acts · churches of god seventh day inc. july/august 2016 volume 74, number 4 acts advocating...

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Advocating Christ

the Savior July/August 2016

July/August 2016 ACTS Suggested Donation $4.75 2

Table of Contents

Campmeeting Pictures page 4

Conquering Soldiers

(part two) by Frank Walker

page 8

Daughters of the King by Melanie Moore

page 11

Children’s Corner page 12

Information and

Announcements page 13

Financial Statements page 14

Our Committees page 15

Any opinions or viewpoints that are

published in this magazine are directly

from the contributing author(s) and do

not necessarily represent the beliefs

or viewpoints of the General Council

Churches of God Seventh Day Inc.

July/August 2016 Volume 74, Number 4


Advocating Christ the Savior

Our purpose: The ACTS is published by the Church of God Publishing House to

advance the Gospel message around the world and to promote the general welfare of the

Churches of God, 7th Day, as a whole.

General Council Board: President—Rodney Boone; Vice President—Roger Boone;

Committeemen—Craig Moore, Jonathan Carson, Earl Rice, Mark Boyd, Don Smith.

Subscriptions: There is no subscription price for this magazine. It is paid for by free-

will offerings. We are a non-profit ministry and welcome your financial participation.

Donations are greatly appreciated. There is no subscription price for this magazine; how-

ever, the suggested donation is $4.75 or $28.50 annually. Checks may be made out to

the Church of God Publishing House.

Articles: ACTS accepts manuscripts from freelance writers. Write to us for writer’s guide-

lines and a free sample copy of the magazine.

Publisher: Church of God Publishing House / 1827 W 3rd ST /

Meridian, ID 83646-1653.

Staff: Craig Moore--Editor

Randy Sedlacek—Production Manager

Contact Us:

General CounCil ChurChes of God (Seventh) day, Inc.,

Headquarters Meridian, Idaho

Church of God Publishing House

1827 W 3rd ST

Meridian ID 83646-1653

Phone: (208) 888-3380



Statement of Beliefs:

1. The Bible to be the inspired Word of God, God the Father is the supreme Deity,

Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, and the Holy Spirit is the

promised Comforter.

2. In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ; His virgin birth; His sinless life; His

miracles; His victorious and atoning death; His bodily resurrection late on the Sabbath

day; His ascension to the right hand of God in heaven; and His personal return to estab-

lish His kingdom and rule this earth in great power and glory.

3. The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the pre-

cious blood of Jesus and obedience to our Lord’s command to be baptized (immersed) in

the Name of Christ for the remission of sins.

4. That by faith we may receive healing for our bodies.

5. The Scriptures enjoin the observance of the Ten Commandments, including the obser-

vance of the Seventh Day Sabbath (commonly called Saturday) to be observed from sun-

set on Friday until sunset on Saturday.

6. The Lord’s Supper and foot washing should be observed once a year at the proper and

appointed time.

7. In the resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust, the just to eternal life

and the unjust to eternal death.

8. The dead are in a state of no consciousness.

9. The true church organization taught in the Bible is local autonomy and that the Bible

name for the church is THE CHURCH OF GOD.

10. That the tests of Christian fellowship are the Commandments of God and the faith of


Advocating Christ The Savior 3

Hello Readers!

Campmeeting has passed, and summer is fly-

ing by in full speed. I am heading to Missouri

to spend some time with my family and go to

Midwest Campmeeting, so I will get to see some

of you before you even read this! I am praying

for safe travels and a God-led time out there. I

hope you guys are, too.

God has been teaching me a lot about wor-

ship lately. Worship is something that is all about God, not about us.

Sometimes we get frustrated with the songs that are sung. They are too

fast, too slow, too new, too old...etc., but God isn’t listening for any of that.

What do you suppose God is listening for when we praise Him? He is lis-

tening for our heart! Where is our heart when we are worshipping? It isn’t

the song leader or worship leader’s job to make us worship. That job solely

rests on us. We need to be lifting our hearts to God, regardless of whether

the music is our kind or not.

When we are wholly devoted to God, it’s amazing how some things just

work themselves out. Suddenly, the things that are important change as

our priorities match more closely to God’s.

So in your worship this next couple of months, lift your heart to God, focus

on Him and not on you. I think you will find it is one of the best worship

times you have ever had, regardless of who is leading or what songs are

being led. Remember, it is all about your heart!

Craig Moore

Editor, ACTS Magazine

July/August 2016 ACTS 4

General Council Campmeeting Photos

The new General Council Board

Advocating Christ The Savior 5

The new Youth Board

July/August 2016 ACTS 6

Our cooks for 2016 making delicious food!

Cleanup! Many hands make light work!

Advocating Christ The Savior 7

July/August 2016 ACTS 8



by Frank Walker


The passage in Luke 10:1,2 shows us the urgent need for workers to HARVEST SOULS FOR THE SOON COMING KINGDOM OF GOD. The GREATEST and most rewarding work that anyone can do is to help to save a soul from death. We all rejoice when we hear of a ‘Good Samaritan’ that rescues a complete stranger from death. How much more should our joy be when we see a stranger rescued from eternal death? It is the greatest joy we can have if we truly love God. Even the Angels in heaven rejoice over one sinner who repents. (Luke 15:10) Should we not be the ‘Good Samaritan’?

Sharing the TRUE GOSPEL and GIVING GOD’S FINAL WARNING in these last days includes more than just the Preachers. In Matthew 28:19 and Mark 16:15 the words “GO YE” includes EVERY child of God. This includes old and young in God’s family.

Jesus gives “to EVERY MAN (and woman) His WORK.” (Mark 13: 34). We are all AMBASSADORS for Christ and the LOVE of CHRIST begs us to SERVE in some way to HELP RESCUE THE PERISHING that Jesus died to save. Read 2 Cor. 5:17-20 and remember that WE ARE THE AMBASSADORS. IT IS OUR JOB! If we do not act then how will it get done?

In Matt. 20:1-13 Jesus gives another parable about the work of the church. It matters not if we are young or old. There is always the call to SERVE in God’s vineyard. “For the Kingdom of heaven is like unto an house holder, which went out EARLY to HIRE LABORERS into HIS VINEYARD.” And when he had agreed with them for the wages “he sent them into His


Now we know that not everyone has been called by God to preach. However, EVERYBODY can teach Holy living by word, example and scripture. EVERYONE can and should support others that do teach and preach as God opens the door.

“And he went out the third hour (about 9 AM) and saw others STANDING IDLE in the marketplace, and HE SAID unto them; GO ye also into the vineyard and whatsoever is right I will pay thee.” They went to work. (Verses 3,4) Then about the sixth hour (about noon) He did the same and hired more workers (verses 5, 6).

Even at the ELEVENTH HOUR (close to quitting time –which is our time in this world) he did the same “….and found others STANDING IDLE, and he saith unto them, WHY stand ye here all the day IDLE?” There was only one hour left to work but he still hired them. At days end they all received the same wage.

This parable has a great LESSON FOR ALL Christians. When we accept Jesus and serve God we all have the CROWN of ETERNAL LIFE when Jesus comes if we are faithful, REGARDLESS OF OUR LENGTH OF SERVICE. The key is to go to work harvesting the vineyard for that is Jesus Command.

This leaves NO place for RETIREMENT in God’s WORK or in His vineyard. In fact old age can be a very fruitful time to serve God, even though we have retired from our regular jobs. It gives even more TIME TO DEVOTE to God’s work. If health is a problem remember that God’s work NEEDS PRAYER WARRIORS! There is no excuse and THERE IS NO PLACE OR TIME FOR IDLENESS.

Advocating Christ The Savior 9


We have the “GREAT COMMISSION” as we are fond of saying in Matthew 28: 19,20. However, we must remember that Jesus started off this COMMAND (not a suggestion) with these words “ALL POWER IS GIVEN UNTO ME IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH”? (Matt. 28: 18). The job of reconciling this entire world to its Creator, God, was given to Jesus (Rom. 5:10 / 2 Cor. 5:18).) Jesus then gave to His followers (You and I) the RESPONSIBILITY to carry out this work that he had started.

The Apostle Paul explained the transfer of responsibility to the followers of Jesus in a very easy to understand Scripture found in 2 Cor. 5: 17-20. We know that this sinful world needs to be reconciled to its wonderful Creator, God. The process of reconciliation is done through Jesus. While He walked on this earth Jesus showed us how to go about accomplishing the work of reconciliation. Then Jesus turned the job over to His followers and that includes ALL OF US.

We find further confirmation of the transfer of power and responsibility in the command given to Paul by Jesus in Acts 26:5. Here we find that PAUL WAS COMMANDED to translate the people from the POWER OF SATAN TO THE POWER OF GOD. This would mean that Paul would have to have power over Satan to accomplish this. Was this power given? The Bible clearly states that Paul was given the power to do the job. What about other people like you and me?

In Luke 10: 18-20 we find the fact that Jesus transferred power to His followers and that would include us. Listen as He talks to the 70 disciples. “Behold, I GIVE UNTO YOU POWER to tread on serpents and scorpions, and OVER ALL OF THE POWER OF THE ENEMY…” Luke 10:19. Power over the enemy is great news. We should rejoice that God accepts us and we

are part of God’s Kingdom (Verse 20). However with the power and authority that God has given to us comes the responsibility to use it.

In Matthew 16:19 Jesus said “And I WILL GIVE TO YOU THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN….” Jesus tells us in this passage that the KEYS UNLOCK THE DOOR OF SALVATION (the gates of the Kingdom of God). To put it simply, when you lead someone to Christ you have just used the Keys to the Kingdom of God. What a powerful thought. There is another very powerful thought to consider. When you support someone that is leading souls to God’s saving grace you are also using the keys to the Kingdom of God.

Satan has been battling for those keys since creation. He made a bold move through the false doctrines of the Catholic Church (she is the beast of Revelation 13) and her claim to control “THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM”. Think of the tragedy of this situation. Even though Satan is using lies (false doctrines) through this false Church system, Satan has managed to fool millions of people with his lies. It is even more heart breaking to realize that most Protestant Churches follow the false doctrines that Satan managed to give to this world through his “Harlot Church” of Revelation 17? SHALL WE SIT IDLE AND LET THEM DIE?

Jesus said “…THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM SHALL BE PREACHED IN ALL OF THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD (why?) For a witness against them, AND THEN SHALL THE END COME.” (Matt 24: 14) Jesus specifically said that HIS GOSPEL of obedience to the will of God and the Commandments of God would be preached. (Matt. 24:14)

Matthew 7:21 and Revelation 22:14 tell us in plain language that to be saved you must obey the will of God and Keep the Commandments of God. When we put these words from these two scriptures together we find that Jesus meant that a GOSPEL OF OBEDIENCE TO THE

July/August 2016 ACTS 10

COMMANDMENTS OF GOD WILL shall be preached in the entire world before the end. Are we doing that?


About this time we usually justify our lack of action by the simple thought that Jesus has not called me to go. If Jesus does not send me then I cannot be held responsible. Right? WRONG! It is also a NEW TESTAMENT COMMAND for us “…NOT TO MUZZLE THE OX that treadeth the corn.” (1 Cor. 9: 9-14 & 1 Tim. 5: 18) Paul clarified exactly what he was talking about in verse 11 of 1 Corinthians 9. However, let us look at how the Church was divinely set up to help us understand what this scripture means.

Ken, Lloyd, and Frank Walker, Jr.

The Bible gives us this simple truth. The Gospel is spread by MOUTHS (Rom. 10: 14). However the head of the body, the mind (Christ), tells the mouth where to go and what to say. Then THE BODY TAKES THE MOUTH THERE to the place that Christ has sent it. Another way of putting this is that Jesus directs His followers to go to certain places and preach but the body of believers is the one that supports and send the ministers to the different places that God wants them. Therefore it is a New Testament COMMAND for us “…NOT TO MUZZLE THE OX that treadeth the corn…” (I Cor. 9:9-14 & 1 Tim. 5:18)

To those who sit home and breathe a sigh of relief that they have not been called to go to preach and teach, to each of them the Bible has this to say. YOU ARE THE BODY. Your part is just as vital to the success of the ministry as the preacher (the Mouth) is. The preacher cannot go without you. God may have set you into a place where you could support His work. In this situation you and the preacher share in the blessings of souls equally. You have each done your part.

If God blesses us with things of this life it is not for us to build bigger and better barns to store our riches in. Jesus had something to say about that in Luke 12: 16-21. The result of that kind of thinking is not a pretty thing. Every part of

the body is needed to complete the task that is set before us. 1 Cor. 12 explains to us that God puts us where He wants and needs us so that the Body of Christ will be complete, healthy and functional.


Are we not supposed to be Disciples of Christ and teach others to be disciples

also? If we are disciples then this command is for us. Just like we found in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, Jesus expects a return on what we have been given. If there is no return then we will have to answer for that problem.

Advocating Christ The Savior 11

Daughter’s of the King

This year, we brought back the live auction for a fundraiser and as an evening for everyone to get together and fellowship. It was a great time for everyone, especially with the youth playing the part of auctioneers.

Thank you to everyone that donated items for the auction and the booth, it was a great success and we can’t wait to do it again next year.

Melanie Moore President

The 2016 Daughters of the King board

July/August 2016 ACTS 12

Children’s Corner

Decode the message below by answering all the trivia questions and unscrambling the letters to make a secret message! If you need help, ask a parent!

David’s first wife, daughter of Saul

Man who was taken up in a chariot of fire

Son of God

Town where our Savior was born

Best friend of David

Country where Joseph ruled

Place where God gave the world many languages

Number of Jesus’ original disciples

The Bible is sharper than a two-edged...

Jesus did not come to condemn, but to...

Advocating Christ The Savior 13

Information and Announcements

The Daughters of the King

are going to be having an auc-

tion again NEXT year! We

know many of you are VERY

skilled, so we would love to

have hand-made items from

you! This year was a HUGE

success with many people

contributing quilted, painted,

and hand-made items.

The Daughters of the King are

also looking for items for the

booth that will be sold through

out Campmeeting next year. If

you have any items, let

Melanie Moore know.

GoodSearch! It’s been a while

since we had this in here, so

we thought we would remind

everyone that you can support

the General Council by using

GoodSearch as your search

engine, and they will automat-

ically filter out unsafe con-

tent! You can also support us

by shopping at your favorite

online retailers through their

GoodShop store.

The Daughters of the King

are looking for a volunteer

to lead children’s classes and

volunteers to be group lead-

ers/teachers at Campmeeting

for 2017. Contact Melanie

Moore if you are interested in


We were able to hold part of

Campmeeting in the Taber-

nacle, thanks to all the people

that helped get all the work


If you or someone you know

have any pictures or articles

that might go well in the

ACTS, feel free to contact us



July/August 2016 ACTS 14

Financial Statements June 30, 2016

Current General Fund Balance:


Estimated Monthly General Expenses:

(This amount varies due to literature distribution times.)


Current Tabernacle Fund Balance:

$ 6,978

Estimated Tabernacle Expenses: $18,000

(Estimated expenses have increased due the cost of the required paving of the

parking lot.)

Current Camp Meeting Fund Balance: $3,290

Estimated Camp Meeting Expense: $5,500

Mission Fund Balance: $1,620

We hope that this give you a better understanding of where our finances are instead of the previous version of putting our account statements in the ACTS. If you would like to see our current statements, you can write us at

Advocating Christ The Savior 15

General Council Committee Members Licensing and Credentials: Facility - Sub-committee:

Jonathan Carson Don Smith

Roger Boone Mariah Rice-Wilson

Ken Walker Earl Rice

Steve Boone Randy Sedlacek

Bill Siddens


Roger Boone

Mary Ann Syvanen

Earl Rice


Roger Boone

Rodney Boone

Charles Ward

Jonathan Carson

Marilyn Sheldahl - As Treasurer

Tabernacle - Sub-committee:

Rodney Boone

Don Smith

Craig Moore

Camp Meeting:


Daughters of the King

Melanie Moore - President You may contact our members through our email and it will be

forwarded to the people accordingly. We would love to hear from you!

General CounCil ChurChes of God

(seventh) day inC.

1827 West 3rd st

Meridian id 83646-1653

Contact us: by Mail Phone (208) 888-3380 E-mail

or Website:

Thank you to everyone that writes in with kind words,

your encouragement gives us strength daily to keep

doing the work. You’re the best!

Thanks to everyone that came and made Campmeeting

a huge success! We had lots of fun getting to know new

friends and catching up with old ones. We hope you did, too.

We enjoyed all the fellowship, and as you saw in the

pictures, we had lots of fun playing games, relaxing, talking

and worshipping God. If you didn’t make it, we hope to see

you next year!

Save the date for next year, it might be even better!

Next year’s Campmeeting will be July 3rd - July 9th.

Hope to see you there!

Non-Profit Organization


Permit Number 25

Meridian, Idaho

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