christchurch model aero club (inc)

Post on 04-Nov-2021






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President. Grahame Hart 6B Middlepark Road. Upper Riccarton. ( )

021 726367

Secretary. Graham Moffat 79B Leinster Road Strowan ( 021 02254347

Treasurer. Trevor Henderson 82 Rose St., Spreydon. ( ) 337 1091

Recording Officer Gary Burrows 42 Santa Maria Ave, Mt Pleasant. ( ) 384 0994

R/C Power. Graham Moffat 79B Leinster Road Strowan ( 021 02254347

R/C Glider. Ian Harvey 55A Lockheed Rd, Upper Riccarton. ( 348 8206

Free Flight. Stewart Morse 19 Enticott Place, Huntsbury. ( ) 980 9676 027 428 3333

Vintage Bruce Weatherall 223B Main North Road, Redwood. ( )

354 2220 02102688112

Indoor./ control line

Contact Bill Long for info 322 7202

Web Master Mark Venter 30 Manor Place, Bryndwr ( ) 351 6193

"Torque" Editor Gary Burrows 42 Santa Maria Ave, Mt Pleasant. ( ) 384 0994

May 2019


The prez sez

Junior / Junior = under 18 Junior = 18 to 60 Senior = 60 to 80 Senior / Senior = 80+ Club perceived age / knowledge

The Prez sez it’s getting a bit colder as the winter draws near. It is good to see some new faces turning up to Sunday flying and it looks like we will have some new members joining us. This coming Sunday 26th May is BBQ day and it looks like the weather will be ok so far. Our finances are looking sound which is always good to see after subs have been paid to Model Flying NZ for the year, any new subs that come to the club from now will be a bonus, thank you to Trevor Henderson and Graham Moffat for their work on this. We intend to hold a working bee in the next month or two, water blasting the BBQ area and painting seats and tables to freshen things up, more info to follow. Happy Flying Grahame Hart


NO CLUB MEETING FOR JUNE Note new experimental operating times of the weather station (now from 0600—

1800hrs everyday i.e. 6am to 6pm) There has been a small shuffle in the committee see page 1 all other positions are the


Your subscriptions are now overdue please note that we have been forced to increase them due increased NZMAA cost increase of $13 see fliers world.

Any one you know or is it the way we are perceived by other non aero modelers (wives?????)


CMAC meeting – Thursday 9th May 2019 Hart Residence, 6B Middlepark Road at 7:30pm Present: Grahame Hart, Gary Burrows, Trevor Henderson, Ian Harvey, Bruce Weatherall, Gra-ham Moffat,

Apologies: Mark Venter, Bill Long, Stewart Morse.

Minutes of last meeting 11th Apr = Approved

Business arising = Refer to action list

Correspondence in / out

Force Museum Asking if CMAC would be interested in participating in the KidsFest: Advised that CMAC would be able to provide a static display.

Chris Davey advised that this would be appreciated and would contact me with details 2 weeks before the event on17th July

Treasurer’s report

The financial report was given by the treasurer and approved by the committee.

Section officers’ reports:-

R/C Power

Weather was having an impact on the attendance on the Sunday mornings. The bad weather forecast were not always accurate and some days had turned out OK.

New members are in the process of joining the cup to take advantage of the strip and location.

Free Flight / Electric / Vintage

Flying was taking place when weather permitted.


Tomboy competition was completed last Sunday.


No flying.

R/C glider / soaring

Number of events completed with a good turnout. Comments from competitors from other clubs were very favorable with more events requested. Details of events will be published separately and other clubs advised of the details.

Torque / website

No update

OA Business -Willows Development. With the extra traffic passing the gate the option of plac-ing extra signage at the gate was discussed. The issue of site security may be a problem with the extra signage and it was decided at this stage not to increase the gate signage.

Action points from last meeting


Meeting Closed 8:25 Next meeting 11 July

What Who When Notes

KidsFest Air Force Museum Reply to Chris Davey that CMAC may be able to provide support

GM 17 July Details will be provided 2 weeks before event

KidsFest Air Force Museum Investigate what support CMAC can provide ac-knowledging that it is on a week day.

GM & GH Next meet-ing

GH will provide helicopters for display

Indoor site registration. Provide MFNZ site registration to Bill

GM 19th Apr Two emails to NZMF asking for details on site registration with no reply.

Unpaid CMAC Members. Email to be sent to unpaid members.

GM 19th Apr Members replied no need for any other action.

Un Locked Shelter Report to be presented at next meeting with options and estimated costs.

GH Next meet-ing

GH presented expected cost for Shelter. Because of the high cost the project is on hold at this stage.

Club Logos Artwork Obtain the artwork for the recognised logos and make available to club members.

IH Next Meet-ing

Down at the Power Patch. By Graham Moffat We have been able to fly some Sunday mornings even when the forecast was very unfa-vorable. So sometimes its worth taking a chance and coming out on a Sunday morning even if the forecast doesn't look good. The strip is in good condition and the sheep have not been getting in so its nice and clean. I tried out a hint that I had seen in one of the Model Airplane news magazines. I needed to bend up a vent tube for a Glow fuel tank. I always have problems preventing the brass tube from crimping in the bend. So I tried the following. Connect some fuel tube to the brass tube and fill with water, freeze and then form your bend in this case I used screwdriver handle to give me the radius I wanted. It bent perfectly with no crimping. Allow the ice to melt and you are good to go. The Club membership cards have been received for the members who paid before the end of March. We have been issuing them at the field and I will have them with me at the next club meeting in July (no meeting in June OBGGGGG). If you need yours for competitions please advise and I will ar-range for it to be sent to you. If there is any issues at the strip please feel free to contact me on 021 2254347 See you at the Strip


The “phl” file To the left is Paul’s heading that he used in some of his writings. Paul never ceases to amaze me with what he got up to (this is what you find going thru all his paperwork, gems every where) One that made me laugh was his love of the Paul Plecan “Simplex” which he promoted thru AVANZ and which he built a enlarged version (now in the proud possession of the x NZMAA President and old air force comrade Barry Len-

nox ) and amongst the plans that he had was a “Super Simplex” plan G10 (54”, poly dihedral with a different wing section to the original Clark Y). I didn’t know of it and with a bit of help from Mark Venter found that it was advertised in the Air Trails May 1948 (page 114) as part of a package of plans put out by the “Aircraft Plan Company” the Plan package included “Skipper” (Allan Knox’s 1/2A Texaco), McGovern Ghoul, Struhl’s Tailless plus a CL “B” Mousetrap, all for the price of US$ 1 e.g. 25cents each down from 35cents each.!!!!!! Now I looked at it and thought with enlargement (128%) it would be a tribute to Paul by building it, Little did I know that Paul already had that in mind in April 1997 as I have found a set of wing ribs already cut out for the 54” version so he must have thought that it would a good one, we shall see!!!! On ribs, Paul spent all his spare time (not that there was much) cutting out ribs in preparation for builds he would like to do, and like all of us, a lot did not come to fruition, I am not sure if it was just a ex-cuse to consume Cadbury Continental Chocolates as most ribs were stored in the empty boxes!!!!! Paul also had collections of strip balsa wrapped up, obviously to match those ribs!!! Another of Paul’s loves was control line espe-cially stunt, and while there were no models to dis-pose of I have a large collection of C/L handles and control line wire, some of it new, (see photos) to give away to a good home free of charge except for the cost of freighting.

This is just a few


This article, by Paul, was published in the number 2 issue of AVANZ back in June 1988

WHY ARE we ALL HERE? This question is always worth asking when related to a sport or pastime. A wise man who recently , who competed in a 24 hour run in Christchurch at the age of 81 said that man is attracted to any pursuit on that offers CHALLENGE, COMRADESHIP and ADVEN-TURE. ,In other words, we only have FUN if we can Satisfy one or all of those criteria. With all the discussion on Rules, many readers may think that the Vintage movement is contest-orientated. This could not be further from the truth. The Vintage movement primar-ily offers you a means of enjoying your modeling through the Challenge of recreating memories of your youth, by the comradeship of associating with others of like interest and through the Adventure of trying and flying models that are visually exciting and attractive; competition merely provides a focus for this activity but we are confident that most Vintage Gents in NZ will build and fly what they want to rather than what will merely win a con-test.

As we get older, we all become nostalgic. Memories become more important than ambition and in Vintage aero modeling we live in the golden age where, at an av-erage members are of 45 to 50 years old, we can recall the hey-days of aero mod-eling. There in little doubt that aero modeling peaked in the very early 1950s in NZ and overseas -everyone was keen and flight was still magic, new designs abounded and the challenge, comradeship and adventure needs were all satisfied simply by getting that sports FF or CL model to fly. “go tomboy” which meets all the above, not to say that

there are not other events that tickle your fancy OBGGGGG


Tomboy is operational again Finally we got to fly and while the weather was not quite as forecast it was very flyable. The results may surprise many but considering the barrage of depreciating comments from a certain quarter about OBGGGGG’s lack of flight in previous competitions he actually achieved a result and while not good he wasn’t last!!!!! Which leads me to the winners and losers on the day plus their excuses for the poor per-formance to which OBGGGGG quietly said “what goes around comes around “. We start with Lynn Rodway’s excellent performance with a couple of flights of over 8 minutes, both so high that you couldn’t take your eye off the model with out the possibility of not being able sight it again (I think we need to install the software that returns the model to the starting point) Next was the ever 36” top performer in John Beresford and while his motor only runs for a bout 90 seconds the height he gains is superb, looks just as small as Lynn’s 48” That’s the “Oilys” in the top spots once again Stu Grant was the top electron flyer as his other mate just wasn’t cutting the custard so to speak!!! Next was the “old oily finger flicker” (OBGGGGG) and his overweight 36” TB who has overcome one of his problems, the lack of ether in his last OLD batch of fuel, which had caused many disparaging remarks in the past by TODAYS last place getter WHO couldn’t use the excuse of lack of ether, more a lack of electrons from his battery (is he or his battery getting old!!)


48” MILLS Seconds 24 14 38

Landing 0 0 0 TOTAL 264 554 518 1072

BERESFORD 0.6 Minutes 5 7 7

36” MP JET Seconds 24 34 11

Landing 0 30 0 TOTAL 324 484 431 915

GRANT ELECTRIC Minutes 7 5 5

48” Seconds 36 18 54

Landing 30 0 30 TOTAL 486 318 384 870

BURROWS 0.75 Minutes 5 5 0

36” MILLS Seconds 21 35 0

Landing 0 0 0 TOTAL 321 335 0 656


48” Seconds 59 51 54

Landing 30 30 0 TOTAL 329 321 294 650

Guess who, 10 feet from launch due low power!!!!


Top team combining to takeout the top spots in Tomboy, John and Lynn

Maybe it was not weak batteries but the Logo!!!!

Diet Day #1 - I removed all the fattening food from my house. It was delicious Thanks to Ross McDonnell


Sunday 12 May Free Flight Hi Gary, The only excuse I can think of for you not coming out was: 1 Mothers Day 2 The unpredictable weather I almost did not make it myself and at 0900 I looked out the window and said to myself, it looks pretty calm to what it had been earlier on so I called weather box and sure enough it was almost calm so away I went. John B and I got some Vintage Precision times in. Lynn ( L. Sportster ) 64 87 78 = 229 John ( Tomboy ) 54 82 74 = 210 Times have been corrected for bonus points. LYNN Sunday 19th May Free Flight Three turned up today. Bruce W, John B and Lynn. The weather looked promising for a start, clear sky and slight SW breeze. Sadly it did not last long and we had all left by 1100. Bruce got some Coupe flights in and Lynn open glider. John had some practice runs in open rubber and glider but the weather turned quickly and curtailed any official flights for him. Not much in the way of lift, quite cold and dead air. Coupe Bruce 35 56 55 = 146 Open Glider Lynn 68 110 43 = 221

Indoor Report for May. The months flying started with F1D trials at Burnside high school on the Saturday the 12 th. Dave Jackson flew down from up north making four of us which included Nev. For us the trials were just too rushed being squeezed to this month, as it was decided that time was of essence for the w/c champs next March in Romania. With new models and Dave doing what he could to help the night before mainly trying to repitch the old props from the last W/Cs we were going to need to have a lot of luck for us to get any times in, in saying that, both models showed good promise for the future. Dave also flew and had more success than us but was about one and half minutes short of the 8 minutes 30 seconds x/2 required. As I understand it that’s our lot, so we shall not be go-ing to the Ball: sorry I meant W/C at Romania. On Sunday (Mothers Day) we went to Templeton to fly F1L NDC, Dave was still with us and again flew quite well, Nev was still having troubles with his model flying straight and although we found the problem, it was too late for him to get times in. Times for Kay and I were poor, according to her comments on the time sheets, we need the bearings changed, fix the props again and change the thrust line on the bearings. Oh did I say that the Gym at Burnside was a great site to fly in although it is only 23 feet high. Dave, 7.07 - 6.38 Bill, 5.11 – 5.09 Kay, 5.26 -3.52 The next meeting will be advised to those concerned for next month. as Bill is out of the country


GLOW PLUG ENGINES FURTHER DESCRIBED, by BigT Its always interesting with the feedback I get after the TORQUE is published......I've had two questions raised by out of town aeromodellers relating to starting a glow plug engine, and needing further advice on glow plugs. Lets first of all explain as to how I start my 46 sized engines- although I use THUNDER TIGRE the same will apply to other engines such as OS, etc. all running with a pressure fed tank, and with a full tank. Most of you will prime through the carb with a few flicks or rotations of the electric starter; and that's where we all differ. In this case you have no idea how much fuel actually has entered the engine. I prime the engine by placing a finger over the muffler outlet, and then using the electric starter for a few will then observe the amount of fuel that exits the venturi / carburettor. You will get an idea very quickly as to how much fuel is required for the prime and you will then be able to get an almost instant start every time....we need instant starts in pylon racing and this is a sure way to not be beaten by the opposition. This method even works on the high performance /high speed FAI pylon models. Once you have suitably primed the engine then you can use you normal procedure for starting- it won't need any more priming. Note that the priming is done without the leads being attached, or certainly if you can, then turn-off the power to the glow plug. Try it sometime and you will be impressed. Now to the glow plugs- they are not made equal and I suspect that is the first error of judgement by the average aeromodeller. If you stick to a particular brand of plug and the same code number then you won't have any problems however people forget what they have been us-ing and will put in any plug- sometimes second hand and wonder why their engine won't per-form. If you use OS #8 for example then my advice is to go and purchase a DUBRO or similar 4 way plug wrench that has a central core with threaded holes that will allow you to screw into there only new plugs of that same brand and code number. Most modellers have this already but don't necessarily know why there are threaded holes around the circumference of the hub. You might ask as to why I am emphatic on this- well, plugs do serve a very good pur-pose and if you closely observe a glow plug you will become aware that there is a threaded por-tion- that screws into the head. This is the area that catches many people out because the threaded portion differs in length from brand to brand- OS for example is generally about 1mm shorter than other brands, and if you were running K&B plugs then you have the choice of ei-ther long or me it does matter as it will affect the compression on your engine! Heat range of the plug is also very important as it affects revs, compression and engine tuning.....change one of those and will have you puzzled. Again keep to the same heat range. Glow plugs, like all things have a 'life' and if you have a lean run- yes we all have had bad tuning- then that could be a sign that the plug needs replacing............I don't own any old plugs as I throw them away. I know many of you have reused old plugs- hell they aren't expen-sive ...........I always say 'good gear always gives good engine runs'.

A doctor held a stethoscope up to a man's chest. The man asks, "Doc, how do I stand? "The doctor says, "That's what puzzles me!"


Poopy puppy pooper scooper reports

I have been shown email communications between our “moving man” Stew Morse and OBGGGGG, who originally sent him a message as follows

OB“ You were missed on the flying field are you ill or is it the shift”

SM “Shift, boxes every where!!!!”

OB “Have you found your models yet or don't you know where to put them------ decisions deci-sions!!!!!!”

SM “Well, I spent a large amount of time arranging the safe relocation of my hangar of models etc to my beloved Mother-in-law's spare bedroom so they were not involved in the shift.

Alas the girls of the family did not plan the rest of the shift (their clothes) as thoroughly.

The result was that the new house's planned new hangar space has instead been taken over by more clothes than in Ballantynes! and the models are still offsite with dear old Ma -in-law.

Yes, today would have been a good day for the girl's to sort things out BUT they are out shopping for, wait for it....... MORE CLOTHES!”

OB “Boy do I sympathize with you. These women are shopaholics when it comes to clothes I know!!!! but get some necessary modeling supplies and all hell breaks loose” OBGGGGG

A good reason to declutter before moving!!!!! Or not , because that gives “they who shall be obeyed” a reason to go shopping (as if they need a reason!!!)

Cartoon sent by ??? On his recent performance. OBGGGGG comments “that Tomboys fly ok whether the TX is on or not” How does he know!!!!

A man called his mother in Florida . "Mom, how are you?" Not too good," said the mother. "I've been very weak. "The son said, "Why are you so weak?" She said, "Because I haven't eaten in 38 days. "The son said, "That's terrible. Why haven't you eaten in 38 days? "The mother answered, "Because, I didn't want my mouth to be full in case you should call." !!!!!


Surprisingly Satisfying Sunday Southerly Soaring Session Ian Harvey – Soaring Liaison Officer

A dying southerly at the Willows on the afternoon of the 19th May produced very good soaring conditions, even though the temperature never went above 15 C. Only four pilots ventured out and two (Peter France and Phil Pohio) flew electric ALES 123 (3 x six min flights plus 50, 25, or 0 landing) and the other two (Dave Griffin and I) flew Class B (3 x 10 min duration; 5 points for every 30 sec in the air + 100 landing BUT max of only 120; one fly-off all points counting to 10 min; 200 max) using winch launches. Both Phil and Peter flew Radians and gained reasonable flight scores but dropped land-ing for max points for most of their flights. ALES 123: Name: Club Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Rnd 3 TOTAL Peter France CMAC 383 378 248 1009 Phil Pohio Waimak 383 337 251 971__ For Dave and I, it was like nostalgia to fly this old Class B contest. Obtaining the maxi-mum 120 points in the three preliminary rounds was not difficult; with Dave flying a Maxa and myself a Supra. We both flew the “fly off” round where all points in the air and on landing were counted with Dave just missing the 100 circle after his 10 min flight while I somehow nailed it. Class B Name Club Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Rnd 3 Fly-off TOTAL Ian Harvey CMAC 120 120 120 200 560 Dave Griffin CMAC 120 120 120 195 555

Love of 50’s jets – Part 2 - by Ian Harvey The rather pretty West Wings DF Hawker Hunter is finished and ready to test – but am I brave enough to fly it? The next question is – will there be a Part 3


Well it flew better than his Tomboy, must have had better batteries!!!!

Roy Gunner and his RTF plastic fantastic. Now that you are getting used to R/C Roy how about joining the Tomboyians a lot of fun!!! OBGGGGG


Weather Station Phone Number 021 02943562

Operating times All Week 0600—1800hrs

Editorial Manure. # 171, (29 to go = 200 then I’m finished)

In amongst Paul Lagans estate I found 3 Fly-Dream altimeter recorders (1.3grams ea) and at the last Tomboy meet I used one to record my 2 flights to see how high my model got, flight 1 was 700feet AGL and flight 2 was 1000feet AGL. It also showed that our flying site is 100feet ASL ( which I checked on a to-pographical map for our flying site at Thompsons road) I also could check out rates of climb and descent which showed me that I need to trim my model better!!!!! At the next Tomboy meeting I will be fitting them to other competitors models to see how they go!!!!

I have been remiss in not programming in the Club 1/2a Scale Texaco event into the program along with other club only events, it will be rectified next (June) Torque hopefully the weather will be kinder!!!!!

As Paul Lagan’s estate disposal is coming to an end there will be one final club ga-rage sale in the July club meeting so if there is anything that you could do with let me know ( prices probably $0) I need to get back to the building board!!!!!!

OBGGGGG( my IQ came back negative, that is why I have been the Torque editor for so long )

Club website please note change

Takeoff 100’ at 10 seconds

Max height 1115’ ASL at 200 secs

Landed at 340 secs

It will never fly Mark, it needs a few essential appendages (that’s what happens when you have-n't been out to the flying field for a while)


June 2019 40 FF Hangar Rat June 2019 41 FF Indoor Hand Lauch Glider June 2019 42 FF A1 Glider June 2019 43 FF P30 June 2019 44 FF FAI F1A Glider June 2019 130 VINT Vintage FF Hand Launch Glider June 2019 131 VINT Vintage FF Catapult Glider June 2019 132 VINT FF Nostalgia Power Duration June 2019 133 VINT FF Classic Rubber Duration June 2019 134 VINT RC Vintage Precision June 2019 135 VINT RC Classical E Duration June 2019 82 SOAR ALES 200 Class M (Scoring per 3.13.7) June 2019 83 SOAR F3K Tasks B,D,G,H only (total raw scores) June 2019 84 SOAR ALES Radian Class P

1-Jun-19 SATURDAY Soaring NDC Events 0900 - 1300hrs Willows 2-Jun-19 SUNDAY FF / Vint NDC Events 0900 - 1130hrs Willows 3-Jun-19 MONDAY Queens birthday 4-Jun-19 NO Club meeting cancelled

8-Jun-19 SATURDAY 9-Jun-19 SUNDAY FF / Vint NDC Events 0900 - 1130hrs Willows

TBA SUNDAY Indoor NDC Events 1300 -1500hrs Templeton 15-Jun-19 SATURDAY 16-Jun-19 SUNDAY FF / Vint NDC Events 0900 - 1130hrs Willows 22-Jun-19 SATURDAY Soaring NDC Events 1000—1400hrs Willows 23-Jun-19 SUNDAY FF / Vint NDC Events 0900 - 1130hrs Willows 29-Jun-19 SATURDAY 30-Jun-19 SUNDAY FF / Vint NDC Events 0900 - 1130hrs Willows 30-Jun-19 SUNDAY TOMBOY TOMBOY 0900 - 1130hrs Willows 30-Jun-19 SUNDAY BBQ Day 1130 - 1230hrs Willows 30-Jun-19 SUNDAY Soaring NDC Events 1300 - 1600hrs Willows

Ndc events for june 2019


July 2019 45 FF Aggregate July 2019 46 FF Open Glider July 2019 47 FF FAI F1D Indoor Rubber July 2019 136 VINT FF Nostalgia Glider Duration July 2019 137 VINT RC Vintage and Classical Scale Texaco July 2019 138 VINT RC Classical Precision July 2020 139 VINT RC Sport Cabin IC Texaco July 2021 140 VINT RC Sport Cabin E Texaco July 2019 85 SOAR Thermal H (2 Metre Glider) July 2019 86 SOAR Thermal A (Open) July 2019 87 SOAR FAI F5J, 4 Rounds (Total Raw Scores ) July 2019 88 SOAR ALES 123 Class N

Ndc events for juLY 2019

2-Jul-19 TUESDAY CLUB NIGHT 1900 - 2100hrs Condell ave

6-Jul-19 SATURDAY Soaring NDC Events 0900 - 1300hrs Willows

7-Jul-19 SUNDAY FF / Vint NDC Events 0900 - 1130hrs Willows

13-Jul-19 SATURDAY

14-Jul-19 SUNDAY FF / Vint NDC Events 0900 - 1130hrs Willows

14-Jul-19 SUNDAY Indoor NDC Events 1300 -1500hrs Templeton

20-Jul-19 SATURDAY

21-Jul-19 SUNDAY FF / Vint NDC Events 0900 - 1130hrs Willows

27-Jul-19 SATURDAY

28-Jul-19 SUNDAY FF / Vint NDC Events 0900 - 1130hrs Willows

28-Jul-19 SUNDAY TOMBOY TOMBOY 0900 - 1130hrs Willows

28-Jul-19 SUNDAY BBQ Day 1130 - 1230hrs Willows

28-Jul-19 SUNDAY Soaring NDC Events 1300 - 1600hrs Willows

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