choosing fonts

Post on 26-Jul-2015






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CHOOSING FONTSBy Nishat Hossain & Fahad Miah

After looking at a variety of Taylor Swift’s album covers we decided that we liked this one the best. This is because the picture of her is similar to the picture of our singer Shannon that we have put on the front. Therefore we thought this type of font would go perfectly.

We like the fact that her name is written in a signature format because it gives the impression that Taylor Swift has put her own stamp on the cover and it makes it seem much more personal. Additionally, because the font is curly it makes it look girly, which goes with the genre.

Additionally, we also liked the font of the album title as it contrasts with her name. The positioning looks good because it is placed close together therefore the album cover looks neat and clear and works effectively without looking too much.

We also liked the fact that the album name was all in capitals as we felt this really emphasized the albums effect as a whole and made it look more powerful and eye catching.

We knew that finding the font for the album name would not be difficult as it was a simple font that would be found on Photoshop, therefore our main problems lay with the name font.

In our AS coursework we looked for fonts on this website. This website has a enormous variety of different fonts that are available, therefore we both sat down for a lesson and decided to go through the ones we like before coming to a final decision.

These are all the fonts available on this website. As you can see there is a extremely large variety. After flicking through them we decided on pressing the fonts that came under the tab ‘Curly’ and ‘Handwritten’. This is because it was as close as we could get to

Taylor Swifts album font.

These are all the fonts we managed to narrow down on the ‘curly’ tab. We were almost certain we were going to use the first one however once we inserted it onto our album cover we realised that it looked extremely childish and lacked the sophistication we needed.

Some of the other such as the second one were too faint and too thin, therefore when we inserted it onto the album cover we realised that it looked washed out and barely noticeable.

These are some of the fonts that came under the ‘handwritten’ tab. These are the ones we narrowed it down to, and it is apparent that they are much more similar to Taylor Swift’s album cover compared to ‘curly’. However, the middle two when inserted onto Photoshop were once again too faint and not noticeable.

The first one didn’t seem to match our genre once examined deeper because of the boldness. We also didn’t like the way the dash touched the ‘a’ because it looked messy.

We were beginning to feel extremely hopeless when we came across this font under the ‘handwritten’ tab called ‘Notera’. We were immediately drawn to this font because of the similarity to Taylor Swifts album cover. Additionally, we liked the way the font was spaced out and quite long because this is what we intended for it to look like on the album cover.

The font looked sophisticated and like an autograph and it was also the right amount of thickness which when we inserted into Photoshop looked perfect as it was noticeable and didn’t fade out like the others.

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