christchurch fishing & casting club inc. 2108.pdf · meeting and mark, rob and the gang will be...

Post on 24-Mar-2020






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Fishing & Casting Club

Inc. (The Friendly Bunch)

President Secretary Treasurer

John Collins Shirley Salisbury John O’Connell 03 332 3947 03 322 8218 021 507576

Next Meeting

Weds 10th October

06:30 PM Start At Fishermans Loft, Lincoln Road

This months meeting is a week later and we will be at our sponsors HQ on Lincoln Road. This is a great opportunity to ask those in the know advice and try testing some of the latest rods/equipment. The evening starts earlier than our usual meeting and Mark, Rob and the gang will be there from 5 so canter on down.

Advertisments in your Newsletter

The club newsletter can be used to advertise a trade or service or special skill you have to offer. The advertisement is a standard half-page, and costs $5.00 per advertisement per month. You must be a financial member to advertise in this Newsletter.


Fisherman's Loft for all your Fishing Requirements

Support the sponsor of our Raffle

359 Lincoln Road, over the railway line Phone now 3383131

Message from the Editor

New Season is almost here and it’s also voting time for Fish and Game council. Given recent goings on both here and in the CSI region I can’t stress enough how important it is to use your right to vote in a group of people who will look after anglers and hunters than for a self serving purpose. I’ll be heading to my usual opening day spot this year with the family should my injury allow. Looking forward to getting out a bit more this season and hitting the club trips and a few additional trips. Anyone looking for company in getting out please feel free to use the members mailing list this is sent on to see if there is interest. It’s also take a kid fishing on the 14th I’ve seen pictures and when I was there a few weeks back it looked pretty weedy but I’ve been assured the lakes will be cleared in time for the event. The club helps out here at one of theUnder 8 ponds so if you fancy volounteering for this please let Shirley or John know. For all the Chaos it’s a nice way to spend a morning.



President’s Comments

Bula everyone, As I am tapping away the new season is only days away Yaaay ! Della and I have had 12 days in Fiji a long overdue break. Lots of snorkelling, Cocktails, reading, eating , cocktails, warm weather, scuba dive, more cocktails, great Fijian rum and Kava. A great trip. Hoping the Sunday casting has been going well, I intend to make it this Sunday. I offer a big thanks to all who have helped out. In regards the October meeting, it will be held on the 10th October at Fishermans Loft. This is an informal meeting for folks to chat with Mark and Rob, try out some new toys. There is no hard sell just an opportunity to talk and try fishy stuff. They will be in the shop from 5pm. In addition, coming up is Take a Kid Fishing, Sunday 14th October at the Groynes. The Club will be needing helpers for the ake we look after. If you want to watch organised chaos, while taking part in a worthy event come along. We will be meeting at the Groynes for 8 am. On the day we will be helping at the under 8 year old lake. Voting for F & G candidates is under way, exercise your right to vote. The club is fortunate to have Rex standing, all the best Rex you would make a great councillor. November 23rd to 25th is the Black Forest trip, Lake Benmore, Tekapo River. A fun trip with some good fishing, Fly and Spin, Soft Plastics work well here. Looking forward to seeing you at the Loft on the 10th.

Tight Lines



President John Collins - 332-3947 / 0274311331

Vice President Dave De Montalk - 942-2339 / 0272845688 Treasurer John O’Connell- 021-507576 Secretary Shirley Salisbury - 322-8218 / 0211415559

Editor Gavin Atkinson - 0223524717

Committee John O’Connell- 021-507576

Bryce Nicholson – Sharon Platt - Rex Gibson – 358-2595 / 0211280404


CLUB EVENTS 2017/2018 Date Event Contact Details

14th Oct Take a Kid fishing (Groynes) Shirley Salisbury

Oct (TBC) West Coast Trip Dave De Montalk

23rd – 25th Nov Black Forest Club Trip Della Collins

8th – 10th Mar Lake Taylor Trip John Collins

I am aware there has been a bit of confusion and some members may not be too familiar with the Indigenous native fish amendment bill but found the following from F and G (via the outdoors Party). Cheers Rex for looking into this for me - Ed


Christchurch Fishing and Casting Club (The Friendly Bunch) Catering for Fly & Spin

To view the website, hover your curser over the Club monogram (right) and press Control while

Click the mouse to follow the link

Tackle Tip of the Month

The Obsession Lure, Deadly. John and I have been using the Obsession Lures by Extreme Fishing for some time now while spin fishing. We have had a lot of success when using them. Great for fishing Lakes, wide rivers, canals. They cast very well especially when windy. The blade on the lure lets out a vibration which attracts or annoys the fish, getting their attention.

We use them in the 6 gram and 9 gram weights. 9 gram is good for getting down deep, while the 6 gram very effective in shallower waters. I think they would troll well. John recently caught a nice 3lb brown last weekend at Lake Coleridge casting close to the bank.

The takes can be aggressive. They come with a treble hook that is difficult to remove so best to crimp the barbs for easy release. You can retrieve them fast or slow, just mix it up. They sell for about $11.00, far cheaper than other spin lures on the market.

If you have not tried them, yet get a couple for your tackle box, well worth the investment. With the Black Forrest, trip coming up in November. They work well in Lake Benmore.

All colours we’ve found work well

Good Luck



A friendly reminder that the club subs are now due.

The subs are $15 Junior, $35 adult or $40 family. These can be paid by posting cheque and Application Form to the Treasurer (John O’Connell)

at 23 Ryelands Drive, Lincoln 7608 or by online banking the clubs bank account

Westpac Bank 03-1588-0089548-000. Alternatively brought to the next

club meeting. Just remember if there is any change to your email address or details you will need to contact Treasurer or Secretary so we can update club records and you continue getting the club newsletter etc.

Recalling Yesterday’s Little Wet Flies by Ben Hope

Back in the early 1950s as a boy, I fished with an old floppy wooden greenheart rod and a wooden Nottingham reel both which I still have. And we used little winged wet flies with the Hardies Favourite, Red Tip Governor, Peveril of the Peak and March Brown being three top choices. Nymphs were unknown in those days. In tackle shops you could buy dry or “little” wet flies and also wet fly lures (e.g. Parson’s Glory) as commonly used in Taupo, Rotorua and some South Island lakes.

Today you rarely see the little wet flies in tackle shops. Yet the little wet flies are still very good. They have a long history. An Englishman Charles Cotton wrote about it in 1676 and of fishing with a small wet fly “at the top of the water.” Some Southland anglers used it to great effect on rivers like the Oreti in the early 20th century and Derisley Hobbs in the Marine Department publication “Trout Fisheries Management in New Zealand” related how one angler, using the little wet fly, caught over hundreds of trout trout in just thirteen days fishing!

With wet flies, there are basically two categories - the winged style like the Greenwell’s Glory or Red Tip Governor and the soft hackled wingless patterns such as the March Brown or Partridge and Orange. The latter are really spider patterns.

The spider patterns can be deadly in various sizes and under differing circumstances. The fly fishers among the early British settlers coming to New Zealand brought their wet flies and spider versions. Captain G D Hamilton in “Trout and Other Sport in Maoriland” published in 1904


suggested just five flies. Three were winged, the other two were in effect, spider patterns.

The spider ones were:-

Number Four:- Spider, black hackle, tied with brown silk body put together with brown silk. “Easily seen when the water is clear and low and kills well then.”

Number Five:- Spider, brown partridge hackle, hares ear body put together with yellow silk. “Very killing when the water is clear and low, among high conditioned and shy trout. Used as a tail fly, this is perhaps the most reliable of the whole (five) particularly among large trout---.”

The spider pattern tied in small sizes such as 14 and 16 can be very effective in steadily moving currents or even in slow glassy pools.

A spider with floatant, floats in or near the surface and will take sub-surface feeding trout. You can fish them by casting across and letting them swing around. “Takes” can be very soft and gentle.

Tighten at the slightest touch.

Most brown trout takes come in the first few metres after gently landing the fly on the water. With rainbows the take may come anytime even when the fly has swung to almost below you.

Or you can fish the little wet flies upstream as you would a nymph.

Significant is that Captain G D Hamilton regarded his spider pattern of a hare fur body and brown partridge hackle as the most effective of his choice of five.

And since little wet flies are today difficult to find in tackle shops, tying up a spider pattern is probably the simplest trout fly there is in terms of construction. Basically the spider is a floss silk or lightly dubbed body with a sparse soft hackle.

That’s all. Best is to keep the fly sparse so two turns, or just one, of hackle are all that’s needed.

Similarly a black spider with one turn of short, soft black hackle and a dark floss silk body or sparse dark dubbed body.

We are always on the lookout for raffle prizes so if you

can provide anything for the monthly raffle please bring them along to the meetings

or see a member of the committee.




Free quotes - Hanging of Wall Coverings - Visit my Website

The following was provided to the club and in case members venture into the otago region I thought it would be good to disseminate the information-Ed

Anglers Notice Changes for the Otago Region

Dear angling and hunting clubs

A full review of the Anglers Notice (freshwater fishing regulations) has been completed by the

Otago Fish and Game Council.

With consideration of angler feedback, the Otago Fish and Game Council agreed on several

changes to the sports fishing regulations at their June meeting which have recently been

approved by the Minister of Conservation and the Gazette Notice published.

The new seasons licence and regulation guides are now available from agents and online.

The changes to the 2018/19 season starting on October 1 are as follows and noting that there

are now two columns in the regulation guide for trout and salmon daily limits.

1. Bag Limits Upstream of the Clyde Dam

Lakes Dunstan, Hawea, Wanaka and Wakatipu have a reduced daily limit to 2 trout and 4

salmon per day.

Clutha River upstream of the Clyde Dam, Hawea, Kawarau and Shotover Rivers have a

reduced daily limit to 2 trout and 4 salmon per day.

2. Bag limits downstream of the Clyde Dam and Lowland Rivers

All waters previously with daily limits of 6 fish have been reduced to 4 trout and for those with

sea run salmon an additional 2 salmon per day is permitted. (4 trout and 2 salmon).

The exceptions are - the Waiwera River has been reduced to 2 trout per day and Lake Onslow

remains at 10 trout per day.


All waters previously with bag limits of 3 fish per day have been reduced to 2 trout, and 2

salmon can be taken in some waters.

Noting that the previous regulations allowed the take of no more than 2 salmon downstream of

the Roxburgh Dam.

3. Lake Mahinerangi

The daily bag has been reduced to 4 fish with season length and methods remaining the same.

4. Pomahaka River

The river upstream of the Switzers Road Bridge is now a designated backcountry (BC) fishery

requiring a BC licence and mandatory whole season licence. Permitted methods are fly and

spin with a bag limit of 1 trout and 2 salmon.

There are now 9 designated backcountry fisheries within the Otago Region.

Downstream of Switzers Road Bridge to the confluence with the Clutha River the daily limit

has been reduced to 4 trout and 2 salmon with season lengths and methods remaining the same

as last season.

5. Simplifying Clutha River Regulations

The only change is a reduction to the daily limits as described in points 1 and 2 above.

6. Standardisation of Regulations

All Lakes, rivers and streams upstream of the Clyde Dam not mentioned in 2.3 of the

regulations have an open season from 1 November to 31 May with permitted methods Fly and

Spin and a 1 trout limit per day. There is a 0 limit for salmon.

All Lakes, rivers and streams downstream of the Clyde Dam not mentioned in 2.3 of the

regulations have an open season from 1 October to 30 April with permitted methods Fly, Spin

and bait with a 2 trout limit per day. There is a 0 limit for salmon.

Note 2.3 of the regulations refers to named waters.

7. Use of Boats

There has been some editing of boat regulations for clarity.

8. Multiple Hooks

Multiple hooks will not be permitted in backcountry fisheries. The new regulation reads;

4.2 The use of authorised lures with multiple hooks in a backcountry fishery is prohibited

(refer to clause 11 of this part of the notice)

Note this does not preclude anglers from using up to 3 flies or lures as stated in the First

Schedule of the regulations clause 3.3.2 but they must have single hooks.



Anglers are advised to read their regulation guide prior to the start of the season, or prior to

fishing selected waters within the Otago Region, and understand that other Fish and Game

Regions may have also made changes for the new season starting on October 1st.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you require further clarification.


Cliff halford

Fish and Game Officer Below is the financial report that was presented at the AGM last month for Members to view.



Some tips for the new season approaching.

• When trying to hook wary trout ---

o Be aware of noise, wadding on gravel, your scent, sunblock and

insect repellent coming off bare legs going through water. All have

the potential to startle fish.

o Use stealth, slow and quiet. Try to get into a trout’s blind spot

before casting, by setting up behind it, use cover, shrubs etc. Use

drab coloured Fly line and fine diameter tippets. Limit your false


• In strong winds i.e. the famous Canterbury Nor Wester,

o If you are struggling with Fly rod, break out the Spinning rod. I

normally carry my Fly and Spin rods when heading out as I struggle

with strong winds when Fly fishing.

o Cast low across the water, however if wind is behind and you want

distance cast high, I use this method often when fishing Lake


o When casting into the wind from lakeshore, punch the lure out,

small metal lures are great for this especially the Obsession Lures

Della spoke about.


The trout will come in close to feed on what is in the choppy water. Wind is often your friend, creating ripples on the surface making it harder for fish to see you, the takes can be aggressive. When the surface is flat and calm use, your Fly rod or cast small lures. An old saying --- “ When the wind is in the East, Fish bite the least. When the wind is in the West, Fish bite the best. Good luck when you’re out there, John

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