citizenship homework joseph rainis

Post on 04-Aug-2015






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Volunteering @ Gorgas Park

-Joseph Rainis

For my fourth quarter Citizenship Homework,

volunteered at a park near my house. The park has

been around since I was young, and I felt that

Citizenship Homework was a great way to help give


While helping out at the park, I planted a tree and ripped up some weeds. The maintenance crew of the park does not have time to do all the work, so that’s where volunteers step in.

As this was an organized event, there were plenty of people helping out at the park. There were lots of flowers planted, and trees and bushes were circled with mulch.

With so many people using this park, it needed to be cleaned up. People walk through, play at, or drive by the park daily, so it’s important that the park looks nice. Volunteers can help make sure their parks are in order.

After the people did their part, there was food and drinks for us all to enjoy. My favorite was the tomato pie!

People cannot underestimate the importance of

volunteering. Communities thrive upon it. Do your part

to better the neighborhood you live in!

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