church of st. bernard ascension 03,...

Post on 08-Jul-2020






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323 Reform St. North Norwood Young America, MN 55368

Contact Information Office …………………...952-466-2031 Website ...

Parish Office Hours: Tuesday thru Friday, 9:00am-2:00pm.

Parish Information E-mail: Business Administrator Sherry Witte…………….952-856-1051 E-mail: Safe Environment Coordinator Sarah Smith ……..…..952-856-1052 Trustees Andrew Kleindl.……...…952-442-9282 Thomas Monsen...……....507-514-7654 Finance Council Chairperson Ralph Laumann ….…… 952-466-3331

Communion for Homebound Barb Knorr..……....….....952-466-2447 Prayer Chain Patsy Quinn….. …………952-466-3304 Lori Kasel …… Adoration Coordinator Marcy Wickenhauser…....952-466-2593 Funeral Lunch Contact Sandy Bengston .………..612-240-4977 Ladies Guild President Monica Kooiman ………952-466-5769 Catholic United Financial Carol Hoen …………..…952-466-2456




Contact Information Rectory & Parish Office-952-467-3351 Website ……

Parish Office Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., & Fri. 10:00 am—2:00pm.

Business Administrator Sherry Witte.…………..952-777-0110

Safe Environment Coordinator Sarah Smith ………..952-777-0111

Trustees Rita Fahey ... ………….952-467-6478 John (Jack) Lano .……..952-467-3765 Finance Council Chairperson John (Jack) Lano………952-467-3765

Communion for Homebound Sue Tellers ……....….....612-247-6881

Prayer Chain Carol Donnay …………952-467-2183 Lucy Kostecka ………..952-467-2576 E-mail:

Adoration Coordinator Tamara Lemmer….....…612-790-5720

Music Liturgy Marilee Widmer ….…..952-467-3082

Social Hall Bookings Parish Office …..………952-467-3351

Knights of Columbus-Grand Knight Kevin Raether… 952-467-2633

Catholic United Financial Dennis Stoks …….……952-240-5001

Pastor Fr. Abraham George Kochupurackal CMI Office ………….. …………..952-856-1050 Joint Mission Team Chairperson Steve Lemmer ….……….…...952-913-0790 Faith Formation DRE for Pre-k-5th Grades Kara Wickenhauser……….…952-466-4719 DRE Middle School Grades Melanie Kleindl……………..763-645-7602 DRE Confirmation Class Julie Kleindl……….………...952-807-3522

Bulletin Co-editors Patricia Quinn……….……..952-466-3304 E-mail …

David Dettmann …………...952-467-2268

Joint Bulletin published weekly at: &


Baptisms: By appointment.

Marriage Arrangements The couple should contact the priest as

soon as they become engaged. They must meet with the priest twice be-fore setting a marriage date. These two

meetings need to be completed 6 months before the proposed date.

Sacrament of Reconciliation Ascension:Tues.5:40-6:05pm.

Sat.4:15-4:45pm. St. Bernard:Wed.7:30-7:50am.

Sat.7:15-7:45pm. Additionally by appointment.

Communion for Homebound

Call parish office.

Anointing of the Sick Call the parish office at any time.


Ascension-Weekend-Sat.5pm. Sun. 8am. Tuesday 6:15 pm. & Friday 7:15 am.

St. Bernard-Weekend-Sat. 8pm. Sun.10am.

Wednesday & Thursday 8:00am.


212 Church St. East Cologne, MN 55322


All events cancelled until further notice.

SCRIPTURE READINGS—May 3 -May 9, 2020 5/3 Fourth Sunday of Easter: Acts 2:14,36-41*Ps 23:1-3a,3b-4,5,6*1 Pt 2:20-25*Jn 10:1-10. 5/4: Acts 11:1-18*Ps 42:2-3; 43:3,4*Jn 10:11-18. 5/5: Acts 11:19-26*Ps 87:1b-3,4-5,6-7*Jn 10:22-30. 5/6: Acts 12:24—13:5*Ps 67:2-3,5-6,8*Jn 12:44-50. 5/7: Acts 13:13-25*Ps 89:2-3,21-22,25, 27*Jn 13:16-20. 5/8: Acts 13:26-33*Ps 2:6-7,8-9,10-11*Jn 14:1-6. 5/9: Acts 13:44-52*Ps 98:1,2-3ab,3cd-4*Jn 14:7-14.

Tuesdays — NOON; All copy must be in to the bulletin: e-mail address & e-mail to Fridays — NOON; All inserts and announcements must be in to the bulletin e-mail address or a paper copy in the Par-ish office at St. Bernard.

Jesus, Our Good Shepherd Dear Sisters and Brothers, The fourth Sunday of the Easter is known as Good Shepherd Sunday, which is also “Vocation Sun-day.” The image of the shepherd and his sheep is very old in Scripture. There are beautiful images given in the Old Testament and in the New Testa-ment, especially the Gospel. Jesus is our Good Shepherd, who lays down his life for us. We are his sheep. As Shepherd, he knows each of us by name. He gives us eternal life. Those who stay with the shepherd will never be lost. Our Shepherd is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And when one does happen to go astray, he leaves the ninety-nine and goes in search of the one who has wandered off to bring it back. Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice” The sheep listen to and recog-nize the voice of their shepherd and that is why they continue to follow him rather than another. It is im-portant for us also to recognize the voice of Jesus as it comes to us in our daily life. And, in our modern world, the voice of Christ can be blocked by many things. If we do not recognize the voice of Good Shepherd, we are likely to get lost. This is the good time for us to listen the voice of our Good shepherd through prayers, reading the Scripture and other spiritual exercises. This Sunday’s Responsorial Psalm 23 is also about the Good Shepherd. “The lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want…Even though I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm; for you are at my side; your rod and your staff give me courage.” It does feel a little bit like we are all walking through “the dark valley” of COVID- 19 at the moment. But as the Psalmist says, “I fear no harm” for God is with us and comforts us. That doesn’t necessarily mean we won’t get sick, but that no matter what is hap-pening around us, internally we should be at peace and have a stilled mind; not one filled with worry and hopelessness.

This Sunday has also been designated by the Holy Father as “World Day of Prayer for Vocations” to priesthood and religious life. We pray in a special way today that the Lord will bless the Church with many new vocations to the priesthood, to the diaco-nate, and to the consecrated life. God continues to call men and women of our day to consecrated ser-vice in the Church. (Continued in the column to the right) > > > > > >

< < < < <(Continued from the column on the left)

All of us need to pray and to encourage our young men and women in our parish to consider a voca-tion to the priesthood and the religious life.

May is the month of devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It has been a long-standing Catholic tradition to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary as “the Queen of May”. Many Catholic churches and fam-ilies hold a “May Crowning,” presenting Mary with a crown to signify her queenship as the moth-er of Christ, the King.

May 1st is the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. The feast of St. Joseph the Worker is a reminder for us to uphold the dignity of human labor as well as to respect and show gratitude to all the workers who keep our world going. Also, it is an opportuni-ty for us to grow in our devotion to St. Joseph in whom we have a great protector who protected the Lord Jesus while he was here on earth. We need protection from COVID-19. Let us always remem-ber to pray for the intercession of Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph for an early end to this pan-demic.

May our Good Shepherd protect us with good health and all the spiritual blessings. Please be assured of my prayers, especially in my daily Mass, in these challenging times. Yours in Christ, Fr. Abraham Kochupurackal CMI

Church of St. Bernard Cologne, MN 1st. Wednesday of the month

Eucharistic Adoration after the 8a.m. Mass until 8p.m.

All other Wednesday’s of the Month Eucharistic Adoration

3pm until 8pm.

Every Thursday Eucharistic Adoration

8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.

Church of the Ascension Norwood Young America, MN

Word of Life: “Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpiec-es of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” USCCB Respect Life flyer quoting Pope Francis’ “Day for Life Greeting” © 2013 Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

Stewardship Opportunity

St. Bernard’s is in need of someone to take care of our landscaping on the south west side of the Narthex. Also, the new patio at the lower level has an expanded land-

scaping area that could provide an opportunity for some-one to develop with their own ideas. Benton Lake Gar-den could be a resource for perennials. This might be a fun ‘family’ stewardship project. If interested in learn-ing more, please contact Julie Clemensen at 612-419-

0505 or Roger Storms at 612-618-8365.

Help Wanted!! The St. Bernard Cemetery Committee is looking for a volunteer (or group of volunteers) to mow the cemetery during the summer. The lawn mower will be provided. If you are interested or have questions about this ministry, please contact Ralph Laumann or Roger Hoen.

Cemetery Notice for Ascension and St. Bernard: The snow is gone!! In order to aid with spring cleanup, please have all decorations removed from the cemetery by April 30th. Any decorations remaining will be re-moved and placed by the big tree behind the Faith For-mation building at Ascension and behind the church (next to the AC units) at St. Bernard. Please note: During the grass growing season, except for over Memorial Day, only unbound fresh flowers will be permitted on the cemetery. Intercession for Life: For persons with disabilities: May their lives always be recognized as worth protecting and fighting for, especially during times of widespread ill-ness: We pray to the Lord.

Thank you to everyone for your support with the cash and quilt raffle tickets for the Fish Fry. We will have the drawing on Sunday May 17th at 11am with several committee members present or after mass if the mass schedule has resumed. Please continue to turn in any sold and unsold tickets to the church office (may be placed in mail slot on door).

Ways to Watch/Listen to Mass During this time that Mass is suspended, the faithful are asked to find a Mass on TV, the radio or online and make a Spiritual Communion. Where that is not an option, it would be appropriate to pray the Liturgy of the Hours or the Rosary. For ways to watch or listen to Mass, visit

Another option is St. Joseph’s in Waconia – check their Fa-cebook page. Also Pax Christi, Eden Prairie is live streaming Saturday evening Mass. Check their website.

Bethany House Apply now for September 2020 – May 2021

Bethany House applications are now being accepted for September 2020 to May 2021. Bethany House is a home for women who live in community, pray together, take meals

together and discern whether they are called to consecrated life. Bethany House is sponsored by the Office of Vocations and is located in Northeast Minneapolis. We are currently

taking applications for women interested in Bethany House. Qualities of a good candidate for Bethany House include

single women, ages 20 – 27, who are interested in dedicating a year to intentionally discerning a vocation to religious life. Please see for more information.

Scheduling Coordinator needed. Would you consider helping? We are looking for a volunteer to take over this important ministry of scheduling for the Mass minis-tries. If you are interested or have questions, please con-tact Cheryl Coyle or the parish office. Web Site Coordinator: If you would be interested in providing support for the ongoing maintenance of the Ascension website, please contact Sherry in the office at 952-467-3351.

Live Stream Rosary Procession Sunday, May 3, 2 p.m. Pray with us online as Archbishop Bernard Hebda and Bishop Andrew Cozzens crown Our Lady of Fatima, pray the Rosary, and have Benediction. Watch the live stream on Facebook and on this event page. The worship guide will be posted on this site prior to the event. Our Lady, Health of the Sick, Pray for Us! For more information, visit

Home Missions Appeal Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions and parish limitations, the Home Missions Appeal planned for the weekend of April 26 has been delayed. The new date will coincide with World Mission Sunday on the weekend of October 18, 2020. This mission appeal in October would now be worldwide… including the U.S. For ques-tions, contact Mickey Friesen, 651.291.4445 or


SERVERS: Sat. 8:00pm Jim Monson Sun. 10:00am. Kieran & Luke Allison

LECTORS: Sat. 8:00 pm. Jake Kooimam Sun. 10:00 am Sarah Foley EUCHARISTIC MINISTER: Sat. 8:00pm John Eiden Sun. 10:00am Vicki Arnst GREETERS: Saturday 8:00pm Roger Storms Sunday 10:00am Casey Jones USHERS Sat. 8:00pm Ralph Laumann & Andy Kleindl Sun. 10:00am Vern Elke & Leo Willems CHURCH CLEAN: Sarah Hammers NARTHEX CLEANING: Sarah Hammers


Sat. May 2 8:00pm. All Parishioners Sun. May 3 10:00am. †Leonard Meuleners; Bernice Peterson & Bill Middendorf Mon. May 4 No Mass Tues. May 5 6:15pm Mass at Ascension Wed. May 6 8:00am †Lorraine Hoen Thurs. May 7 8:00am †Dennis Wickenhauser Fri. May 8 7:15am Mass at Ascension Sat. May 9 8:00 pm †Adrian Wickenhauser & All Parishioners Sun. May 10 10:00am. †Kaye Segelke

Stewardship of Treasure Budget for week 3,096.20 Contributions 4-22 through 04-28-2020 1,662.00 Total Actual Collection YTD 166,354.58 YTD Collection Over (Under) Budget 6,846.58 Forward in Faith Envelope Income 20.00 Electronic Donations 0.00 Forward in Faith Total 20.00 Forward in Faith YTD 20,505.18 Did you know you can have your contributions automati-cally deducted from your checking or savings account? For more information call the parish office 952-466-2031 ext.241, or visit


May 4 through May 10

SERVERS: Sat. 5:00 pm: Jacob Johnson, Lucas Johnson Sun. 8:00 am: Hailey Buckentin, Lacey Buckentin READERS: Sat. 5:00 pm: Cathleen Williams Sun. 8:00 am: Jan Pouliot EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Sat. 5:00 pm: Steve Helget, Curt Wilson, Jean Schmitz Sun. 8:00 am: Irene Yaeck, Diane Weckman, Lucy Kostecka COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND May 10th 8:00 am Team A: Steve Lemmer, Jim Louwagie Team B: Rich & Sue Tellers USHERS FOR MAY: Sat. 5:00 pm: Kent Fabel, Curt Wilson Sun. 8:00 am: Jeremy Friendshuh, Steve Coyle SACRISTAN: Sat. 5:00 pm: Ann Dettmann Sun. 8:00 am Kathy Kloempken GREETERS: Sat. 5:00 pm: Grace Cook Sun. 8:00 am: Buckentin Family MASS INTENTIONS Mon. May 4 No Mass Tues. May 5 6:15 pm Marion Hoppe † Wed. May 6 8:00 am Mass at St. Bernard Thurs. May 7 8:00 am Mass at St. Bernard Fri. May 8 7:15 am Mike Coyle † Sat. May 9 5:00 pm All Parishioners Sun. May 10 8:00 am Eugene Braunwarth †

Weekly Collection Report Totals for 05/03/2020

Weekly Operating Budget: $3,379.81 Contributions: $2,659.00 E-Giving: $735.00 Weekly Budget YTD: $145,331.83 Actual Collection YTD: $133,575.64 Total Collected Over (Under) YTD ($11,756.19) Capital Improvement Offering: $110.00 Capital Improvement-E-Giving: $150.00 Capital Improvement YTD: $11,514.00

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