church mag may 2012

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Kirkby Church Magazine May 2012


May 2012

Events in Kirkby &

Great Broughton

Thursday 3rd May10.00am Holy Communion Rev. Dr. Anne Headingfollowed by coffee at 3, Holme Mead, all welcome.

Sunday 6th May8 am Holy Communion Rev. Dr. Anne Heading 9.30am Family Service & Holy Communion Rev. Dr. Anne Heading Sunday 13th MayNo service at St Augustine's10.30am United at Chapel for Anniversary and Christian Aid week Rev. Dr. Anne Heading10.00am Family Service for Regation at St. Hilda's, Bilsdale Priory. All welcome.

Ascension Day Thursday 17th May10.00am Holy Communion Rev. Dr. Anne Headingfollowed by coffee at 3, Holme Mead, all welcome.

Sunday 20th May9.30am Matins Pat Weighell


UNITED BENEFICE SERVICE at St Augustine's Kirby Rev Geoff HaysmoreFollowed by refreshments in Church Hall. All welcome.

Holy Communion Rev. Dr. Anne HeadingThere will be a Godly Play workshop for all children aged 3 years and upwards in Church Hall – please contact Sarah Weyell (724695) Ros Tomlinson (711796) or Anne Heading (710045) for further details.

Sunday 3rd June 8am Holy Communion Rev. Dr. Anne Heading 9.30am Family Service & Holy Communion Rev. Dr. Anne Heading 3.00pm Retired Clergy Evensong

Telephone Contacts: Rev. Dr. Anne Heading (710045) Churchwarden Geoff Taylor (712458)

May 2012 St Augustine's Kirkby Services

Telephone Contacts: Rev. Dr. Anne Heading (710045) Churchwarden Geoff Taylor (712458)

Sunday 6th May10.30a.m. 105th Chapel Anniversary celebrations Rev. Catherine Huttonfollowed by lunch at the Jet Miners.

Sunday 13th May10.30am United Service for Anniversary and Christian Aid week Rev. Dr. Anne Heading

Sunday 20th May 9.30am Matins . Chapel are warmly invited to join the congregation at Saint Augustine's to mark the end of Christian Aid week. Pat Weighell

Sunday 27th May 10.30am Morning worship, Mr. Ken Hudson.

Centenary booklets still available priced £5, please ring 712585.

The Chapel schoolroom is available for hire. Contact 712585 Methodist Minister Rev Catherine Hutton (722437) Great Broughton

From the Registers

St. Augustine's Kirkby in Cleveland12th April Cecilie May Hamer aged 75years

St. Augustine’s Kirkby in Cleveland9th June Alex Gill and Chris Scott

May 2012 Great Broughton

Methodist Chapel

In the heart of Broughton, Chapel is a place of prayer, of worship, of Jesus’ love shown to friend and stranger.

Diary for MayTuesdays 4.30 - 5.30pm. GBVH Pilates with Lisa. £5 Contact Sarah 712381Tuesdays 7.30pm GBVH Pilates Contact Lucy Lee 07966643926 Wednesdays Table Tennis GBVH - Chris 712027Thursdays Kirkby Church Hall 6.00-7.00pm 'Zumba' with Sandie £4 7.30-9.00pm Tai Chi with Marianne £5 Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Walking Groups. Copy of programme available from David 712105 or go to 1st May 10.00am meeting of the Kirby Social History Group, in the Flintoff Room, Kirkby Church Hall, anyone who can add to the archive is welcome. Friday 4th May ACES Dance Night GBVH CANCELLEDWednesday 9th May KGBIG Local History Group visit to Tripsdale, scene of medieval ironworking and historic landscape. Meet Chopgate Village Hall 1.30pm.Friday 4th May7.30 Kirkby Church Hall . KGBIG Local History Group. Peter Clarkson and John Webster continuing ‘Broughton and Kirby in living memory-History of the Sports Club.’ Thursday 10th May Kirkby and Broughton WI meet at 7.15 in Broughton Chapel Room when Kirsty Dawson will speak on Amatsu Therapy. Friday 11th May 7.30 for 8.00pm in Kirkby Church Hall. Kirkby and Great Broughton School invite you to "Soiree avec Flossie." - A fun filled evening of music with French singer Flossie Malavialle. The tickets are £15.00 which includes a two course French meal and there will be a licensed bar and a raffle. Tickets are available from the School Office, the Little Shop or telephone Jean on 712458 Saturday 12th MayKirkby Village Tidy Up Day. Please meet at the crossroads at 9.30. Coffee will be provided at Appleton House after your efforts. There will be an extra street sweep by Street Scene on Thursday 10th May,thanks to Hambleton for this. Please could you move,where possible, cars from the streets by 9.00a.m If you are unable to make the day it is much appreciated for any effort, at your own convenient time, to tidy your own environment in our Village. Friday 18th — Sunday 20th May KGBIG Local History Group visit of the Yorkshire Vernacular Buildings Study Group. Surveys of selected property in each of our villages. Saturday 19th May 12.00 – 2.00 Kirkby Church Hall Christian Aid Soup Lunch & Teddy Bears Picnic Sunday 20th May Gardening Event in GBVH. 10.00 -4.00pm Bring plants and seedlings, tools and gardening books to share and sell. (Donate 33% of your valuation) Contact either Wayne Barnacal 711741 0r Alan Swales 713043 to collect or just bring items to the village hall before 09.30 hrs. on the day. For plants contact Sarah Grierson 712381, Heather Richardson 714135 or Harriet Waterfield 712551 for more information (see green flyer in last months newsletter.) Sunday 13th -20th May Scarecrow display on Town Green, as part of the Gardening Event. Contact Viv Miller 712582

Tuesday May 22th K&GB Ladies Group. Middlesbrough (Little)Theatre. ‘Me & My Girl’ Shared cars meet 6.45 in theatre for 7.15. Any queries to Chris Hasler. Wednesday 23th May Gt Broughton Parish Meeting & Annual Meeting 7.30 GBVHSaturday 26th May GBVH 7.30 -11pm 'The Gill Matthews Band, Fish & Chip supper, 'White Horse' bar. In aid of Crohn's & Colitis UK. Tickets £20 Paul Cann 712176 Monday 28th May Kirkby in Cleveland Parish Council Meeting 7.30 Church Hall Thursday 31st May K cum B Stitchers - Martin's Workshop 10am - 4pm in the Flintoff Room. Tel Alison 713410

Advance Notice of St Augustine's Services

Sunday 10 June The morning service of Holy Communion will be replaced by Choral Evensong at 6pm to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the Book of Common Prayer. Please note the date - further details of this very special service will appear in the June Newsletter.


Kirkby in Cleveland Parish Council Meetings The forthcoming Parish Council dates are 28th May, July 3rd and 3rd September all at 7.30pm Church Hall.

North Yorks CC Policy Revision We have one historic green lane continuing from Hill Road up Kirby Bank and into Raisdale, which includes a valuable stretch of Stone Trod, Panniermans Way, which is in constant danger of damage from off road vehicles. Please have a look at Hambleton's proposed Policy Revision on Green Roads and complete the questionnaire. Go to: articleid=18991


Wanted – Organist!We are seeking to recruit the next generation of musicians in the Parish Church and would like to hear from organists, (or pianists of at least Grade 4 standard who could convert to

the organ), who would be able to provide the music for the Sunday service, Weddings and Funerals on the excellent two manual Copeman Hart instrument.

Interested? Please contact: Revd Anne Heading on 710045 or Roy Parsonage on 712234 for further details

Christian Aid

13th to 19th May is Christian aid week. There are envelopes with slips enclosed with this newsletter - These can be returned to the little shop; Church or Chapel services; through letterboxes where you will see a poster in the window - 42 Kirkby Lane - opposite the school or Cleveland House, Kirkby - opposite the Church. Alternatively they can be brought to the Soup Lunch.

We are holding a soup lunch and Teddy Bears picnic ( for the little ones) in the church hall on Saturday 19th May 12.00 - 2.00p.m. Although basic our bread and soup lunch represents far more than people in poverty can hope to get for a meal. Please come along and for a small donation you can enjoy a bowl of delicious home made soup and help poor and needy people around the world.

Kirkby & Gt. Broughton School

It was a lovely sunny day last day of term for our Easter Service and annual Duck Races. In the morning we gathered together in St Augustine’s and heard readings about the Easter story and Easter traditions. We had a range of songs and hymns all beautifully sung, and listened to some Easter poems and rhymes. The choir and recorder group also performed beautifully during the Service.

In the afternoon our Year 6's enthusiastically shepherded reluctant ducks away from the banks and then gathered them up for their next race. Due to an unusually dry early Spring the beck was not very fast moving so the ducks needed plenty of encouragement! Back in school the children's decorated eggs were on display . Each year the inventiveness and creativity of entries gets higher and higher and, as always, it proved to be a very difficult job choosing the winners. The PTA served tea and coffee and organised an Easter egg tombola for parents and friends of the school. They raised an amazing £146.46 for school funds which is a brilliant total.

During the first two weeks of the Summer term the children have taken part in two exciting sporting events. All the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 joined with other young athletes for a fun run. Our Year 3 and Year 4 children have enjoyed a fun aqua splash event too. With the London Olympics just around the corner our children are really getting into the spirit of things! We are currently planning an Olympic sports week later this term when a wide range of sports will be on offer to all our children. More details to follow! .

A reminder that if you want to keep in touch with what's happening in school our website

address is

Neighbourhood Watch

101 The new police number for non urgent matters 101 Local Co-ordinators - Kirkby - David Chadwick 712105

Gt. Broughton - Jim Watson 711406 Our problem solving officer is PC Glyn Jones. Our PCSO is Terry Rodgerson.

Telephone Scam This message came from a resident of a neighbouring village: I've just spent 11 mins talking to a rather persistent chap from SKY insurances. He said that my Sky insurance policy had just expired. I asked him what was covered and when it expired. He said he was calling from MyCover or similar and from their Brighton office. My cover had apparently expired on 5th April but it was no trouble to him - he could renew immediately to safeguard my equipment. He sounded English (rather than Indian or Far eastern). The phone no. was withheld. We spent some time trying to find out what exactly was covered and listening to his special offer (just £189 for a further 3 years!).Apparently he has our name / address on 'his system'. His new cover offer was for our cables, dish and box etc or so he said. He was very keen to get my credit details...........we have never had 'Sky' or any associated insurance!

Please beware scams and warn elderly neighbours.

June Diamond Jubilee Celebrations

Tuesday 5th June – Join us for our village Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

9.30am Service and refreshments at St Augustine’s.

There will be a parade from both villages to the Sports Club, meet at Gt. Broughton Town Green or Kirkby Church Hall at 2pm for the parades to begin – don’t forget to dress in Red, White and Blue! Children are encouraged to design and make their own King or Queens crown and a prize will be given for the most creative design.

The Events commence at the Sports Club at 2.30pm until late, bring your Gazebo (there will be a prize for the best decorated), picnic, food for the BBQ, drink and chairs for an afternoon and evening of fun, games, competitions and music.

Each child attending Kirkby and Great Broughton school will receive a Jubilee commemorative mug. Any other child (up to age 11) living in either village who would like a mug must register their request by emailing If any child living outside the villages would like to receive a mug, or if you would like to purchase additional mugs please send your request to

Claiming DatesFriday 1st June Kirkby & Gt. Broughton School half term school closes 3.15 Tuesday 5th June 2pm Diamond Jubilee Parade from Kirkby Church Hall and Gt. Broughton Town Green to Sports Club. See 'Announcements' for more details.2.30pm Celebrations begin at Sports Club. See 'Announcements' for more details. Tuesday 12th June Kirkby & Gt. Broughton School reopens 8.55 Tuesday June 12th, K&GB Ladies Group. Meet in Haven Restaurant for meal at the new Middlesbrough College. Shared cars, limited parking. 6.00 for 6.15pm Pay on night.Sunday July 15th Christian Aid Tea on the Lawn at Westfields, Kirkby(opp Church) 2.00 - 4.00 tickets £5.00 - Wednesday 20thJune (Note change of date) Local History Group. Kirby Heritage Trail Walk (6.30 at Kirby cross-roads) for Local History Group members and Kirby residents followed by Summer drinks in Anne & David Thompson's garden. Saturday 23rd June Kirkby & Gt. Broughton School PTA Olympic Activity DayMonday 25th June Local History Group Robin Daniels of Tees Archaeology 'Romans in the Lower Tees valley'. 7.30 Great Broughton Village Hall. Thurs 28th June K cum B Stitchers - Sit and Sew - 1.30 pm in the Flintoff Room. Tel Alison 713410 Tuesday July 3rd and 3rd September Kirkby in Cleveland Parish Council meetings.Friday 20th July Kirkby & Gt. Broughton School Summer Term ends, closes at 3pm

If you have any claiming dates or any notices for the community for the June newsletter please email - before 23rd May. Written requests may also be left with Anne Heading but the deadline is 21st May to ensure inclusion. Village information can be accessed at -

******** Kirkby Church Hall is available for rent. Contact Sheila 712321

******** Broughton Village Hall is available for rent . Contact Jeff French 712426

******** Bin Collection Dates for Kirkby and Gt Broughton

Wednesday 2nd May Black Bin Thursday 10th May Blue Box Green Bin Wednesday 16th May Black Bin Wednesday 23rd May Blue Box Green Bin Wednesday 30th May Black BinThursday 7th June Blue Box Green Bin

This newsletter is financed and distributed by St. Augustine's Kirkby & Great Broughton Methodist Church

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