circus act

Post on 15-May-2017






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The Grade Four Super Silly CircusThe Amazing Stevallenie (Jakob and Stephen M.)

Have folded blanket over arm as you enter.

Stephen M. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the amazing Stevallenie, that’s me. I am going to do something you have never seen before. I will make a weird hip person disappear. That person is you! You don’t hide. I am Stevallenie. You stand right there, don’t move a muscle as I the amazing Stevallenie. I am going to unfold my blanket and make you disappear. On your knees. One Two Three Stevallenie, So good bye to thee. Tada (Bow a bunch of times). Jacob is peeking out and waving at the audience, Stephen is bowing and bowing. Steven notices him.“ And Now I will make him reappear. One Two Three. Tada It doesn’t reappear so then “so, don’t reappear” and then Jakob jumps up.

Alexa is the ringmaster. She comes out with two balls and a hula-hoop. “And now the magnificent muscle men.”

The Magnificent Muscle Men(Charlie and Lucas)

They come out posing, flexing and kissing their muscles.

Charlie “We are going to lift the heaviest basketballs in the world. First Lucas is going to lift the purple one. Can he do it?”

Lucas “I couldn’t do it”.

Charlie “Now, I will attempt to lift the green one”.

Lucas “Go Charlie”.

Lucas “Let’s both try to lift one”. Start crying.

“Let’s go get an ice cream”.

Alexa, “Oh well”. She picks up the balls and goes off stage.

The Incredible Orange (Kennedy, Chloe, Kaelyn)

Hello I am Titi. I am Tiki.I am Tutu.Kennedy “Let’s do the happy dance. O.K. Let’s carry on with the show. The amazing Tutu is going to make this orange vanish into thin air.

Ka- Ohhhhhh

Chloe - Pretends to not remember the words. “Abracadabra allackzam. That’s not it. What did Houdini say? Ah One Two Three NIN COM POOP” Then pop the orange in. Tada Let’s do the happy dance.Chloe “How do we bring the orange back?. I’m hungry” (Really sad K- You just say the magic work NIN COM POOP She tries again again “NIN COMPOOP But it’s not there.”

K Here it is, how did that happen.

Slow motion high five

Old men with the pies (Scott, Josh R., Troy)

Troy “OHHHH I got an amazing coconut cream pie. But wait there’s more (Walks slowly and sets them down on other side of stage.)I have this fantastic lemon meragne pie. But wait there’s more.Ohhh and my very very favourite cream cream pie. Ohhhh I love pie.

Josh “Oh grandpa Scott, I’m hungry. I sure can use some pie today.Scott “Oh, grandpa Josh I do love pie.Josh “I sure do too.”They look over and the pies.Scott “Is that pie over there?”Josh “That sure looks like pie to me.”Scott “Hey grandpa Troy, can we have some of your pie?”Troy “Come on over grandpa Josh and grandpa Scott. Here you go grandpas! Smush the pie in their face. Pull their canes away and they fall. Troy “Ha ha ha. Stay away from my pie.” Grabs his favourite cream cream pie “And my very very favourite cream cream pie. Ohhhh I love pie.and walks away. J an S go off stage

That grandpa Troy, I’m going to get him.Grandpa Pillow Smackdown (Holden, Scott, Troy)

Troy “In this corner is .........Grandpa Le Rock and in this corner is ................Grandpa ...

Round 1 Ref “

Round 2 Ref “Break it up”

Superkalophagaslitic (Katie, Margaret, Avery, Meagan) Music needed from Mary Poppins

I’m Marvelous Meagan.I’m Astonishing Avery.I’m Compelling Katie.I’m Magnificent Margaret.

And we are the Supercaliphagalisticexpialodocious acrobats.

Do act.


Thank you very much.

The Tinka, Scoodle and Mini Show (Mya, Riley, Kenzie)

Mya “Hello everybody. I’m Tinka”.Riley “I’m Scoodle”.Riley “And this is...where is she? Where did she go?Mya “I don’t know.She was there a minute agoThey call her Mini.Mini comes in on a scooter.You’re late again.Sorry.Mini’s here.Mini you are late again.

Riley “You know Tinka, you have a really big nose. A large nose”.(Blows nose with scarf) (let scarf be long Mya has all scarfs in her sleeve. Big cry. Louder and bigger cry.Riley “Sorry Tinka.”Mya “But you didn’t do anything.”Kenzie “Me laugh though”“It’s O.K. Tinka”“Mini makeover”

Come on, we still need to get you a makeover.I forgot to put on my diaper.Oh she looks prettyShe looks good but we are missing one thing. The hat.A finishing touchThis is the Best day ever. TadaThank you thank you

The Astonishing Act (Stephen A., Jared)

Hello, my name is Jared the magnificent and this is my assistant Stephen. Welcome to our disappearing, juggling show.And now my assistant Stephen will sit down on the floor.Excellent Stephen and I will put this blanket on you and keep you warm.Now keep your eye on the ball. Don’t take your eyes off the balls.First I will juggle. Keep your eyes on these juggling balls. Don’t take your eyes off them.

Now, I will make my assistant disappear. AbracadabraTadaAnd now an even more amazing act..,. I will make my assistant reappear.There you are... TadaBow

The amazing Brookadini (Brooke, Josh M., Mitchell, Cooper)

Brooke “Welcome , Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, I am the amazing Brookandini. These are my assistants, Joshadini and Mitchilini. And today we are going to make someone disappear. Can we have someone from the audience as a volunteer? Just a regular person. You look perfect.”

Cooper, acting shy, a little nervous.Brooke “Thank you for volunteering. What is your name?” Cooper “Joe.”

Brooke “Perfect. Joe, go stand behind the blanket.”

Mitchell “Kneel down.”

Allakazamm It worked.


Brooke “Now let’s bring him back. Now. Allakazoooo It didn’t work. Allakazoop It didn’t work. Wrong word. Let’s try that again. Third times a charm. Allakaphowee.”


Cooper stands up and feels like he is a bit dazed.

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