civil war and reconstruction jeopardy review what legislative act inspired abolitionist harriet...

Post on 13-Dec-2015






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Civil War and Reconstruction

Jeopardy Review

What legislative act inspired abolitionist Harriet Beecher Stowe to write Uncle Tom’s


The Fugitive Slave Act (1850)

Stephen Douglas and Lewis Cass advocated this method for determining the status of

slavery in the territories. Popular Sovereignty

This legislative act repealed the Missouri Compromise.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act

The first practical test of popular sovereignty happened

in this territory in 1855.


What laws required northern states to assist in the return of

runaway slaves to their owners in the South?

Fugitive Slave Laws

Following passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854,

Conscience Whigs, Free Soilers, and anti-slavery Democrats

formed this new political party.

The Republican Party

This Supreme Court decision ruled that slavery could not be banned

in the U.S. because doing so violated the 5th Amendment right

to property.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

In which western territory did a mini-civil war take place in



This organization sent anti-slavery settlers from New

England to Kansas in 1855.

New England Emigrant Aid Society

For what incident was Preston Brooks notorious?

The beating of Senator Charles Sumner on the floor of the Senate

Who were the two candidates from the divided Democratic party in the 1860 election?

John C. Breckenridge Stephen Douglas

This candidate won 39.8% of the popular vote in the 1860 election,

enough to put him over the top without even being on the ballot

in the South.

Abraham Lincoln

This was the last ditch effort to prevent a civil war.

Crittenden Compromise

Who was the President of the Confederate States of America

and what city was the Confederate capital?

Jefferson Davis Richmond, VA

Where did the Civil War begin and on what date?

Fort Sumter, South Carolina April 12, 1861

On whose property did the first true battle of the Civil War


Wilmer McLean

This battle dispelled any hopes that the war would be

over quickly.

First Bull Run / Manassas

Who did Lincoln accuse of having “a case of the slows?”

General George B. McClellan

What four states were known as the border states?

Missouri Kentucky Maryland Delaware

In the Civil War, with which side did the European ruling

classes sympathize?

The Confederacy

After which Civil War battle were African Americans allowed to join the Union



This battle was important because the outcome cooled any European desire to enter

the war in favor of the Confederacy.


Who, specifically, did Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation


All slaves in states or territories participating in rebellion against the U.S.

What was the 54th Massachusetts Regiment an

example of?

An all-black infantry regiment

This European power recognized the Union blockade of the South,

mostly because it viewed breaking it as a bad precedent for

its own use of blockades as a weapon.

Great Britain

Whom did Lincoln finally choose to lead the Union

Army after a series of ineffective generals?

Gen. Ulysses S. Grant

In what Virginia town was the cease-fire agreement signed

between Lee and Grant?

Appomatox Courthouse

Who did the Democratic Party run against Abraham Lincoln in the Presidential election of


General George B. McClellan

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished


The Thirteenth Amendment

What secret society was formed in the South to prevent

African Americans from exercising their newly won

rights as citizens?

The Ku Klux Klan

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted African Americans the right to vote?

The Fifteenth Amendment

Who succeeded Abraham Lincoln as President of the


Andrew Johnson

Which Civil War battle was considered to be the turning

point of the war?


During what years did the Civil War take place?

1861 - 1865

Which political faction was strongly in favor of fighting the war and punishing the South?

The Radical Republicans

What did Lincoln want to do after the war to soldiers who fought for the Confederacy?

Pardon them

What amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted citizenship to African


Fourteenth Amendment

Who won the Presidential Election of 1868?

Ulysses S. Grant

What is the term used to describe the process of putting the Union back

together again after the war?


What term was used to describe White Southerners

who supported Reconstruction?


Of which amendment was ratification required for a Southern state to re-enter the Union under

the Reconstruction Act?

Fourteenth Amendment

Which party typically “waved the bloody shirt” as an

emotional campaign appeal?

The Republicans

This Radical Republican from PA was strongly in favor of harsh reconstruction and supported the

impeachment of Johnson.

Thaddeus Stevens

Against which amendment did Johnson campaign in his “swing around the circle?”

The Fourteenth Amendment

This organization was formed to assist displaced blacks and

whites in the South at the end of the Civil War.

The Freedmen’s Bureau

Republicans relied on these voters to carry the states of

the south.

Freed blacks

For what reason did the House vote to impeach Johnson?

Violation of the Tenure of Office Act

This president’s administration was notorious for its

connections to scandal.


The presidential election in this year (no, not 2000!) was marked by widespread voter

fraud by both parties.


In what year did the military occupation of the South by the

Union army end?


In order to maintain a black workforce in the South following the war, most Southern states passed these laws meant to

control the freedmen.

Black Codes

This term was applied to tenant farmers who were provided

with land to farm in return for a portion of the proceeds from

the crops.


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