chichester chamber 30 jan 2013

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Chichester Chamber of Commerce30 Jan 2013

1Wednesday, 30 January 13

Banish stress with B.O.U.N.C.E.TM

Helen Turier RGN MAR

2Wednesday, 30 January 13Who here got ill this Christmas? Who here gets a cold or upset stomach when on holiday? Does anyone here have trouble switching off at night and difficulty sleeping? Get every bug or cold going roundAll of these are red flags. They are signs that your body is struggling to cope with the demands being paced upon it, that stealth stress is robbing you of your health and vitality. Our health is priceless but sadly many people do not value it properly until they have damaged it severely or lost it.With your permission today I would like to share with you a way that you can have less stress, more vitality and better health.Who would like that?

3Wednesday, 30 January 13My name is Helen Turier and I am an ex-military nurse and holistic therapist with over 28 years experience in health, wellbeing and surviving the rollercoaster of life.My rollercoaster has seen me experience military life and the hazards of being serving soldier in times of great threat. I’ve dealt with alcoholic husband divorce and having to live off benefits when my twins were just 9 months and their brother just 21/2 years old. This life has seen me get my family out of the poverty trap by learning new skills and getting full-time work just before the twins started school. Its seen me train over 2000 nurses and be part of the most successful NHS IT project in history and go from being training manager to company director on not one but 2 health care company boards. On this journey I have lost friends and loved ones to cancer and sudden death, I’ve sailed the atlantic ocean and driven cattle up mountains in Wyoming. So far its had amazing highs and shocking lows but it has taught me how vital resilience is to coping with life. Thats why in 2012 I wrote and published my first book in just 90 days from thought in my head to book in my hand. This book is a practical easy to use self help guide to coping with the stress and strain of life by developing your resilience. Resilience is your buffer against stress.

3Wednesday, 30 January 13My name is Helen Turier and I am an ex-military nurse and holistic therapist with over 28 years experience in health, wellbeing and surviving the rollercoaster of life.My rollercoaster has seen me experience military life and the hazards of being serving soldier in times of great threat. I’ve dealt with alcoholic husband divorce and having to live off benefits when my twins were just 9 months and their brother just 21/2 years old. This life has seen me get my family out of the poverty trap by learning new skills and getting full-time work just before the twins started school. Its seen me train over 2000 nurses and be part of the most successful NHS IT project in history and go from being training manager to company director on not one but 2 health care company boards. On this journey I have lost friends and loved ones to cancer and sudden death, I’ve sailed the atlantic ocean and driven cattle up mountains in Wyoming. So far its had amazing highs and shocking lows but it has taught me how vital resilience is to coping with life. Thats why in 2012 I wrote and published my first book in just 90 days from thought in my head to book in my hand. This book is a practical easy to use self help guide to coping with the stress and strain of life by developing your resilience. Resilience is your buffer against stress.

3Wednesday, 30 January 13My name is Helen Turier and I am an ex-military nurse and holistic therapist with over 28 years experience in health, wellbeing and surviving the rollercoaster of life.My rollercoaster has seen me experience military life and the hazards of being serving soldier in times of great threat. I’ve dealt with alcoholic husband divorce and having to live off benefits when my twins were just 9 months and their brother just 21/2 years old. This life has seen me get my family out of the poverty trap by learning new skills and getting full-time work just before the twins started school. Its seen me train over 2000 nurses and be part of the most successful NHS IT project in history and go from being training manager to company director on not one but 2 health care company boards. On this journey I have lost friends and loved ones to cancer and sudden death, I’ve sailed the atlantic ocean and driven cattle up mountains in Wyoming. So far its had amazing highs and shocking lows but it has taught me how vital resilience is to coping with life. Thats why in 2012 I wrote and published my first book in just 90 days from thought in my head to book in my hand. This book is a practical easy to use self help guide to coping with the stress and strain of life by developing your resilience. Resilience is your buffer against stress.

3Wednesday, 30 January 13My name is Helen Turier and I am an ex-military nurse and holistic therapist with over 28 years experience in health, wellbeing and surviving the rollercoaster of life.My rollercoaster has seen me experience military life and the hazards of being serving soldier in times of great threat. I’ve dealt with alcoholic husband divorce and having to live off benefits when my twins were just 9 months and their brother just 21/2 years old. This life has seen me get my family out of the poverty trap by learning new skills and getting full-time work just before the twins started school. Its seen me train over 2000 nurses and be part of the most successful NHS IT project in history and go from being training manager to company director on not one but 2 health care company boards. On this journey I have lost friends and loved ones to cancer and sudden death, I’ve sailed the atlantic ocean and driven cattle up mountains in Wyoming. So far its had amazing highs and shocking lows but it has taught me how vital resilience is to coping with life. Thats why in 2012 I wrote and published my first book in just 90 days from thought in my head to book in my hand. This book is a practical easy to use self help guide to coping with the stress and strain of life by developing your resilience. Resilience is your buffer against stress.

4Wednesday, 30 January 13Stress it’s a word you hear dozens of times each week.You hear yourself and other saying things like “this is really stressing me out” “ my boss os so stressy”You go to the doctor for because you can’t sleep and he asks you if you are stressed, and you think no not really after all isn’t everyone stressed?The word is used so often that people have come to accept stress and resign themselves to it being ‘part of life’Yet it doesn’t have to be this way.

5Wednesday, 30 January 13Stress is now the number 1 reason for long term workplace absenceMillions of working days are lost every year due to stress costing UK PLC billions of pounds in lost revenue and the NHS billions of pounds in health care.Stress i l inked to heart disease, strokes, obesity, cancer, asthma to name but a few.If you have difficulty sleeping, low sex drive, grind your teeth, feel anxious, feel overwhelmed, have a racing mind and find it hard to switch off at night, get irritable bowels or constipation or PMT the chances are you are suffering from stress and didn’t realise you can do something about it.You see stress is unique to each of us.What causes stress in me does not necessarily cause stress in you

Stress No 1 cause of long term workplace absence

(CIPD survey Nov 2011)

5Wednesday, 30 January 13Stress is now the number 1 reason for long term workplace absenceMillions of working days are lost every year due to stress costing UK PLC billions of pounds in lost revenue and the NHS billions of pounds in health care.Stress i l inked to heart disease, strokes, obesity, cancer, asthma to name but a few.If you have difficulty sleeping, low sex drive, grind your teeth, feel anxious, feel overwhelmed, have a racing mind and find it hard to switch off at night, get irritable bowels or constipation or PMT the chances are you are suffering from stress and didn’t realise you can do something about it.You see stress is unique to each of us.What causes stress in me does not necessarily cause stress in you

Stress No 1 cause of long term workplace absence

(CIPD survey Nov 2011)

13.7 Million working days lost per year due to stress

(CIPD survey Nov 2011)

5Wednesday, 30 January 13Stress is now the number 1 reason for long term workplace absenceMillions of working days are lost every year due to stress costing UK PLC billions of pounds in lost revenue and the NHS billions of pounds in health care.Stress i l inked to heart disease, strokes, obesity, cancer, asthma to name but a few.If you have difficulty sleeping, low sex drive, grind your teeth, feel anxious, feel overwhelmed, have a racing mind and find it hard to switch off at night, get irritable bowels or constipation or PMT the chances are you are suffering from stress and didn’t realise you can do something about it.You see stress is unique to each of us.What causes stress in me does not necessarily cause stress in you

Stress No 1 cause of long term workplace absence

(CIPD survey Nov 2011)

Stress Linked to heart disease, strokes, diabetes,

obesity, cancer & exacerbates many

common health problems

13.7 Million working days lost per year due to stress

(CIPD survey Nov 2011)

5Wednesday, 30 January 13Stress is now the number 1 reason for long term workplace absenceMillions of working days are lost every year due to stress costing UK PLC billions of pounds in lost revenue and the NHS billions of pounds in health care.Stress i l inked to heart disease, strokes, obesity, cancer, asthma to name but a few.If you have difficulty sleeping, low sex drive, grind your teeth, feel anxious, feel overwhelmed, have a racing mind and find it hard to switch off at night, get irritable bowels or constipation or PMT the chances are you are suffering from stress and didn’t realise you can do something about it.You see stress is unique to each of us.What causes stress in me does not necessarily cause stress in you

Definition of Stress (HSE)

“The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types of demands placed upon them”

6Wednesday, 30 January 13The health and safety executive define stress as “The adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other types f demands placed upon them”What i think is demanding you may think is easy.You see the key here is perception.What I perceive as a threat you may see as pleasure.For example I love public speaking but for some people they hate it.

The Stress Response

7Wednesday, 30 January 13The Stress response is your bodies primitive automatic hardwired response to a threat , attack or harm to you. It prepares your body to fight or flee the threat to help you survive. Now when that threat is a charging elephant for example there is no better response to have on you side, it is quite literally life saving.So if you are charged by an elephant a series of hardwired reactions take place that can save your life.The brain fires off the stress responseNerves cells transmit messages that cause chemical messengers to be released.These chemical messengers cortisol & adrenaline cause the body to undergo a series of very dramatic changes.The heart beats fasterYour breathing rate rises.Your blood thickens and is diverted from organs to the muscles and limbs.Glucose is released into the blood so that the muscles have the fuel they need to run or fight. Sweat is produced to cool you from the expected exertion.The pupils in your eyes dilate, your sight sharpens, your awareness intensifies, your impulses quicken,access to the rational part of your brain the prefrontal cortex is shut off so your IQ drops by 10 points even your ability to feel pain lessens.All non essential activity is shut down to conserve energy so gut empties, bladder and bowel shut down even immune system is dampened.You become prepared physically and psychologically for fight or flight. You scan and search for any potential threat.Now it is rare that we experience a true threat to our life except maybe when we have to slam the break on in the car if some idiot pulls out in front of us.In modern life we fire off this amazing response to everyday situations that we perceive as a threat to our wellbeing like heavy traffic making us late for work, debit card not working, our boss calling a meeting on the one day we have to leave the office on time because the child minder can’t pick the kids up.In these situations our stress response is fired off but we can’t run out of the office or thump the boss.So we rant, we internalise, we flood our bodies with stress chemicals which we then don’t burn off.In many cases this becomes habitual and so on a daily basis we flood our body with chemicals that we don’t use.Overtime this causes cumulative effects on our bodies that cause inflammation, cellular changes and long term ill health.

What is the Solution?

8Wednesday, 30 January 13So how can we stop this happening, how can we change this situation?

• A natural buffer against stress

• Resilience is a combination of thoughts, behaviours, and actions that can be developed and learnt by all by following the B.O.U.NC.E. model

• Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity

9Wednesday, 30 January 13The solution is to develop resilience

It is the buffer against stress

Benefits of being resilient

The ability to adjust quickly to new circumstancesThe ability to maintain energy, drive and determination in the face of challengesThe ability to recover quickly from setbacks and adversityGood emotional and physical health when under pressure Stronger relationships and better communicationIncreased personal satisfaction and quality of life

To make it simple and easy to use I took all the research and learnings form psychology and formed the BOUNCE Model of resilience


10Wednesday, 30 January 13The first of these 6 B.O.U.N.C.E components is B for Belief in your ability to copeEach of you has extraordinary strengths, courage and stamina, even if you don’t see it for yourselves.You have coped before and you can cope again. We all have beliefs. A belief is a something that we consider to be true.Some of your beliefs empower you and some limit you.If you believe you can cope your subconscious mind will help you to to cope . If on the other hand you believe you can’t cope and your thoughts are that you can’t then your faithful servant, the subconscious mind also help you not cope. You see it does not know right from wrong, it does not make value judgements it just faithfully serves you . Thats why in order to overcome your limiting beliefs you have to set clear goals, maintain a positive focus and sometimes get help from NLP or hypnotherapy to reset the program to a more empowering one


Belief in your ability to cope

10Wednesday, 30 January 13The first of these 6 B.O.U.N.C.E components is B for Belief in your ability to copeEach of you has extraordinary strengths, courage and stamina, even if you don’t see it for yourselves.You have coped before and you can cope again. We all have beliefs. A belief is a something that we consider to be true.Some of your beliefs empower you and some limit you.If you believe you can cope your subconscious mind will help you to to cope . If on the other hand you believe you can’t cope and your thoughts are that you can’t then your faithful servant, the subconscious mind also help you not cope. You see it does not know right from wrong, it does not make value judgements it just faithfully serves you . Thats why in order to overcome your limiting beliefs you have to set clear goals, maintain a positive focus and sometimes get help from NLP or hypnotherapy to reset the program to a more empowering one


Belief in your ability to cope

10Wednesday, 30 January 13The first of these 6 B.O.U.N.C.E components is B for Belief in your ability to copeEach of you has extraordinary strengths, courage and stamina, even if you don’t see it for yourselves.You have coped before and you can cope again. We all have beliefs. A belief is a something that we consider to be true.Some of your beliefs empower you and some limit you.If you believe you can cope your subconscious mind will help you to to cope . If on the other hand you believe you can’t cope and your thoughts are that you can’t then your faithful servant, the subconscious mind also help you not cope. You see it does not know right from wrong, it does not make value judgements it just faithfully serves you . Thats why in order to overcome your limiting beliefs you have to set clear goals, maintain a positive focus and sometimes get help from NLP or hypnotherapy to reset the program to a more empowering one


11Wednesday, 30 January 13You see maintaining a positive focus and believing your outlook is hopeful is a key part of being resilient.. Genuine optimism means assessing the problem/situation in a way that gives hope for the future.Having goals is vital as it gives you focus, direction and purpose as well as a path to follow. Goal setting is a master skill . To learn to do it right you need to understands how to harness the power of the subconscious mind. I believe it is so important that I spend a whole day teaching a goal setting system


Optimism & Goal Setting

11Wednesday, 30 January 13You see maintaining a positive focus and believing your outlook is hopeful is a key part of being resilient.. Genuine optimism means assessing the problem/situation in a way that gives hope for the future.Having goals is vital as it gives you focus, direction and purpose as well as a path to follow. Goal setting is a master skill . To learn to do it right you need to understands how to harness the power of the subconscious mind. I believe it is so important that I spend a whole day teaching a goal setting system


Optimism & Goal Setting

11Wednesday, 30 January 13You see maintaining a positive focus and believing your outlook is hopeful is a key part of being resilient.. Genuine optimism means assessing the problem/situation in a way that gives hope for the future.Having goals is vital as it gives you focus, direction and purpose as well as a path to follow. Goal setting is a master skill . To learn to do it right you need to understands how to harness the power of the subconscious mind. I believe it is so important that I spend a whole day teaching a goal setting system


12Wednesday, 30 January 13How you see yourself is also an important part of being resilient.When faced with life’s challenges do you see yourself as powerful or powerless? Are you acting as a survivor or a victim?Is fate conspiring against you , is it bad luck that x has happened.You see victims blame others for life's hardships, they are passive and feel they have little or no control over the outcome of events.Where as survivors take action, they problem solve and trouble shoot they find solutions and find positives even in the harshest of circumstances.. All of us can be victims if we choose, All of us are survivors if we choose to be



12Wednesday, 30 January 13How you see yourself is also an important part of being resilient.When faced with life’s challenges do you see yourself as powerful or powerless? Are you acting as a survivor or a victim?Is fate conspiring against you , is it bad luck that x has happened.You see victims blame others for life's hardships, they are passive and feel they have little or no control over the outcome of events.Where as survivors take action, they problem solve and trouble shoot they find solutions and find positives even in the harshest of circumstances.. All of us can be victims if we choose, All of us are survivors if we choose to be



12Wednesday, 30 January 13How you see yourself is also an important part of being resilient.When faced with life’s challenges do you see yourself as powerful or powerless? Are you acting as a survivor or a victim?Is fate conspiring against you , is it bad luck that x has happened.You see victims blame others for life's hardships, they are passive and feel they have little or no control over the outcome of events.Where as survivors take action, they problem solve and trouble shoot they find solutions and find positives even in the harshest of circumstances.. All of us can be victims if we choose, All of us are survivors if we choose to be


13Wednesday, 30 January 13We all lead busy lives, demands are high, pressure seems constant and juggling it all appears to be an art form.Brain scans of busy people show that their brains are in a state of high alert using vast quantities of energy and resources.Many women in particular put the needs of everyone else first, work, family, friends and place their own need for peaces, space and downtime at the bottom of the heap.This is a serious error of judgement an done that can cost you your health.Remember ladies you are the lynch pin in your world the bit that everything pivots around and from. If that lynch pins wears put the whole lot can come crashing down.If you take nothing else away from this talk take this.1. everyday walk for 20 minutes at a good pace, fast enough for you to be out of breath if you are talking at the same time as walking. Swing your arms as you walk. This will burn off any excess stress chemicals in you body 2. Each day take 10 minutes to focus on your breathing. be aware of it. breath in to the count of 3 and out to the count of 4 do this a couple of times. try doing it when waiting for the kettle to boil, whilst in the bath or shower. This action of slowing your breathing rate lowers your heart rate and flicks the switch on the stress response turning it off and standing the body down from high alert.



13Wednesday, 30 January 13We all lead busy lives, demands are high, pressure seems constant and juggling it all appears to be an art form.Brain scans of busy people show that their brains are in a state of high alert using vast quantities of energy and resources.Many women in particular put the needs of everyone else first, work, family, friends and place their own need for peaces, space and downtime at the bottom of the heap.This is a serious error of judgement an done that can cost you your health.Remember ladies you are the lynch pin in your world the bit that everything pivots around and from. If that lynch pins wears put the whole lot can come crashing down.If you take nothing else away from this talk take this.1. everyday walk for 20 minutes at a good pace, fast enough for you to be out of breath if you are talking at the same time as walking. Swing your arms as you walk. This will burn off any excess stress chemicals in you body 2. Each day take 10 minutes to focus on your breathing. be aware of it. breath in to the count of 3 and out to the count of 4 do this a couple of times. try doing it when waiting for the kettle to boil, whilst in the bath or shower. This action of slowing your breathing rate lowers your heart rate and flicks the switch on the stress response turning it off and standing the body down from high alert.



13Wednesday, 30 January 13We all lead busy lives, demands are high, pressure seems constant and juggling it all appears to be an art form.Brain scans of busy people show that their brains are in a state of high alert using vast quantities of energy and resources.Many women in particular put the needs of everyone else first, work, family, friends and place their own need for peaces, space and downtime at the bottom of the heap.This is a serious error of judgement an done that can cost you your health.Remember ladies you are the lynch pin in your world the bit that everything pivots around and from. If that lynch pins wears put the whole lot can come crashing down.If you take nothing else away from this talk take this.1. everyday walk for 20 minutes at a good pace, fast enough for you to be out of breath if you are talking at the same time as walking. Swing your arms as you walk. This will burn off any excess stress chemicals in you body 2. Each day take 10 minutes to focus on your breathing. be aware of it. breath in to the count of 3 and out to the count of 4 do this a couple of times. try doing it when waiting for the kettle to boil, whilst in the bath or shower. This action of slowing your breathing rate lowers your heart rate and flicks the switch on the stress response turning it off and standing the body down from high alert.


14Wednesday, 30 January 13Being connected and supported by others has significant benefits to emotional and mental wellbeing.Loving and belonging is a fundamental human needWhen things get tough some of you may have a tendency to batten down the hatches and retreat. This is OK as a short term , lick my wounds solution but long term it is very damaging to isolate.Being emotinally connected to people is like a muscle,if you don’t use it it will wither and become weak.


Connection & support

14Wednesday, 30 January 13Being connected and supported by others has significant benefits to emotional and mental wellbeing.Loving and belonging is a fundamental human needWhen things get tough some of you may have a tendency to batten down the hatches and retreat. This is OK as a short term , lick my wounds solution but long term it is very damaging to isolate.Being emotinally connected to people is like a muscle,if you don’t use it it will wither and become weak.


Connection & support

14Wednesday, 30 January 13Being connected and supported by others has significant benefits to emotional and mental wellbeing.Loving and belonging is a fundamental human needWhen things get tough some of you may have a tendency to batten down the hatches and retreat. This is OK as a short term , lick my wounds solution but long term it is very damaging to isolate.Being emotinally connected to people is like a muscle,if you don’t use it it will wither and become weak.


15Wednesday, 30 January 13Resilient people learn from their experiences. If they have a bad experience they do not mentally beat themselves up and punish themselves for poor decisions or errors of judgment They look for the lesson, learn it and move on.They also recognise and celebrate their success along the journey, however small that maybe.An attitude of gratitude is a great habit to develop. It goes a long way to helping create that feeling of wellbeing and contentment.


Enjoyment of celebration & gratitude

15Wednesday, 30 January 13Resilient people learn from their experiences. If they have a bad experience they do not mentally beat themselves up and punish themselves for poor decisions or errors of judgment They look for the lesson, learn it and move on.They also recognise and celebrate their success along the journey, however small that maybe.An attitude of gratitude is a great habit to develop. It goes a long way to helping create that feeling of wellbeing and contentment.


Enjoyment of celebration & gratitude

15Wednesday, 30 January 13Resilient people learn from their experiences. If they have a bad experience they do not mentally beat themselves up and punish themselves for poor decisions or errors of judgment They look for the lesson, learn it and move on.They also recognise and celebrate their success along the journey, however small that maybe.An attitude of gratitude is a great habit to develop. It goes a long way to helping create that feeling of wellbeing and contentment.

16Wednesday, 30 January 13Above all a sense of humour goes a long way to helping deal with stress and becoming resilient

Laughter really does heal, it is natures greatest medicine.

Laughter floods the body with feel good chemicals that boost immunity and promote healing of mind & body

Free GIFTE book of tips on developing resilience

17Wednesday, 30 January 13

Thank you for listening.I hope you found it helpful

Please accept this free gift of an ebook

Just pop along to and click on the book Get Back on Your Feet Again. it will pop open a window to my little books website and you can enter your details and download it.

For those who doesn't like ebooks if you want a physical book you can order it on this page.

Anyone who wants a signed copy a have a few here today for £3 and the big book is £10

18Wednesday, 30 January 13FInally I said setting goals was important and these are my business goals for this year.

So i am on the look out for SME’s to be case studies for my next book on resilience in business. This is a great opportunity for a limited number of businesses to

get up to £20k of training and coaching for 75% discount if they meet certain criteria

I have a goal to speak at an event every month

To write an article or guest blog each month so if you here of anyone wanting guest speakers or bloggers give them my name

and finally i will be running workshops this spring so if you are interested in knowing about these then please put your name on the list and i’ll keep you in the loop

re dates & venues

SME’s Case Studies

18Wednesday, 30 January 13FInally I said setting goals was important and these are my business goals for this year.

So i am on the look out for SME’s to be case studies for my next book on resilience in business. This is a great opportunity for a limited number of businesses to

get up to £20k of training and coaching for 75% discount if they meet certain criteria

I have a goal to speak at an event every month

To write an article or guest blog each month so if you here of anyone wanting guest speakers or bloggers give them my name

and finally i will be running workshops this spring so if you are interested in knowing about these then please put your name on the list and i’ll keep you in the loop

re dates & venues

SME’s Case Studies

Speaking Opportunities

18Wednesday, 30 January 13FInally I said setting goals was important and these are my business goals for this year.

So i am on the look out for SME’s to be case studies for my next book on resilience in business. This is a great opportunity for a limited number of businesses to

get up to £20k of training and coaching for 75% discount if they meet certain criteria

I have a goal to speak at an event every month

To write an article or guest blog each month so if you here of anyone wanting guest speakers or bloggers give them my name

and finally i will be running workshops this spring so if you are interested in knowing about these then please put your name on the list and i’ll keep you in the loop

re dates & venues

SME’s Case Studies

Speaking Opportunities

Articles Guest Blogs

18Wednesday, 30 January 13FInally I said setting goals was important and these are my business goals for this year.

So i am on the look out for SME’s to be case studies for my next book on resilience in business. This is a great opportunity for a limited number of businesses to

get up to £20k of training and coaching for 75% discount if they meet certain criteria

I have a goal to speak at an event every month

To write an article or guest blog each month so if you here of anyone wanting guest speakers or bloggers give them my name

and finally i will be running workshops this spring so if you are interested in knowing about these then please put your name on the list and i’ll keep you in the loop

re dates & venues

SME’s Case Studies

Speaking Opportunities

Articles Guest Blogs


18Wednesday, 30 January 13FInally I said setting goals was important and these are my business goals for this year.

So i am on the look out for SME’s to be case studies for my next book on resilience in business. This is a great opportunity for a limited number of businesses to

get up to £20k of training and coaching for 75% discount if they meet certain criteria

I have a goal to speak at an event every month

To write an article or guest blog each month so if you here of anyone wanting guest speakers or bloggers give them my name

and finally i will be running workshops this spring so if you are interested in knowing about these then please put your name on the list and i’ll keep you in the loop

re dates & venues

SME’s Case Studies

Speaking Opportunities

Articles Guest Blogs


1 to 1 Support & Coaching

18Wednesday, 30 January 13FInally I said setting goals was important and these are my business goals for this year.

So i am on the look out for SME’s to be case studies for my next book on resilience in business. This is a great opportunity for a limited number of businesses to

get up to £20k of training and coaching for 75% discount if they meet certain criteria

I have a goal to speak at an event every month

To write an article or guest blog each month so if you here of anyone wanting guest speakers or bloggers give them my name

and finally i will be running workshops this spring so if you are interested in knowing about these then please put your name on the list and i’ll keep you in the loop

re dates & venues

Twitter @helenturier

19Wednesday, 30 January 13For daily inspiration & tips on developing your Bounce-back Ability

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