was also recognised for its effective

medicinal uses, offering relief from bronchial conditions

and helping to balance perspiration levels.

Harvest & ExtractionHarvest occurs during the winter season and,

depending on rainfall, can continue into

spring. Mechanical harvesting machinery is

utilised to remove the sprouts and young

branches from the top of the tree. There is no

requirement for a crop rotation program as

well-maintained trees can live for decades.

The cypress cuttings are steam distilled

through large vessels and, once extracted, the

essential oil is filtered to ensure purity. It takes

approximately 70-80kg of plant material to

produce 1kg of the herbaceous essential oil.

Cypress Oil Benefits

Cypress Oil’s clear, woody aroma has a hint of

spice that makes it extremely appealing for

perfumery formulations, particularly in men’s

aftershave products. It resonates as a middle-

to-base note in blends, complemented by

citruses and other aromatic family oils such as

pine, clary sage and juniper.

Aromatherapeutically, the oil may be used to

help minimise varicose veins as it possesses

exceptional vasoconstriction properties. It can

also have a strong influence over bodily fluids

and can assist in treating a range of

conditions such as nose bleeds and excessive

perspiration. Cypress has been known to

provide a calming and balancing effect on

people suffering from highly emotional

states or experiencing stress or anxiety. It can

help soothe tension and ease the nerves.

Sydney Essential Oil Co’s Cypress Oil is one of our spotlight oils for Spring. Please contact our friendly sales team on 02 9565 2828 to place an order now.


Harvest & Extraction

Harvested and sun-dried, each castor

seed contains almost 50% oil, offering a

significant yield and allowing for industrial

hydraulic-press extraction processes. Certified

Organic Castor Oil is cold pressed from the

small seed. It has a pale-yellow colour with

little-to-no odour, retaining a wonderfully-rich

nutrient content and luxurious texture. The

room temperature extraction process releases

approximately 20% of the seed’s oil content.

Conventional Castor Oil is obtained through

cold press extraction and retains many of the

same characteristics as the Certified Organic

Oil. It has a similar appearance and consistency

and has little-to-no odour. It is extremely stable

and is supplied with substantial shelf life.

Castor Oil Benefits

The high level of ricinoleic acid present in

Castor Oil can offer excellent skin-soothing

benefits and help to create a protective barrier

effect. The unsaturated Omega-9 fatty acid

equates to 80% to 95% of the entire fatty acid

profile and is a unique component of Castor

Oil. Other fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic and

stearic acids are all present, yet it is the

ricinoleic acid that sets this oil apart from

others. Cosmetically, its rich emollient action

can improve the overall smoothness and

softness of the epidermal layer. Direct

application can help minimise cracked and dry

skin conditions resulting from exposure to

harsh environments such as sun or wind.

Sydney Essential Oil Co’s Castor Oil is one of our spotlight oils for Spring. Please contact our friendly sales team on 02 9565 2828 to place an order now.

The oil from the ricinus communis plant is popular in

many different industries. From food to pharmaceutical, industrial to cosmetics, it has been utilised for centuries for its natural health benefits and its commercial stability. The quick growing plant species is

native to India and Africa and can withstand

challenging environmental conditions, making it an ideal crop for the region.

Castor Oil

Anti-Ageing Oil Trends



Natural oils, both essential and carrier oils can have remarkable

benefits in keeping our skin healthy and younger looking. The trend of replenishing your

skin with these essential oils has increased dramatically in recent

years – and for good reason. Naturally sourced and cost

effective, we attempt to shine the spotlight on just a few of these oils to help you make

the switch today!

Essential Oils Should be diluted with a carrier oil or hydrosol before applying directly to the skin (given their highly concentrated properties).


Frankincense Oil (boswellia serrata)

With a woody, spicy sweet and slight lemony aroma, this ancient essential oil is extracted from the hardened resin or gum of the boswellia serrata tree.

This oil can be very helpful for softening the skin and diminishing the look of fine lines and

wrinkles. It can help to regulate sebum, the protective barrier of fat present in the skin, reducing

large pores. This emollient – when diluted with carrier oil and applied topically – is said to

contain healing properties and works beautifully with mature age skin, helping to tone, firm and

lift, as well as accelerating the cell regeneration process.

It is a strong antioxidant that can also help reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks. An

astringent with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, Frankincense Oil can also be very

beneficial in treating acne and sores. To use on skin, ensure you add 2-3 drops of Frankincense

Essential Oil to a tablespoon of carrier oil and mix well before applying directly.

Patchouli Oil (pogostemon cablin)

The name ‘Patchouli’ is derived from the Tamil words for ‘green leaf ’, as the fragrant plant flourishes with lush green foliage.

The plant has been utilised for many different purposes over the centuries, not only for its opulent

scent, but also its wonderful and unique properties. In skincare, Patchouli Oil imparts a functional

deodorising action. Its febrifuge properties keep the body cool and can help reduce redness or

angry-looking skin when incorporated into an aloe vera gel or light moisturising lotion. It can also

be a wonderful anti-ageing ingredient that may help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles whilst

encouraging new cell growth. Patchouli Oil can promote a healthy complexion with soft and

supple looking skin. By simply adding a few drops of Patchouli Oil to your daily moisturiser, it may

help to prevent wrinkles, reduce inflammation and soothe irritation.



Carrot Seed Oil (daucus carota)

Carrot seed oil has been known as a great protector of the skin.

It is derived from the steam distillation of the wild carrot plant and is said to contain healing

properties that restore sun damaged skin and promote cell renewal. Combined with an aloe vera

gel and applied to skin, it can help to relieve painful sunburn. It has also been known as an

incredible anti-ageing essential oil. This is because Carrot seed oil is rich in carotol and

caretenoids which are powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants can help to fight off free

radicals, which can cause fine lines and wrinkles. It can also help to balance the skin by

regulating production of sebum which makes it ideal for all skin types. Always ensure you dilute

a few drops of carrot seed oil with a tablespoon of carrier oil of your choice before applying

directly to the skin.

Argan Oil (argania spinosa)

Argan oil is extracted from the kernels of the unique Argan Tree found only in Morocco.

It is said to contain 80% fatty acids which can help to combat radicals in the skin and provide ant-

aging properties. It also contains an abundance of vitamins A & E which can help to soften the skin

and improve overall elasticity, preventing sagging. It also contains sterolins which can promote

healthy skin cell metabolism. Argan oil has the ability to absorb into the skin rapidly without leaving

any oily residue behind, making it suitable for all skin types. Its capacity to deeply nourish makes this

oil most beneficial for those who suffer from dry and damaged skin. Highly prized and utilised within

the cosmetic industry, Argan oil is also renown for preventing oxidative damage from pollution and

UV rays. It contains fatty acids such as linoleic acid which help to fight radicals and improve the cell

strength of facial skin. Using a dropper bottle, simply apply a tablespoon of Argan oil directly to the

skin for best results.


Whilst all care has been taken in presenting these products and customising recommendations, Australian Botanical Products and Sydney Essential Oil Co. accept no responsibility concerning any product that is modified using such dosage suggestions. Essential

oils are not a substitute for any medication which has been prescribed by your medical physician.

To place an order or request a quote,

please contact our sales team at or on 02 9565 2828

Jojoba Oil (simmondsia chinensis)

High in vitamins E & C, Jojoba Carrier Oil is actually a wax with powerful hydrating abilities.

This non-greasy emollient

is easily absorbed by the

skin and is commonly used

in most cosmetic, skin and

hair care applications on the

market today. Renowned for

its ability to regenerate skin

cells, it can help to reduce

the appearance of fine lines,

wrinkles and age spots. It can

also act as an effective

natural remedy for acne and

other skin conditions due to

its anti-bacterial compounds.

This carrier oil is ideal to use

as a protective skin base –

simply add your choice of

essential oil to Jojoba and

apply to the skin.




Macadamia OilProviding an abundance of natural nourishment to the body, Macadamia Oil is an ideal carrier

oil to rejuvenate and protect the skin.


Rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, Certified Organic Macadamia Virgin Oil is a popular ingredient used in personal care products and cosmetics to hydrate,

nourish and protect the skin.

Widely known as the carrier oil that is the closest match to the naturally

occurring sebum of the skin, Macadamia Oil is always in high demand

and suits all skin types. This wonderfully thick oil – extracted from the

kernel meat of the nut – provides powerful hydration and is ideal for

older mature skin. Highly emollient, this oil penetrates deeply into the

skin without feeling greasy. In addition to its ample moisturising

benefits, this oil can increase the shine and health of your hair when

added to a natural shampoo and may even assist in reducing hair loss.

Discover the world of our Certified Organic Macadamia Virgin Oil today!

SEOC’s Macadamia Virgin Oil is available to order now. Please contact our friendly sales team

at or call 02 9565 2828.

SEOC’s Certified Organic Macadamia Virgin Oil is certified through Australian Certified Organic (ACO) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) standards.



Origins of Macadamia Oil Centuries ago in Australia, the nomadic nature of Indigenous life allowed for many Kindal Kindal wild harvests along the eastern strip of the Great Dividing Range.

During autumn, a community would

congregate in an area densely populated with

trees and gather the nuts as they fell.

To crack the smooth hard shell, a special

‘nutting stone’ would be used. This was

made from a slab of dense rock with

in-ground depressions, small enough to

perfectly fit the nut. When firmly placed in

the depression, a blow from a hammer

stone cracked the shell precisely, without

smashing the delicious kernel.

Early European settlers discovered mounds of

broken shells, but it wasn’t until the 1850s

that their attention turned toward the

evergreen rainforest tree. It was named

‘Macadamia’ to acknowledge a prominent

Australian scientist of the time, Dr John

McAdam, but it was then commercially

neglected for a number of decades.

The first commercial plantations were not

established in Australia as you would have

imagined – but in Hawaii, where seedlings,

transported from North Queensland, were

planted and instantly flourished in the rich

volcanic soil.

Harvest & Oil Production

Macadamia nuts are harvested from March through until September.

Mechanical harvesting units are driven

between the rows of trees collecting the fallen

macadamias, which are sent to the factory for

de-husking, drying and initial storage.

Drying is an important step in production, as it

reduces the nuts’ moisture content from

around 20% down to just 1.5%. At the time of

harvest, the kernel fills the entire shell but,

after drying, the kernel will have significantly

shrunk, which enables the shell to be cracked

without any internal damage.

The oil is extracted from the white macadamia

kernel. In the cold press extraction method, a

steel expeller screw press is used. Although

some heat is created by press friction in the

carefully engineered equipment, the actual

nuts are not pre-cooked, so all the natural

antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients are

retained in the oil.

The macadamia nut offers a remarkably high

oil yield (approximately 50%). To produce 1kg

of oil, 2kg of kernels are needed. The by-

product of oil extraction is a protein powder

that is used for animal stock feed.


Macadamia Oil in Cosmetics Whilst commonly used in culinary applications due to its high heat stability and pleasant nutty flavour, the demand for Macadamia Oil in the cosmetic industry is ever increasing.

High in monounsaturated fatty

acids and palmitoleic acid, this

golden coloured oil offers

wonderful moisturising properties

to skincare products.

Closely resembling natural skin sebum,

it promotes a soft and supple

complexion, whilst enhancing skin

elasticity and offering anti-ageing

effects. It is also recognised for its

soothing and healing properties

which are beneficial for scar tissue

and sunburn.

Its easy skin penetration makes it ideal

for massage applications and leaves

the skin feeling velvety and smooth.

We invite you to try SEOC’s Certified

Organic Virgin Macadamia Oil in your

own skincare products today. We

believe this oil will impress you.

Whilst all care has been taken in presenting these products and customising recommendations, Australian Botanical Products and Sydney Essential Oil Co. accept

no responsibility concerning any product that is modified using such dosage suggestions. Essential oils are not a

substitute for any medication which has been prescribed by your medical physician.

To place an order or request a quote, contact our sales team at or call 02 9565 2828. Alternatively,




6 essential oils for Springtime

The arrival of spring usually signals the start of the hayfever and allergy season. Sneezing, itchy eyes and a runny nose are

just some of the dreaded symptoms associated with the season. If you experience these types of symptoms, then there may be good news to help bring natural relief. Many sufferers are discovering natural alternatives to help combat these uncomfortable allergy

symptoms. Natural essential oils may be the perfect choice to help bring wellness into your life and enjoy springtime.

NATURAL AND HOLISTIC TREATMENTS are gradually becoming more and more in demand these days, with many sufferers

opting to try a more holistic approach to wellness in general.

Incorporating natural essential oils and aromatherapy into our lifestyles can help to

have a powerful positive effect on our mind and body, encouraging healing and

overall good health.

Hayfever and springtime allergies can be a nightmare for sufferers. With this in mind,

we have researched the natural essential oils and blends that can help relieve the

symptoms of hayfever, sinusitis and other spring related allergies and explain their

aromatherapeutic benefits and uses.



Peppermint Oil (mentha piperita)

Peppermint Essential Oil has a sharp, strong refreshing menthol scent, which is said to contain anti-inflammatory and cooling properties that may assist in relieving pain.

Many aromatherapists recommend Peppermint Oil to help provide relief from

allergy symptoms during the spring season. Adding 3-4 drops to a diffuser can

help purify the respiratory system and provide nasal congestion relief. When

one drop of oil is combined with a carrier oil, it can be used to be rub on

temples, neck and forehead to help alleviate headaches, in addition to a chest

rub that may help to ease congestion. Simply adding a drop of peppermint oil

to a tissue may also help to de-congest.

SEOC Peppermint Oil is available for purchase in Certified Organic or Conventional.

Eucalyptus Radiata Oil (eucalyptus radiata)

Eucalyptus Radiata Oil is one of the most gentle and sweetest-smelling cineole types of eucalypt.

This is the most popular eucalyptus oil used for aromatherapy applications given

low dilutions may be used for children and the elderly. Also known as narrow

leaf peppermint, it is known to be a powerful tonic for the respiratory system

and can help alleviate sinus symptoms such as coughs and congestion, whilst at

the same time helping to boost your overall immunity. Steam inhalation of

essential oils is an ideal way to help relieve allergy symptoms. Simply add 1-2

drops of Eucalyptus Radiata Oil to a bowl of boiled water and inhale. For best

results, ensure you drape a towel over your head to keep the steam in and be

sure to close your eyes.

SEOC Eucalyptus Radiata Oil is available for purchase in Certified Organic or Conventional.

Aromatherapy can help to relieve allergy symptoms during springtime. We recommend only using SEOC therapeutic grade essential oils and performing a skin patch test before use. Simply combine your choice of essential oils with a carrier oil or hydrosol prior to use.



White Thyme Oil (thymus vulgaris)

Thyme oil has been in use since the time of the Romans and can be a very effective germ killer.

It contains phenols that have antimicrobial properties, which can inhibit growth

of bacteria, fungi and viruses. It is said to be highly effective at dealing with a

sore throat as well as other allergy and flu-like symptoms. Steam distilled from

the plant’s flowering tops, White Thyme Oil is made by re-distilling red thyme

oil. White Thyme Oil acts as an expectorant, helping to clear mucus from the

lungs and throat and is a common ingredient in throat and nose lozenges

available on the market today. Adding 2 drops of this essential oil to a vaporiser

can help to clear a person’s airways and de-congest.

SEOC White Thyme Oil is available for purchase in Conventional.

Basil Grand Verte Oil (ocimum basilicum)

The compounds found in Basil Grand Verte Oil contain high levels of antioxidants and other beneficial phytochemicals.

Steam distilled from fresh basil leaves, stems and flowers to form an extract, this

warm, spicy oil helps to fight infection and bacteria. Diffusing this oil through

your home will help to relieve hayfever symptoms, and adding a few drops to a

steam bath can aid in alleviating congestion. Alternatively, adding 1-2 drops of

this oil to a carrier oil or moisturiser can become an effective chest rub.

SEOC Basil Grand Verte Oil is available for purchase in Conventional.

To place an order, please contact our friendly sales team at or call 02 9565 2828.

Whilst all care has been taken in presenting these products and customising recommendations, Australian Botanical Products and Sydney Essential Oil Co. accept no responsibility concerning any product that is modified using such dosage suggestions. Essential oils are not a substitute for any medication that has been prescribed by your medical physician.





SEOC Nurturing Oil Blend Ingredients: Cedarwood Atlas, Lemon, Mandarin Red, Lavender Maillette, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile.

The ever-popular SEOC Nurturing Oil Blend contains a powerful mix of essential oils that can help alleviate and combat common spring allergies.

Lemon and mandarin oils are often used in aromatherapy to impart energy,

help clear sinuses and ease nasal congestion, whilst the lavender and Roman

chamomile oils may help reduce inflammation and provide an overall calming

effect. Try adding 2-3 drops of the SEOC Nurturing Oil Blend to a diffuser to

alleviate spring allergy symptoms.

SEOC Nurturing Blend is available for purchase in Certified Organic.

SEOC Pampering Oil Blend Ingredients: Sweet Orange, Lavender Spike, Bergamot, Vetiver, Roman Chamomile.

The SEOC Pampering Oil Blend can provide many benefits whilst helping to uplift your mood.

This oil blend contains lavender spike oil and vetiver oil which can aid in the

relief of headaches, pain and insomnia. When a few drops of this Pampering

Oil Blend are added to a carrier oil or moisturiser, its antiseptic properties

may also aid in the relief of spring skin allergies. Be sure not to add this oil

directly to your skin and please dilute before using.

SEOC Pampering Oil Blend is available for purchase in Certified Organic.

To place an order, please contact our friendly sales team at or call 02 9565 2828.





Product formulations are included as illustrative examples only. Whilst all care has been taken in presenting example formulations,

Australian Botanical Products and Sydney Essential Oil Co. accept no responsibility concerning any product manufactured using

such formulations. The responsibility for the performance for marketing claim and adequate testing for stability of any product

prior to sale lies with the manufacturer thereof.

Product Sweet Orange Oil (Australia)

Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis

Appearance: Clear mobile liquid

Origin: Australia

Colour: Orange to deep orange brown

Odour: Characteristic orange citrus

Plant part used: Fruit Peel

Extraction method: Cold Pressed

Physio-chemical properties

Specific Density @ 20 C: 0.840 to 0.860

Refractive Index @ 20 C: 1.4690 to 1.4800

Optical Rotation @ 20 C: 92.000 to +102.000

Oil components Typical Analysis

b-Myrcene Trace to 5%

d-Limonene Min 92%

Other Information

Packaging: As required.Storage: Store in tightly sealed containers in a cool, dry place without direct sunlight or heat.Handling: Well-ventilated area, avoiding open flame or other sources of ignition.Shelf Life: Three years from date of manufacture (when stored in appropriate conditions).

For more information contact Sydney Essential Oil Co. on 02 9565 2828



Gentle Face Exfoliating Cream: Featuring Sweet Orange Essential Oil

Method of Manufacture

1. Combine ingredients in Phase A and heat to 70°C maximum.2. Combine ingredients in Phase B and heat to 70°C maximum.3. Add Phase B to Phase A, and emulsify for 5 minutes.4. When emulsion has cooled to 35°C, add Phase C and emulsify for 1-3 minutes.5. Add all ingredients from Phase D while stirring constantly. Emulsify for 1-3 minutes.6. Add Phase E and mix through thoroughly.7. When cool, pour off.

For ingredients, please contact Sydney Essential Oil Co. on 02 9565 2828.

Performance: Light exfoliation for face, gently removes dead skin cells

Appearance: Pale coloured cream with visible white granules

Aroma: Soft, bright, sweet citrus aroma

Stability: Expected shelf life of 18 months – subject to manufacturing practice

Recommended use: Daily or weekly to keep skin looking fresh, suits all skin types

Phase Raw Material % w/w

A Demineralised water 73.08

B Emulsifying wax 5%

Almond Sweet Virgin Oil 4%

Macadamia Virgin Oil 3%z

C Vitamin E Natural 1%

Orange Sweet Australian Essential Oil 0.2%

3% Neroli in Jojoba Oil – Certified Organic 0.15%

Rosewood Essential Oil 0.1%

D Calendula Co2 extract 3%

Glycerine 0.5%

E Jojoba Wax beads 4%

100% w/w

Sydney Essential Oil Co Pty Ltd ABN 16 600 890 248Address: 39 Melverton Drive, Hallam VIC 3803 AustraliaT: +61 02 9565 2828 E: online: hours: 9am-5pm Monday to Friday

© Copyright 2018 Sydney Essential Oil Co. Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. Contact with any requests.

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