class modules: breakout sessions

Post on 15-Feb-2016






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ClASS MODULES: BREAKOUT SESSIONS. ClASS CLINICAL MODULE. Session Objectives . By the end of the session, participants will be able to: List the 10 content areas within the ClASS Clinical Module Describe the structure and organization of the ClASS Clinical Module - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Session Objectives

By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

• List the 10 content areas within the ClASS Clinical Module• Describe the structure and organization of the ClASS

Clinical Module• Explain how the tool may be used in its modular format• Identify key resources from which to gather information• Develop a plan for gathering information on-site• Effectively present findings and recommendations

• Section 1: Facility, Staffing & Services

• Section 2: Clinical Care & Oversight Management

• Section 3: Infection Control

• Section 4: Maternal, Infant, Child Health & Pediatric HIV Services

• Section 5: Referrals & Access to Relevant Services• Section 6: Pharmacy & Supply Chain

Management• Section 7: Quality Improvement &Performance


Content Areas (1)

• Section 8: Laboratory & Other Diagnostic Services

• Section 9: Client/Patient Involvement in Care

• Section 10: Health Management Information Systems

• Section 11: Clinical/Technical Capacity

• Section 12: Clinical/Technical Support Approaches

• Section 13: Clinical/Technical Support Outcomes

• Section 14: Ongoing Program Support: Critical Gaps and Technical Assistance Needs

Content Areas (2)

Other Support Tools

1. Adult Chart Review2. Pediatric Chart Review3. PMTCT Chart Review

Structure and Organization (1)

Structure and Organization (2)

Document ReviewAdvance Review On-Site Review

List of HIV care providers and roleAll Clinical Protocols and standard operating policies and procedures (including reproductive health and family planning).

Opening and closing hours policyPatient Registers, patient medical charts and other monitoring forms.

Infection control policies and procedures Patient Consent Policies and Forms.HIV counseling and testing policies Pharmacy ledgers.Pharmacy Policies and SoP’s Patient referral policies, directory and tracking formsPatient Satisfaction Surveys tools and most recent Survey Results

Continuing medical (professional) Education Attendance Records and or Proceedings.

Emergency care policies and procedures Trainings clinical staff has participated in last 12 mo.

National HIV Care and Treatment Guidelines (Adult, Pediatrics, PMTCT, HCT, and etc.)

Laboratory policies and standard operating procedures for absolute minimum tests (HIV antibody test and hemoglobin), basic tests (white blood cell count, serum creatinine, a serum glucose, and pregnancy tests), and (CD4).

Quality improvement and assurance plan, protocols and committee minutesPolicy documents on post exposure prophylaxis

Laboratory QA and QC reports.

Continuous Quality Improvement reports (STOCS/PDSA)

Clinical charts (adult, PMTCT and pediatric HIV care and treatment)

Key Staff Interviews


ClASS Clinical Review Scenarios

Gather relevant and accurate information Prioritize and communicate findings

• The ClASS Clinical Module is divided into 10 sections.

• Each section includes core competencies, a series of suggested questions and verification criteria.• The ClASS Toolkit is modular in format, which means

that modules or sections of modules may be chosen based on relevance to the program being assessed. This decision will be made by review team and collaborating partners.• Reviewers should not feel required to complete the

tool sections (or tools in general) in any specific order.

Key Points


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