chomsky's universal grammar

Post on 10-Jan-2016






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The Nature of Universal Grammar-Cook., V. & Newson, M. (1996) "Chomsky's Universal Grammar" BlackNeil. Oxford. Chapter 1, page 1 -39.


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· /C , M {196 ( ch/ (J" G'aQr 8te{

D>d, c ( 5


1Te Nue of UniveslGmm

wg -S r P npe  id lag-  iv ue ft-Pp

h am o ths book to ony why Choky' th o languag tmulatng and advntus d why t h mpott onqueo a thoe workng wth anguag. Th goa o th th ae tod anguag a a pprty o th huan mnd and to xpnhow t aqud.o ahve th goa, t tbh an appatus o codabe complexy Though p popsa put owad ae not ly ot, h thoy provd a und amwok whn whh thy may b ttd

h book ntndd y a an nodton o ho who wantto hav a boad oveew o th th wth unt dtal to show t man onpt wo ath th o tho who ar pat tdn o yntax, whom tha ntodo uh a Hege(1994) and Ohaa 994 a mor apppat No do t ovChomy tca vw, an aont o whh an b ound n Skie(990)

h nta onpt Une Gmar (U):  ytm oncp ondton and s that a mn o p o ahuman anguag ..the 1 huan lguag' omy 976p 29AU hman ng sha pat o th nowdg o languag;

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 2 mk' ersal Gmmr

UG s thei ommon poion gardle of whh anguge they sak. Whe wthin th adtion of Chomky' thinking i the195s,  the en tho couhes UG in tem of the spec po- posl advancd n Chomky w ing of h 198 and 0. Thi ws t kown Govment/Bindng (B)  theo er Lcro Goverm n Big (Chomky 1981; t wa developd u-

 er in publions su a Kowege of gge (Chomky 198a) d Biers (Chomky 19B6b)  e  princp and pa r   o ha howeve become

 me popu ar in cent ya i onvey s the uqu ntra am of the tho that anguage knowedg nsists of pnps uvr to al languge and pramt tha vy fom one anguage to nother his term wll ere b usd here, with om modif- n n haper 9 Th combnton of Univa Gamma with pin pls and paramet tho nviably d o a compex overll theoy involvig verl ubthoe bu a the ame ime i reatea  nw simpciy: owledge o nguage come down to vaaon a mall num of propes

UG i o o kwldg no of behViou its on wih th neal uctu of the hmn md The natu of th ow-

 ldg is neparbe fom he poblem o how i i quid popo for ne o guag knowldg nsst an explnation  of how owedge to ng UG hory hod tha h speake w of pnpl h apply   anguages nd parameter tt va w ith ay dend lims m one gage o aohe.uing guge me g how the pnple apply to a par nguage nd whh vlu s apprpt or eh pr- meer h pnpe or paramter of angg tat i popd s a subsantiv laim abou th md of the pake and abou the naue o  lnag cquiiton UG thry s no mang vague  or  unvef· abl suggeins bou pp of the mnd but pr amntbad  on evidenc general oncp of th heo  a inxcby nned with the p deils; the impon o UG thy  t mp to ntt grammar mnd d nguge at evey

 momenThe  of lingus  ofn ummazd  by Chomsky  in h fo o h queso, fo examp in Chomsky (1a)

cott Ieg< of gge? h linguss pme duy ist dbe wht pp  abo lagge whver t  th hey hve  h mnd wen y k Engl or Fn o y aguage  or, we s lr mo ply

re of ers Gmma 3

 2 ow s u nowge que? A ond m i  dve h people cqie thi �owledge Stdying aquisin of lag; kno led means rs esblshig wa th kOldg is cquI  d  ctualy onsit of i. n aswrng qus

How  s wge ut to ue? A third im  o  how pe

 us tis acqird lnguge knowlge Agi invesgag  know  dge i used dpends on s blhig wh now dge I.

S o m  t i m e s    o u r t h  q u  s t io n  i   a d d e d    i n  C   m s k y (1  p . 3 � 4 W t r e  h e p h ysic ol  m ec hnis m   ht"r l th e  m  ea  "  f th    y te m o fk �ow  ed g  e  an d r th e u    hi s k   l   ge? T     m   t    o m e � h y      c o r re la

      t o   s  m   t  l   n o w l  g e  i  o     w o  s   o m e   n   b     n  m  d    d  b r a i n    o  g    r under s tnding   o   t e p hy  c a l  b a S fo r  m  m   is n  w  ad v a n c n g  r  xa m p l R ( 9 9 2J'  C h o m  k y  ( 9 8 8 ,  �. 6 )   a  l      s  q u e s   o n    l   v  y  n e w  o n e    n  f a   o n e   h a   I    U  o n  t   h  r  z o n  .  t w  n o            n  t h    b o o k  

n or.  ventons folowed hs bk ned bfy stag

 s ul g boo n nda ungraant  xamp senens d phr num for ffen, Ie

Th Joh e rly md.

muh of th dison s b ed aound Englh nven th UG th g ts pwr by beng ppld to mny ln gs ndd, sinc the arly 19 h  a v pronn th lguag udied in prr t Rma lguag andapan, . wh?  wll be draw on whn posible. Howvr,   ud h  s book exmples of palr ya u r hn ly ng d on omplet anlys   languag

 que . A qk rnc ls of pp d pm  ond he k i provided o n pg 349.


o give an mmdit de UG lk t sp r of Ic-depnde. Sn a l Chomsky () thi n

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4 Chk' UnGr

t troduce the dea of pncp; ate haptes twiD bm de mo compex d 5tcepeden th wdge of aguage ei o th sctal eaon hp th tc ahe tha o the squnc of wod o under

nd i w d to tablh the npt of pr tuew wch th a atiohi take pace mj mpin in lgit snc the 9 h b that se

t o phr - cu gouping of wods: setncesh p. u hus the t.c 5

 2 chid drew a elphat.

ba up into a Nou (N h hd and a Vrb Ph a (VP an elephAnt; eVP In tu ba up to a Vb (V dw and arNo  an hnt

3. Senten

No Ph Veb Phashe cild

V erb  Noun Phr  . 

 dr phn

pha ao bk up to smar content theP h hildt of a D... (D. o D) h d a oun () ild whletNP  pht coit of a Deti  an ad aNou  han.

4 Setn

Nou Phase Veb Phas



Noun  Ver b  Noun Phrase 

cIld  drL  � Dtee ou

I n  han


N f nr/ aR 5

The pa'stcte anaysi of the senc'beas t up to maand smaller otent. sente is ot jut a stng o words in aear squ but s sed nto ase, all of which onettogeth to mke up the whole.

ae str an be psntd n vral ways. One fo ofprntao tht wll frequty ud her is the dga we hav jut ths lays ot the c of the sntnc n agaphic way simar to famiy . latiely, phr smayb epresnted by pttg pa of que backets around achoset (Iabell.d bak.nS) a n

 5 The child] [ drw an ephantJ

rpsnts the same aalyis s the t less mbesome orsme purpos tha tre diagam ad wllb ue from me to tmhe

Oe o Chomskys t nuenHa inovao n lingusti w ad fo of eprentaio called a w e (omy 1957),

sen n5�PVPVVP

n this the rwte arow c b taken to mea consi o.The le me exaty th ame the t o a the baceted foof he setne, namey that the ntece (5 coit of a NounPhra () ad aVerb Pha (VP) and the onits o aV adanP. On mo ti orm o eptao no way change teanaysi t s es often used today, for eao we shall lte ithi hapte

h pincipe of tucturedepndecy a now be itroducedthough . t elatioshp of active ad pasive setc n Egl

Th tadoa ay of the paive ud angage ehn eamp Bwitz (987 p. 93) pasive ntnce a odrom atve entec by movg vaos element of the sencaroud The pasie tene

6 Baes wa red by th maag

s taen to be ated to the acve tec

7 Th manager rd Bae.

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6 Comsk' ves Gmmr

hough movemnt of vaous lemn The obect Brs n h ctvetnc movs o b he ub of the pasv he cive subje te mge mov after he Veb in h passve d gin a ptonb (thus oming a Ppl Pe (PP»; nd the Vrb changom he acive o ed o he psive o

wrd he psive

uxly b i as nd

The mngr rd Bae.

>B wa d by h agr

The pnple and paramee anlys propr o pa'vs o  bedevelod n haptr 6,  bes i trdon1 cco unt in de�ibng spec of he passve in ms of movmn Rttngthe don to the movment of the subjc the nlys e Breas movng fom n underyng obect pion th V after he Vrbe to a b poo at he bginnng of he ne


:" r Bae

v r od b movemnt o h objec o ube pition -and c by oher faos we ha not go into for th momn 

But wht ully movd? On po blty ht t i the wordht occurs n a particuar plc in h sentnc ay he fourthword


r '-_ _--•_ The mnger rd Be

 2 3

Bu would not work fo oth pve ntenes For ampl t  ona hro udy me in e nten

9, On Tuedy the mnagr d Ba.  2 3 4 6

mog the word (d hging he Verb fo) yelds a nons pve:

10, Mngr on Tuday h ws d Be.

Te tue of vesl Grmm 7

ngish pass s do not dpnd on ovg he fourth word or thth word r dd any word n plar numbed pc in thesnce o he nence. e l hat ses how o mk paives snot JU� � mHer of cog words n a li equenc

Nor IS t crat to say tht what moved is a d L u expnd

h acv ntnce sghty to get

Th mnger ed he plyer

ovg a singword (nd auming he oher eevnt changs wll

not Yld pav entne whthe movng he Dteer:

wa rd pyer by he mng

or h oun

1. ay ws rd he by th ngr.


ot the word hat mov but the "; foing pve meovg the obec Nou hse to he begnnng of the ncwtr the phr Cns sngle wod uch a B, or word suh as e yer, or 8 mny wods a you lke as in say

1 !e plyr who.

on plyed for England nd u t par

 coals r oft drks ws rd by the mnger,

now need to tak n other typ of Engsh sntn Tak queon lke

Will the mngr r Bes

Th can b n a devd by movment f noth st ,e

: ..  . _  --"'

.The mngr wi  fe Baes 

t i not mply th thd word that move othe

On Tusday the mnger Ba,

would bome

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8 h m' U l Gamm

1.  e uday mag will r Bs

But it is s not ough o ecfy t kind of word o� phra hmovs whehe th auxa o mthng e. L us lluae hby ombnig queHo with relaive clauses. h entece:

8 gr who wi B will uccd

gv u  hoie of o uxiias wl But ony o of the canmove get a qeon. Evey Englih spaker kow ht he coron

9 Will h mge who will Bs uccd?

20 WiII the mg who r Ba will succd?

T o y  a uil t c a n b movd s h   wil n  h e  man  c a us  

li  m an ag e w/ suc  d not  h e on   h rv e ca u e w ho w  fre , 

 t  i8 to  y   th    xliry w  l  rng  in    parc ula r pla    h e 

s ure  of   th e nc.

T  nt uc  s  h e  ma  jor  spc  of h e  prnc iple  of   truc tu e-

d   d ey: mov em ent in th e s t en  I   not ut   ma  e  o   r    g

g h d  n of  moving h em  a round  bu  of movng  h e

 g    e m ent  th e   g   p    mov em t d ep nd� on th e ure 

of       T he wl whih mov   is  h e  on e  d  c ly  Whn  th 

m n  l   ot   e on e wih  th e  lve  ; i  pla ys a  a rti

l l e   se of th e  n  e mov em  nt involv d In th 

  on  of Egish  qu  ons is th e    entra l   exmp e  of   scur-

d e d eny   ed    Chomky's  wring.  Chomky ,  o   xa mp nts

2 the who i8 he l?

"s the who hr s ll?

  evide fo th lam tha the les of languag do not c onsidesime li ode but ae trucrdendent (Cmsy, 1p4).

T Nau of Ural Gamma 9

Similar n

The mage Baes.

it is he ob NP within the VP tha moves o get he sve

Baes w d by th mnagr.

we e b h mpossibilit of mng he pave:

·Prsdent was eed John

out of the active

ey etd Joh Prsidn

b chOOing anothe o mo tad o h direct objct a in

7. John was leed Prsidn

In  ordr  o  know  whic h  el em nt o  th e  s ennc  e  to  mov  on e  ha o  now  i 

�d  yg  stc  . T h e  emnt ht c b �ov ed  o sUb J  son    th   p iv  is  h e  oc t N   rom  h VP   n  it  enr; wha  my b mov d  n  th qu e on  is  th e  auxl y  v eb    rom  h  ma   c la u   VP  O nly th e  a   e   knows  h e  c tu   ofth e  ent nc  c a n h e ight  a  o th e  n e  b mov ed.  Engl hp' e n enc  e d qu ons c not   o  d without k wg ehng  a bou pa  stc   e. Simp e  c ng  of  th e r s n, onh  word  ds  no  wor   t     th  s  tha   ma e

r I 

oth er wods  th  s   or  Eng h pa iv e  nd  quons  a re  u-d pnd ent ,  not bs on h e  ina    ord e of  lm en Sc ure-dpndncy  a ls   a f es  h   era tion  o s tnc  es. T he e

8 John as hat th mag w r him

English pe nows that  hm ca rf o th same peon as - th mager ing oh cao re to he mngeBu in he snnce

9 John a h he maagr wi hme

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0 Chk' Una Gaar

 nt  speae   s eqully  su e  hat  h ex  hmse l f ef e   o he 

magr   odd  as  he mnng  may  b  Th nowedge  th  ac c �uns 

f r   ths  is  gly   omp  ,  as  w  sha  e  n  cp"r   2. But  smply 

t  th   ve  hm  l fmust r er  to mon mntoed wthn  t 

    of  e   nt  I h  m an g w l r  him   l  h p onon  hm 

o t  oth     hnd must r    to someone who is no mtion d n  te me p   of   te  s n  b u who  my  itr    m on d I   he 

�r   lau  o hn   s   h a .. or  my not  b  m noed di tly a t  

(e it mg r   r    om  b ody  lady  est b l     om    c o t

s as B). n r  wo d  in p who  hm d  hm e l f r   f er  

 d ds  on ou owledge o h ue sttur    o the    t ne 

_ owg wi   s  Ih  vnt pa of  Ihe c lau ad wh  h  is no 

th le is  cr   -d pd n . 

Sn sur    p  dec y ems t apply to ver a  ypes of  e , 

t   g e on   b    dva  ta  Engish  lf IS a  str  · 

d  dnt language: e pple of  st  ud nden  y ppe . IO 

aU   Ie  tys  of   sr    f ound  in  Eglih. Ay  speaker   of   Engh 

kw slr -depnd nc y.   But    same   m  to  appy  10  oher   ngage  Eqvn  en-

ns   G a  dmonsr t t uu  d nde n  Ihe pa  sive ntenc

  Hans wurd von Mae ghen(Han wa by Ma n)Hn w by May

it is th o b je  t NP  H  an that moves  e su b ec  position , n  h  /h 

word or  ay other  um d wor d or  y  ohr N  t mgh  b  n 

e e the Gmn p sve l  ar  sc   dpdnt   h 


3 Wurd Hn v Ma gesehen7(ws Han by May sn?)

Wa Hans n by Ma

  aux   wurde has mov om  th V  b   hr se  10  p ed  Ih 

 u b j c  Gea  qu son s r   tc   -depedn   h F nh 


32 e d que regard ns ah

g�c)(r ay t Jn f lk t n . t e or

er Joh oo at imlf n e r

Nau Un G 1

he itrpetaon t s s o an no to dd o nowlge ht n g dan / ga s • m Not yEnglis but so Fech nd Ga hv std

Or dd Grk n paiv:

0gat ddke Agik on P

(h dtor was tugh Engl by tr) dor w tug Egh b P

wh  ga h vd m at i t t Squestions " Chomsky 19 p 2)

34. Eel homb que e ' ntnto ?(Is he m, wo I hppy at m)Is h m wo hpp a home?

whe (is) hs movd om V no lvaus Or Aabi

35. qla Amd yd qa u(sd Amed tha Zd klUd Ahm sid Zd lled imelf.

w t pronoun na[ahu mut o the me Ztin t sam au. Non of lag or terpatio to rely on lir order of ord a owldge of te nten c. W deb psvqutio nd rxiv Eis Frc   G t is o ns t sat at i sd t grlizo c mde t t o lagug stucrdepndnt.f our li y his ater evd from other lges may tU u t i


tue-dpedn a hrefo be p fod a lpple of languag wner leme o t a mo fo passives qusio, or whevr su movnt acount h stu rlaops f te rt linear ordr of word; ll own foal or i mof English, of ny o lagu, su-dd (sy 1 p 3 An mpot inight to t t of  agg will be md if sruu-dp dn i aatue o a paar nguge. Id it m t • 

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12   C hm"  Ulti".a' G,ama 

 of t  dep nden y    usd  n  a l  lang uag es  Any han  ing  

w    w ny g ag e h oe in cld. the pin cpl  o st cr  

d p  de wihin  t eir  kn owledg e  of lng uag  

  Why    od hi  h   ce? As hua ing   it  s es pty 

vi o  t o  s  that  thi    what lang uag    is  lik  h o   c old  t  b :1y  ot  wy? But  th   i.  n o l og i ca  n  c  ity  for  a  g uag    o b 

" c-depede t  C omput  .  nd n o pla  p oblem  in deal

.g  wit   st  e  dent m ov mnt  o  instane,  by   ves

g  t  o de   of  h  ntn ce  o g et a qeti on s o ha y 12 3  or de 

bm 32   or d r  T  ne 

John i ta 2 3

d ome:3 l oh?

3 2 1

Yet n   m  lg uag e  w o.  le  ths; t . n e   e n a   od 

o      t  ng  d bt  e od    of s ual lm nts St ce

d  de  y  i  a  d  v y  ab o  he  natu   o human  lang uag e  i 

   p  y o  hum lng uag    n g  n r al  a pr npe  o Unesa

G ram r. 

T i t    t  of lng ag e   owldg e a n o th ose tht ar  

  o  o   i divid   ng uag e  a e  but  h  that  ae     of  a ll 

  g    t o  h ow  the  int  l st ctu    o  t     ind  t e  g ma  

mut rf p p  e of ll mind,  ather  han jt th o  that hpp n 

to  w Eg l    or  F    h omky h alwy sen initic as 

de       b y mai g  de  p     c c u  of hm ln ag  in g en r al 

 her   a c c u  of pa ti cua     ug  s R ea p g r  s n l g ui

  i  i  t e d c v  that  tain fur e  of g en l ag  s 

  ru c  to  univeal pr  or ies  o  lang uag e nd  xpained in  of  d pe a c  of ling uis c   o'  (  Ch osky  1% 5 ,

p 3) Dve pn om na in Eng ih an b  r  d ced t o a .ing e p in

p   of t ctr  d pedn; siir  ph  ona in  oth  ng uag es 

c  l  d  o t     ame pr pe May  other  pnpls, and h n  

   of   d,  cn b   di c oe d  by  he    p ss 

. Wy    d  p ple  o  cr  n  all  lang  s d why  h old 

we d  it 8  obvious? It i. nlily tht p  opl er n ouner   u. 

t  t  ntr  vee  e-dep nden cy  otsid  th  pag   of l n ui 

b ; h ow d o  t ey  i tantly n ow hat 

T Universl Gama 13

3 on s h an who a wong �hldn lang English pobaby n ha a

n. o h yp; how do hey la stu-depndn

7n n

 oy of anguage aqUSon hs o xplan how hlden   y -�omutaonly ople sue-dpendn les r:'a.

tionally Sple es that inov only th pedcae "Itsn a a eqn   of wods (Chosky, pp Th G:� / h    ! r panefhntY  hpOib o ln,  0 e uma n

he Head areer

uurdepnd y obvously differ n

nma:�"a i 

an�g5. Yt languagesoly o ' g 0 anguage coisdieal T

nmg ppes all human lgags wod b dento 0 e ow th hoy apues ariaton ben Il us a e eampe of e had pam, whh s

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- the phss the lngug hv hds o h . Then i pulaeda pmeter tht gge hae hed coniently eihe to thet t the ight f cmmn. Unlke t niCT nc rte-depee the he pamete admt imid ng teatve: 'hedit o 'het' Aogde the unva ig p npl that ppy to agge, G nc 'paamete ofio; lgage et ixe' the pmete codi to himte hoe abe Egh et the head pamete i patic w the hed f ph ome o the eft to aqre Jpane ,iee nedd tht the ome he �h h ccun hehd m mlifie cmlx u'; lnav appoche the (e ith the ph e diud n m dil nhpte 4 In pt i hld b oted h thee  e me exc·n to the oto tht a phes have he ame head ettg i p u lnguage , ntably th (< p


A� WEll the nttic prinple dicued  , pnl adpaamee theo emphsze h wd the nguage , tht to

Th Natu Unvsl Gm

a, he licl im th ma )on pee ko ht thwd in hi nguge m d ho the o h whow he m ud n enence e hery i t na·tic deipon f the enence wih h ppei of item ithe Pojection Prncipl, which eqi h nx commodaethe haatit of eah ea item. It h en ecognizedthat thee ae on n whch wd a cur in hh o·




F nt

nce, ome Veb ae fooed




Ph e:

Hn pe  Scc hi

u no:

4f "He eer

Othe Veb a ot lwed NP inan



5 "t ft he ca

he linguic eciptin ex hi thoug h lxial ntrytht each item ha the eo e eia ety fo eh Veb ithe ditioa h to h hethe r ot i i llwd bn NP, i whee it tite tate he cnx o heVeb hee given i qae baet th a undrined gap h lain h im ie hi i o a subcatgrzatonfm h n:

' Vr , - N

(her mn t t Ve pe   e ut b ood b a P Apiar Veb h i Own cmiau n o poiili e Vebw f eampl, a b fuoe b an ec N:

51.  wn sm moe.

o b phae ttig wih h:

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18 Chos's Univeal Grmr

52. I wnt to leave

b may no be foowed by phras sating wh lia :

5. °1 want hat Bll leave.

Uke, for itance beeve:

I leve at Bi lef

Hee he ent fo want s somehng e:

wan Verb, _ NP ·phrase

and t enr for be.

beleve Veb [ NPI phrae

where he  slash' /'  shows eher or. The pprte  o eah exial

em    Ihe  language  ae recorded in  is  exal eny The spek's

k oIedge o  the  curece rstto    fo a l he words  in the ln-uage i  inopra�ed  n  su h entr n her  enal lexion pten

ally a vas aount o   formaon  abou any thouands  of wods

The grama of Englsh  ontai what appas  to  be the  rher 

smla nfoaon ha soe s es ha a Veb P a onSsting 

of a Verb and  a Noun  Phrase, e. are  transtive:

55 Jim dnk lager.

whe others have a V whou an NP, ie a inransve

56. Sarah faned

Ths an be ouated as the syntactc rl

V er b hse con o a Vrb and an oponal Noun Phras

Alteavely h a be expressed as the ewriting rule:

VP - V (P)

eanng ha the Vrb Phrase 'onsss 0(' a Verb and n oponalNoun Phra round brake (so nown a5 paenthee) enlose


T Natur of Unvea Gm 19

elements hat do no nessay or Bu hs rue ems ju toepea the same infomation gven in he lexca es On heone hnd there a lexca enrie indaig that Ver a asve Por nantve on he oher a le of syntax VP V Nthat mdcates tha VPs may have na NPs.

he ds�ntive am of prnpes nd paraeers theoy ha

uh duplaon unnessary. If here a verbs wh entres ucs

lke Verb, [ NP]

ther s no nd fo a le at e VP include NPs au th saken a of by he lexca en ollows from he en or iI at mu be followed by an NP a th nce n whch t has noollowg NP ae exluded as in

57 "Sa lkes.

his normation nd not be stated again in he yna. The excaenty i sad to ' projec onto the syntax he lexcal ficaon o

the word ure ha he yntax ha a pariuar for. h uedp n a enal prinple own as h Projc npe:

Te ppes � exic ene project onto te yntx of hesennce.

Much o the inomatn th oud b expessd a yntacc ndled s proetions fro lexcal eries Ru such as


prode redundat orma se the elemt NP i n lonroptonal but predctable rom he behavior o puar leca  ke cn have n NP anno. In oher word _e s o n t saytha ntens ay be an se or ntranstve f e na ava-be evey Verb peies wheher t an hae a foowng NP oo. The exonis no a sepaate su, a list of words and eann;t pays a dynamc and nee par in h yntax. e Wgef how he Verb I have s eparble ro the koe osynax Consequnty many aspec of ngge that   e�al w h as sya' are now handl asdoya o xcal,ters; he synta ise s conderaby Smphfed by he omsn ofmany e at the t o gratly ncread eX noraon

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2 Chmsky' Univeral Grammar

paar empcal sgncnce pehaps none at a (omsy a,p 1.

he -ngage pproach ncludes no ony hes that emphaszethe physcl manestations 01 angage but aso hose hat trea ·gage s a soca phenomenon, 'as a colecon o sysem of aconsor behavos 0 some s' (Chomsky, 986a p 0 e sudy 01 E

angag eate a sntence o the angage hat pded i, hesaon t he moment of speakn nd to t soi latonshpben he speake and he istene I conntraes on sa bevou between ppe raher than on he Mer yhoogca wod.uch work whn the lds of olngst, o diuse


cm wthn an -nuage approch n hat t cnces soa tH r

than mena phomenaThe ootion beween ths two appoach in lingcs ha s ben

long and acmoio neiher side ncedes the othe eaity has afected he othe dicies lated to lingus. he sdy 1

anage acqustion divded bewn ho who look at etelntracion and ommuncave funcion and hose who look o nena e nd pnpes; computata ngust ughy dvde noh who analy lag sttches 01 text ad the who wite le Einuit colects mpes of aca speech or acual behaviou;evidence concrte phycal msaton A -nust invents posble nd mpossbe ntens evidence whther speakes know l

they ae grammca The Einguist despss the Ilingus or nolkng t  eal a he I-lngi dedes the -lingust o ookingat tv The gage vesu -anuage disncion s much adfnce 0 rsech methods nd of admsbe evdence a t s 0

loterm goaTe dsincon we comptnce and poan, st dawn

in Chomsky (165) pay cspnds o the - vesus Eanagesplit. Competenc i he speke/heaes knowedge 0 his ange pefo mance 'he acal use of langug n ncte siuatonsomsky, 965, p. 4). Si t was fist prp thi distnction hsb

he subject of ontrvey between th who see t as a nessa dealiaton for lngss and hose who beleve t abandons hectral daa o ustc Let u sa wth a deiton o compeene:By grammaa competnce mean he ogve state tha encompses a those ape o fo and meang and the laton nudng undeyg stctu that ente no that eao whch aeory asiged o the scc subysm 1 he human mnd thateate epsentaon of o nd meanng' Chomsky, 1980a, p. 9)e gramma of mpeence dec  b I-language in he mnd, dstnc



TIle Nate of niva aa 2

om he use of langage which dpend un he conet of saon, he nenons of he paicpants and othe facto. Cmte�is ndenden o uaon. p


eents wat the spaker kow ne abract ust s pople may kow he Hhwy Code or he of athmetc ndendeny of whether they can dive a c o ad up

acolum of gues. us t s p the men of a a

o Englsh that les mus be stcuredndent, th heads mes n phs nd ha the Verb {int cMOt have a obet 1e

pton 01 ngusc omptence the vde the wer tueston of wha contts owleg of . a.

homsky' noon of omtnce ha metm ben ttk ang to dearwih how lanage I ud and c f mmunictve compeence has been poposed to emedy th ackHyme 97) he rren mode do no dy that a th  y of u

omplements a heo of knowlede Ia gui hpto be moe ineested in he theor 0wht pe kw t a ta esabihng knowedge tf logcaly prce sdyng how lea<qu" and use tha knowledge homky acpts that g usd purposefully ndd n aer win he noduce

pragmi omptn -


how aa i t

esaon n which s used Pram cc p ain he nsttuonal seng of ts u elang no and pr0 the ngsc mea at hand Chky 19, p. 2). w aknowng the stcu  o nage, we have to know how u tee itte poin n owing he tc" of

58 Can you lif hat box

you can't decde whethe he spar wan dve how tgyou ae a queson) o wans yu o move the (a rut

I my be possible to have g  amma cmec i�t prg-matic mpeence A schlboy n T Shar novel Vnag Sluf .

(Shape, 982) akes evetng hat ad tl he t

u ovr a new lea he dig up he headmte camea But k -

ledge of language us i deet frm kowledg of lg!  tefpagmatic competenc s not lnst compence dofgammatica ompeence expains how the per k tht

59. Why ae you mang such a o

s a pibe nence of ngsh and ht

6. Why you are making such a no?•

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26 o

Howeve, seond u of the em 'pefomnce should otednamely that whih ontsts lnguge nowledge with te psychologicl pocesses though whh the speake undestnds o poduceslguge. Knowng the ghwy Code s not th sme s being bleto drive ong steet whle the Coe n sense noms evthngth dve dos, dvng volves pala set o pocesse nd

ks tht e ndctly led knowledge of the Code. ngugepefonn has a simir ltionhp to comnce Spekes hveto us vaety of psyoogicl and phsicl p n actullysakng or understdg that r not p grammatcal omenc, even f thy have some link to t memory capacity fectsthe length of sentn that cn b uted but s nothng to do wthknowedg o ngag sl Smpes o lngug my lude mnypomen aus by these ponc pos; speks producidntl spoonesms - you ; y ltu ndhito ad such as e nd you ko th gt distcted ndu ngammaca ntencs they lo trck nd stt e entn al ovr agan. One son o the Ilnguist's doubts bt usngamples of gag s evdenc s that they et many othe psychologcl poeses hat obs the spekes tul knowldge o

the lngge

y Uv

n pncip that is not found n l lngug stl clld unvsal nd rated to UG The concpt of meet plys nimoant ole n the theo and s empoyd to descbe a numbeo constctios angng om passves to questons, as we hvelady sn. But som� languages do not ppea to mov elmntso the synttc stucu o th sntence ound In Jpnese, foxampe th sttement:

Nwa Wa sko desu

(gren thee isThe gaden is the

dfers om the quson:

9 Nwa Wa doko desu k?(gde her s)hee s e gare?





T u of "1 27

y ddin the element t the end nd havig th quson-word n the plac of o he questioword OM s not move to sta, s must happ n Englsh (ept o eho quesion su asYO w?) panese does not use synti movmt qutons, though it may ned othe ps of movemt, in para Pmovement as w sh s lat

Othe lag also shre ts o ques Bha Me,or exmpe, cn oed by ddng the qusto elemt lt eword tht bing askd bout (Kin 198

ia nk g ke Kuaa umrkah?he s gong to a umpu?)s he gong Kula umpu

wthout movng t ont me langag do not thn uimovement e psnce or bnce o syntct movmnt s a aamter of vaton beeen lnuges; Egls qu moMlay and apnese do not. he tting of this amer ha nof consequencs in the gamm A lanuag w movemt qa ompe tho to ate the mov and uod ; W

n ogl vel t wh the eemnts ar uoved ngglke Japane c dss wth ts pa, gh dpndcy has wdesprad ects o the ag nt hee pmaly a estcon on synta met n Egsh sdndnt n that t e stuns, ot t lnear ode o wods e qun

7 hich vdeo shll we wt?

s basd o movement o the cont c .d, not on mogth cnd D ourth o nth wod Sne apn d ot m static elem i qustons, t dos not d s-de rsyntactc movemnt.

In what ca a uverl tat ds not o in a ra

lnguag b unival? Jaanes do no howe bk a othe qments o syntc movment t ds not n sdepnde fo qeston movemnt a t d not u movIts bsenc om me aspct of gven angu do no p t snot unv Th drf would be langag at had sytmovemet that ws t studedt. Pd tt the uvesl s found some huma anguag t d ot ha t btn a anguages. G does n st a agge a he sam

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2 Cmsk' Univeral Gamma

vaation oduced hough prmees alows unvels o be allbut ndeeable i palr languages. does o however allowthem to be broken

hs can conrasted wih a longsadig approach o uesasn whch the gui atemp o dscover a polog of he langagesof te word by seeing what hey have n common; hs leads owha are vaously ca�d 'implicatioa, 'sasl, o Gnbergan

vea. exape the Aessibily Herahy (Ka ndCom, 19) Al lguag have rlave lauses i whch he sbjc of he rave caue is elated o the No as the English

Aexnder Fem g was the m who dcoveed lln

A fw langages do no pmit rave caus whch he objeci e elave ause elaes o the Noun o example the ngsh

is the house hat Jack built

woud no ed in Maagasy. Sil moe lagages do noalow te ne obe fom he elave clause o rete o heNn he English ennce

7. Jon as e m they gave e pie to

woud impssible in Weh, for itanc urhe lgage cnohave elave caus tha eae o the Noun via a preposto, a n

75 They sopped he ca from whch he umber pate wasmiig.

or va a ve e Engsh ntn:

76. He's the ma whe pite was n e papers.

would no b psible Bque Unike my lagages, nglish

even nts, though wih some relucane he relave cau orlate va obe of compaon as n

The bdng hat C Wharf is aer s S Pauls.

O, to take a example om a novel:

7. o Holds aoya e other ing tha he was no moreof an Sneezy was sng

Natur< of a amm 29

he Acessblty eahy s epen n es of a r ofosios for elaizao

Subect > Obect > Indiec Obe > Obje of Prep >Gev > Objet o Compaiso.

Al agages star a he lef of he herarchy and have sue rlatve

lauses; some go one step along and have ob lau we; otgo fuher alon! d have idiect obje; some go l he way andhave ever ye cludig obs of compan It aimed at nolagage ca avod hs que a lgage may no have ay sutreaive laues and obect of Pposon relave la b outhe nerveng obe d indirec obec lau Te AccsbHieachy was esablshed by obrvao baedomay nait is a impliaona nivel There s as e no omg awithin UG eory why his should be the c, no para pncipeo parameer volve t s mply he way angage out to mplicational unveals such as the Aeibi Hieracy ar data-dven hey aise ou of oseaio a sngle anga that was anexepon ould be heir dowal y one a had objec of Pre-

ion relative caues bu no ob eave cau Unvea UG ar heodrven hey may not be braced bu tey nd not pen hee may ind a UG explaon for a parilr datadven uversl such as the Ability Hierarcy ths woud stnot vat e distncon twn he eordrvn UG ty of unveal and the daadven implicaonal nve

i is ot necssa o show a a uvel r i don oflnguages. G eac ofen stars from a propey of a snge gage, such as stcedendncy h the pnpe ad to e lgage fay itef rate exre ofleang a para langage it can be aed to unive evidenc rom on angag aone 'I have not eiated o prop ageerl ppe of ingis s on the bass of obaon oa sngle langage' omsky 19b p wons hory of avy may have tgged by an apple bu it did not rui exa-inaon of al the other apples in he wod to pove it of theory of UG ae dsprovabe a pncple may be atributed o UGha rerrch wl show is pecular o Chne or Enghomorrow somne may dover a langage tha beah stdepdcy The pupose of any senic heory it a ca shown o be wong 'in ence you an aua eden thatmakes cer hypoheses sm asonable and that is a y can

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2 Iy ma

Light, 192); he langage organ s phycaly pren amongo ma oga ad should be decbed n bioogal as ell asolgical s even if is pr physcal la and fom are t wn. The aemen of a gramma ae aemen o th

o mind au h lnage, hence atens abou he stc o t bain olatd at a ra leel of abrBcon from' Chomky, 98, p 3) The pples of UG hould lab phcal aes of the bra; the brain ene ne orh fo phical nepar for he mental atraton o UG d o sae o h langage fat should ormulae xplied b t h he bran (Chomky 986a, p 3 t mg aount o he re UG a decsonn t mab mde the basis of which is bet wth h o bin mhs.

lg a s nd wih an arbte tha all peoRle Al hn ein hae hea all hman bengs hve n� t ma b damagd n an cden h nose may be afecte by; ima ban Injy maypeent ome fom peakng

ndon ma ca omn to ls me acto age dg t In all the c a nomal hman ing r by deton. Ultimately lingit no nter i wdg of Frh o of abic o of Englih but n he fl th hn pies irlean hat som nes

j g om me hooked m reled ome s; th ena fact is ht noa humn bengs A m o han ig ncud te ppl hat t dpndent ad that head a on a ain de t a p o th cmmon UG t i ot releant UGt t h h a paar e o roes renh anoher � ha ma i wht hey he in common

od h' o hmn ing hv qenly ben used nt dn h lanage faulty ndd held o p

to h p no atue apr fm human ing posses nge on The eidn o ths consi paly o he bi i th ht no p o anmal has spontanly come o useg i h laage hteve a do n capivty, heyt thing like language In the wid (Walma 99)S il di in en yar ha climed ha ap in g taght anguage. Withou ancpangl p, t mht qeiod whehr the lnguage ud n ent ar hmnlie n uizng pncpl h dnden hey may be cmmcaon ytms hat

T N of U,vr Gmmr 3

ue none o he dsnve feaues of humn anguage ma on heother hand be possbe ha hey re lea va oher auie hanngge anmas dpoa n human bng ome aspes ofnuge may be earnabe by some other means than he anguag

uy a ngu may know ha Japane has Verbs on he rght emc noedge u hng any nowedge o apne he anguage facuy imilarly pates of earning ued by he animaor othe purps may be adaped o eang certan st o lanage he danger n this argment h i ould evae the issuho poble to tell proper' angge nowlege ganed va theanguage facul fm mproper angage knolge ganed in someoher ay? rsmably only by reung o he argumnt: if itemboie prnciples of UG and has bn aqured rom nral idne hen i s po; one o the sytem leat by animals emopr n his sne ether cuse hey fal o ec absrat feareso anguage or cae hey ae aically tagh'

e pcespfs of UG neverhels rae dflt usionsbo h could hae asn dung eouton; Pget, o ntane

ms hs mttion patir o the hman sRfc would bo·oga neplcbe' (iage 980 p ) Whil the poession ogae ie ary oners an mmense advanage on user ovroher hy houd stredependen or he head pa-meer oner any bologcal advanage her po ndd onee why human languag are acy dieret t ould emvantgeou f he hole spces spo same language Pesmay ou lack dstane from human langage makes hem em eren he deren beeen apane and nglsh migh mtrva o nave spaer of Maran

Ples d Rle

S far has en suggesed ha e thry ees heavy on henon of he ndivduas knoedge o nples as hey appy tohe anguage paly through varable paamer nerccted wiha nowege o ho he lexia em o anguge d in thynax Knowledge o language d no ois o es as sh uto nderying prniple om which indiidual l ar eed thoncpt o he le onc the dmnan wy o hnkng abot lin·gu knoledg ha no en minimizd. 'What we know i t e sysem n he onvenon ens n a it might ha he

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hoky l a

oton of u n ths sn has no ta n lingut thoChomky 1986 p. SI)

Let y th reonng to th Vrb Phrae that h adyben noducd, nmely:


his stte tht Vb Pha aways contan Vb nd optionaJlyontans Noun Ph. That s to say Engh ha both trnstven wth obes (V + NP) uh as

H bds fox-ti

and intrantv ntnces without objec suh a

8 h h ank

Fitly, th art of t e i dundant that rft how th hadramt t n English The akr now th gneal fct bout

Engli that the hed s on pr side of e ph; thu th no nd fo th le to specy tht V s on the et of (NP) bethi llows om the gnl rnc condy, th lxic itm ofthe angug ae sifid n tm of th osbils of syntticcurn, ardg to th Poon Pnpe. the oona elent NP nd not menond n th the exal ent fo vrb hows whethr it an be food by an NP th nt for pfes that t nnot be llow�d b NP nd so on; ths aseto th e i alo dndant. inaly as uggst alie l hso pi yp wy have a head of that ype it not nesayto ste tt VPs have hed Vb, NP hv hd No and so one th i a gr fct aout langug. The inaton n thVP le i dd eithe to gnal nls o the pote ofxicl nte e rul itsf s no ongr ndd Rule a idioyn

a phnomn t ccont fo pct of one nagsh the Vb in English Pnpe count fo roesof ll le d ll lnags UG i ond wth stablhng snge pincipl tt ppi ll ls in Englih uch a th hadpareter rther thn wih dvig lg numbe of uls rpengt m pee of omon Ths the mo oncpul st ofe

leory: ·e to exled the intrion of pnclsnd lopee ther than xisng n thi on ght One n



. 1

h NQtur f Q 35

fout agothms tht ojt tm fom a ho of vlsfo th amets of UG bt it not obvo tht thi i sigcntmov o tht t matt how t don homsky 986 p 151 Rulan l d as b for the cominaon of prncpe voln a rti ont; th VP u nvnnt summ of omx ntrtion btwen the hd aamtr te inple of ed

yp and the ojeton Piniple but i s nothng mo Tis rom e to nc thn a majo devopmnt in omkynthnking the epsion of whIch hv often not ben ppecIby those n syhology nd othe aa who ill ssume omkyntheoy lis havly on u o itat gge i not the system of ls bt a st of spcion for prm in n naint systm of nip of Uvl Gammr () (oky195b . 88

So ule r atfa of the ntaon between hepnple ndth xicon he infonation statd n s shold intpd sgnl ns that afct uls athe thn ppty of n-vidua ls 'The ha been grdual shft of om the sudof l sysm whh hv inringy b gded imrshd . . to th study of ym of pe, hi p p

much mo nt oon in dng the chrr d vrof posibe human lngua' (Chky, 192, p. -. Th not concd ith s yntai oints psve 'lav la or quson, whh simply shohd l rilr ntrao of rInples rmete psi inot lookd at as an independent ntcon ut cplex ofmany n ea of wh wll lso hve effe ele th yntx Th bic mpon of the P8P modl tt lgghv no le at a in anytng like th trdnl nd grmmial onttio (ltiv cus pasive et. xct staxonom ifats' Chomky, 1 p 3).

h elian on npe r l ha conqencs alofo the tepton of th tm ntve mmr t h oited wth th Chomskyan poh in t r apd '-

rativ mans that dtio igoro nd expcit hn espak of th inguist' grmm !a " gneive grr we meonly that it sfntly explic to dtne ho te of thengug n ft hrctz by gmmar (osky 1p. 220). Te hf ntrt btwn tadiil grr stmand th le of gnve grmmr ly not thr cott mh thi xpio gnr le e nd te wmkng mpit dmnds on th redrs knoldge of lnge

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3 Chmsk' Unial Gramma

T juticaton for we le yem ws tt they fomaizedgrammr nto a rigoou encloed of deton a e uch a:

5- NP VP

ay ded a enen () as ng of an NP nd a VP Theder t hud or the dton 01 NP

P Dt) N

ny h a Noun Phra (NP) cosst o a dtner (D) and a Nou (N) And $  o ul ths pc 01 huntng fo deonsudd in t dcona whe he maings 01 th eenul excl hv wr ded O01 th amou trap opl. fa w ang bu homky th caed theenevGaf. by ha 989� i o ue he . grave a a ynonym fo prdvr h for explict d foa 

p do n  lend thev howevr, to  the am formalrt as  T. va tho of Had-drv.n P  Stcu 

mmar (HP) (Pod and Sag 994) caim mly tob pa ofgi gra  on the ground h ue forma  expi fo osm� bu h.nges th gh of the nt Chomsky tho t   ca  gv;  generie     'incud. li  01 the ar do der he bc of the "ovet Bidng  fram-wo�s r af  si  of y commi.nt to th explicitton of    or theorca prnpl   th  gene oflgu ' azdar e a 1985 p 6);  i nowothy fo  thao odu gratve gmmar (Hoock 987) t ha i pag  o Comkyan .s Inudng GB, whi  a uey hpr o gn.ratv. gammar' (Gzdar 198)  dmioky i th  wo pag Tus, }hough  h theoy tl iits

  thgm hs   b ated expiiy his  no ong.r emd n  fulon of a ru; he igour come I he pnpe andIn th l to videc.Atgky ate md foalizaon i raly " sl

I lgui  (Comy  1987) t tho Iitson  c   a generave heo to  ested by conced u laug •.   the we•• of mu ingusic r-s   dede on a gl. ur o daa obevaions ofa s - wh may  othr our c b  found A inc t o ude tn thig In advc he c houd no be pudgd by admig ony eai ds 01 'n pncpl.,



TireNatue of nvsa amma 37

den ould come fom many dffrnt ource apat fromudgmnts conceg h. fom and meg of expeon p.cptua .pem.nt th tudy of acqo and d. o of patynvented anguag such a Co, or of ay uage or anguagehang nuroogy, bochemit, and o on (Chomky, 1986 pp 36-

7). Som. of th.e dicpns may no a y.t b. n a pOon to giehard evidene; neurology may no be ab o how how anguag sto. phyicaly in the brain in pip. h levat toontrbu d may ind.d do o on day For 19 81 ontts whah. ca th 'Wong Viw tha ngt houd con t o acet of fa wih the 'Rgh Vi.w that any fact aut he uof anguag, and about how it i l coud in pnpl. b. rel"ean to the cho bw.en mpng th' Whn UG tho iaacd for elying on non d oad .n ah.r hnct xmpl of lag u or pyhoguic exen,s answr o go o th offnsve by yng hat n piniple a snif theo houd not pdtmne wh fct t dea th E-

agag appoche a dn n t ng of they cofor ompaed to lguage thos

he queon) f dence is somems eprd in trms of psy-chologcal r.aliy' Lagag. owl.dge pat of the pak mnd;hn the dicpine hat udi it pat of pyhology Chomyhas ndd fered to tha brch of human psychology o alngutc Chomky 972a p  8). Agan t is ny to foaltoo teral nttaons of uch mas wte e uch as

5- N V

did not hae any necesa aonhp to the rfomace pby whch f.opl. poduc and comprehend en nce i s olya decp on of laguage owdg•. To boow a dn fomompn h dipion of now.dge s decara In that it cot of saic elaioshp, not 'podual n that d not

st 01 pocdu for acuy pung o comphnding peeche depon of anguage in uch thes may a bt arom up.a mban to spee prces Wih nowgxpd pp and pramee, e mban eem mo; it is doubfu ev m speas wa tpoduce a V thy coidr i some way he intron of the headpaameter, h had uirmen and the lexcal nr of verbsonvenion psychoogcal expmns with syax ll us about howpp. p.rfo ang. tasks bu nothng rty abou knowge

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