chem study guide 2012 2013 aalto university

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Aalto University School of Chemical Technology

STUDY GUIDE 2012–2013 Editors: Anja Hänninen Anna Mäkilä Espoo 2012


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

TO THE READER This study guide is the key for the structure and administration of the School of Chemical Technology’s Degree Programmes Bioproduct Technology, Chemical Technology, Forest Products Technology, and Material Science and Engineering. Familiarize yourself with it; the study guide will help you with planning your studies. This study guide, the official forms and information about courses are on the Faculty’s web-pages: If you need more information about studying at the School of Chemical Technology, don’t hesitate to contact study advisers, tutors, student affairs secretaries or planning officers. We are happy to help you! Best regards, the planning officers of the School of Chemical Technology Editorial comment: The study guide is partly un-confirmed and it is highly possible that alternations will be made later.


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

GREETINGS FROM THE DEAN The School of Chemical Technology educates Masters and Doctors of Science according to the aims of Aalto University for expert-, research and leadership tasks in different branches of industry as well as in the academic world. The world is rapidly changing and the predicting the need of Future is increasingly difficult. Therefore our aim is to provide basic tools in our education that help you to face the challenges in the future. There is a need for new technological solutions e.g. for production and storage of renewable energy and for new ways of saving energy. On the other hand, both renewable and non-renewable resources are being depleted, so the importance of material efficiency and recycling are ever increasing. Many of our schools research projects are linked with these questions, so the newest information is incorporated to the teaching. In our programs experimental natural sciences are combined with engineering. In addition to mathematics and physics you will learn the basis of chemistry and biosciences. These will create the base for manufacturing both new and old products and improving the manufacturing process. Combining theory and practise is in a very important role in the studies of our school. Our aim is that theory filled courses that may seem dry and dull will become concrete in different laboratory- and design projects. Often these projects are connected to on-going research and therefore students will gain first hand insight on latest research. Our school is a part of Aalto University and this should be kept in mind when you plan for example your minor subjects and elective studies. All six of Aalto University’s schools offer courses that might suit your choices and open new perspectives, for example, for problem solving. The strategic aims of Aalto University are student centred focus, even better quality of teaching and an environment that encourages learning. In order to develop all these aspect we need everybody’s contribution, students’ as well as teachers’. Therefore I challenge everybody to take part in this process. I wish everybody a successful academic year 2012 – 2013. Outi Krause Dean School of Chemical Technology


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

Table of Contents

GREETINGS FROM THE DEAN ........................................................................................................................... 3


AALTO UNIVERSITY ............................................................................................................................................. 5 2. STRUCTURE AND AIMS OF THE DEGREES ................................................................................................ 6 2.1. EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM ECTS ................................................................................................. 6 2.2. HIGHER UNIVERSITY DEGREE ..................................................................................................................... 6

2.2.1. The Aims of the Higher University Degree .................................................................................. 6 2.2.2. The Structure of the Higher University Degree ........................................................................... 6

2.3. DOCTORAL EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................ 8 2.3.1. The Aims of the Doctoral Education ........................................................................................... 8 2.3.2. The Structure of the Doctoral Degrees ....................................................................................... 8

2.4. AIMS OF THE DEGREE PROGRAMMES ............................................................................................................ 9 2.4.1. Bioproduct Technology .............................................................................................................. 9 2.4.2. Chemical Technology: Process Systems Engineering (PSE) ........................................................ 10 2.4.3. Material Science and Engineering ............................................................................................ 10 2.4.4. Forest Products Technology ..................................................................................................... 10

2.5. PROGRESS OF THE STUDIES ...................................................................................................................... 10

3. ACADEMIC ISSUES .................................................................................................................................. 12

3.1. INTO WEBPAGE .................................................................................................................................. 12 3.2. THE ACADEMIC YEAR AT AALTO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY .............................................. 12 3.3. COURSE AND EXAMINATION SCHEDULES ..................................................................................................... 12 3.4. STUDY PLAN (HOPS) ............................................................................................................................ 12 3.5. COURSES ............................................................................................................................................ 13 3.6. EXAMINATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 13 3.7. TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS (OODI) .............................................................................................................. 13 3.8. COMPLETED COURSES, LEGAL PROTECTION AND DISCIPLINE ............................................................................. 13 3.9. NORMATION DURATIONS OF DEGREE STUDIES ............................................................................................... 13 3.10. CERTIFICATES AND GRADUATION ........................................................................................................... 14

3.10.1. Graduation Ceremonies ........................................................................................................... 14

4. STUDY COUNSELLING ............................................................................................................................. 14

4.1. TUTORING .......................................................................................................................................... 14 4.2. STUDY PLAN ........................................................................................................................................ 15

4.2.1. Official Individual Study Plan (HOPS) ....................................................................................... 15 4.2.2. Individual Study Plan (omaHOPS) ............................................................................................ 15

4.3. STUDENT ADVISERS ............................................................................................................................... 15 4.4. STUDENT AFFAIRS SECRETARY .................................................................................................................. 16 4.5. PLANNING OFFICER (STUDY AFFAIRS) ........................................................................................................ 16

5. THE MASTER’S THESIS ............................................................................................................................ 16

5.1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................ 16 5.2. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MASTER’S THESIS ................................................................................................ 17 5.3. WRITING THE THESIS ............................................................................................................................. 17 5.4. JURIDICAL ISSUES .................................................................................................................................. 19 5.5. MATURITY ESSAY ................................................................................................................................. 19

6. MASTER’S PROGRAMME IN PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING .............................................................. 21

7. MASTER’S PROGRAMME IN BIOPRODUCT TECHNOLOGY....................................................................... 25


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology


Aalto University Aalto University began operating on 1 January 2010 as a new university based on expertise in technology, business and art. The six schools of Aalto University – School of Art and Design, School of Chemical Technology, School of Economics, School of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering and School of Science – are among the most highly esteemed and internationally recognised Finnish institutions in their respective fields. The aim of Aalto University is to combine these fields of study and to create one of the world’s leading centres of academic excellence. Students as part of the Aalto community Aalto University is a specialist international community of 20,000 students and 4,300 staff. Our students are a vital part of the community and play an important role in building this new university. Aalto University seeks to establish a genuinely open and inspiring environment that will continually encourage its participants to achieve new levels of learning. Graduating from Aalto University will require diligent work and commitment to your studies. The syllabus is demanding, but the University supports its students in planning their studies and progressing in the programme. The institution trains experts in their own fields and multidisciplinary specialists to serve as trailblazers in society. Interdisciplinary studies Aalto University is benefiting from its multidisciplinary character by launching new research projects, study programmes and courses that combine the expertise of the three Schools. The Schools of Aalto University jointly provide Aalto studies that are open to everyone studying at the University. Aalto studies include individual courses and broader study programmes. The first joint interdisciplinary Master’s degree programmes of Aalto University are International Design Business Management (IDBM) and Creative Sustainability. Design Factory, Media Factory and Service Factory are the new expertise workshops of the University. The Factories are platforms for studying, teaching, research and collaboration where academic teams and projects can work together with businesses and the public sector. Their research findings will be smoothly integrated into teaching work. Design Factory focuses on product development, Media Factory on the media sector, and Service Factory on high value-added services. For further details about Aalto University please visit, and for details of our study programmes visit


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

2. STRUCTURE AND AIMS OF THE DEGREES The students will first take a Bachelor of Science in Technology degree, and continue their studies into Master of Science in Technology. Studies are given credits according to the amount of work required; the average number of hours demanded by one academic year of studies, 1600 hours, is equivalent to 60 credits (cr). The lower university degree, Bachelor of Science in Technology requires studies in the extent of 180 credits. As a full-time student, it is possible to take the lower university degree in three academic years. The higher university degree, Master of Science in Technology, requires studies in the extent of 120 credits. As a full-time student, it is possible to take the higher university degree in two academic years. The grading scale for the courses is 1-5 or pass/fail. The education leading to the lower and higher university degrees is planned and organised as degree programmes in various areas of expertise in the technical sciences.

2.1. European Credit Transfer System ECTS ECTS – European Credit Transfer System is a systematic way of describing an educational programme by attaching credits to its components. ECTS is a student- centered system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a programme. The system was introduced in 1989 within the framework of Erasmus programme. ECTS is the only credit system which has been successfully tested and used across Europe. ECTS was set up initially for credit transfer. The system facilitated the recognition of periods of study abroad and thus enhanced the quality and volume of student mobility in Europe. Recently ECTS is developing into an accumulation system to be implemented at European level. This is one of the key objectives of the Bologna Declaration of June 1999. ECTS makes study programmes easy to read and compare for all students, local and foreign. ECTS facilitates mobility and academic recognition. It helps universities to organize and revise their study programmes. ECTS makes European higher education more attractive for students from other continents. ECTS is based on the principle that 60 credits measure the workload of a full-time student during on an academic year. Student workload in ECTS consist of the time required to complete all planned learning activities such as attending lectures, seminars, independent and private study, preparation of projects, examinations and so forth. More information on ECTS can be found in

2.2. Higher University Degree

2.2.1. The Aims of the Higher University Degree The aims of a Higher university Degree have been given in the Degree Regulations of the School of Chemical Technology (17 §). Studies leading to the master’s degree provide the student with: Good overall knowledge of the major subject of the degree programme; Knowledge and skills needed to apply scientific knowledge and scientific methods, or knowledge and skills needed for independent and demanding artistic work, and capability to lifelong, flexible learning; Knowledge and skills to understand the problems of his or her own field, from the point of view of the user, of technical and social organisations, and of the environment; Knowledge and skills to act as an expert and developer in the working life of his or her own field; Sufficient language and communication skills, and Knowledge and skills needed for scientific or artistic postgraduate education. The education is based on scientific research and professional practices.

2.2.2. The Structure of the Higher University Degree The studies leading to the master’s degree consist of: Studies of methodological principles (9-11credits); three modules, at least one of which shall be an advanced module in one of the major subjects of the student’s own degree programme and of which only one can be a basic module (18-22 credits per module); Elective studies (so that the degree is minimum of 120 credits), and


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

The master’s thesis (30 credits). Subject and advanced studies are contained in modules.

Figure 2. An example of the Master’s Degree 120 credits. More information from Study Affairs Offices Major and Minor Subjects The content of the master’s degree major subject is based on focused subject studies. The student’s major subject consists of three modules of the degree programme: a basic module included in the bachelor’s or master’s studies and an intermediate module, and an advanced module of the mentioned intermediate module. Even if the student does several advanced modules based on the same intermediate module, the degree includes only one major subject. A student’s studies constitute a minor subject if he or she does one of the following combinations of two modules that are not part of his or her major subject: a basic module and its intermediate module or an intermediate module and its advanced module). The Degree Regulations (20§) of Aalto University School of Chemical Technology describes the details regarding the modules forming major and minor subjects. A student’s choices are approved in the student’s personal study plan. It is also possible to take the higher university degree programme without a minor subject. The student may also choose a minor subject from other degree programmes, or from another Finnish or foreign university, on condition that it is approved in the student’s personal study plan. The same modules may not be included in both a student’s major and minor subjects. Special Module A special module (18-22 credits) may be a module designed by the department or a module consisting of a student’s personal studies approved by the department. Methodological Principles A methodological principles module (8-11 credits) consists of scientific methodological studies which need to be confirmed in a personal study plan. Master’s Thesis The master's thesis is done on a subject related to the field of the degree programme, agreed upon together by the student and the teacher of the subject. If there is sufficient justification, the faculty may give permission for the master’s thesis to be written on a subject related to a minor subject. Further information on the master’s thesis can be found in chapter 10. Language Skills For information about the language requirements, see lower university degree chapter 2.2.2. Practical Training

Advanced module A3 18-22 cr

Special module C 18-22cr

Elective studies W

Master’s thesis D 30 cr

Methodological princip-les M

9 -11cr

Intermediate module B2

18-22 cr


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

The master’s degree may include practical training that develops expertise as laid down in the regulations for the degree programme. Compulsory training is included in basic studies and optional training in elective studies. Further details on training can be found in chapter 6.

2.3. Doctoral Education The postgraduate degrees at Aalto University School of Chemical Technology after master’s degree are mainly Licentiate of Science (Technology) and Doctor of Science (Technology). The licentiate degree is a predoctoral postgraduate degree. The doctoral degree may be taken directly after the master’s degree; it is not compulsory to take the licentiate degree first. In special circumstances, Aalto University School of Chemical Technology may also award the Doctor of Philosophy degree. It is not, however, possible to take the Licentiate of Philosophy degree at Aalto University School of Chemical Technology. .

2.3.1. The Aims of the Doctoral Education The purpose of postgraduate studies are defined in the degree regulations of the School of Chemical Technology (29 §). The aims of doctoral education are that the student: Acquires profound knowledge of his or her research field and its social significance and achieves the necessary skills to independently and critically apply the scientific methods of the respective field and produce new scientific knowledge; Acquires thorough knowledge of the development, basic problems and research methods of his or her research field; and Achieves a sufficient level of knowledge in the theory of science and other fields related to his or her research field to enable him or her to follow their development.

2.3.2. The Structure of the Doctoral Degrees A postgraduate degree comprises theoretical studies and research work. The emphasis is on scientific research. The structure of postgraduate studies is illustrated by the following figure.


Licentiate thesis

Research field T 30-40 cr

Studies in supplementary field S 10-20 cr

Scientific practices and principles Y 5-15 cr

Figure 4. Structure of the doctoral degree


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

Theoretical Studies The scope of the studies is given as credits (cr). The required work input for one academic year, 1,600 hours on average, equals 60 credits. The theoretical studies included in postgraduate studies, 60 credits, are completed in modules. The module Research field covers 30-40 credits. The student may select his or her research field from those designated for Aalto University School of Science and Technology postgraduate studies. The student is also expected to complete module S in Studies in supplementary field, worth 10-20 credits, which supports the student’s thesis writing and research field. The degree also includes the module Scientific practices and principles Y (5-15 credits). The purpose of this module is to prepare the student for scientific work and to familiarise him or her with the application and dissemination of scientific knowledge. There are some differences on what will be accepted to this module according to the different needs of different fields of study. There is additional information on the into pages of the School of Chemical Technology. Courses that the students have completed during master’s degree studies and are of postgraduate level but are not used for the master’s degree are accepted for postgraduate-level modules. The modules may also include postgraduate-level courses taken in other universities.. It is for the faculty to decide on a student’s subject combination and courses accepted towards a postgraduate degree. The faculty may set separate knowledge prerequisites for a subject or minimum grade requirements for the master’s degree for postgraduate student applicants. Research The most important part of the postgraduate degree is the research work. The licentiate degree requires a licentiate thesis. For the doctoral degree, the student is required to write and publish a doctoral dissertation and submit it for public examination. If the required theoretical studies have already been completed for the licentiate degree, earning the doctoral degree involves only the doctoral dissertation.

2.4. Aims of the degree programmes

2.4.1. Bioproduct Technology The degree programme is strongly based on mathematics and science and it combines mathematics, physics, chemistry and bio products in a new way. In addition to basic skills in engineering and bio product technology the students shall receive good knowledge in business, communication, problem solving and team work. The main subjects are Biorefineries, Renewable Materials Engineering, Fibre Products Technology and Environmental Management. The basic studies in bioproduct technology deepen understanding about natural resources and give the basic knowledge to assess alternative uses for them on the point of view of sustainable development. Teaching incorporates wide variety of different teaching methods: laboratory- and group work and project and problem based learning. The research of bioproduct technology emphasizes on biomass, or in other words on varied and sustainable use of natural resources. Development is fast and latest research and technology are increasingly used in the industry. The demand for materials, chemicals, energy and fuel derived from renewable natural resources is increasing. The aim of this degree programme is to train graduates who can utilise biomass in an ecologically and economically sustainable way. The graduates are able to take part in the debate in society as experts. There are 4 major subjects in Bioproduct Technology Biorefinaries (KM3001) Puu-23 prof. Herbert Sixta (responsible professor) Puu-19 prof. Tapani Vuorinen Puu-19 prof. Adriaan van Heiningen, FiDiPro Kem-40 prof. Juha Lehtonen Kem-42 prof. Ville Alopaeus Kem-70 prof. Heikki Ojamo


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

Renewable Materials Engineering (KM3002) Puu-19 prof. Janne Laine (responsible professor) Kem-100 prof. Jukka Seppälä Fibre Products Technology (KM3003) Puu-28 prof. Mark Hughes (responsible professor) Puu-21 prof. Jouni Paltakari Puu-28 prof. Matti Kairi Puu.21 prof. Thad Maloney Puu-21 prof. Patrick Gane Environmental Management (KM3004) Puu-127 prof. Olli Dahl (responsible professor) Kem-107 prof. Jukka Koskinen

2.4.2. Chemical Technology: Process Systems Engineering (PSE) The study of chemical engineering and computer-based techniques for design, operation and management within the process industries has come to be called process systems engineering (PSE). PSE is concerned with the scientific aspects of the design and operation of a chemical process as an integrated dynamic production system. This integration addresses multiple scales, ranging from product quality control at the micro scale to the optimization of production at the plant level. Chemical engineers play a critical role in the development of a wide range of technologies. As such, the PSE interdisciplinary degree offers students the opportunity to obtain a breadth of knowledge and unparalleled academic exposure: Chemical Engineering, Plant Design and Process Automation. The objective of process systems engineering is to provide companies with skilled people capable of developing and maintaining global production systems consisting of production resources and technologies. In doing so, the engineers have to develop skills in managing, planning, and steering production operations, as well as production technologies, processes and their products. Major available in English: Process Systems Engineering (KE3004) Kem-42: Prof. Ville Alopaeus Kem-90: Prof. Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela Kem-107: Prof. Jukka Koskinen

2.4.3. Material Science and Engineering At the moment the Degree Programme of Materials Science and Engineering does not offer degree studies lectured in English. Some courses are held in English. At the moment the Degree Programme of Materials Science and Engineering does not offer majors lectured in English.

2.4.4. Forest Products Technology The professional aims of the Forest Products Technology degree are the responsibilities requiring scientific and technical expertise in the fields of wood product industry, pulp and paper industry, graphic arts industry and the industries providing machines, equipment, chemicals and systems for the above-mentioned industries. The goal is to have the students prepared for the tasks of operations, plant design, production planning, environmental protection, research, development, marketing, consulting and management. NOTE: this program does not take new students.

2.5. Progress of the Studies


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

The order of the courses to be taken may depend on the major and minor choices of the student. All students must do a personal study plan (HOPS) in the beginning of their studies. Insufficient prerequisites may cause unnecessary delays in the studies. Therefore it is good to acknowledge the prerequisites already in the planning of your studies.


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology


3.1. INTO Webpage INTO ( is Aalto university’s portal for students and it includes information about studying, university’s services and information about the university. The portal collects Aalto University’s news and happenings for bachelor, masters and doctoral students. All information in into is public (=does not require signing in) and mainly in three languages. The target group is those studying in Aalto University. INTO consists of several sites. Start browsing INTO by choosing the School of Chemical Technology under the heading “Bachelor and Master’s students” or “Doctoral Candidates”.

3.2. The Academic Year at Aalto University School of Science and Technology

The periods for the academic year 2012–2013 are the following: 1. Examination Period 27 August – 8 September 2012 I Teaching Period 10 September – 20 October 2012 2. Examination Period 22 October – 27 October 2012 II Teaching Period 29 October – 15 December 2012 3. Examination Period 17 December - 22 December 2012 4. Examination Period 2 January - 12 January 2013 III Teaching Period 14 January – 2 March 2013 5. Examination Period 4 March – 9 March 2013 IV Teaching Period 11 March – 17 May 2013 6. Examination Period 18 May – 31 May 2013 The Easter holiday is on 28 March– 3 April 2013. The opening of the academic year takes place on 4 September 2012. Dates for Saturday examinations can be found in INTO.

3.3. Course and Examination Schedules The school responsible for the degree programmes compile their course and examination schedules by the beginning of the term. Lecturing is organized during four teaching periods and examinations are arranged during examination periods, at the beginning of the terms, as well as on specified Saturdays. The course schedules indicate when and where the lectures are held. The first and second year students also have a model time table available. The course and examination schedule of the degree programmes of the Faculty can be found from the school of Chemical Technology’s Into web-page: Other degree programme’s course and examination schedules are available at: (WebOodi-system) and (Noppa Student portal). The web pages of the courses can be found from Noppa and registering for examinations is done in WebOodi.

3.4. Study plan (HOPS) Students are expected to make personal study plans. A planning tool available for the students is a personal study plan (HOPS). Aalto University School of Chemical Technology uses two types of study plans: A module based official verified personal study plan (HOPS), and A student’s course based, personal study plan (omaHOPS). More details on study plan in chapter 4.2.


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

3.5. Courses According to the Degree statue of 2005 courses are measured in ECTS credits. The aim is that students would gain 60 credits a year. Registration for courses The modules of the degree structure consist of courses. Students have to register for the courses prior to their beginning. This is done through the WebOodi: ( Since the practices vary, it is necessary to locate information on the courses in advance e.g. from the course web-site from Noppa-portal: Overlapping Courses Some courses may have overlapping contents. If a student has completed two courses with same or equivalent contents, only one course can be included in the degree. For more information, please contact the study affairs office at the degree programme.

3.6. Examinations If the degree requirements for a course include a written or oral examination, the opportunity to take the examination is organised at least twice a year. The teacher may arrange additional opportunities to sit the examination. If a large number of students take a course, it is recommended that the examination is arranged four times a year. The testing of extensive courses may consist of two or more examinations. The student has to register for an examination latest one week beforehand. The registration takes place through WebOodi. Registration for an examination is considered as participation, unless it is cancelled one week before the start of the examination. Only students who have registered for an examination may take the exam. A student who has failed an examination three times must negotiate with the teacher in charge on how to pass the course. A student who has registered absent for the semester may not take an examination. More information at the Into web pages of the school of Chemical Technology.

3.7. Transcript of records (Oodi) All completed courses will be registered in the student register (Oodi). The registration takes place in the school responsible for the course. Teachers are responsible for having the information on the completed courses available for the students within four weeks from the examination. The results of the exams are published on the Noppa-portal. If the course includes also assignments, exercises etc., the final grade will be given when all the parts have been completed. Students can order an unofficial transcript of records through WebOodi, provided that the student’s e-mail address is correctly entered in the student register and the student’s right to study is valid. Changes in contact information or any other changes have to be informed at the Student Services or changed in WebOodi. A student can also get an official transcript from the Student Services of the school.

3.8. Completed Courses, Legal Protection and Discipline In case there are problems regarding course credits, the student should contact the teacher of the course, or the Planning Officer of the Degree programme. The student should notify the officials if the courses have not been registered in time. Finding the grades later is time consuming and because of the limited storage time sometimes impossible after a certain time.

3.9. Normation durations of degree studies


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

The amendment to the Universities Act (556/2005) entered into force on August 1, 2005. It issues provisions regarding the normative and maximum durations of bachelor's and master's degrees, the right to study and granting extension to the right to study. The normative and maximum durations of degrees apply to students who have been granted the right to study on or after 1 August 2005 and TKK students who have begun their studies prior to 2005 but have been admitted to a new degree programme on or after autumn 2005. The duration of degrees The duration of study is considered as having started when the student enrolls as present at the University. Students who fail to enroll as either absent or present will have the time during which they are not enrolled counted towards the total duration of study. In addition the duration of study shall include absence that exceeds four semesters (2 academic years) for which the student has enrolled as absent. The students admitted to pursue only a master's degree are expected to complete the degree in a total of two (2) years. Absences not counted towards the overall duration of study

Voluntary military service or conscription or non-military service, maternity or paternity leave or parental leave.

Other absence lasting a maximum of four semesters (2 academic years) provided that the student is enrolled as absent from the university or has interrupted his/her studies

Applying for extension to the right to study Students who have not completed their degree within the maximum duration of study but wish to complete their degrees are required to apply for extension to their right to study by submitting an application to their school. In such cases, students shall present a goal-oriented and feasible plan for completing the studies.

3.10. Certificates and Graduation The degree certificate can be given to the applicant who has completed a higher university degree only if he or she has fulfilled the commitments to the University. Instructions and forms related to graduation are available at the Study Services Office and the school’s Into pages. The application for the degree certificate must be delivered in time to the Student services Office. The degree decision dates are announced at the department’s bulletin board and on the web.

3.10.1. Graduation Ceremonies The Dean of Aalto University School of Chemical Technology awards the degree certificates during ceremonies which are arranged approximately twice a semester. A graduating student will get a personal invitation to the Graduation Ceremonies and must sign in for the ceremonies. A student unable to attend the ceremonies, can obtain the degree certificate from the OOP Service Desk at Kemistintie 1 the following working day after the ceremonies or leave an authorization to obtain the certificate by postal mail. When obtaining the degree certificate, the student should be prepared to proof one’s identity.

4. STUDY COUNSELLING This chapter contains information about tutoring, planning the studies and study counselling at different stages during the studies. Information about living in Finland, other social issues and counselling can be found in the Otaniemi Campus Guide for New Students, which is available at

4.1. Tutoring


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

At master’s level, the students are divided into tutor groups according to their majors or fields of specialization. In addition to the group meetings, each student has a personal tutor meeting at least during the first year. The purpose of the personal meeting is to review student’s progress and discuss his/her studies taking into account the student’s study plan, and completed courses. The tutor and the student evaluate the student’s possibilities to complete his/her studies within the set target timeframe.

4.2. Study Plan Planning one’s studies is an important part of studying. Each student goes through different choices from the very beginning of the studies to graduation. This road through the studies should be as sensible and systematic as possible. As a tool for planning the studies, Aalto University School of Science and Technology uses two types of study plans.

4.2.1. Official Individual Study Plan (HOPS) The official individual study plan is completed at least once during the during the higher university degree. If a student would like to make changes to his/her official personal study plan, he/she has to apply for the changes and have the study plan re-examined. New approved plan replaces the old one. Changing the study plan has to be carefully considered. The study plan is a binding agreement on both parties: the student and Aalto University School of Chemical Technology. It grants a student with a right to study according to the approved official personal study plan but at the same time, the student is obliged to abide by the valid study plan.

4.2.2. Individual Study Plan (omaHOPS) The individual study plan is the student’s personal document and there may be several versions. The individual study plan may be edited during the studies. The students update their individual study plans when necessary. Students in the Master’s programme produce their personal study plan in the own Orientation at September. It is also beneficial to plan studies in more detail. A weekly schedule facilitates organizing lectures, problem-solving exercises, laboratory work and independent study. Planning for examination periods and anticipating one’s workload are important. The purpose of these plans is to divide the workload as evenly as possible throughout the academic year.

4.3. Student Advisers The student advisers working at the faculty are senior students whom you may turn to in matters relate to studying. The reception hours for the study and practical training advisers are announced in the beginning of the semester. You can reach the study advisers via the INTO pages of the School of Chemical Technology. The Student Advisers’ tasks include giving advice related to:

Studying techniques Making the individual study plan (HOPS) Different types of applications Legal protection issues All questions about studying when the student does not know whom to turn to.

The International Student Advisers tasks include:

To give advice in practical matters related in studying and living in Finland To give advice to the degree programme’s students in all matters related to studying abroad To help the foreign students in matters related to studying To assist to coordinate tutoring for foreign students at the school

The Practical Training Advisers tasks include:

To give advice related to practical training To organise a practical training seminar To organise the placements of practical training positions for the degree students To acquire the traditional foreign training positions and handle the application process


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

4.4. Student Affairs Secretary Student Affairs Secretary:

Gives advice in administrative issues related to the degrees Registrar of the study attainments and gives official transcripts Receives and prepares degree issues for the Chemical Technology committee / Dean /professor

responsible for the degree programme. Applications concerning the Master's thesis Receives different study related applications Study counselling and informs about decisions Issues concerning graduation (e.g. degree diplomas)

Contact information:

4.5. Planning Officer (Study Affairs) The Planning Officer of Study Affairs’ tasks include:

receives and prepares degree issues for the degree programme committee / Chemical Technology Committee / Dean and presents study issues at the degree programme committee / Chemical Technology Committee / Dean (study programme, study guide, degree structure, approvals of the degrees from other universities, student selections).

Study plans, eligibility issues for further studies for the graduates from foreign universities Planning, execution and informing of the study affairs Editor of the study guide Study counselling (major and minor selections, individual study plans, international studies ...) Monitoring of the studies Other tasks in the Degree Programme

Appointments by agreement.


5.1. General The master's thesis is done on a subject related to the field of the major subject, agreed upon by the student and the teacher of the subject. If there is sufficient justification, the Degree Programme Committee may give permission for the master’s thesis to be written on a subject related to a minor subject. Since the requirements in the minor subject may be lower than in the major subject, the professor of the minor subject may require additional studies before beginning the Master’s thesis. The School confirms the subject and language of the master’s thesis, and appoints a supervisor and an instructor. The school may decide if necessary, that the supervisor also acts as the instructor. The Degree Programme Committee of the school makes the decision on approval of the master's thesis and grades it, taking into account the supervisor's written statement. The supervisor of the master’s thesis shall be a university professor and the instructor shall have at least a higher university degree The student shall show maturity in the handling of the subject: the student is required to write a maturity essay related to the master’s thesis. The master's thesis work includes a seminar presentation or an equivalent situation. The student may apply for the subject of the master’s thesis when the bachelor’s degree has been completed and at least 45 credits of the master’s degree programme have been completed. Also, if necessary, the required advanced level studies should be done. The time for completion of the master's thesis is agreed between the supervisor and the student: with a maximum of one year. If the master's thesis is not submitted within the set time, the subject becomes invalid


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

and the student has to submit a new subject for the Degree Programme Committee’s approval. The name of the thesis does not have to be final when applying for the subject, but the subject content of the thesis may not be altered without requisition. The necessary forms and further information can be found from Into pages of the school. During the time the master's thesis is being completed, the supervisor must give the student the opportunity to report on the progress of the work and receive feedback from the supervisor. Similarly, the supervisor may require the student to report on the progress of the master's thesis work. Approval and grading of the master's thesis shall be requested in writing from the Degree Programme Committee. The supervisor must present the written statement on the master's thesis with the grounds for the evaluation and the proposed grade within one month of the submission of the master's thesis. At the Faculty three (3) hardbound copies of the thesis must be delivered to the Degree programme affairs Office in time together with the filled form for the thesis approval and the required abstracts. The dates of Degree Programme Committee meetings and deadlines for the forms can be seen at Into ( Student Affairs Secretary or the student himself/herself delivers also one copy to the instructor for grading and statement. The master's thesis is a public document and as such must be displayed in the Department.

5.2. Implementation of the Master’s Thesis The Master’s Thesis is worth of 30 credits. The thesis is written in Finnish, Swedish or in other language approved by the Degree Programme Committee (English is automatically approved). After getting the research subject for the thesis and defining it, a research/experimental plan is made. The goals of the research work are determined in detail, suitable research methods are clarified and the schedule is set. The research work is commenced by examining the literature. After carrying out the experimental part, the results are presented to the instructor and supervisor and analysed. Possible missing viewpoints should be noticed at this point. It is advisable to take notes on the discussions with the instructor and supervisor and other experts and also on articles and other references if it is difficult to hunt them down later on.

5.3. Writing the Thesis The literature part of the thesis should be clear and organised. The recommended page count is approximately Chemical Technology: no recommendation Forest Products Technology: 60 to 90, appendices excluded. Materials Science and Engineering: 50 to 80, appendices excluded. The thesis (at least the text part) should be typed with a computer. The recommended line spacing is 1,5 font size 11 or 12. Top and bottom margins should be 30 mm and left margin 40 mm. Page numbering either on the header or the footer. An example of the thesis cover page is found from the schools Into-pages (in English, Finnish and Swedish). The cover page includes the title of the thesis, information about the author, supervisor and instructor and the date when the thesis has been submitted for inspection. The degree programme’s Instructions for Laboratory Report Writing should be followed in writing the thesis. The title should be concise and clear, but informative. In a way it may be a one sentence long abstract of the thesis. Abbreviations should not be used. The title should be a concise and accurate description of your work. The title should have the following information of the research: subject and purpose; meaning what has been examined and why. Also the nature of the study should be mentioned (experimental/literature work). The title can consist of two parts: the first part defines the subject and the second part explains it. Appreviations should not be used as they cause difficulties for search engines.


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

The abstract defines the problem clearly and summarizes the conclusions. It presents a guide to the key points rather than a detailed summary. Based on the abstract the reader should be able to determine if the thesis is meaningful to him/her. The content should be independent in such a way that it is understandable without referring to the original work. The form for the abstract is on the Into pages. Most of the reports based on experimental work may be structured in the following way: goals of the study, research methods, results and conclusions. The abstract should state the aim and purpose of the work unless these are clearly stated in the title. The research methods should be describes as widely as is necessary in order to understand the context. The main principle, application area and the reliability of the methods are important to describe exactly. If the thesis is not experimental, the sources and methods should be described. New discoveries should be explained concisely and with detail. If there are so many new discoveries that it is not possible to present all of them in one page, the following should take precedence: new and certified events, events that are contradictory to earlier theories and discoveries that have practical importance. The accuracy of the results and the extent of their reliability must be presented in the abstract. The thesis abstract should fit on one page and the word count should not be over 500. Use full sentences which connect to each other. The language should be clear and sentences short. Outline of the Master’s thesis: 1. Cover page, which includes the title of the thesis, information about the author, supervisor and instructor and the date when the thesis has been submitted for inspection. 2. Abstract, which is a short and informative description of the goals, experimental methods, results and conclusions of the study. 3. Foreword, which presents the supervisor’s and instructor’s part in the work and acknowledges other people, institutions and companies etc. who contributed to the work. The foreword is signed and dated. 4. Table of contents, which is constructed formally. Note that it is usually considered bad organization to have more than three levels of sections. 5. List of abbreviations, the abbreviations are listed only if there are a lot of them in the text. Otherwise abbreviations are explained in the text. 6. Introduction, which shortly presents the research problem, glances through the background of the study and clarifies the goals of the study. 7. Literature part, where the theory and justifications related to the research problem are presented based on the literature references. Other research work is presented only to the extent which is necessary in order to understand and explain the research work in this study. In many cases the literature part may be combined into the section which describes the research methods. 8. Materials part, where the material and structural properties the research material is presented. The material and methods used in the work should be clearly described so that if others do the experiments in the same way, they can get the same results. 9. Research methods. For the standard methods a short mentioning and a reference to a more specific description is enough. More rare and less used methods should be described in more detail. If you make changes to standard methods, you should explain the reasons and modifications is detail. 10. Experimental part and results. The experiments made and findings related to these are presented in this part. The experiments are presented in logical order. The results should be illustrated with graphs, drawings and tables. The essential characteristics should be distinguished. 11. Results and discussion. This part is together with the previous the most important part of the thesis. The results are handled more thoroughly and comparisons to earlier experiments and literature are


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

made. The validity of the used methods is also examined, conclusions are discussed and possible suggestions for further studies are introduced. The evaluation of the experimental results may also be presented in context with the results part. 12. Conclusions, where the most important findings and conclusions of the work are presented. 13. References. The references and cited literature should be marked and listed according to the degree programme’s Instructions. 14. Appendices. The finished and approved thesis work must be bound in black covers (hard). The author’s name and year must be written on the spine of the book. The text “Master’s Thesis” is written on the cover and the author’s name is written on the bottom right.

5.4. Juridical Issues A Master’s thesis must follow good scientific practise. References must be used and citations must be clearly indicated and written unaltered. A Master’s thesis is a public document, which has to be on view at the School. As to the copyright of the Master’s thesis, the general copyright legislation is followed. In case an invention is produced in connection with the Master’s thesis, general regulations of the patent legislation are observed. National Advisory Board on Research Ethics was founded in 1991 to address ethical questions relating to research and to the advancement of research ethics in Finland. They have published guidelines “Good scientific practise and procedures for handling misconduct and fraud in science” which can be found from

5.5. Maturity Essay The student is required to write a maturity essay related to the master’s thesis. The maturity essay demonstrates mastery of the thesis subject and language skills. If the student has demonstrated language skills already for the bachelor’s degree or other university degree, he/she does not have to demonstrate them in a maturity test for the higher university degree. In this case the maturity essay is only inspected for the mastery of the content. Foreign student usually writes the maturity essay in English. The maturity essay is written from one of the titles (1-3) the supervisor has compiled related to the thesis subject. The maturity essay is graded pass/fail. The maturity essay should be approximately four pages long and it is written in supervised conditions. The maturity essay may be retaken. In the faculty the possibilities to write the maturity essay are usually organised during the normal examination days. The date and time are set with the supervisor of the thesis and the student and the supervisor delivers the titles to the monitor of the examination. The student must fill in the Maturity test –form beforehand and bring it to the supervisor. The supervisor of the thesis checks the mastery of the content and sends the test to be inspected at the Language centre. After the language check the test and the form are sent to the Department Office. Writing the maturity essay is like writing any other essay: - If you have been given several titles, choose only one. - The essay should have a title, but preferably no subheadings. - Handwriting should be clear and readable; you may use a pencil. - Remember margins and division into paragraphs! - Graphs and pictures should not be used. - Do not use bulleted lists. - Check the spelling and grammar issues.


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

The thesis work should also be presented in public in a master’s thesis seminar. The time of the seminar should be organised together with the supervisor (or other staff members of the laboratory). Both the maturity test and the thesis seminar must be done before the approval and grading of the thesis in the Degree Programme Committee meeting.


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

6. Master’s Programme in Process Systems Engineering

Process Systems Engineering is an interdisciplinary programme in chemical engineering and computer-based techniques for design, operation and management in process industries. Students acquire skills in managing, planning and steering production operations and technologies, processes and products. The programme focuses on the scientific aspects of designing and running chemical processes as integrated dynamic production systems.

Teaching applies theory to practice and the wide offering gives students the expertise to take on the varied challenges of the field. Students have access to state-of-the-art laboratory equipment, in addition to quality, individual guidance by teachers and researchers with plenty of experience in the field.

KE420-2 Process Systems Engineering (level 2 module) (20 op) Person in charge: Professor Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela

Code Course name Cr Mat-1.1632 Mathematics KP3-II 5 KE-90.2500 Basics in production planning and control 6 Students with A3 in Process Automation: KE-90.3100 Process modeling and simulation 6 KE-90.3500 Process modeling and simulation in practice 3 Students with A3 in Plant design: KE-42.3200 Fundamentals of separation processes 5 KE-107.3100 Process simulation 3 KE-107.C Book exam on Plant Design 1 Students with A3 in Chemical Engineering: KE-42.4120 Process development P 4 KE-42.3200 Fundamentals of separation processes 2

KE431-3 Chemical Engineering (level 3 module) (20 op) Person in charge: Professor Ville Alopaeus

Code Course name Cr KE-42.6500 Unit Operations of Environmental Technology 5 KE-42.3000 Chemical Engineering, laboratory course 3 KE-42.4000 Chemical Engineering, advanced lab. course 3 Elective courses KE-42.4120 Process Development 4 KE-42.6010 Distillation Design P 4 KE-42.5510 Physical Properties in Chemical Engineering P 5 KE-42.4520 Process Modelling – methods and tools 5 KE-42.4010 Chemical Engineering, exercise course on special topics 3-8 KE-90.3100 Process modeling and simulation 6 KE-107.3100 Process simulation 3 KE-40.4120 Introduction to biorefineries and biofuels 5 KE-40.6000 Biofuels P 5 KE-40.6020 Scale-up of chemical processes P 5

KE430-3 Plant Design (level 3 module) (20 op) Person in charge: Professor Jukka Koskinen

Code Course name Cr KE-107.4300 Process Design I 3 KE-107.4000 Process Safety 3 KE-107.5500 Plant Design II 8 Elective courses KE-42.4120 Process Development 4


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

KE-40.4120 Introduction to biorefineries and biofuels 5 KE-107.3100 Process Simulation 3 KE-107.6010 Special Study in Plant Design 1-7 KE-107.6000 Special Course in Plant Design 1-5 KE-90.2500 Basics of Production Planning and Control 6 Puu-127.4010 Environmental Management 2 ENE-59.4101 Fundamentals in Industrial Energy Engineering 5

KE425-3 Process Automation (level 3 module) (20 op) Person in charge: Professor Sirkka-Liisa Jämsä-Jounela

Code Course name Cr KE-90.4100 Production Planning in Practice 4 KE-90.4600 Process Automation Project Work 5 KE-90.4510 Control Applications in Process Industries 6 KE-90.5120 Process Monitoring Methods 5

NOTE! Students with A3 Process Automation as specialisation are recommended to take courses of Computer Science in the C module (individual C-module):

Code Course name Cr T-106.1227 Data Structures and Algorithms 5 T-76.3601 Introduction of Software Engineering 5 T-61.5060 Algorithmic Methods of Data Mining 5 S-38.2188 Communication Network 5

KE901-M Methodological studies (10 op) Person in charge: Professor Reija Jokela

Code Course name Cr Kie-98.1310 Introduction to Academic Communication for Master’s Programs in

English, o + w 3

Kie-98.1320 Writing for Master’s Students, w 3-5 For the rest students choose courses from the following list: AS-74.3114** Computer Modelling P 5 AS-74.4191** Multivariate Regression Methods P 4 Eri-0.5014 Searching for scientific information Kon-41.4005** Experimental Methods 5 Mat-1.3015 (Mat-1.3013 + Mat-1.3014) **

Philosophy of Science I & II P 5

Mat-1.3016 (Mat-1.3011 + Mat-1.3012) **

History of Science I & II P 5

Mat-1.3621** Statistical Inference P 5 Mat-2.1197** Philosophy and Systems Thinking P V 3 Mat-2.2103** Design of Experiments and Statistical Models 5 Mat-2.2104** Introduction to Statistical Inference 5 Mat-2.3117** Risk Analysis P 5 T-61.3040** Statistical Signal Modelling 5 T-61.3050* Machine Learning: Basic Principles 5 T-61.5010* Information Visualization P 5 T-76.5050* Methods for Software Engineering and Business Research P V 3-5 TU-0.2000* Industrial Management Research Methods 5 TU-91.2003 New Venture Development I 3 TU-53.1030 Knowledge and competence management 3 Kie-98.1310 Introduction to Academic Communication for Master’s Programs in

English, o + w 3


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

Kie-98.1410 Industrial Communication, o + w 3-5 Kie-98.1420 Project Communication, o + w 3-5 Kie-98.1401 Job Search 1 Vie-98.1220 Speech communication (Communication skills) 2 *Language: English ** Language: Finnish. May be completed in English upon request.

KE901-W Elective studies (20 op) Person in charge: Professor Reija Jokela Student may choose courses for this module according to personal interests, after taking into account the requirements listed below:

Code Course name Cr Kie-98.7011 Finnish IA 2 Kie-98.7012 Finnish IB 2 T-106.1004 IT Services on Aalto Otaniemi 1

Course descriptions can be found at Noppa. Another modules in English

KE450-C Chemical Engineering (20 op) Person in charge: Prof. Ville Alopaeus Module gives further perspective into selected topics that are closely related to chemical engineering. The student can focus either in development and design of new chemical processes, or deepen their knowledge in the scientific fundamentals upon which the process design is based on.

Koodi Kurssin nimi Op Valitaan seuraavista 20 op: KE-107.4300 Process Design I 3 KE-107.6010 Special Study in Plant Design 1-7 KE-42.4000 Kemian laitetekniikan jatkotyöt 3 KE-42.4010 Kemian laitetekniikan erikoistyöt 2-8 KE-42.4110 Yksikköoperaatioiden erikoisopintojakso 4 KE-42.4120 Process Development L 4 KE-42.4510 Laiteteknillinen suunnittelu 4 KE-42.4520 Process Modelling -methods and tools L 5 KE-42.5510 Physical Properties in Chemical Engineering 5 KE-42.6010 Distillation Design 4 KE-42.6500 Unit Operations of Environmental Technology 4 KE-40.4110 Katalyyttisten reaktioiden kinetiikka 5 KE-40.4130 Monifaasireaktorit 5

KE460-C Process and Plant Design (20 op) Person in charge: Prof. Jukka Koskinen Module gives further information on plant design, process development, equipment design and project management for persons aiming to work in design activities in process industry or in consulting companies.

Koodi Kurssin nimi Op Take at least 7 credits from the following group: Process and plant design KE-107.3100 Process Simulation 3 KE-107.4300 Process Design I 3


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

KE-107.6000 Special Course in Plant Design 1-5 KE-107.6010 Special Study in Plant Design P 1-7 Process development KE-40.6020 Scale-up of Chemical Processes P 5 KE-42.4120 Process Development 4 Equipment design KE-42.6010 Distillation Design 4 KE-42.6500 Unit Operation of Environmental Technology 4 Supporting knowledge KE-40.4120 Introduction to Biorefineries and Biofuels 5 KE-42.5510 Physical Properties in Chemical Engineering 5 ENE-59.4101 Fundamentals in Industrial Energy Engineering 5 Process Control KE-90.2500 Basics of Production Planning and Control 6 KE-90.3100 Process Modeling and Simulation 6

KE472-C Catalysis (20 op) Person in charge: Prof. Juha Lehtonen The goal of the environmental catalysis course is to introduce the students to the principles of catalysis, to the use of catalysts in processes less harmful to the environment and to the basic catalyst characterization methods. The biofuels course will give an overview of the present state of the art in the conversion of biomass to various fuels, chemicals and materials.

Code Course name Cr KE-40.4120 Introduction to Biorefineries and Biofuels 5 KE-40.4140 Environmental Catalysis 5 Elective courses KE-0.4070 Products from Biomass 5 KE-40.4060 Project Work in Industrial Chemistry 6 KE-42.4120 Process Development 4 KE-42.3200 Fundamentals of Separation Processes 5 KE-100.4810 Biopolymers 3 ENE-47.5120 Combustion and Gasification Technology I P 3


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

7. Master’s Programme in Bioproduct Technology Objectives of the Programme The objective of the programme is to provide companies with skilled people capable of developing and maintaining global production systems which consist of production resources and technologies. The aim is to train professionals who can utilize biomass in and economically and ecologically sustainable manner, and in addition, as specialists take part in discussions and decision making dealing with social and environmental effects of the use of natural resources. Throughout the programme, focus is on developing students’ cooperation, interaction, and communication skills. Teaching approach is student-activating. Master’s Programme in Bioproduct Technology includes four majors:

Biorefineries (KM3001) Renewable Materials Engineering (KM3002) Fibre Products Technology (KM3003) Environmental Management (KM3004)

The structure of Master’s Programme in Bioproduct Technology consists of six modules: 1. Intermediate module in chosen major (20 cr) 2. Advanced module in chosen major (20 cr) 3. Module in minor (20cr) 4. Scientific principles M (10cr) 5. Elective studies W (20 cr) 6. Master’s thesis D (30 cr). Major in Biorefineries (KM3001) P203-2 Intermediate Module in Biorefineries (BTT) (20 cr) Professor Herbert Sixta The purpose of this module is to provide students with a basic understanding of the key elements of the lignocellulosic biorefinery. The lectures will cover the chemistry of fractionation and refining processes, conventional and advanced separation technologies, as well as the fundamentals of the thermochemical engineering technology. The emphasis is on a profound knowledge in both the chemistry and technology of the presented biorefinery processes. Students will be taught to utilize the theoretical framework for the design of biorefinery plants combined with reliable techno-economic assessments. In the pursuit of chemicals from renewable resources, methods encompassing the principles of green chemistry and chemical engineering will be considered. To underline the importance of resource efficient fractionation and downstream processes, case studies from the literature will be presented focusing on solvent replacement, alternative energy sources and solvents, catalysis of solvent and water-based reactions as well as traditional and advanced membrane separation technologies. Practical knowledge, supplementing the theoretical input, is imparted by appropriate lab courses in the areas described. Code Course name Cr Puu-0.3000 Advanced Chemistry of Biomass Fractionation Processes 7 Puu-0.3010 Separation Technologies in Biorefineries 7 Puu-0.3020 Thermochemical Conversion Technology 6 P308-3 Advanced Module in Biorefineries (BTT) (20 cr) Professor Herbert Sixta The aim of this module is to familiarize the student with advanced knowledge on lignocellulosic biorefinery concepts and processes. This includes the fundamentals of mechanical, chemical and biochemical operational treatments of lignocellulosic raw material as well as the in-depth analytical characterization of the involved educts and products. Further, the student learns different chemical and biochemical conversion routes to manufacture value-added products from the isolated polymeric and non-polymeric wood constituents. To ensure


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

the principles of green chemistry, the importance of closed loop recycling management will be emphasized in each individual course. Finally, the theoretical knowledge will be supplemented by extended lab courses to deepen the understanding of biorefinery concepts. There, emphasis will be put on the simulation of different biorefinery processes in lab-scale. Code Course name Cr KE-0.4500 Lignocellulose Biotechnology 6 Puu-0.4100 Advanced Biomaterial Chemistry and Technology 7 Puu-0.4110 Conventional and Nonconventional

Pulping as a Basis for Biorefinery 7

Major in Renewable Materials Engineering (KM3002) P204-2 Intermediate Module in Renewable Materials Engineering (BTT) (20 cr) Professor Janne Laine These studies focus on production of novel biomass based materials. Studies provide a theoretical and practical multidisciplinary base for developing ecological and safe biomass based materials with lifespan supporting sustainable development. The module studies give tools to understand production, characterization, and structure/property correlations of biomass based raw materials. In these studies the knowledge obtained in the basic modules is deepened in the fields of materials science, polymer technology, and surface and colloid chemistry. Following this module, specialization study options include the fields of biomaterials and their crude materials production, chemistry in forest industry, or polymers and composites based on renewable raw materials. Code Course name Cr Puu-0.3100 Modification and Analysis Renewable Materials 5 Puu-0.3110 Surface and Colloid Chemistry 5 Puu-0.3120 Instrumental Analysis in Surface, Polymer and Nanoscience 5 KE-100.3410 Polymer Properties 5 P309-3 Advanced Module in Renewable Materials (BTT) (20 cr) Professor Janne Laine This advanced module focuses on understanding of physical chemistry of interfaces in forest biomaterials. Aim is to understand the formation of polymer structures and ways to modify them as well as effects of the structure on different properties. A strong knowledge about the nanotechnological aspects in the field of the biomaterial processes is developed and experience in practical work and reporting independently is gained. Code Course name Cr Compulsory: Puu-0.4200 Research Project on Renewable Materials 7 Puu-0.4210 Nanotechnology in Forest Biomaterials 5 KE-100.4810 Biopolymers 3 Choose one of the following courses: KE-100.3210 Polymer Synthesis 5 KE-100.3510 Laboratory Exercises of Polymer Technology 5 Puu-0.4220 Surface and Colloid Chemistry of Renewable Materials 5 Major in Fibre Products Technology (KM 3003) P205-2 Intermediate Module in Fibre Products Technology (BTT) (20 cr) Professor Mark Hughes The overall aim of this module is to develop students’ understanding of the current and potential use of lignocellulosic fibre in materials, including not only traditional products like wood, wood-based composites, paper and paperboard, but also new fibre material concepts, such as functional packaging, biocomposites and


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

technical textiles. The module covers three key areas of learning. The first focuses on developing students’ knowledge of the material properties of lignocellulosic fibre. This aspect includes lectures designed to give students a deep understanding of lignocellulosic fibre as well as practical exercises in which students can apply their knowledge. The second area of focus is the production and processing of fibre products. Emphasis will be on understanding generic processes and troubleshooting, rather than on specific processes. The third area covers product development, in which students will begin to learn how products may be designed for specific applications. Code Course name Paper and

Packaging cr

Wood cr

Puu-0.3200 Fibre Product Development Practices 3 3 Puu-0.3210 Natural Fibre Material Science 7 7 Puu-0.3220 Fibre Networks and Structures 5 - Puu-0.3230 Paper, Board and Converting Processes and

Diagnostics 5 -

Puu-0.3240 Wood Products: Properties and Performance - 4 Puu-0.3250 Wood Products: Manufacturing Processes - 6 P310-3 Advanced Module in Fibre Products Technology (BTT) (20 cr) Professor Mark Hughes The aim of this advanced level module is to further deepen students’ understanding in specific topics relating to fibre products technology and to apply the skills and knowledge that they have acquired in the previous modules in the execution of a substantial product development project that accounts for more than 50% of the module. This product development course will be based on real-life problems and will encompass all aspects of project working including planning, experimental design, execution of the project objectives and reporting and, where possible, the projects will involve industry partners. In addition to the project work in which the students will work in project teams, they will learn about emerging trends in the fibre products industry, such as bio-composite materials as well further optional advanced topics such as how to enhance the functionality of wood products, the use of nanotechnology, simulation and modelling tools as well as instrumental analysis. Code Course name Paper and

Packaging cr

Wood cr

Puu-0.4300 New Fibre Materials: Biocomposites 3 3 Puu-0.4320 Fibre Product Development – Project Course 12 12 Puu-0.4310 Enhancing the Functionality of Wood Products - 5 Puu-0.4330* Fibre Products Simulation and Modelling Tools 5 - Puu-0.4210* Nanotechnology in Forest Biomaterials 5 Puu-0.3120* Instrumental Analysis in Surface, Polymer and

Nanoscience 5

*) Paper and Packaging option: choose one of these courses in addition to the compulsory courses Major in Environmental Management (KM3004) P206-2 Intermediate Module in Environmental Management (BTT) (20 cr) Professor Olli Dahl This module deepens a previously acquired basic understanding of natural sciences within the context of environmental protection. The multi-disciplinary nature of the field is explored by considering environmental issues from various perspectives. Students will be able to participate in the discussion of environmental topics as specialists in their own field. These discussions cover planning and implementation of environmental management systems and of environmental policies in industry. Environmental legislation and management, as well as material flows will be discussed further. Code Course name Cr


Guide for Degree Students 2012-2013, School of Chemical Technology

Puu-0.3300 Environmental Science 7 Puu-0.3310 Industrial Symbiosis 5 Puu-0.3320 Environmental Responsibility and Management Systems in Industry 8 P311-3 Advanced Module in Environmental Management (BTT) (20 cr) Professor Olli Dahl After studying the module students are able to apply their process technology knowledge to emission control and waste management, and participate in industrial projects as environmental technology specialists. The module prepares students to work in process design, research, development and consulting in environmental engineering. The module is also suitable for postgraduate students with their minor environmental technology. Code Course name Cr Puu-0.4400 Environmental Engineering 1:

Mechanical, Physical and Chemical Treatment Processes


Puu-0.4410 Environmental Engineering 2: Biological Treatment Processes


Puu-0.4420 Planning Exercise in Environmental Engineering 5 Puu-0.4430 Special Studies in Environmental Engineering 5 Course Descriptions can be found at Noppa.

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