church of saint sylvester - · personal de la parroquia rev. jose f....

Post on 20-Sep-2018






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Church of Saint Sylvester 265 Mckinley Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11208

Fax: 718-348-4035 Tel. 718-647-1995

Website: Email:



Rev. Jose F. Herrera, Administrator

Rev. Hector Adriano Restrepo, Parochial Vicar

Deacon Jose Oviedo, Permanent Deacon

Deacon Rafael Cabrera

Sr. Amelia Marie Cueva, C.S JB., D.R.E

Mrs. Carmen Perez, CCD Program Coordinator

Sr. Niurka Burgos, C.S. JB., Youth Ministry

Coordinator Mrs. Aida Lemus, Parish Secretary

Mr. Jesus De Jesus, Maintenance/Sacristan

Ms. Barbara Gayny, Music Director

We are part of BROOKLYN Deanery #6, consisting of the following Parishes: St. Sylvester, St. Fortunata, Blessed Sacrament,

Mary Mother of the Church, St. Michael-St. Malachi, Our Lady of Mercy, Our Lady of the Presentation, Our Lady of Loreto and St.

Rita. We are also part of Salve Regina Catholic Academy. For information on the Academy please call: (718) 277-9000


Monday-Friday: 9:30am to 12:00Noon and 1:00pm to 5:30pm

Saturday: Closed Sunday: 9:00am to 1:00pm


Sunday: 8:30am (English) 10:00am (Spanish) 12:00 Noon (English)

Monday to Saturday: 8:30am Thursdays: 7:30pm

First Friday Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 8:30am and


Catholic Holy Days: 8:30am and 7:30pm


Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays in English or Spanish or on

the fourth Sunday of every month. Arrangements should be made

one month prior to Baptism. Children 7 years or older should regis-

ter for Religion classes.


Arrangements should be made with a Priest at least six months

prior to wedding date. For Marriage Preparation Program infor-

mation please log on to


Every Saturday at: 4:00pm


Lunes a Viernes: 9:30am - 12 Mediodía y 1:00pm –5:30pm

Sábados: Cerrado Domingo: 9:00am –1:00pm


Domingo: 8:30am (Ingles) 10:00am (Español) 12:00 Noon (Ingles)

Lunes a Sabado: 8:30am Jueves: 7:30pm

Primer Viernes Adoración del Bendito Sacramento: 8:30am y


Días de Fiestas Católicas: 8:30am and 7:30pm


Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays in English or Spanish or on the

fourth Sunday of every month. Arrangements should be made one

month prior to Baptism. Children 7 years or older should register for

Religion classes.


Los arreglos deben hacerse directamente con el sacerdote por lo

me-nos seis meses antes de la fecha del matrimonio. Para Cursillo

Pre-Matrimonial visite


Todos los Sábados a las: 4:00pm

Saturday/April 21, 2018: 8:30AM— Sunday/April 22, 2018: 8:30AM—For all parishioners 10:00AM– En memoria del alma de: Luz Vega & Julio Fernandez, Por el cumpleaños de Hugo Mizhquiri, Por la salud de Ramona Genao, En memoria del alma de Juana Lugo, Luis Rivera & Maria Mercedes Pena 12:00Noon--For the members of the purgatorial society, For the recovery of Ana Perez Monday/April 23, 2018: 8:30AM— Tuesday/April 24, 2018: 8:30AM—Por la bendición del 11 cumpleaños de Nicholas Lemus Wednesday/April 25, 2018: 8:30AM— Thursday/April 26, 2018: 8:30AM— 7:30PM— Friday/April 27, 2018: 8:30AM— Saturday/April 28, 2018: 8:30AM— Sunday/April 29, 2018: 8:30AM—For all parishioners 10:00AM– En memoria del alma de: Natividad De La Cruz & Verenise Taveras 12:00Noon--For the members of the purgatorial society, In memory of Jose Cintron

Fourth Sunday of Easter St. Sylvester R. C. Church April 22, 2018 Page 1

For the Week of April 22, 2018 thru April 28, 2018. Para la Semana del 22 de Abril hasta el 28 de Abril del 2018. Sunday/April 22, 2018: Acts of the Apostles 4:8-12; Psalm 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; 1 John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18 Monday/April 23, 2018: Acts of the Apostles 11:1-18; Psalm 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; John 10:1-10 Tuesday/April 24, 2018: Acts of the Apostles 11:19-26; Psalm 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7; John 10:22-30 Wednesday/April 25, 2018: 1 Peter 5:5b-14; Psalm 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mark 16:15-20 Thursday/April 26, 2018: Acts of the Apostles 13:13-25; Psalm 89:2-3, 21-22, 25 & 27; John 13:16-20 Friday/April 27, 2018: Acts of the Apostles 13:26-33; Psalm 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab; John 14:1-6 Saturday/April 28, 2018: Acts of the Apostles 13:44-52; Psalm 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4; John 14:7-14

Sunday/ April 29, 2018 8:30 AM Margaret Liebenstein Luz Rodriguez Juana Benoit 10:00 AM Clarisa Quintana José Guerrero Annerys Sánchez Nalda Guerrero Amelia Juarbe Angelina Núñez Aura Cruz Antonia Tavares 12 Noon Daisy Robles Carmen Perez Sergia Pineda Norma Tejada

Calendar of Societies/Groups/Ministry

Calendario de Reuniones de Grupos y Eventos Legion of Mary/Legion de Maria Wednesday/Miercoles 8:30am Prayer Group/Grupo de Oración Monday/Lunes 7:30pm Bible Study Class/Estudio Bíblico Tuesday/Martes 7:30pm Youth Group/Grupo de Jóvenes Monday/Lunes 7:30pm Cursillo Movement/Cursillo Thursday/Jueves 7:30pm Choir/Coro Tuesday/Martes 7:00pm Sacred Heart of Jesus/Sagrado Corazon First Sunday of every month after the 10:00am mass/primer Domingo del mes despues de la misa de las 10:00am. Divine Child/Divino Nino Fourth Sunday of every month at 10:00am/ Cuarto Domingo de cada mess a las 10:00am Service, Faith & life/Servicio Fe y Vida Wednesday/Miercoles 7:30pm Marriage Group/Grupo de Parejas Last Saturday of every month/Ultimo Sabado de cada mes 6:30pm Weekly Offering Report/ Reporte Semanal de Ofrendas

We are a Tithing Community following God’s Plan for Giving in return for the Lord’s generosity, in the last

week our people returned to his Church the following:

For April 15, 2018 / Para el 15 de Abril del 2018 Last week we received the Following/La semana pasada

recibimos lo siguiente

First Collection/Primera Colecta: $2270.00 Children/Niños: $135.00

“Our weekly offering is one way of saying: we belong to the Lord…and one another. What Does YOUR

weekly offering Say? Pray for His guidance THEN renew your commitment to Tithing”.

Oraciones para los Enfermos/Prayers for the Sick Los siguientes miembros/amigos de la parroquia se encuentran enfermos/The following members or friends of the parish are sick especially: Ceferina Ortiz, Josephine Carlton, Olga Sanchez, & Luis Rodriguez. Recordémoslos en nuestras oraciones/Remember them in your prayers. The deceased/Por los difuntos The following parish members or friends have died especially/ Los siguientes miembros/o amigos que han fallecido, en especial: Pastora Bosch. Remember them in your prayers/Recordémoslos en nuestras oraciones.

Fourth Sunday of Easter St. Sylvester R. C. Church April 22, 2018 Page 2

Dear brothers and sisters: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever.” In this Easter season we continue being grateful to our God for making us see that as a parish he is joining us on our path towards tomorrow. The school building progresses in its remodeling and for the new school year we will be running a 'Charter School' which benefits our neighborhood; We hope that young families consider the possibility of registering their chil-dren and support the functioning of the school. This Wednesday April 25th we will have our Pastoral Parish Council. We need representation from those who speak English and are an im-portant part of our parish, we will see how to integrate everyone. We also thank parents for their understanding and to the cate-chists availability for our religion classes after the 12:00noon mass. This way we are taking care of everyone's health, while the building is being remodeled. Let us continue united, togeth-er we will achieve many good things, remember that each one counts, we are a community. Blessings Fr. Jose Francisco Herrera Administrator

Queridos hermanos y hermanas: “Den gracias al Señor porque es bueno, porque es eterna su mi-sericordia”. En este tiempo de Pascua seguimos siendo agradeci-dos con nuestro Dios por hacernos ver que como parroquia nos va acompañando en nuestra ruta hacia el mañana. El edificio de la escuela avanza en su remodelación y para el nuevo ano escolar tendremos funcionando una ‘Charter School’ que beneficia a nues-tro vecindario; confiamos que las familias jóvenes consideren la posibilidad de registrar a sus niños y apoyar el funcionamiento de la misma. Este miércoles 25 tendremos Consejo Pastoral Parro-quial, acudir puntuales sus miembros. Necesitamos representativi-dad de quienes hablan ingles y son parte importante de nuestra parroquia, veremos la forma de integrarlos. También agradecemos a los padres de familia por su comprensión y a los catequistas por su disponibilidad para nuestras clases de religión después de la misa de 12:00. Así estamos cuidando la salud de todos, mientras el edificio se arregla. Sigamos unidos, muchas cosas buenas se-guiremos logrando juntos, recuerde que cada uno cuenta, somos comunidad. Unidos en el Señor P. José Francisco Herrera Administrador

Viaje al Santuario Nacional de la Divina Misericordia Tendremos un viaje al Santuario Nacional de la Divina Misericordia el Sábado 4 de Agosto 2018. El precio del viaje es $35.00. Durante el día usted tendrá la oportunidad de visitar los lugares de oración de la Colina del Edén como: La Gruta de Lourdes, El Santuario de Velas de la Inmaculada Concepción, El Santuario de Velas de la Sagrada Familia, El Santuario al aire libre Madre de Misericordia, La estatua de San Peregrino y el Santuario de los Santos Inocentes. También tienen una tienda de regalos de la Divina Misericordia donde podría encontrar una gran variedad de artículos religiosos, literatura, música y videos. Para mas información favor de hablar con Dona Nora Urbi-na o llame la oficina durante la semana. Vengan y participan!

Trip to the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy We will be having a trip to the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy on Saturday, August 4, 2018. The Price of the trip is $35.00. During your trip you may choose to visit any of several places of prayer on Eden Hill like: Lourdes Grotto, Immacu-late Conception Candle Shrine, St. Joseph/Holy Family Candle Shrine, Mother of Mercy Outdoor Shrine, St. Peregrine’s Knoll, Shrine of the Holy Innocents. There is also a book store and gift shop where you can find an extensive collection of books, CDs, DVDs, religious art, rosaries and jewelry. For more information please speak to Mrs. Nora Urbina or call the parish office during the week. Come & participate!

We ask you (and anyone else who is not yet officially regis-tered as a Parishioner) to please use this form to register. Please either give it to a Priest or put it in the collection basket in order to receive your Church envelopes every month. Mr. and Mrs. or Ms._______________________________ Address: ___________________________Apt#_________ City/State_______________________________Zip______ Tel. #________________________Correction ________or New Membership __________

Si usted desea estar oficialmente registrado/a como miembro en la lista de nuestra parroquia llene este formulario y échenlo en la canasta de las colectas, de esa forma quedara inscrito en la pa-rroquia y podrá recibir los sobres para ofrendas semanales. Mr. and Mrs. o Ms._______________________________ Dirección: ___________________________Apt#_________ Ciudad/Estado ____________________________Zip______ Tel. #________________________Corrección ________o Nuevo miembro __________


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