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Christ The King SchoolCouncil Thursday, September 14th,2017 Present: Michelle F, Shannon P, Katherine M, Kim W, Amber P,Althea N, Maria A, Lisa B, Janice M, Kimberly L, Rhonda M,Adrianne P, Robb S, Linda K, Jolene H, Cynthia T, Danielle M,Nichole N, Gianna T, Sonia C, Jennifer M, Patty M, Jim M,Shawn B, Corlie G. 21 Parents/Guardians, 1 Teacher and 3Admins.1. Meeting called to order: Kimberly L. at 7:02pm2. Opening Prayer: Lisa B.3. Introductions of Executive Members and Sub Committeesby Kimberly L.4. Adopt minutes of last meeting:

• Adoption of minutes: May 24th, 2017• Meeting minutes adopted and moved by Adrianne P. and 2nd

by Kim W.5. Administration Report – Patty M. Patty M welcomed all who are present this evening and thankedthem for committing your time and efforts to support Christ theKing school community. We have been blessed with such anactive school council and our students, staff and families havebenefited from the many ways you have supported ourincredible school. On behalf of our school community we thankyou.As a school community and district, we have established schoolacademic and spiritual themes. Our school mission and visionfor the 2017-2018 school year will include the following:

• Champions of Students• Faith Formation• Student Excellence

• Student Wellness• First Nations, Metis and Inuit

Our school academic theme is “Learning for All…Whatever itTakes”. This combined with the district academic theme of“Student Excellence” continues to give direction to all teachingand learning decisions we make as a school community. Thisyear we will continue to develop the concept of studentchampions. To be successful, every student needs to have anadult champion in the school community. What this means isthat every child will know that there will be one significantperson in our school that is there for them. If a child has aconcern and they are unsure of what to do, or they just want tocelebrate a success with a special person, they will have anidentified champion who will be there for them. Our Three-Year Faith Theme originates from Matthew 7:7 “Ask,and it will be given you; Search and you will find; Knock andthe door will be opened for you”. As a school community wewill focus on prayer and the ways that prayer helps us be inrelationship with our loving father and how we are helpedthrough prayer to come to know God’s abundant love and mercyfor us. School council members were asked to contribute aprayer line which will be compiled into a community prayer forschool council.Academic Excellence continues to be a priority at CTK. Success for all is our mandate and we do this through -Teaching and Learning Excellence. Some examples are:

• Fountas and Pinnell Grade 1-6 mandatory assessment• Formative Assessment - assessment for learning prioritized• Grade 4 Math Assessment Pilot new this year• Grade 3 SLA optional this year• Learning Commons Physical - Space and Philosophy• DLT team offering support for diverse learners

Student WellnessWe are introducing the Dare to Care Program which is focusedon maintaining healthy relationships and identifying and dealingwith bullying behavior. Students will be introduced to the Dareto Care program from October 17-20th. This will include Take theTime Days for grade 8 and 9. Professional Development will be

provided for teachers on October 6th. Dawn Royer is our fulltime Counsellor at CTK and will be available to support studentsfrom grades K-9.Staffing UpdateTeacher assignments were discussed. Staffing changes includeda junior high teacher moving to elementary to cover large gradethree numbers. Student population this year: Kindergarten 38,Elementary 456, Junior High 263 for a total of 757 students.School FeesSchool Fees and the impact of Bill 1 were discussed. Bill 1:reduce fees for specific instructional supplies and materials, aswell as transportation fees for students who live 2.4 kilometersor more away from their designated school. For the 2017/ 18school year, the following fees are being eliminated: Textbookfees, workbook fees, printing and photocopying fees, paper fees,and common fees specific to instructional supplies and materialscharged to an entire student body or grade.Concession Re-ImaginingWe have formed a committee to review our concessionpractices. Questions to be discussed are: What is the purpose ofour service, what foods do we sell, do foods served align withthe nutritional guidelines, how much profit is gained from salesif any and what is the staff effort and time required to providethis service. Staffing Updates – Jim M. Kindergarten Grade4 Grade 7Ms. Robinson Mrs.Booth Mr. EarleMs. Stroeder Ms.Mitchell Mrs. Harris

Mrs. Wheeler Mrs.SneddonGrade1 Mrs.Thorimb

ertMrs. Iannuzzi Grade5 Mrs. MacKenzie Mrs.Gaehring Grade 8Mrs. McKenna Mrs.Tangen Mr. MacDonald

Mrs. Walkom Ms.StengerGrade 2 Ms.ThompsonMrs. Figeczki Grade6 Mrs. Gauthier Mr.Gillis Grade 9Mrs. Lustig Mr.Kahlert Mr. Hanley

Mr. Sherman Mr.WalkerGrade 3 Mr.WallaceMrs.Delos-ReyesMs. Richer Ms.Lovasz - .5 ReliefMrs. RussellMrs. Zichy Upcoming Activities and Special Events – Shaun B.Student Timetables – OptionsStudent timetables have been revised to align with homeroomallocations. We will proceed with the new schedule on Friday,September 14th. All JH students received their first optionchoice on side A and B. We will be finalizing options by latenext week. D2L will be operational after courses are developedat the junior high level. E-board is set to go at the elementarylevel. School PatrolsOur trained patrols have been working hard to patrol ourcrossing areas. Constable Mattice recently training our newrecruits. We will continue to work with our existing squad withassistance from our staff and administration. Special thanks toMr. Kahlert for all his hard work in setting up patrols this year.

Special thanks to all our patrollers as well for honoring theirassignments. The patrollers have already completed theirtraining and are demonstrating utmost professionalism as theyperform their duties. Thanksgiving LiturgyOur Thanksgiving Liturgy of the Word will take place onThursday, October 5th @ 1:00 in the main gym. We are excited towelcome parish priests to a number of our school liturgies.

Parent/Teacher Oral InterviewsFamilies will meet with their child’s homeroom teacher forParent Teacher Oral Interviews on Thursday, September 21st inthe evening and Friday, September 22nd. This is a greatopportunity to make a connection with your child’s teacher andto get to know the routines and expectations for your child’snext year of learning. Reporting period conferences will occuron November 30th and December 1st. Parent teacher and student-led conferences will also take place on March 21st and March22nd, 2018.

Junior High AthleticsVolleyballOur senior boys’ and girls’ volleyball teams are up and running.Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Sherman are coaching both teams. Wewill post the season league schedule on the website. Tournamentinformation will also be added as it becomes available. Theteams participated in the Bishop Grandin tournament and hadtheir first league games on Wednesday @ Our Lady of Peace.

Mr. Gillis is coaching the junior boys’ volleyball team this year.Mrs. Thorimbert is coaching the junior girls team. We are verylucky to have such dedicated and talented coaches and we arelooking forward to a great season. Country RunningChrist the King’s junior high x-country running team willparticipate in the district meet on Wednesday, September 27th.Mr. Earle is leading the team. Information will be added to theRoyal Roar and the website. The district “Meet of Champions”will take place on Thursday, October 5th.


Mr. Walker is finalizing intramural teams and play will start inthe large gymnasium next week.

Upcoming Events• Our Terry Fox run is scheduled to take place on September

28th in the afternoon, parents are welcome to join us. Wewill announce our “$2.00 for Terry Campaign” in thecoming days. Students are welcome to bring a donation ofloose change to support cancer research and drop it in thebig glass jug after announcements and when the musicbegins.

• Orange Shirt Day will take place on Friday, September 29th.Orange Shirt Day is an opportunity for First Nations, localgovernments, schools, and communities to come togetherin the spirit of reconciliation and hope for generations ofchildren to come.

• Chris Bray will be at CTK for a faith-based presentation onSeptember 25th for grade 6-9.

• School Gym Strip ordering is opened for another week.Orders will be processed and another

• ordering round can be created.

• Priest visits to Kindergarten, and Grade 5 on October 25th.

• “Science in the Classroom” for Grade 4 on October 26th and27th.

• Field Trips- Our Grade 6 team has booked a field trip inDecember to the Police Interpretive Center. Our Grade 5team is looking to host David Spence from CTV for aweather presentation at 9:30 on October 17th.

• Fall Photos- September 26th.

• Dare to Care will be working with Christ the King staff andstudents from October 17th to October 20th,2017.

Chair Report – Kimberly L. Year-End Report 2016-17

Copies were handed out. Explanation of the report is a summaryof the 2016-17 school year council meetings and activities.Report will be sent to the Board of Trustees by Sept 30th. SC Roles ResponsibilitiesSchool Council is a group of parents, school administrators andstaff that work together to support and enhance the studentexperience at Christ the King. Involvement in CTK SchoolCouncil provides opportunities to:

• Learn about what’s happening at the school• Ask questions of the school administration• Offer advice to the school and the school board• Contribute knowledge, perspectives and ideas to create a

feeling of togetherness and spirit among the schoolcommunity

• Participate in council activities and events• All parents/guardians of CTK students are considered

members of SC. We represent the entire parent communityat the school, thus working on the behalf of allstakeholders.

SC Bylaws, Policies and ProceduresCopies were available for members to review. Kimberly L.advised everyone where the copies are kept (council binder, onwebsite council page, and at the front office). Every year councilreviews the bylaws, policies and procedures. Suggested changescan be sent to the Chair. SC OrientationOn September 26th, the Board of Trustees hosts the annualSchool Council Orientation for the Chairs and ExecutiveMembers. At the orientation, information on how to operate acouncil and the perspective roles is shared with councilexecutives. A handout was provided to members as to the datesfor rest of the Parent Trustee Meetings/Forums for this schoolyear. More information will be given closer to meetings dates.All CTK parents are welcome to attend. HousekeepingPlease visit the council page on the CTK website for informationrelating to council as there will no longer be a school councilarticle. Important updates will be give in weekly Royal Roar as

needed. The Minister of Alberta Education, David Eggen, sentout a letter to SC as he is interested in hearing from us aboutwhich education issues matter most to us and how ourgovernment can help to ensure students receive the besteducation possible. He will be touring the province this fall tomeet with SC – if we are interested we would need to connectwith him through Patty and Cathy Williams, our wardrepresentative. Treasurer Report – Janice M.

Christ the King School Council Bank Balance

As of September 12th, 2017Statement ending April 30th,

2017 $34,218.33 Withdrawls $27,819.46 Deposits $2,051.44

Current Balance


Outstanding Budget Liability $0.00

Net Balance $8,450.31

Motion to approve the financial statement from previous year,motion to accept.Motion approved by Jolene H. and 2nd Lisa B. Financial Plan and budget for upcoming year/ motion to acceptMotion to approve financial plan and budget for upcoming year,motion to accept by Cindy T. and 2nd Maria A. Committee ReportsParish Report – Lisa B.Sacrament registration time for all Gr. 2-6 students, whichinclude First Communion, Reconciliation, Confirmation andschool age Baptism. A letter went home to all students last weekdetailing all the necessary information. Registration can be doneonline at the St. Albert the Great website. Registration deadline is September 30th.Youth MinistrySATG invites youth in grades 7-12 to their Youth Group Kickoffon Sept 18th. There will be snacks, photo booth and much more.Junior High Youth Group gets together on Sept 25th.SATG Parish PicnicCome join us rain or shine on Sept 24th for fun at the SATGParish Family Picnic. This will be held in the large parking lotbehind the church after the 11 am mass. There will be goodfood, activities for the kids and fellowship for all. Tickets are adonation of $1 per person or $5.00 per family.Blessing of PetsThis event will be on Sunday, Sept 24th (after the picnic) at 3pm.Sunset in GoaSATG is hosting a fundraising dinner and dance. A night ofdelicious food, dancing and entertainment. Tickets are $20 forchildren under 10, $45 per adult and $350 for a table of 8. Allproceeds go to the SATG Building Fund. Volunteer Coordinator – Kim W.At this time, we have entered 55 volunteers. This eveningvolunteer orientation was quite popular with an attendance ofapproximately 115 people. Sign Up Genius will be sent forupcoming Portrait Day, Movie in the Park and ongoing help inthe Learning Commons. Fundraising – Kimberly L. and Jennifer M.CMF – Janice M.

Colour Me Fit DistributionAs of June 27th,2017

Event Profit $22,677.59Funds for Each Grade Level$1,100.00 per grade (gr 1-9) $9,900.00Learning Commons (All Div.Impacted) $4,000.00Phys Ed Program (All Div. Impacted) $2,500.00Band Program (All Div. Impacted) $2,500.00CTF Program (Div. 2 & 3)

$2,500.00Groups and Clubs (All Div. Impacted) $500.00 Funds AllocatedAbove $21,900.00Funds Remaining to be Allocated $777.59 Fundraiser options were approved in May.Moving forward with:

• Fall - MITP (Jen/Sarah)• Winter (Nov) – Christmas Market (Corlie)• Spring – March/April – Spring Dance (planning to

commence later this year• Ongoing – Oliver labels (Jen) – handed out information

page and gave an update on funds raised• Ongoing – Cobs Bread (Kimberly) – handed out

information page Movie in the Park – Jennifer MSept 28th, Despicable Me, sign up early, you could win tickets atLandmark theatres.This year we ordered a bigger screen and we will have hotchocolate however we need someone to step in and help. Thisevent will go rain or shine. Christmas Market – Corlie G.At this time, we have only 12 paid registered vendors however Ido have 6 vendors that have filled in their application form andsending payment. Cutoff for the discounted price is Friday, Sept22, price then goes up to $50 plus another $5.00 for electrical.with Patty approving the Christmas poster, we can advertise onthe tv board and in the Roar. Oliver’s Labels and Cob’s Bread- Jennifer M. and Kimberly L.Purchase your labels online to order, 20% of the sales arereturned to Christ the King school. At this time, we’ve receiveda cheque for $80.00 from the company.Visit Cobb’s Bread at both the 130th location and Mahogany,mention that you are support Christ the King school so that 5%of the sales will help our school.

Food Days – Corlie G.Our last Food Day was in June, Boston Pizza – Pizza with salesof $345.15. We closed out our year with total sales of $5,827.00.Our first Food Day is Thursday, Sept 28th with the studentsenjoying Subway. Staff Appreciation – Kimberly L.This event is coming up on November 30th, we are currentlylooking for a couple of volunteers to organize this event. Wehost 2 potluck dinners on the evening of the PT Conferences toshow our appreciation to the CTK staff. These days are busytimes for the teachers as they have a limited time to eat. Event Planning – Kimberly L. and Jennifer M.St. Nicholas StoreThis annual event is coming up December 5, 6,7. At this time,tables are booked and we are still looking for a volunteer to leadalong with volunteer helpers for this event. The Holiday GiftShop was considered as an option to help with the St. Nick storehowever the committee found that there were not enough itemsthat were affordable to sell for $2.00.Shrove TuesdayThis event will be on February 13th, 2018. Elections – Kimberly L.Elections are held each year for all executive positions and it isrecommended that a position be held for a term of 2 years. Abrief description of all available positions was given by SchoolCouncil Executives prior to election. Kimberly L. advised thatthere was a book available giving a full description of allpositions should anyone want more information. There was arequest this year that the voting be done by secret ballot if thereis more than one nominee.

• Chair – position considered vacant• Vice Chair – position considered vacant• Secretary – position considered vacant• Treasurer – position considered vacant

Committee/Representative Selections – Kimberly L.These positions are voluntary and we ask they be held for a two-year term. These members would meet with Chair to go overprocedures and the details of the job/event, if they are new to theposition.

• Parish Liaison – Lisa B.• Volunteer Coordinator – Kim W.• Fundraising Comm. – Jennifer M. and Kimberly L.

o MITP has been taken care of by Jennifer M.• Event Planning – No volunteers

o St. Nicholas Store – No Volunteerso Shrove Tuesday – No Volunteers

• Staff Appreciation – Maria A.• Food Day Coordinator – No Volunteers

Questions or Discussion Related to Agenda ItemsNone at this time. Closing Prayer – Shaun B. Adjournment of Meeting 8:40pm Future Meeting Date: Thursday, October 19 7:00 pm Minutes submitted by Corlie Garanito, Secretary

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