christmas communication ideas · they don’t have a postcard or bulletin insert on the...

Post on 21-Aug-2020






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To church communicators,

It’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas, howto get people involved, what it’s all about, how to share thegospel message.

Following is a collection of some of my favorite Christmasitems from years past.

Copy, edit, modify, use, pass on, do whatever you wouldlike!

If you come up with a modification or use you’d like toshare with me and others, send me a PDF—no problemthough if no time or too much trouble.

Enjoy and look ahead to celebrating our Savior’s birth!

joy & peace,


Christmas Communications Lessons By

Yvon Prehn

“The Word became Flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). This Christmas season, let’s look at

the Incarnation, at Jesus becoming flesh and blood, for two communication lessons on how we

might better make the Christian message flesh and blood reality in our world today.

Incarnation communication lesson #1 Communicate in a form connects with the people you want to reach for Jesus.

Jesus did that—he came in a form that connected with the people he wanted to reach. He didn’t

have to do that. He could have been born into the High Priest’s family; he could have come as a

king or a wealthy landowner. He didn’t. He came as a common man.

He looked like the people he preached to, talked like them, had fun with them. He came as one of

the guys. You probably couldn’t pick him out in a crowd when he was growing up. He fit in with

the people around him so well, his detractors used his very ordinariness against him, “Isn’t this

just the carpenters son?” they mocked.

Incarnation application: We need to communicate in a form that connects with the people we want to reach.

The issue isn’t how can you write scholarly and profoundly so that your seminary professor

would be impressed or how much money can you spend on a brochure so people will think you

are a church that cares about “excellence.” Instead, research honestly what will connect with the

people you are trying to reach.

One suggestion comes from the Direct Mail Marketing Association, which has been telling its

members for many years that one of the most effective ways to communicate with people today is

with postcards. People read postcards; they put postcards on the refrigerator to remind them of

events; they buy what is advertised on the postcard. Try sending out more postcards to

communicate to and connect with your people.

Another way to find out is to ask your people. Do a little survey some morning in church that asks

folks how they want to be informed about events or news from the church. Give them a choice:

email, postcards, newsletter, in the bulletin. Have them check all that they read and have them

rank their favorite. Ask for open ended comments on how you can better communicate. The

answers will be different for every church. Listen to your folks.

Try various methods. Track results. In tracking, record events that you hold at the church. Record

how you advertised it and how often. Count the people that attend. After a few months you should

be able to see some trends. In some churches folks respond well to email reminders. In others if

they don’t have a postcard or bulletin insert on the refrigerator to remind them of the details of an

event (time, location, cost, etc.) attendance drops.

Consider the style of your people when preparing communications Even though post-cards work well for all audiences, to make it more specifically for YOUR

audience, you want to create your postcards (and other publications) in a style that suits your


An easy way to find this out is to go to your local bookstore that also sells magazines. Look at the

magazines read by your target audience. You’ll find that magazines written specifically for

businessmen have a very different look than magazines written for teenagers. Make note of the

colors used, the style of typefaces, how artwork is used, if it is used at all. Try to reproduce a

similar look in your publications for a similar audience.

Incarnation communication lesson #2 Don’t expect shortcuts in results just because your message is from God Jesus didn’t spring full-grown from his mother’s body as some of the mythological Greek gods

purportedly did. He grew up like any other child and took just as long to become an adult as his

friends did. He preached for three years and slowly built up a following of disciples. He repeated

the same message quite a few times.

Sometimes leaders in Christian ministry birth a vision of what they want their ministry or church to

be and they want their church or people to catch the vision and respond NOW. In my ministry I’ve

seen churches create a splashy, expensive advertisement and run it once or spend lots of money

on a pre-printed 4-color postcard mailing and send out only one because that is all they can

afford. Or they announce some volunteer or ministry opportunity once or twice from the pulpit with

great passion. Invariably they are disappointed when people don’t flock to the program they

spent so much money on advertising. Or they ignore the call to volunteer. In both situations the

leader is discouraged.

They shouldn’t be. Jesus had to go through a long, repetitive process to grow His disciples and

we can’t expect to do less.

Incarnation application: In communications, the quick fix seldom works. For communication to produce sustained

response and life-change the greatest impact usually takes place over a long period of time and

with many communication projects as you are consistent in your message to your people.

For one-time events, marketing theory today tells us people need to hear and see the same

message, in the same form at least SEVEN times for it to sink in at all. In practical terms, that

means one ad or mailing, no matter how much you spend on it makes virtually no impact at all.

Repetition, repetition, repetition is what works. Decide on your message and repeat it in the

bulletin, newsletter, email, with a postcard, a flyer, a bulletin insert, email and follow-up phone


It is a lot of work to get your message out there as many times as you need to. In addition, you

will be sick to death of your message from having to repeat it so many times. Remember, though,

that no one will see the message as many times as you do. Consistent, sustained communication

of your message is what will produce results. Incarnation inspired communication is never easy For three years Jesus was a homeless, itinerant preacher who ended up being crucified. As we

follow His steps, don’t expect people to always be grateful for the communications work you pour

your heart into. Regular attenders at church will complain about the repetition that you need to

reach the people who aren’t there every Sunday. In every church, there is always someone who

complains about bulletin inserts, (for reasons that never have anything to do with whether they

actually serve people or not) not realizing that they are what get posted on the refrigerator and

referred to when the time comes to actually show up at an event.

Don’t let the grumpy complainers set your ministry communication agenda. Jesus didn’t let the

complaints about healing on the Sabbath stop him from doing that. Don’t let the comments of

“They drop inserts on the floor….” Keep you from producing inserts that may ultimately result in

the healing of a life from a church event attended that would have been missed if the directions,

time and details weren’t readily available on the refrigerator.

But like Jesus, you can expect that though you may not receive praise as you work, if you

incarnate the message of Jesus as well as you can, people will spend eternity in Heaven. That’s

a Christmas present that will last forever.

Holiday visitors—how to turn them into regular attenders By Yvon Prehn You want holiday visitors to become regular attenders and you can help make this possible not only by the quality of your church’s holiday events, but by the follow-up publications you send out. Successful follow up publications DO NOT mean a mass generated “so glad you were here….” letter. Instead, try these ideas: Position your church positively Sending out a “so glad you were here” publication is OK to do, but there is nothing usual or memorable about that. People expect churches to be glad they came and of course a church wants them to return. What might be a bit more surprising is if your church, instead of asking for something, gave something away. For example, what if you sent out a series of postcards or a series of one-page newsletters and tips that would give people ideas that would help them get through the holiday season. What if those publications didn’t ask for anything, but were genuine servant publications with the motive of honestly helping the people they were sent to? This would put your church in an entirely different position and a very positive one that would cause people to want to return. Following are some specific publications that could do this: Countdown to Christmas Postcards/flyers Depending upon how far back from Christmas you start this, you might vary on the number you send out. Let’s assume you have a list of families who attended your Fall Harvest Festival. You make up a series of perhaps five post-cards or tri-fold flyers/newsletters in bright colors with topics like this: Week #1—some inexpensive, creative, and alternative ideas on how to plan Christmas shopping and gift exchanges, drawing of names, deciding to give to charities in the name of family members, what charity opportunities are available in your community, if any churches (your church?) sell third world gift items. Week #2—some favorite recipes from your congregation: a favorite fudge, a hot cider mix, a special grandma cookie recipe. Many families today don’t have family members close by and many young families don’t know how to prepare holiday items. Make sure your directions are simple and easy.

Week #3—the meaning of advent and some ideas on how to help families celebrate it. Perhaps offer an advent booklet for free by simply calling your church or requesting one from your church website. Week #4—Offer to pray for people during this busy and sometimes stressful time of year. Have a prayer line where they can leave requests or an email address. Assure them it is confidential and is a gift from your church to them. Week #5—An invitation to participate and the times your church offers free baby-sitting so busy parents or especially single parents can shop, locations where your church is doing totally free gift-wrapping. On all these postcards be sure to clearly give the address of your church, your service times and times for children’s church or education programs, contact phone number and web site. Be sure also to always say something like “Your Local Community Church is there for you and your family, not only at Christmas time, but any time of the year. Please contact us if we can serve you in any way.” What it’s really all about Another option would be a series of cards explaining the meaning of different traditions at Christmas. If you do a Google search on the web you’ll find dozens of pages with explanations of various Christmas traditions. One great place you might start is Peggy’s Place. This is the link to her Christmas page, but she has lots of other information on other holidays as well: The following web site is an interesting one. It’s a bit buried inside a Catholic site, but has some very detailed historical explanations of Christmas traditions: You could choose one tradition a week and again send out a series of cards or flyers. Again, many people today don’t know why we celebrate the traditions we do and you can give them a Christian explanation. Be sure to always remind them, that in addition to the reasons we have candy canes or Christmas trees (both with very Christian historical traditions) the “reason for the season” really is that Jesus, who was fully God, became fully man to grow up and become our Savior. What’s most important The most important thing about either of these communication/church marketing projects is not how fancy your clip art is or how stunning the type face that you choose. What is most important is if you create these and send them out with lots of love and prayer for the visitors to your church. Even if you just send out one or two of these it says your church cares about visitors during the holiday season.

1. Life is scary

Tornadoes, terrorism, hurricanes, bird flu —

there isa lot to be afraid of in our w

orld today. But those

who have m

et the One w

ho calms storm

s, know that

though the journey might be challenging, w

e are ultimately prom

ised a safe harbor.Invite your friends to m

eet Jesus, the only reliable guide through scary times.

2. People are lonelyL

ies, abandonment, abuse, disappointm

ent—no m

atter how w

onderful the person orrelationship, there are tim

es when the best of hum

an companionship w

ill disappoint.T

hat’s because, as St. Augustine said, w

e all have a God-shaped place inside that only

Jesus can fill. Invite your friends to meet Jesus, the only person w

hose love will never

fail through all of life, through death, and into eternity.

3. Everyone needs a purpose

As a form

er Watergate conspirator said, m

any folks live their lives climbing the ladder

of success only to realize it was leaning against the w

rong wall. Jesus’s resurrection

provides us with the pow

er to live lives of significant purpose and to discern between

true and false success. Invite your friends to discover Jesus, the only compass to guide

you to a life of genuine, meaningful purpose.

4. We’re all going to live forever

Most folks today believe that and the B

ible agrees. The question is, if you are going to

live forever, what neighborhood w

ill you live in? Jesus promises that for those w

hobelieve in H

im they w

ill live in an eternal neighborhood of light, joy, purpose, andcom

panionship with loved ones. B

ut Jesus won’t force anyone to live in H

is neighbor-hood. Problem

is, any place outside His source of light, joy, purpose, and com

panion-ship is an eternal place of darkness, pain, regret, and isolation—

not a neigborhood we

want anyone to live in. Invite your friends to m

eet Jesus, so they can live forever inthe neighborhood of joy.

Invite your friendsto church this

Christmas season!

....or 4 REASON

S why I should

bother to pray, ask, and remind

people to come to church w

hen I’drather just relax and sit aroundm

unching sugar cookies.

Here’s a great idea—

Invite your friends to churchthis C

hristmas season!

1. Life is scary

Tornadoes, terrorism, hurricanes, bird flu —

there isa lot to be afraid of in our w

orld today. But those

who have m

et the One w

ho calms storm

s, know that

though the journey might be challenging, w

e are ultimately prom

ised a safe harbor.Invite your friends to m

eet Jesus, the only reliable guide through scary times.

2. People are lonelyL

ies, abandonment, abuse, disappointm

ent—no m

atter how w

onderful the person orrelationship, there are tim

es when the best of hum

an companionship w

ill disappoint.T

hat’s because, as St. Augustine said, w

e all have a God-shaped place inside that only

Jesus can fill. Invite your friends to meet Jesus, the only person w

hose love will never

fail through all of life, through death, and into eternity.

3. Everyone needs a purpose

As a form

er Watergate conspirator said, m

any folks live their lives climbing the ladder

of success only to realize it was leaning against the w

rong wall. Jesus’s resurrection

provides us with the pow

er to live lives of significant purpose and to discern between

true and false success. Invite your friends to discover Jesus, the only compass to guide

you to a life of genuine, meaningful purpose.

4. We’re all going to live forever

Most folks today believe that and the B

ible agrees. The question is, if you are going to

live forever, what neighborhood w

ill you live in? Jesus promises that for those w

hobelieve in H

im they w

ill live in an eternal neighborhood of light, joy, purpose, andcom

panionship with loved ones. B

ut Jesus won’t force anyone to live in H

is neighbor-hood. Problem

is, any place outside His source of light, joy, purpose, and com

panion-ship is an eternal place of darkness, pain, regret, and isolation—

not a neigborhood we

want anyone to live in. Invite your friends to m

eet Jesus, so they can live forever inthe neighborhood of joy.

Invite your friendsto church this

Christmas season!

....or 4 REASON

S why I should

bother to pray, ask, and remind

people to come to church w

hen I’drather just relax and sit aroundm

unching sugar cookies.

Here’s a great idea—

Invite your friends to churchthis C

hristmas season!

Hark the Herald Angels Sing. . .but why?

A FREE, reproduciblegospel presentation

handout for Christmas

byYvon Prehn

IIIIIntrntrntrntrntrodododododuction and insuction and insuction and insuction and insuction and instructions fortructions fortructions fortructions fortructions forthe files that follow:the files that follow:the files that follow:the files that follow:the files that follow:Christmas is a great time of year toreach out to family and friends whomay not go to church and who may beopen to the gospel message morethan at other times of the year.

The following flyer can be used as aninsert into Christmas cards, as a church handout, or you cantake the text and use it in anyway you’d like.

The following PDF file has a full-color version, a black andwhite one, and masters for printing it in two colors, with textone color and the angels a second color.

You have my permission to use it in any way you want, print,website, whatever.

Please use it with prayer that this year the real meaning ofthe songs of the Christmas angels will become real and per-sonal to many people.

Blessings and Joy this Christmas season,


HHHHHark ark ark ark ark the Hthe Hthe Hthe Hthe Herald Aerald Aerald Aerald Aerald Angels Sngels Sngels Sngels Sngels Singinginginging!!!!!.........................but whybut whybut whybut whybut why?????

It certainly couldnIt certainly couldnIt certainly couldnIt certainly couldnIt certainly couldn’t have been for J’t have been for J’t have been for J’t have been for J’t have been for Jesus.esus.esus.esus.esus.Leaving the glory of heaven to inhabit a body that would get tired and hurt from a

hard day working in the carpenter shop wasn’t reason for joy. Then to preach the message he’dbeen sent to communicate only to have the majority of folks not only not believe, but to crucifyhim for it—no, the singing wasn’t for Jesus.

It probably wasnIt probably wasnIt probably wasnIt probably wasnIt probably wasn’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.It would give them no joy to watch for the next 33 years the incredible wonder of the Creator of the universe playing

with little kids, speaking to the storm and quieting it like a child, watching him restore sight and wholeness to the hurtingand life itself to a friend who had died and to have all that love rejected. No, the angels weren’t singing for themselves.

I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.The celebration was because they knew Jesus was the true connection between people and God. They knew Jesus

could quiet that empty place in each heart that God created and only He can fill. They knew Jesus came to earth to bridgethe gap between God and man by his death on the cross. That’s why we have Christmas and the angels sang.

Their song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know Jesus.esus.esus.esus.esus.

If not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without Jesus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.But think carefully first. Though salvation in Jesus is a free gift, it isn’t one without cost. You get it free, but Jesus died

to give it to you. Also, if you accept Jesus’s gift of salvation, know He takes it very seriously and you won’t ever be thesame. A new life will start in you, the very life of God.

If you want GodIf you want GodIf you want GodIf you want GodIf you want God’’’’’s gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fornew things Henew things Henew things Henew things Henew things He’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in.

Don’t be afraid; you won’t be losing out, you’ll be gaining a whole way of life that will be more satisfying than you canimagine.You’ll want to read the Bible; you’ll want to talk to God in prayer; you’ll want to go to a church and meet othermembers of your new family of God. You’ll want to grow spiritually and become all your Creator meant for you to be.

It can be scary. You’ll be under new management, but whatever you might be tightly clutching now will seem no moreimportant to you than it does to a child with a toy tricycle who gladly drops it when he realizes his parents have a realbicycle for him.

The first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isn’t over’t over’t over’t over’t over. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want tosing for you?sing for you?sing for you?sing for you?sing for you?

The Bible tells us that the angels today sing for joy whenever someone accepts the greatest gift of all—Jesus. If youwant that gift, wherever you are, out-loud or in your heart, say something like this to Jesus—

Dear Jesus I want the gift you want to give me. I want to be connected with my Godthis Christmas. I know that I’m not. I know there are things in my life, mysin, my pride, even some of my good deeds that I thought couldtake me to God, but I know on my own I won’t make it. I realizeJesus came to earth that first Christmas to do what I could notdo— to die for me, so I can live with you. I don’t understand it all,but I want to ask you anyway to come into my life, to be my Savior,to be with me now and forever. Help me to learn what I need tolearn and to grow and live a life that will be pleasing to you. Amen.

If you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayer, listen quietly., listen quietly., listen quietly., listen quietly., listen quietly.

The angels are singing—you may not hear them with yourThe angels are singing—you may not hear them with yourThe angels are singing—you may not hear them with yourThe angels are singing—you may not hear them with yourThe angels are singing—you may not hear them with yourears, but a song of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.ears, but a song of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.ears, but a song of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.ears, but a song of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.ears, but a song of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.

At ChrisAt ChrisAt ChrisAt ChrisAt Christmas did ytmas did ytmas did ytmas did ytmas did you evou evou evou evou ever wonder whater wonder whater wonder whater wonder whater wonder whatthat joythat joythat joythat joythat joyououououous singing was abouts singing was abouts singing was abouts singing was abouts singing was about?????

HHHHHark ark ark ark ark the Hthe Hthe Hthe Hthe Herald Aerald Aerald Aerald Aerald Angels Sngels Sngels Sngels Sngels Singinginginging! .! .! .! .! .....................but whybut whybut whybut whybut why?????

It certainly couldnIt certainly couldnIt certainly couldnIt certainly couldnIt certainly couldn’t have been for J’t have been for J’t have been for J’t have been for J’t have been for Jesus.esus.esus.esus.esus.Leaving the glory of heaven to inhabit a body that would get tired and hurt

from a hard day working in the carpenter shop wasn’t reason for joy. Then to preachthe message he’d been sent to communicate only to have the majority of folks notonly not believe, but to crucify him for it—no, the singing wasn’t for Jesus.

It probably wasnIt probably wasnIt probably wasnIt probably wasnIt probably wasn’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.It would give them no joy to watch for the next 33 years the incredible wonder of the

Creator of the universe playing with little kids, speaking to the storm and quieting it like a child,watching him restore sight and wholeness to the hurting and life itself to a friend who had died and to

have all that love rejected. No, the angels weren’t singing for themselves.

I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.The celebration was because they knew Jesus was the true connection between people and God. They knew Jesus

could quiet that empty place in each heart that God created and only He can fill. They knew Jesus came to earth to bridgethe gap between God and man by his death on the cross. That’s why we have Christmas and the angels sang.

Their song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know Jesus.esus.esus.esus.esus.

If not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without Jesus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.But think carefully first. Though salvation in Jesus is a free gift, it isn’t one without cost. You get it free, but Jesus died to

give it to you. Also, if you accept Jesus’s gift of salvation, know He takes it very seriously and you won’t ever be the same. Anew life will start in you, the very life of God.

If you want GodIf you want GodIf you want GodIf you want GodIf you want God’’’’’s gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fornew things Henew things Henew things Henew things Henew things He’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in.

Don’t be afraid; you won’t be losing out, you’ll be gaining a whole way of life that will be more satisfying than you canimagine.You’ll want to read the Bible; you’ll want to talk to God in prayer; you’ll want to go to a church and meet other mem-bers of your new family of God. You’ll want to grow spiritually and become all your Creator meant for you to be.

It can be scary. You’ll be under new management, but whatever you might be tightly clutching now will seem no moreimportant to you than it does to a child with a toy tricycle who gladly drops it when he realizes his parents have a real bicyclefor him.

The first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isn’t over’t over’t over’t over’t over. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want tosing for you?sing for you?sing for you?sing for you?sing for you?

The Bible tells us that the angels today sing for joy whenever someone accepts the greatest gift of all—Jesus. If youwant that gift, wherever you are, out-loud or in your heart, say something like this to Jesus—

Dear Jesus I want the gift you want to give me. I want to beconnected with my God this Christmas. I know that I’m not. I knowthere are things in my life, my sin, my pride, even some of my gooddeeds that I thought could take me to God, but I know on my own Iwon’t make it. I realize Jesus came to earth that first Christmas to dowhat I could not do— to die for me, so I can live with you. I don’tunderstand it all, but I want to ask you anyway to come into my life, tobe my Savior, to be with me now and forever. Help me to learn what Ineed to learn and to grow and live a life that will be pleasing to you.Amen.

If you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayer, listen quietly., listen quietly., listen quietly., listen quietly., listen quietly.

The angels are singing—you may not hear them with your ears, but aThe angels are singing—you may not hear them with your ears, but aThe angels are singing—you may not hear them with your ears, but aThe angels are singing—you may not hear them with your ears, but aThe angels are singing—you may not hear them with your ears, but asong of joy that will never end has begun in your of joy that will never end has begun in your of joy that will never end has begun in your of joy that will never end has begun in your of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.

At ChrisAt ChrisAt ChrisAt ChrisAt Christmas did ytmas did ytmas did ytmas did ytmas did you evou evou evou evou ever wonder what thater wonder what thater wonder what thater wonder what thater wonder what thatjoyjoyjoyjoyjoyououououous singing was abouts singing was abouts singing was abouts singing was abouts singing was about?????

HHHHHark ark ark ark ark the Hthe Hthe Hthe Hthe Herald Aerald Aerald Aerald Aerald Angels Sngels Sngels Sngels Sngels Singinginginging! .! .! .! .! .....................but whybut whybut whybut whybut why?????At ChrisAt ChrisAt ChrisAt ChrisAt Christmas did ytmas did ytmas did ytmas did ytmas did you evou evou evou evou ever wonder what thater wonder what thater wonder what thater wonder what thater wonder what that

joyjoyjoyjoyjoyououououous singing was abouts singing was abouts singing was abouts singing was abouts singing was about?????It certainly couldnIt certainly couldnIt certainly couldnIt certainly couldnIt certainly couldn’t have been for J’t have been for J’t have been for J’t have been for J’t have been for Jesus.esus.esus.esus.esus.

Leaving the glory of heaven to inhabit a body that would get tired and hurt froma hard day working in the carpenter shop wasn’t reason for joy. Then to preach themessage he’d been sent to communicate only to have the majority of folks not onlynot believe, but to crucify him for it—no, the singing wasn’t for Jesus.

It probably wasnIt probably wasnIt probably wasnIt probably wasnIt probably wasn’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.’t for the angels themselves.It would give them no joy to watch for the next 33 years the incredible wonder of the Creator

of the universe playing with little kids, speaking to the storm and quieting it like a child, watching himrestore sight and wholeness to the hurting and life itself to a friend who had died and to have all that love

rejected. No, the angels weren’t singing for themselves.

I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.I think the angels were singing for us.The celebration was because they knew Jesus was the true connection between people and God. They knew Jesus

could quiet that empty place in each heart that God created and only He can fill. They knew Jesus came to earth to bridgethe gap between God and man by his death on the cross. That’s why we have Christmas and the angels sang.

Their song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know JTheir song is for you if you know Jesus.esus.esus.esus.esus.

If not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without JIf not, if the place is your heart is still empty and without Jesus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.esus, this year consider filling it with him.But think carefully first. Though salvation in Jesus is a free gift, it isn’t one without cost. You get it free, but Jesus died

to give it to you. Also, if you accept Jesus’s gift of salvation, know He takes it very seriously and you won’t ever be thesame. A new life will start in you, the very life of God.

If you want GodIf you want GodIf you want GodIf you want GodIf you want God’’’’’s gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fors gift in all His fullness, chances are that He might ask for some changes your life to make room fornew things Henew things Henew things Henew things Henew things He’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in’ll want to bring in.

Don’t be afraid; you won’t be losing out, you’ll be gaining a whole way of life that will be more satisfying than you canimagine.You’ll want to read the Bible; you’ll want to talk to God in prayer; you’ll want to go to a church and meet othermembers of your new family of God. You’ll want to grow spiritually and become all your Creator meant for you to be.

It can be scary. You’ll be under new management, but whatever you might be tightly clutching now will seem no moreimportant to you than it does to a child with a toy tricycle who gladly drops it when he realizes his parents have a realbicycle for him.

The first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isnThe first Christmas began with a glorious song from angels, but the song isn’t over’t over’t over’t over’t over. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want to. Did you know the angels want tosing for you?sing for you?sing for you?sing for you?sing for you?

The Bible tells us that the angels today sing for joy whenever someone accepts the greatest gift of all—Jesus. If youwant that gift, wherever you are, out-loud or in your heart, say something like this to Jesus—

Dear Jesus I want the gift you want to give me. I want to be connected with myGod this Christmas. I know that I’m not. I know there are things in mylife, my sin, my pride, even some of my good deeds that Ithought could take me to God, but I know on my own I won’tmake it. I realize Jesus came to earth that first Christmas to dowhat I could not do— to die for me, so I can live with you. I don’tunderstand it all, but I want to ask you anyway to come into mylife, to be my Savior, to be with me now and forever. Help me tolearn what I need to learn and to grow and live a life that will bepleasing to you. Amen.

If you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayerIf you prayed that prayer, listen quietly., listen quietly., listen quietly., listen quietly., listen quietly.The angels are singing—you may not hear them with your ears,The angels are singing—you may not hear them with your ears,The angels are singing—you may not hear them with your ears,The angels are singing—you may not hear them with your ears,The angels are singing—you may not hear them with your ears,

but a song of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.but a song of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.but a song of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.but a song of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.but a song of joy that will never end has begun in your heart.

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