cisco 7942 manual

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  • 8/9/2019 cisco 7942 manual



    Cisco Unified IP Phones 7942G and 7962G for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Version 7.1

    1 Overview, page 2

    2 Operating Your Phone, page 6

    3 Phone Features Index, page 20

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    1 OverviewThis guide provides phone operating instructions, a nd feat ure descriptions for t he Cisco Unified IP P hone multiline models

    7942G a nd 7962G . The 7942G has tw o lines and the 7962G has six lines.

    Physical Description


    Name Description

    1 Line or speed-dia l button Opens new l ine, speed-dia ls phone number, or ends ca ll . But tons ligh t to indica te s ta tus:

    G reen, steady: Active call or tw o-w ay intercom call

    G reen, flashing: H eld call

    Amber, steady: Privacy in use, one-way intercom call, DnD active.

    Amber, fla shing: Incoming call or reverting ca ll

    Red, stead y: R emote line in use (shar ed line or BLF sta tus)

    2 LC D screen D ispla ys informa tion such a s line/ca ll sta tus, phone number, a nd soft key ta bs.

    3 Foo tsta nd adjustment Allow s you to adjust angle of phone ba se.

    4 M essages button Provides access to voice ma il.

    5 D irectories button Provides access to phone directories.

    6 H elp button   Activates the H elp menu.

    7 Sett ings button P rovid es a ccess to phone set t ings such a s d ispla y contra st and ring type.

    8 Services button Provides access to phone services.










    101112131415        1        3        7        5        0        3



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    9 Vo lume b ut to n Increa ses o r d ecrea ses ha nd set, hea dset , ringer, o r spea kerpho ne vo lume.

    10 Speaker button Toggles speaker on and off .

    11 M ute button Toggles mute on and off .

    12 H eadset button Toggles hea dset on and off.

    13 N a viga tio n b ut to n Scro lls t hro ugh t ex t a nd select s f ea tures t ha t a re d ispla yed on t he LC D scr een.

    14 Keypad Functions a s tra ditiona l telephone keypa d.

    15 Soft keys buttons Enga ges funct ions visible on corresponding LC D ta bs.

    16 Ha ndset with indicator light Functions as tradit ional handset and provides message w ait ing indicator light andmessage-wa iting (stutter) tone.

    Name (continued) Description (continued)

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    Connecting Your Phone

    This section show s and describes the connectors on y our C isco Unified IP phone.


    1 D C a dapter port (D C48V) for phones notprovided with inline power

    2 AC-to-DC power supply

    3 AC pow er cord

    4 Netw ork po rt (10/100 SW) for co nnecting to the


    5 Access port (10/100 PC ) for con necting yo ur

    phone to your computer

    6 Handset port

    7 H eadset port

    8 Footstand button



    10/100 SW 10/100 PC


            1        1        3        6        5        6








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    Adjusting the Handset Rest

    When you connect your pho ne, you ca n ad just the ha ndset rest so tha t the receiver do es not slip out o f the crad le. To a djust the


    1. Set the handset aside and pull the square plastic tab from the handset rest.

    2. Rotate the tab halfwa y.

    3. Slide the tab back into the handset rest. An extension protrudes from the top of the rotated tab. Return the handset to the

    hand set rest.


    1 2 3

            1        2        0        5        2        1

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    2 Operating Your PhoneThis section describes how to o perate your C isco Unified IP phone and includes informat ion on soft keys and phone features.

    Note Because there are differences in phone and site configura tions, no t a ll features described here might a pply to y ourphone. C onsult your system administrato r for more information.

    Soft Key Descriptions

    Your Cisco Unified IP phone is equipped with soft keys for call features and options. Soft keys are displayed along the bottom

    of the LCD screen and activated using the corresponding buttons. Soft keys can change according to the state of the phone.

    Follow ing is a comprehensive list of sof t keys offered on these Cisco Unified IP P hones. Functions depend on your system


    Soft Key Function

    > Na vigates to edit chara cters. Use the backspace soft key to erase digits that yo u enteredincorrectly.

    Answer Answers an incoming call.

    Callback  No tifies callers tha t the ca lled line is free.

    Cancel C ancels the last selection.

    CFwdALL Forwa rds all calls.

    Clear Clears directory history.

    Confrn C onnects callers to a conference call.

    Delete D eletes selected numb er.

    Dial D ials the displayed number.

    DnD Enables the Do-Not-Disturb feature.

    Down Decreases the LCD screen contrast.EditDial Selects a number and activates the cursor for editing.

    EndCall Ends the current call.

    Exit Exits fro m the current selection.

    Flash Provides hookflash functionality for three-way calling and call waiting servicesprovided by the PSTN or C entrex service.

    GPickUp Selectively picks up calls coming into a pho ne number that is a member of a pickupgroup.

    Hold Places an active call on hold. Resumes call on hold.

    LiveRcd Enables the user to record a phone conversation.

    Login Provides PIN-controlled access to restricted phone features. Contact your systemadministrator for instructions.

    more Scrolls through a dditio nal soft key options (for exa mple, use moresoft key to loca te theD nD soft key).

    NewCall O pens a new line on the speakerphone to pla ce a call.

    Ok  C onfirms th e selection.

    Park  Forwards calls to location from which calls can be retrieved by anyone in the system.

    PickUp Selectively picks up calls coming into ano ther extension.

    Play Plays ring sound sample.

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    Place a Call

    Use one of the following methods to place a call:

      Lift the handset and dial the number.

     • Dial the number, and then lift the handset.

     • D ial the number, a nd t hen press the Dial soft key.

     • Press the linebutton fo r your extension, and then dial.

     • Press the Speaker button, a nd then dial.

     • Press the New Call soft key, and then dial.

     • If yo u are using a h eadset, press the Headset button, a nd then dial.

     • D ial the number, a nd t hen press the Headset button.

     • If yo u ha ve estab lished speed-dial numbers, press a speed-dial but ton.

     • If yo u have selected a numb er from a directory, press the Dial soft key.

    Note Use the backspace (

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    Hold a Call

    To pla ce a call on ho ld w hile on the call:

     • Press the Hold soft key.

    To retr ieve a held ca ll:

    • Press the Resumesoft key.


    If multiple calls are on hold, use the Navigation butt on t o select the desired ca ll before yo u press Resume. – If multiple calls on multiple lines are on ho ld, press the line button f or the line that you w ant to pick up. The active call

    on the other line is automatically put on hold.

    Note Because the hold feat ure can generate music or tones, avoid using hold w hen dialed into a remote conference system.Conferences that are created locally on your phone can safely be placed on hold without introducing music or tones

    into the conference.

    Mute a Call

    To mut e a ca ll:

    • While on a call, press the Mutebutto n. The Mutebutton lights, indicating that t he other party cannot hear you.

    To deactiva te the mute function, d o one of t he follow ing:

     • Press the Mutebutton again.

     • Lift the ha ndset if you a re using mute with y our speakerphone.

    Note The Mute feat ure does not generate music or a t one.

    Manage Call Waiting

    If you a re on a call w hen a second call comes in, you hear a call-w aiting to ne or see a flashing indicato r light on the handset

    rest, depending on the configuration of your phone.

    To a nsw er the new call on the same line:1. Use the Navigation button to select the call

    2. Press the Answer soft key to answer the call. The call on the other line is automatically put on hold.

    To return t o t he original ca ll:

    1. Use the Navigation butt on t o reselect the call.

    2. Press the Resumesoft key to reconnect to the call.

    For calls on a separa te line:

     • Press the Linebutton for the incoming call. The call on the other line is automatically put on hold.

    To return to the original ca ll:

    • Press the Linebutton a ssociated w ith the original call.

    Retrieve Voice Messages

    To retr ieve voice messag es:

    1. Select a n ava ilable C isco Unified IP phone line by lifting the hand set, pressing the speakerphone butto n, or pressing a linebutton. Listen for the dial tone.

    2. Press the Messagesbutton, and follow the voice instructions.

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    Note When you ha ve one or more new messages, the message-wa iting indicat or (M WI) on yo ur ha ndset is lit. The MWIworks only if the MWI is configured on your phone.

    Note Your company determines the voice message service that your phone system uses. For t he most a ccurate and detailed

    informa tion, see the documentation for y our voice message service.

    Adjust the Volume for the Current Call

    To a djust the hand set, speakerphone, o r head set volume fo r the current call:

    1. D uring a ca ll, press the Up o r Down Volumebutton.

    2. Press the Savesoft key to apply t he new volume level to future calls.

    Adjust the Ring Volume

     • Press the Up o r Down Volumebutton while the handset is in its cradle and the phone is idle.

    Select the Ring TypeTo cha nge the ringer sound :

    1. Press the Settingsbutton.

    2. Press 2  for Ring Type, or use the Navigation butt on to scroll to R ing Type and press the Select soft key.

    3. Use the Navigation button to scroll through the list of ring types. Press the Play soft key to hear samples.

    4. Highlight the ring you want, and then press the Select soft key.

    5. Press the Ok  soft key to select your setting.

    6. Press the Savesoft key t o sa ve the setting, or press Cancel to exit to the previous menu w ithout cha nging the setting.

    7. Press the Exit soft key to go to the main directory menu.

    Adjust the Display ContrastTo ad just the contra st in your LCD display:

    1. Press the Settingsbutton.

    2. Press 1 for C ontrast, or use the Select soft key.

    3. Use the Down o r Up soft key to change the contrast.

    4. Press the Ok  soft key

    5. Press the Saveor Exit soft key.

    6. Press the Ok  soft key to select your contrast setting.

    7. Press the Savesoft key t o sa ve the setting, or press Cancel to exit to the previous menu w ithout cha nging the setting.

    8. Press the Exit soft key to go to the main directory menu.

    Note In the follow ing procedures, you might need to enter informa tion using the keypad . Press the ba ckspace (

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    Forward Incoming Calls

    To forw ard any incoming ca ll to the call-forw ard destination, for exa mple voice mail, preset on the Cisco Unified IP phone:

     • Press the DnD soft key.

    Note If the call-forw ard destination is not set, pressing the DnD soft key disables the ringer.

    Park a Call (SCCP)

    Ca ll park allow s a user to place a call on ho ld at a d esignated parking slot from w hich the call can be retrieved by anyone on

    the system.

    Note Co ntact yo ur system a dministrato r for your call park slot number.

    To pa rk a call:

     • Press the Park  soft key.

    The Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express system automatically selects an available call park slot and displays

    the number on the C isco Unified IP phone screen.

    To pa rk a call to a specific call pa rk slot:

     • Press the Transfer softkey followed b y the call park slot number provided by yo ur ad ministrato r.

    To retrieve a pa rked ca ll:

     • If yo ur phone receives a ca ll park no tificat ion, press the PickUp soft key followed by the asterisk (*).

     • Press the PickUp soft key follow ed by the call park slot numb er.

    Park a Call (SIP)

    Ca ll park allow s a user to place a call on ho ld at a d esignated parking slot from w hich the call can be retrieved by anyone on

    the system.

    Note Co ntact yo ur system a dministrato r for your call park slot number.

    To pa rk a call:

     • Press the Park  soft key.

    The Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express system automatically selects an available call park slot and displays

    the number on the C isco Unified IP phone screen.

    To retrieve a pa rked ca ll:

     • Dial the park slot extension.

    To par k a ca ll to a directed call park slot:

     • Press the Transfer softkey followed by the call park slot number provided by your system administrator.

    To retrieve a ca ll parked a t a directed ca ll park slot:

     • D ial the retrieval park-slot extension.

    Pick Up Calls

    To pick up a call tha t is on hold o r a ca ll that is ringing at a nother extension:

    1. Press the PickUp soft key.

    2. D ial the extension number of the C isco Unified IP phone that you w ant to pick up. Contro l of the call is transferred to yourphone.

    To selectively pick up a ca ll ringing at a number tha t belongs to a pickup group:

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     • Press the GPickUp soft key. If only one pickup group is defined in the entire Cisco Unified Communications ManagerExpress system, contr ol of t he call is tra nsferred to your phone.

     • If the ringing t elephone an d yo ur phone a re in the same pickup group, press the asterisk (*) to transfer control of the callto yo ur phone.

    If the ringing telephone and your pho ne are in diff erent pickup groups, dia l the pickup group number w here the phone is ringing

    to tra nsfer control of the call to your phone.

    Whisper Intercom

    The Whisper Intercom fea ture allow s the user to make a n intercom call to a b usy extension. The recipient can hear t he caller or

    hear the w hisper intercom, a nd the origina l caller on the receiving phone does not hear the w hisper intercom. The phone

    receiving a whisper intercom displays the extension and name of the party initiating the whisper intercom and a zipzip  to ne is

    played b efore the called part y hears t he caller's voice. The receiving part y must select the intercom line butto n on their phone

    to speak t o t he caller.

    Note For intercom users to know w hether the intercom is using one-w ay or tw o-w ay audio, the lamp for b oth intercombuttons are colored a mber for one-w ay w hisper intercom and green for tw o-w ay audio.

    To pla ce an intercom ca ll:

     • D ial the intercom directory number fro m your intercom line. The intercom recipient hears the intercom caller audio w ithoutanswering the call.

    To a nsw er an intercom ca ll:

     • Press the intercom butt on to ta lk to t he intercom ca ller.

    To end a w hisper intercom ca ll:

     • Press Endcall.

    Place a Priority (Precedence) Call

    In some specialized environments, such a s military or go vernment o ffices, you might need to make a nd receive urgent or critical

    calls. If you ha ve the need fo r this specialized call hand ling, your system administra tor ca n ad d M ultilevel Precedence and

    Preemption (MLPP) to your phone.

    Keep these terms in mind:

     •   Precedence   indicates the priority associated with a call.

     •   Preemption  is the process of ending a n existing, low er priority call w hile accepting a higher priority ca ll that is sent to yourphone.

    Priority Level of an MLPP Call

    To see the priority level of a n M LPP ca ll, look for an M LPP icon o n your phone screen:

    Priority call

    Medium priority (immediate) call

    High priority (flash) call

    H ighest prior ity (flash o verride) or executive override call

    Higher priority calls are displayed at the top of your call list. If you do not see an MLPP icon, the priority level of the call is

    norma l (routine).

    Note Contact your system administrator for a list of corresponding precedence numbers for calls.

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    To Make a Priority (Precedence) Call:

    Enter the M LPP access number (provided by your system a dministrat or) follow ed by the precedence level (0-4) and t he phone


    Note If you enter an invalid MLPP access number, a verbal announcement alerts you of the error.

    To Answer an MLPP Call:

    End an active call (if necessary) and answer the MLPP call.

    If the active call ha s low er precedence than t he incoming call, the active call is preempted.


      – When you are receiving a priority (precedence) call, an M LPP icon on y our phone screen indica tes the priority level of

    the call.

      – When you ma ke or receive an M LPP-enab led call, you hear special ring to nes and call-wa iting tones different from the

    standard tones.

      – When you or the other party are receiving a call that must preempt the current call, disconnect immediately to allow

    the higher priority call to ring through.

      – When you ha ve more than 1 a ctive call, t he call w ith the low est precedence is preempted. Similarly, for o utgoing ca lls,

    the call w ith low er precedence is preempted f irst.

    Call-Blocking (Toll Bar) Override

    C all blo cking prevents unauthorized use of phones. It is implemented by ma tching a pa ttern of specified digits during a specified

    time of da y a nd da y of w eek or da te. The call-blocking override feature allow s individual phone users to override the predefined

    call blocking.

    Note Co ntact your system a dministrato r for your personal identification number (PIN).

    To pla ce calls w hen call-blocking is enab led:

    1. Press the Login soft key on the Cisco Unified IP phone.

    2. Enter the Personal Identification Number (PIN) that is associated with the phone.

    Transfer a Call

    To tra nsfer a selected call to ano ther number, yo u can use blind tra nsfer or consultat ive transfer:

    Blind Transfer

    Immediately redirects the call w ithout a llow ing you to speak to the transfer recipient (the person to w hom yo u are transferring

    the call).

    To ma ke a blind t ra nsfer call:

    1. D uring a ca ll, press the Trnsfer soft key. The call is placed on hold.

    2. D ial the number to w hich you w ant to transfer the call.

    Consultative Transfer

    Redirects the call after first allowing you to speak to the transfer recipient.

    To ma ke a consulta tive tran sfer:

    1. D uring a ca ll, press the Trnsfer soft key. The call is placed on hold.

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    2. D ial the number to w hich you w ant to transfer the call.

    3. Wait for the call to be answ ered. Speak t o t he transfer recipient. Then press the Trnsfer button or hang up the handset.

    4. If the tra nsfer fails, press the Resumesoft key to return to the original call.

    Transfer to Voice Mail

    1. Press TrnsfVM.

    2. Enter the recipient’s extension number and press TrnsfVM again.

    Cancel Transfer

    1. To ca ncel your consultat ive call-tra nsfer att empt:

      – Press the EndCall soft key.

    2. To reconnect to the origina l caller:

      – Press the Resume soft key.

    Forward All Calls

    To forw ard a ll incoming calls to anot her number:

    1. Press the CFwdALL soft key. You hear a confirmation beep.

    2. D ial the number to w hich you w ant to forw ard a ll your calls. Dial the number exactly as if you w ere placing a call to thatnumber. R emember to include locally required prefix numb ers.

    The phone display is updated to show that calls will be forw arded.

    3. Press the pound key (#) or the EndCall soft key.

    Note To fo rw ard calls to voice mail, ma nually enter the voice mail numb er, or use the CFwdALL soft key  plus the Messagesbutton, follow ed by the EndCall soft key. When call forw ard all is set, the display show s the Ca ll Forwa rd Icon.

    To f orw ard calls to a speed-dia l number, use the CFwdALL soft key plus a speed-dial button, follow ed by the EndCallsoft key.

    To cancel call forw ard ing:

     • Press the CFwdALL soft key.

    Place and Establish a Conference Call

    To creat e a three-party co nference call:

    1. D uring a ca ll, press the moresoft key and then the Confrn soft key to open a new line and put the first party on hold.

    2. Place a call to another number.

    3. When the call connects, press Confrn aga in to add the new party to the call.

    To establish a conference call betw een tw o- and three-party calls to a C isco Unified IP phone, one active and the other on hold :

    • Press the Confrn soft key on the Cisco Unified IP phone.

    To establish a conference call betw een second- and third-party ca lls already present on a C isco Unified IP phone, using separa te

    line buttons, one active and the other on hold:

    1. Press the Confrn soft key on the Cisco Unified IP phone.

    2. Press the Linebutton of the call you w ant to add to the conference.

    Note Your system ad ministrato r must ha ve configured the system for three-part y or eight-party a d-hoc conferences.

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    Place a MeetMe Conference Call

    To P lace a M eetM e conference call:

    1. Ob tain a M eetM e conference number from your system a dministrato r

    2. Distribute the MeetMe conference number to all the participants.

    3. G o off hook, press the MeetMesoft key, and dia l the M eetM e conference number. All other pa rticipants join the meeting bydia ling into t he MeetM e conference number.

    4. To end the M eetM e conference call, all pa rticipants must ha ng up the hand set or press the EndCall soft key.

    End a Conference Call

    To end the con ference call:

     • Hang up the handset, or press the EndCall soft key.

    Note D epending on configura tion w hen the conference call initia tor d isconnects, the conference call terminates.

    Alternate Methods to End a Conference Call

    Ca ll initiators ca n use one of the follow ing methods (functionality w ill vary a ccording to your system configuration):

     • To end the conference and rema in connected to the most recent ca ll, press the Confrn soft key. The older call is placed o nhold.

     • To d isconnect fro m the conference, ha ng up the ha ndset. The other pa rties remain on t he conference call.

    Live Record a Call

    Call initiators can use the LiveRcd soft key to record a n active call, priva te line or conference call. To record a call:

    1. Press the LiveRcd soft key. This puts the other party on-hold an d initia tes a call to the configured live record number.

    2. Press the LiveRcd a gain to stop the recording.

     J oin a Shared-Line Call (SCCP)User can join a ca ll on a shared line using the cBargesoftkey.

    To join the sha red-line call:

    1. Highlight the remote-in-use call that you want to join.

    2. Press the more to navigate to cBargeand press cBarge.

     J oin a Shared Line Call (SIP)

    User can join a n on-privat e call on a shared line call by using either Bargeor cBargesoft keys.

     •  Bargeallow s you to add yourself to t he call by hosting the conference on your phone but does not allow others to join theconference.

     •   cBargeallow s you to ad d yourself to the conference and a llow s others to join the conference.To join a shar ed line call:

    1. Highlight the remote-in-use call that you want to join.

    2. Press Bargeor cBarge to join the call.


      – When you Bargea ca ll, other part ies hear a beep anno uncing your presence. You ar e disconnected from a call tha t youhave joined using Barge if the call is put on hold, transferred, or turned into a conference call by the Barge initiator.

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      – If a phone tha t is using the shared line has Privacy enabled, call informa tion a nd Barge/cBargesoft keys do not a ppearon th e other phones that sha re the line.

    Hold a Shared-Line Call (SIP)

    User can put ca lls on a shared line on hold like calls on a non shared line.

    To pla ce a call on ho ld w hile on a sha red-line call:

     • H ighlight the call that you w ant to put on hold.

     • Press the Hold soft key.

    Resume a Shared Line Call (SIP)

    User can r esume a non-privat e call placed on ho ld on a shared line call.

    To resume a sha red line call:

    1. H ighlight the call that you w ant t o resume.

    2. Press Resume to resume the call.


      – When a shared-line call is placed on hold, a flashing green shared line button no tifies all the other phones w ith the

    shared-line directory number tha t the call ca n be resumed.

    Enable Privacy on Shared-Line (SIP)

    Users can prevent others from viewing, b arging, or resuming a Shared-Line C all by enabling the privacy feat ure on the phone.

    To prevent other from viewing or ba rging calls:

    1. Press the privacy line butto n .

    2. The private icon next to an amb er line butto n verifies tha t privacy is on.

    3. Press the privacy button again to disable privacy.


      – The privacy butto n is not displayed on th e shared-line phone by defa ult. Your system ad ministrato r must enable privacy

    button on a per phone basis.

      – Privacy is enabled by d efault for sha red-lines. Your system administra tor ca n change the default privacy setting globa lly

    or on a per phone basis.

      – Calls placed on hold with privacy enabled have privacy disabled by default. Your system administrator can change the

    default privacy on hold setting globally.

    Place a Call from Your Local Directory

    To a ccess the local pho ne directory esta blished by your system a dministrat or:

    1. Press the Directoriesbutton.

    2. Press the Navigation Up o r Down button or press 4 to select the Loca l D irectory.

    3. Press the Navigation Up o r Down button to select the Last, First, or Number field search option.

    4. Using the keypad , enter the last na me or first name for the entry.

    When entering letters, select the appropria te number key of t he letter you w ant , a nd press tha t key a number of times that

    equals the position of the target letter. For example, to enter a B, press the 2 key two times, and to enter a C, press the 2

    key three times. Use the backspace (

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    7. Press the Dial soft key to d ial t he selected number.

    Program Personal Speed-Dial Buttons

    After a system administrat or defines one or more speed-dial instances for a C isco Unified IP phon e, you can reprogra m numbers

    that are not locked or program numbers into an instance that ha s an empty dial string:

    1. Select a n a vailab le phone line by lifting the ha ndset, pressing the NewCall soft key, or pressing a line button. Listen for the

    dial to ne.2. Press the pound key (#).

    3. Press the speed-dial button that you w ant to progra m. A short beep confirms that you a re starting to program this button

    4. Enter the speed-dial number. The digits appear on the phone display. When you are entering speed-dial numbers, use thebackspace (

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    Switch an in-progress Call from a Remote Destination Phone to Your Desktop Phone

    1. Press Resumeon your desk phone and start talking on your desk phone.

    2. H ang up the call on y our remote phone to disconnect the phone.

    Change Your Remote Destination Phone Number

    You can replace the existing remote destination pho ne number w ith a new phone number.To cha nge the existing remote destination phone number:

    1. Press Servicesbutton and select My Phone Apps.

    2. Select Single Number Reach.

    3. Use

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    Use the Intercom Feature

    Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express supports intercom functionality for one-way and press-to-answer voice

    connections using a dedicated pair of intercoms on two phones that speed-dial each other.

    To use the interco m fea ture:

    1. Press the Speaker button a nd get the dial tone.

    2. Press the speed dial key or dial the directory number to start the intercom call.

    Note The called Cisco Unified IP phone automatically answers the call in speakerphone mode with mute activated ordeactiva ted depending on the configura tion. The phone beeps to a lert the recipient to the incoming call.

    To respond t o a n intercom call:

     • If th e Mute key is lighted, Pr ess the Mutebutton o r lift the handset.

    • If the M ute key is not lighted, reply to caller ha ndsfree.

    Activate Do Not Disturb (SCCP)

    For visual call a lerting and information w ithout audible ringing, use Do Not D isturb (DnD ). C alls receive normal

    call-forw ard-busy a nd no -answ er treatment.To act ivate the Do -No t-Disturb feature:

    1. Press the moresoft key to locate the DnD soft key.

    2. Press the DnD soft key. A text message displays to indicate that the phone is in Do-Not-Disturb mode.

    Note Pressing the DnD soft key immediately forwards the call to the call-forward destination set on the phone. If thecall-forw ard destination is not set, pressing the DnD soft key disables the ringer.

    To deactiva te the Do -No t-Disturb feat ure, repeat Steps 1 and 2.

    Activate Do Not Disturb (SIP)

    For visual call a lerting and information w ithout audible ringing, use Do Not D isturb (DnD ). C alls receive normal

    call-forw ard-busy a nd no -answ er treatment.

    To act ivate the Do -No t-Disturb feature:

    1. Press the moresoft key to locate the DnD soft key.

    2. Press the DnD soft key. A text message displays to indicate that the phone is in Do-Not-Disturb mode.

    To dea ctivate the D o-Not-Disturb feature, repeat Steps 1 and 2 in idle stat e.

    Place a Call Using Your Cisco Extension Mobility Profile

    Cisco Extension Mobility (EM) allows the user to temporarily configure a Cisco Unified IP phone to function as user’s own

    phone. After the user is logged-in to C isco EM , the phone a dopt s the user’s profile, including the line buttons, fea tures, and

    established services.To log-in to C isco Extension M obility:

    1. Press Servicesbutton and select Extension Mobility.

    2. Enter your user ID and passw ord.

    3. Press Submit. The phone temporar ily configures your profile and settings.

    Note Your system administrator must configure Cisco Extension Mobility for you.

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    3 Phone Features IndexThis section provides an a lphab etical list of fea tures for y our C isco Unified IP phone. Features supported in both SIP a nd SCC P

    protocols are marked a s “ Supported” and features not supported in either one of the protocols are marked as “ Not Supported” .

    However, there are differences in how the feature works based on the call protocol.

    Table 1 Features (with page number references) Supported in SIP and SCCP Protocols.

    Features SIP SCCP

    Activate Do N ot D isturb 14 Supported Supported

    Adjust the D isplay C ontrast 9 Supported Supported

    Adjust th e Ring Volume 9 Supported Supported

    Adjust the Volume for the Current Call 8 Supported Supported

    Answ er a Ca ll 7 Supported Supported

    C all-Blocking (Toll Ba r) Override 10 Not Supported Supported

    Clear Call History 13 Supported Supported

    D ivert Incoming Ca lls 9 Supported Supported

    Enab le Privacy on Shared-Line (for SIP) 15 Supported Not Supported

    End a Ca ll 7 Supported Supported

    End a Co nference Ca ll 11 Supported Supported

    Forwa rd All Ca lls 10 Supported Supported

    Hold a C al l 7 Supported Supported

    Hold a Shared-Line Call (for SIP) 15 Supported Not Supported

    Join a Shared-Line Call 12 Not Supported Supported

    Live Record a C all 12 Not Supported Supported

    Manage Call Waiting 8 Supported Supported

    Mute a Ca ll 8 Supported SupportedPark a Ca ll 9 Not Supported Supported

    Pick Up Ca lls (for SIP and SCC P) 10 Not Supported Supported

    Place a Call 7 Supported Supported

    Place a Call from Call History 13 Supported Supported

    Place a C all from Your Local D irectory 12 Supported Supported

    Place a Call from Your Personal Speed-Dial 15 Not Supported Supported

    Place a Call from Your System Speed-Dial Directory 12 Supported Supported

    Place a Call Using Your Extension Mobility (EM) Profile 14 Not Supported Supported

    Place a M eetM e Conference Call 11 Not Supported Supported

    Pla ce a Prior ity (precedence) C all 11 Supported Supported

    Place and Establish a Co nference Call 11 Supported Supported

    Program Personal Speed-Dial Buttons 12 Not Supported Supported

    Redial a N umber 7 Supported Supported

    Resume a Shared Line Ca ll (for SIP) 15 Supported Not Supported

    Retrieve Voice Messages 8 Supported Supported

    Select the Ring Type 9 Supported Supported

    Switching an In-Progress Call to Another Phone Using SNR 16 Not Supported Supported

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    Transfer a Call 10 Supported Supported

    Transfer to Voice Mail 10 Not Supported Supported

    Use the Intercom Feature 13 Supported Supported

    View Call History 13 Supported Supported

    Whisper Intercom 11 Not Supported Supported

    Table 1 Features (with page number references) Supported in SIP and SCCP Protocols.

    Features SIP SCCP

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