claire, andy, and josiah

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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By Claire, Andy , Josiah

Uranus factsUranus is the seventh planet from the sun.The distance from the sun is 1,702,000,000 miles from the sun.The distance from Earth is 1,607,000,000 miles.The diameter is 31,763 miles.

What Uranus is Made OfUranus is

23,837 miles larger than Earth.

If you you are 100 pounds on Earth than you weigh 112 on Uranus.Uranus’s temperature is

-357Uranus is like bluish greenish because of the methane gas

Uranus’s moons and gasses

Uranus’s gasses are hydrogen, helium, methane.Uranus has 27 moons.

Five of these moons are large the rest of them are small. The largest moon is Titania.

More Uranus FactsNo, life is on Uranus because it is to far from the sun so its to cold and Uranus is a gas planet.

Voyager 2 was the first and only mission to Uranus.7,000 images of Uranus.Launch date was

Aug, 20 1977.Arrival day was Jan 24, 1977.The type was Flyby.

What We LearnedWilliam Herschel discovered Uranus.Uranus has several rings around it.There is lightning bolts on Uranus.

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