chinese no

Post on 13-Jun-2015






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Chinese Numbers by air

Lucky Numbers

Some people say “good things comesin pairs” so it’s like lucky

Sounds familiar with the word birth, there are three important things in a man life birth, marriage, death.

There are 5 elements (water, fire, metal, wood, earth)

Symbolizes togetherness, good for relationships, lucky in western countries too

8 is a very good no. It’s sound is similar to the word wealth.

Ex: A man in Hangzhou offered to sell his license plate reading A88888 for ¥1.12 million = 5.82 million The Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia each have 88 floors.

Thai people believe that the no.9 is a very lucky number because when saying the word 9 in thai “kaow” means step. When you say “kaowna” it means you have progress in your work and life, so that’s why it’s a really lucky no. in thai.

Unlucky Numbers

四 si the number 4 sounds like the word 死 si which means death. So it’s a unlucky no.

for chinese people.

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