class notes spring 2014

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Last August 8 members of the St.Mary’s faculty gathered for a Mass at

which we remember Father RaymondBrown, S.S. on the fifteenth anniversaryof his death. At the time of the homilywe remembered Ray’s continuing influ-ence, not only in the national and inter-national arenas, but also at St. Mary’s,his alma mater.

We recalled the students whom hetaught and inspired from 1960 until1971. As priests they continue to beproclaimers of God’s word. In particular,we remembered Ray’s teaching andencouragement of alumni who havebecome biblical scholars in their ownright, including Fathers John Kselman,S.S., Michael Barré, S.S. and RonaldWitherup, S.S.

After Mass we visited The Raymond E. Brown Library collection which Ray left to St.Mary’s and which continues to grow through a generous bequest from Ray.

Finally, we celebrated The Raymond E. Brown Chair, a gift from the U.S. Province ofthe Society of St. Sulpice that is presently held by Professor Michael Gorman. Theholder of the chair is given time for research in the area of the New Testament so thatthe tradition of publication that played such an important part of Ray’s life might con-tinue. In November, 2013 Professor Gorman helped organize a symposium on theGospel of John that also honored Ray.

At that August anniversary Eucharist, we remembered that Ray combined the best ofbeing a believer and churchman with the best of biblical scholarship. May his memo-ry continue to be held in great esteem.


Faculty News . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Community Highlights . . . . . 4

Alumni Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

New Pastors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Continuing Education

Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Alumni News . . . . . . . . . . 10

St. Charles College &

St. Mary’s Seminary

College . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

St. Mary’s Seminary . . . 11

In Memorium . . . . . . . . . . 15

Heritage Society . . . . . . . . 18


Fr. Raymond E. Brown, S.S. delivering an address“One Hundred Years of Biblical Scholarship:Accomplishments & Challenges” at St. Mary’sSeminary & University, April 25, 1997.

Rev. Thomas R. Hurst, S.S.and

St. Mary’s Seminary Community

NotesClass NotesNews and Information for Alumni of St. Charles College, St. Mary’s Seminary College and St. Mary’s Seminary

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Fr. Thomas R. Hurst, S.S., gave a presen-tation on September 14 entitled “Jesus, theDivine Physician” to the Baltimore Guild ofthe Catholic Medical Association. InOctober, he presented “Preaching theLectionary Cycle A: the Gospel ofMatthew” to the Baltimore Clergy. Also in October, Fr. Hurst gave a presentation to

the Clergy of the Diocese of Harrisburg titled “The Spiritualityof the Diocesan Priest”. In November he presented “Peter:The Transformed Shepherd” at the SMSU New Pastor’sWorkshop. Later in November, at the John, Jesus and HistoryConference at St. Mary’s Seminary, Fr. Hurst presented“Raymond E. Brown and his legacy at St. Mary’s Seminary”.

Fr. David I. Fulton served as presenter atthe presbyteral convocation of the Dioceseof Paterson September 23-26. The theme ofthe convocation: the new evangelization.On September 28 he participated in a collo-quium of teachers of moral theology atSeton Hall University. The theme of thecolloquium: the place of affect in teaching

moral theology. Fr. Fulton was named ecumenical officer forthe Diocese of Metuchen.

Fr. Leonardo J. Gajardo, S.S., spent twoweeks during July and August in theArchdiocese of Santiago de Cuba offeringcanonical assistance. He spent one weekworking in the Ecclesiastical Tribunal ofSecond Instance, helping with the process-ing of marriage annulment cases, and thenled a four day workshop for tribunal person-nel from throughout Cuba. Fr. Gajardo also

had the opportunity to join a group of young missionaries on amission trip to the Cuban countryside. In November, Fr.Gajardo was informed by the Provincial Council of the U.S.Province of the Society of St. Sulpice that he has beenassigned to begin studies in liturgical theology at the PontificalUniversity of the Holy Cross in Rome, beginning in the 2014-2015 academic year.

Faculty News

The 2013-2104 academic year opened with the Mass of the Holy Spirit on August 29, 2013. Bishop Mitch Rozanski, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese ofBaltimore, was the main celebrant and gathered with the community after Mass.

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Dr. Michael Gorman coordinateda November 20-22 internationalscholarly conference at St. Mary'scalled "John, Jesus, and History:Engaging the Legacies of C.H.Dodd and Raymond E. Brown." Healso published an article entitled“The Lord of Peace: Christ our

Peace in Pauline Theology” in the fall 2013 issue ofThe Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters. Hisnewest book, The Death of the Messiah and the Birth ofthe New Covenant: A (Not So) New Model of theAtonement will be published in the spring.

Fr. Edward J. Griswold gave aworkshop to the PermanentDeacons of Region III (NewJersey and Pennsylvania) at theRetreat House of the Sisters ofSaint Francis in Bethlehem, PA inSeptember, 2013. The workshopwas on the U.S. Bishops' new

Document, Proclaiming the Mystery of Faith.

On October 3, 2013, the former St.Mary's president-rector and currentfaculty member, Fr. Robert F.Leavitt, S.S., delivered theRichard Russell Lecture at YaleUniversity under the auspices ofthe Saint Thomas More CatholicCenter. His talk was entitled,"Evangelization in a Secular Age:

New Perspectives."

Dr. Paul Seaton was a panelist ona Roundtable on Yorem Hazony’sThe Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture (Cambridge U Press), at the Northeastern PoliticalScience Association’s AnnualConvention, held in Philadelphiaon November 14th. Also, histranslation of Remi Brague’s On

the God of the Christians (and on one or two others)(St. Augustine Press) came out in July, 2013.

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On November 20-22, 2013, St. Mary’s hosted and co-spon-sored a conference entitled “John, Jesus, and History: Engagingthe Legacies of C.H. Dodd and Raymond E. Brown.” A dozenscholars of international repute made presentations, and morethan 100 others attended.

On the second evening of the conference, a panel of scholars,including some who had been Fr. Brown’s students, paid trib-ute to the legendary Sulpician New Testament scholar. Fr.Hurst, who was one of those students, began with an introduc-tion to Fr. Brown and his legacy at St. Mary’s: the Raymond E.Brown Center and collection in the Knott Library and, thanksto the Sulpician fathers, the Raymond E. Brown chair in bibli-cal studies and theology.

Two of Fr. Brown’s doctoral students at Union Seminary, Dr.Craig Koester (Luther Seminary) and Dr. Sandra M.Schneiders, I.H.M., (emerita, the Jesuit School of Theology),reminisced about their teacher as mentor, scholar, friend, andecumenist. In addition, Dr. Paul Anderson (George FoxUniversity), Dr. Jaime Clark-Soles (Perkins School ofTheology), and Dr. Michael Gorman (current holder of theBrown chair), spoke about the powerful influence Fr. Brownhad on them even though they had not been his students. Dr.Anderson referred to him as the most significant NewTestament scholar of the 20th century.

A common theme in all of the presentations was the way inwhich Fr. Brown was a positive role model of serious scholar-ship for both church and academy, and how deeply he wasrespected by people of differing religious traditions.

Dr. Craig Koester of Luther Seminary, one of theConference committee members, reminisced about hisformer professor, Raymond E. Brown, S.S.

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Daniel Moreno (Diocese of Worcester), a member of the ori-entation team, welcomed Carlos Ruiz, also from the Dioceseof Worcester on move-in day.

4 Class Notes Spring 2014

Community HighlightsFall Semester 2013

Rev. Mr. Jason Hage (Diocese of Syracuse),Logan Landry (Diocese of Portland), MateusMonteiro de Souza (Diocese of Worcester) andKevin Upham (Diocese of Portland) relax duringthe orientation program.

Rev. Mr. Jean Felicien (Diocese of Trenton)blessed Kyle Seyler (Diocese of Erie) during theorientation program.

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Archbishop Lori was the main celebrant for a Mass celebrating the Year of Faith. This event was sponsored by theSociety of St. Sulpice. The communities from both St. Mary’s and Theological College attended Mass, a keynote lectureby Cardinal Wuerl, and a banquet. Very Rev. Thomas R. Ulshafer, S.S., Provincial of the Society of St. Sulpice, withFr. Thomas R. Hurst, S.S. and Fr. Phillip J. Brown, S.S., concelebrated Mass with Archbishop Lori.

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St. Mary’s Seminarians participated in the fourth annual Vianney Cup, hosted thisyear at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg. The tournament bringstogether men from Theological College, Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary, St. CharlesSeminary and St. Mary’s Roland Park. The seminarians also prayed and enjoyeddinner together.

Fr. Hurst blesses the newly renovated Blessed SacramentChapel on the 4th floor September 2013.

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Alumni Day October 17, 2013

Keynote Presentation

The Sulpicians were founded by Father Olier at a critical momentin the life of the church in France. It was a time much in need ofa “new evangelization.” After the wars of religion, people hadbecome cynical about any religion and the practice of the faith haddropped dramatically. Under the spiritual direction of St. Vincentde Paul, Fr. Olier spent the first eight years of his ministry preach-ing missions throughout the French countryside with considerablesuccess in the project of reawakening the faith. However, it seemsthat after the evangelizing team of priests left town, within a fewmonths old habits had returnedbecause the local clergy werenot capable of continuing theeffort. This was what pushedhim to found a program ofpriestly formation. He realizedthat the task of reforming thechurch could not really takehold without first reforming theclergy. He had a series of priori-ties concerning how to go aboutthis daunting task. Those prior-ities were well suited for the sev-enteenth century’s new evange-lization, and I believe they arestill very fruitful for our ownproject of proclaiming the goodnews. The way of using themhas evolved, but the same prin-ciples are always at work, and Iam convinced that they are inline with the project of our newevangelization.

1. A commitment to the priesthood. This seems obvious as apriority in seminary formation. Fr. Olier had a fervent desireto call priests to live up to the dignity of their calling and hesaw the heart of their ministry in the work of calling peopleto faith. In his post synodal apostolic exhortation, EvangeliiNuntiandi, Pope Paul VI said, “We have a greater need ofwitnesses than of masters.” And I believe that this is whatwe are still trying to form: priests after the heart of Christthe Good Shepherd, reaching out to people where they are.

We want the seminarians to know the importance of thepriesthood in the life of the church and the dignity of thisoffice. We also want to encourage them to be examples ofcommitment to the values of the Gospel.

2. An emphasis on spiritual formation. Fr. Olier was convincedthat a good theological education was essential for thosecalled to awaken faith in others, but he was equally con-vinced that spiritual formation was at the heart of priestlyformation. What he wanted most of all was that seminari-

ans, who were often pushedby their family into the clergy,make a free choice for thisvocation. Those who arecalled to bear witness to thetruth of the Gospel cannot beeffective evangelizers if whatthey are really looking for is acareer. As Fr. Olier put it,“They must enter by the doorof vocation.” A life of prayerand a good experience of spir-itual direction, conducted inas safe and free an environ-ment as possible could makethis hope a reality. Humanmotivation is always mixed,but spiritual direction canhelp to purify it. And for thatto happen, seminarians mustknow that they can speakfreely with a spiritual directorthey have chosen and whomthey can trust.

3. The creation of formation community. From the beginning,Fr. Olier wanted priests and seminarians to share a commonlife. He was convinced that the best way to form futurepriests is to invite them to come and live with priests who aretrying to be good and faithful ministers of the Gospel and ofthe life of faith.

4. The exercise of collegiality. This is certainly an area that hasalways been present in Sulpician practice, based on the con-viction that the wisdom of a group of dedicated priests is

Fr. Larry Terrien, S.S. (SCC’66 and PS’68) spoke at the banquet on theMarks of Sulpician Formation, October 17, 2013.


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wiser than the wisdom of any one individual. This priorityin Sulpician methods of formation is no less prominent intoday’s Sulpician seminaries, but it has expanded in impor-tant ways. The process of discerning vocations has becomemuch more comprehensive and inclusive, thanks to the pas-toral assignments and internships that seminarians experi-ence. The evaluations given by pastoral supervisors andteams of parishioners help seminarians gain greater insightinto their strengths as well as areas for further growth. Theyalso help them to set appropriate goals for their continuingformation in the seminary and beyond. Moreover, they givethe people of God a voice in the formation process, so thatthe applause given at their ordination is more than a gesture.What is even more important is that the ordained cannot dothis work of evangelization alone. Learning the skills to

work with others in a team effort will be much more effec-tive in spreading the Gospel than trying to do this alone.

5. The cultivation of an apostolic spirit. When Fr. Olier builtthe first seminary in France, he commissioned the bestknown artist in the country to produce a painting of thePentecost. He chose this subject because he saw this event,the sending of the Spirit, as the birth of the Church’s mis-sion, the sending forth of the disciples of Jesus in the powerof the Spirit to proclaim the good news. He wanted thisimage to be always before the seminarians in the chapel ofthe seminary. Moreover, from the beginning of the semi-nary’s existence, the students assisted with the Liturgy in theparish of St. Sulpice and with formation in the faith foradults and children. In the last half century such pastoralexperience has been much expanded in seminaries, becausewe are convinced that seminarians develop an apostolic spir-it, a zeal for proclaiming the truth and power of the Gospel,precisely by proclaiming the truth and power of the Gospelin their words and in their deeds of pastoral ministry as partof their formation program. I am pleased to be able to saythat in the four years and a few months that I have beenworking in this seminary, I have heard our deacons preach atMass and our third year students preach at evening prayer ona regular basis, and I have never heard a homily or reflectionthat would make me feel embarrassed to say, “We had a partin his formation.” I do truly believe that the men, who walkout the front door at the end of their time of formation here,have taken to heart the words inscribed over that front door:“Go teach all nations,” and I am equally convinced that Godwill bring forth good fruit from their ministry. May He blessthese generous men who have chosen to follow the Lord inan apostolic ministry and may He bless the work of this for-mation faculty as they strive to live out their priesthood in aworthy manner, and may we be effective in helping our sem-inarians to follow the Lord more closely and become shep-herds after the heart of Christ.

St. Mary’s Seminary Schola and Director of Music, Mr. Paul Binko, at the Alumni Day Mass.

Faculty members Fr. Thomas Burke, O.SS.T., Fr. Ed Griswold, and Dr. Brent Laytham enjoy Fr. Terrien’s remarks at the Alumni Day banquet.

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New Pastors

From November 3-7, 2013, fifteen new or soon-to-be-named pastors gathered at St. Mary’s Center forContinuing Formation for a workshop addressing this transition in their priestly life and ministry.

Participants included, from the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, Rev. Michael J. Gabler; Diocese of Erie,Rev. William Barron, Rev. Joseph Campbell, Rev. Thomas Sikora, O.S.B., Rev Matthew Strickenberger(SMS’10) and Rev. Matias Quimno; Diocese of Ft. Wayne-South Bend, Rev. Kevin Russeau, C.S.C.;Archdiocese of Hartford, Rev. Michael Dolan; Diocese of Manchester, Rev. Christopher Martel and Rev.Philip Pacheco, O.F.M.; Diocese of Pittsburgh, Rev. Christopher Donley and Rev. Frederick W. Gruber;Diocese of Richmond, Rev. Daniel Asue, Rev. Thomas Dekaa and Rev. Gerald Kaggwa.

On the first full day, presentations focused on “The Pastor as Person” (self assessment; facing challenges;canonical role of pastor; personal emotional/physical health). On the second day focus shifted to “ThePastor as Leader in Communion”, with presen-tations on theology of communio; civil law andadministration; mergers and transitions; humanresource management. Day Three saw “ThePastor as Steward”, focusing on council andstaff; financing and budgeting; physical plant;stewardship and fundraising. The final day was aconference of spiritual encouragement on St.Peter as a transformed shepherd.

Participants from the Dioceses of Altoona-Johnstown, Erie, Ft. Wayne-South Bend, Hartford, Manchester, Pittsburgh, and Richmond gathered during theprogram with Msgr. David Fulton, Director of Priests Programs for the Center for Continuing Formation.

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Center for Continuing Formation

Continuing Education Programs

For more information on or registration for any of these programs, or for further information on St. Mary’s Center for Continuing Formation, phone 410-864-4102 oremail: Visit us at



A three-day retreat with an optional fourth day for senior priests who are retired, semi-retired, or ordained forty years or more.


JULY 28 - 31, 2014A four-day workshop for seminarians who will enter 3T and 4T, as well as recently ordained priests.



NOV. 2-6, 2014Grounds the role of pastor in the personal and spiritual health of the priest.

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❖ Fr. William E. Jennings, SCC’33 andSMS’40, (Wilmington), the oldest and, at73 years ordained, the longest-servingpriest of the diocese of Wilmington, cele-brated his 100th birthday. Fr. Jenningswas ordained a priest on May 6, 1940, inBaltimore, by Archbishop Michael J.Curley. He served at several Wilmingtonparishes and diocesan posts. As pastor ofSt. Paul’s Parish in Wilmington, he builtthe new parish school building. He wasthe founding pastor of two parishes inBrandywine Hundred, Immaculate Heartof Mary in 1956 and Holy Child in 1969.At other times during his priesthood, Fr.

Jennings served as a theology teacher atPadua Academy, vocations director, mod-erator of the Young Catholics Study andDiscussion Club, moderator of theDelaware chapter of Catholics Unitedand chaplain to the Boy Scouts. A Massconcelebrated with 10 of his fellowpriests, and a party afterward marked Fr.Jennings celebration.


❖ Dr. John W. Gracy, SCC’52 andSMS’58, retired from teaching for theDepartment of Corrections of the State ofFlorida. Because of end stage renal dis-ease, he has spent his retirement makingmosaics for Our Lady of Fatima Church,Inverness. He has published a book ofpoetry, Wrestling with the Angel.

❖ Fr. Carl F. Dianda, SCC’53 andSMS’59, (Washington, DC), has moved

to 3129 Nicholson St., Hyattsville, MD20782.

❖ We are sad to report the death of CarolA. Manley, wife of John “Skip” Manley,SCC’59. They had been married for 48years. Carol was a very active member intheir home parish of St. John theEvangelist, Frederick, where “Skip” alsoministered as a permanent deacon. Wewill keep them in our prayers.

❖ Msgr. P. William McDonnell, SCC’59and SMS’65, (Rockford), previously pas-tor of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish,Freeport, has retired.

❖ We learned that Patricia “Peg”O’Brien, wife of J. Stephen O’Brien,SCC’59 and SMS’65, died on September29, 2013, having succumbed to cancer. Amemorial Mass was held at St. Benedict’sMonastery in Bristow, VA.

Family Ties: Alumnus Rick Vessels, (SMSC’74, SMS’78) receives communion from his cousin, Archbishop William E. Lori.

Alumni News

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❖ Msgr. Eugene M. Rebeck, SCC’59 andSMS’65, (Trenton), has let us know thathe has retired from the pastorate of St.Catherine, Holmdel, and can now bereached at PO Box 771, Barnegat Light,NJ 08006.


❖ Fr. Raymond L. Forester, SCC’60 andSMS’66, (Wilmington), has retired fromthe pastorate of St. Edmond Parish,Rehoboth Beach.

❖ Frank J. Inzano, SCC’61 and SMS’68,has let us know that his new address is 4Bellingham Drive, Kendell Park, NJ 08824.

❖ Rev. Dr. Michael J. Gallagher, PS’65and SMS’69, (Wilmington), after over thir-ty years on the faculty of Trinity Universityin Washington, DC, is now professor emeri-tus. His address is 1325 13th St., Unit 402,Washington, DC, 20005.

❖ Msgr. Donald S. Essex, SCC’67, PS’69,and SMS’73, (Washington, DC), is nowpastor at Our Lady of Grace, 15661Norbeck Blvd., Silver Spring, MD 20906.

❖ Msgr. David A. Lockard, SCC’68,(Altoona-Johnstown), has been appointedpastor at Holy Name Parish in Ebensburg.


❖ Fr. Joseph L. Desmond, SMSC’70 andSMS’74, (Metuchen), is now stationed atMost Holy Redeemer, 133 Amboy Road,Matawan, NJ 07747.

❖ Very Rev. Leonard E. Voytek, V.F.,SMSC’70 and SMS’74, (Altoona-Johnstown), has been appointed pastor ofSt. Mary’s Parish, 1020 Caroline St., NantyGlo, PA 15943.

❖ Michael J. O’Brien, SMSC’73, has justretired after 31 years of service as a commu-nications executive at National RuralUtilities Cooperative Finance Corporation(CFC), a not-for-profit financing coopera-tive for the electric cooperative network.In addition, the University Press ofMississippi has just published Mike’s firstbook, We Shall Not Be Moved: The Jackson

Woolworth’s Sit-In and the Movement ItInspired.

❖ Deacon Stephen R. Roscher, SMSC’75and SMS’79, (Richmond), let us know thathis father, Fred Roscher of Hopewell, VA,passed away at the age of 90 on June 19 ofnatural causes. All six of his children got tosee him three days prior, on Father’s Day,not realizing his death was imminent. Hispassing came almost 10 years to the day ofhis mother’s death (Genevieve RennRoscher, June 22, 2003). Stephen wasordained as a permanent deacon for theArchdiocese of Baltimore on May 14, 2011and is currently assigned to St. CharlesBorromeo parish in Pikesville, MD.



❖ Fr. A. Leo Spodnik, SMS’48,(Hartford), is celebrating his 65thanniversary of ordination. He wasordained to the priesthood on May 27,

1948, at St. Augustine Church inBridgeport by then-Bishop Henry J.O’Brien. He was served at St. TheresaParish in the Long Hill area of Trumbull,Our Lady of Mercy Parish in Plainville,St. Augustine Parish in Seymour, St. RoseParish in East Hartford and Sacred HeartParish in Bloomfield. Fr. Spodnik servedat Sacred Heart in Torrington, St.Thomas in Waterbury, Sacred Heart inTorrington, SS. Peter and Paul Parish inWaterbury, then returned for a third timeto Sacred Heart in Torrington, fromwhere he retired in 1997. Fr. Spodnik’suncle, the late Fr. Paul M. Spodnik, alsoserved in the archdiocese. In addition,he has two sisters in the Sisters of NotreDame: Sister Mary Teresia and SisterRosemary, both residing at the mother-house in Wilton.


❖ Msgr. Kenneth J. Klepac, SMS’58,(Mobile), has written in to let us knowthat he is now retired and living at 1655McGill Ave Apt 167, Mobile, AL 36604.

On Thursday, November 14, 2013, eight seminarians -- Andres Alberto Araque Castrillon, DanielEduardo Moreno Jimenez, and Juan Sebastian Ramirez Acosta of the Diocese of Worcester; EricJordan Dinga and James Barra Morely of the Diocese of Greensburg; Edgar A. Madarang of theDiocese of Metuchen; and Renato Luigi Esposito and Arian Hernado Wharff Galvis of the Diocese ofTrenton -- were admitted into Candidacy by the Most Reverend Lawrence E. Brandt, Bishop of theDiocese of Greensburg.

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❖ Fr. Joseph L. Cunningham, SMS’63,(Brooklyn), has let us know that he isnow at St. Andrew the Apostle, 6713Ridge Blvd., Brooklyn, NY 11220.

❖ James D. Hohman, SMS’63,(Pittsburgh), wrote in to let us knowthat he has moved. His new address is2740 Shadowrock Court, Gibsonia, PA15044.

❖ Robert J. Laughlin, SMS’63, has anew address. He is now living at 629Ruxton Road, PO Box 255, Dowell,MD 20629.

❖ Msgr. Christopher Lathem, SMS’65,(Charleston), has retired and is nowliving at 185 Greenstoke Loop, Tryon,NC 28782.

❖ Fr. James E. Parke, SMS’65,(Richmond), has a new address. He isliving at 4724 Goldeneye Court,Virginia Beach, VA 23462.

❖ Fr. Robert W. Schiavone, SMS’69,(Milwaukee), has retired from the fac-ulty of Sacred Heart School of

Theology. He has been granted SeniorPriest status by Archbishop Jerome E.Listecki. Fr. Schiavone’s address is4515 W. Clayton Crest Ave.,Milwaukee, WI 53220.


❖ Msgr. Henry A. Kriegel, SMS’70,(Erie), has let us know that he is pastorat St. Patrick Parish, 130 E. 4th St.,Erie, PA 16507-1508.

❖ Fr. Michael B. Roark, SMS’70,(Wilmington), has retired from the pastorate of Immaculate ConceptionParish, Marydel, MD.

❖ Msgr. Robert M. Perkins, SMS’71,(Richmond), wrote in to let us knowthat he is now retired and living at7501 River Road, Unit 9-D, NewportNews, VA 23607.

❖ Fr. Lee F. Bacchi, SMS’77, (Joliet),has recently returned from a leave ofabsence and is back in active ministry.He is awaiting a full-time assignment,doing weekend work in two parishes

and residing at the priests’ retirementhome.

❖ Philip M. Fiadino, SMS’78, called tolet us know that he has moved and isnow living at 517 Helfin St., BoundBrook, NJ 08805.


❖ Fr. Christopher M. Hamlett,SMS’82, (Erie), has been appointedpastor of St. Philip, Linesville, and St.Philip, Crossingville, with residence at401 S. Mercer St., Linesville, PA16316.

❖ Msgr. Daniel J. McGlynn, SMS’82,(Wilmington), has retired from the pastorate of Holy Cross Parish, Dover.

❖ Fr. Kevin J. Forsyth, SMS’86,(Hartford), wrote in to tell us that hehas a new home address. He is nowliving at 55 Pershing Drive, Plainville,CT 06062.

❖ Fr. John P. Gwozdz, SMS’86,(Hartford), previously pastor of St.Paul, Glastonbury and St. Augustine,

Members of the Class of 1963 celebrated their 50th anniversary at Alumni Day, October 17, 2013. (first row, l-r) Msgr. D. Joseph Finnerty (Brooklyn),Robert E. Elie (Albany), Richard E. Mandeville (Manchester), Rev. Charles B. McDermott (Providence), Rev. Stephen J. Gleeson (Bridgeport) and Rev.Joseph Protano, Jr. (Providence). (back row l-r): Rev. Virgil C. Funk (Washington, DC), Rev. Richard T. Kunzman (Camden), Jeremiah K. Feehan(Brooklyn), Rev. Robert G. Heffernan (Hartford), Rev. Robert M. Beirne (Providence), Rev. George A. Pfundstein (Brooklyn), Rev. Joseph P. Schick(Hartford), James “Tom” Nally (Baltimore), Rev. Arnold W. DePorter (Washington, DC) and Rev Joseph L. Cunningham (Brooklyn).

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So. Glastonbury, has been assigned pastorof St. Thomas Becket Church, 435 N.Brooksvale Rd., Cheshire, CT 06410.


❖ Fr. Richard A. Rosinski, SMS’91,(Rockford), has been appointed pastor ofSt. Thomas More Parish, 215 ThomasMore Drive, Elgin, IL 60123.

❖ Fr. Michael E. Gendron, SMS’92,(Manchester), let us know that he hasbeen appointed pastor of St. PeterChurch, 567 Manchester Rd., Auburn,NH 03032.

❖ Fr. Robert L. Irish, SMS’92,(Lansing), let us know that after 16 yearsserving outside his diocese in healthcare,he has returned to the parish ministrywith his home diocese of Lansing and hasbeen appointed administrator pastor ofthe Catholic Community of St. Jude, 409Wilson Street, DeWitt, MI 48820.

❖ Fr. Philip A. LeBeau, SMS’93,(Paterson), has let us know that he isnow stationed at St. Joseph Church, 216Comly Rd., Lincoln Park, NJ 07035.

❖ Fr. Stuart H. Pinette, SMS’94,(Hartford), wrote in to let us know thathe’s begun his eighth year as pastor of St.

Elizabeth Seton Church in theArchdiocese of Hartford. He’s also in his15th year as a member of the diocesandiaconate formation program and also sitson the priest enrichment committee forthe diocese. His address is 280 BrookStreet, Rocky Hill, CT 06067.

❖ Fr. Thomas I. Ward, SMS’97,(Syracuse), is now at St. Paul Parish, 15Doubleday St., Binghamton, NY 13901-2501.


❖ Fr. Jesus Martinez, SMS’02,(Worcester), is now at Our Lady of theRosary, 23 Fales Street, Worcester, MA01606.

❖ Ricardo Bailey, SMS’03, contacted usto advise that he is employed at theWestminster Schools in Atlanta, GA,where he is a member of the faculty forthe Department of Biblical Studies in theUpper School as well as a faculty mentorfor African-American Males in the UpperSchool and a member of the DiversityCommittee for the Upper School as well.He is assigned to the Cathedral of St.Philip in Atlanta (the Episcopal Dioceseof Atlanta’s Cathedral Church) where heworks with the Hispanic Community incatechesis and liturgical formation.Ricardo is married and father of 3 daughters.

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The class of 1983 gathered to celebrate Alumni Day; Rev. David A. Grover (Camden), Rev.Lawrence M. Johnson (Baltimore), The Rev. Peter A. Williams (Syracuse), Rev. Sean G. Winters(Metuchen), and Chaplain J. Joseph Hart (Baltimore).

The Class of 1973 gathered at Alumni Day to celebrate their 40th anniversary. (front row l-r) Rev.Thomas G. Rainforth (Paterson), Rev. Thomas R. Hurst, S.S. (President Rector), Rev. Frank P.Morin (Portland, ME) and Rev. Albert E. Harshaw (Camden). (back row l-r) Dr. James Sasiadek,Rev. Charles Dillingham (Wilmington), Rev. Joseph A. D’Aurora (Richmond) and Rev. Richard M.Gula, S.S. (Erie).

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❖ Fr. James S. Lentini, SMS’03,(Wilmington), has been appointed pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Dover, andImmaculate Conception Parish, Marydel,MD.

❖ Fr. Michael C. Lillpopp, SMS’05,(Springfield, MA), is now stationed at St.Charles Parish, 89 Briggs Ave., Pittsfield,MA 01201-3336.

❖ Fr. Paul Catena, SMS’07, (Albany),has been appointed pastor of Our Lady ofthe Annunciation parish in Ilion andOur Lady Queen of Apostles inFrankfort. He was most recently pastorof Sacred Heart parish in Margaretville.

❖ Fr. Alberto Tamayo, SMS’07,(Trenton), has been assigned pastor ofSt. Anthony Parish, 121 Bridge Ave.,Red Bank, NJ 07701-1201.

❖ Fr. Christopher P. Hanley, SMS’08,(Wilmington), has been appointed asso-ciate pastor of St. Edmond Parish,Rehoboth Beach.

❖ Fr. Idongesit Etim, SMS’09,(Wilmington), has been appointed asso-ciate pastor of St. John the BelovedParish, 906 Milltown Road, Wilmington,DE 19808.

❖ Fr. Lukasz Kozlowski, SMS’09,(Syracuse), is now stationed at Our Lady

of Lourdes, 2 Barton Ave., Utica, NY13502-5804.

❖ Fr. Adam Muda, SMS’09, (Paterson),has been appointed pastor of St. MichaelParish, 4 Church St., Netcong, NJ 07857.


❖ Fr. Matthew J. Strickenberger,SMS’10, (Erie), is now pastor of St.Bartholomew Parish, 311 W. Ridge Ave.,Sharpsville, PA 16150.

❖ Fr. Jason Feigh, SMS’11, (Erie), is onthe faculty of Cathedral PreparatorySchool, Erie, with residence at St. Judethe Apostle Parish, 2801 W. 6th St., Erie,PA 16506.

❖ Fr. Matthew Hardesty, SMS’11,(Louisville), let us know that he is now atHoly Trinity, 306 Fredericktown Road,Springfield, KY 40069.

❖ Fr. Juan Carlos Gaviria, SMS’12,(Metuchen), has been appointedparochial vicar at St. Joseph Parish,Bound Brook.

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Fr. Thomas R. Hurst, S.S. conducting his annual Clergy Education Day for priests and deacons of the Arcdiocese of Baltimore in the Center forContinuing Formation, October 2013.

Members of the class of 2003 gather before Mass; Rev. Brian Sullivan (Paterson), Rev. ThomasMuldowney (Scranton), Rev. Steven Hurley (Wilmington), Rev. Stephen Hook (Baltimore), Rev. James Lentini (Wilmington).

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✙ Msgr. Vincent F. Clyne, SCC’38, (NewYork), died on June 30, 2013, at the age of95. He was ordained in 1945 and named amonsignor in 1995. He was assignedparochial vicar to Sacred Heart, StatenIsland; St. Augustine’s Ossining; Our Ladyof Lourdes, Manhattan; St. Paul’s, StatenIsland. He was administrator ofImmaculate Conception parish on StatenIsland from 1972 to 1977. Msgr. Clynewas appointed pastor of St. Ann’s, StatenIsland, in 1977 and remained there untilhis retirement in 1990. Auxiliary BishopGerald T. Walsh, vicar general, offered aFuneral Mass at St. Ann’s Church. Thehomilist was Fr. Edmund P. Connors, pas-tor of St. Mary’s parish in Katonah, whowas in residence at St. Ann’s during the1980’s and knew Msgr. Clyne well.

✙ Fr. J. Everett Denesha, SMS’50,(Ogdensburg), died August 1, 2013, at theage of 87. He was ordained to the priest-hood on June 3, 1950, at St. Patrick’sChurch, Chateaugay (the current cathedralwas under construction) by Bishop Bryan J.McEntegart. Fr. Denesha served as assis-tant pastor at St. Mary’s Cathedral inOgdensburg, St. Johns in Plattsburgh, andadministrator in West Chazy. He wasnamed pastor in St. Matthew’s, BlackBrook, and ten years later as pastor of St.Raymond’s in Raymondville, a position heheld until his retirement in 2007. Thatsame year, Fr. Denesha was named dioce-san Vicar for Religious, a position he helduntil 1978. In 1972, he became pastor inSt. James, Gouverneur. He was thenappointed administrator of the Church ofthe Sacred Heart, Crown Point, later of St.John the Baptist, Madrid, and finally, in St.Raymond’s, Raymondville. An accom-plished musician, Fr. Denesha directed thechoir at St. Mary’s Cathedral and taughtmusic at Wadhams Hall. He was also chairof the Diocesan Music Committee. Heserved as a member of the Board ofConsultors in 1983 and a member of theCouncil of Priests. Bishop Terry R.LaValley presided at a Mass of ChristianBurial at St. Raymond’s Church.

✙ Fr. John C. Blackall, SMS’51,(Hartford), died on May 18, 2013, sur-rounded by his family in his home, at theage of 86. He was ordained to the priest-hood on May 3, 1951, at the Cathedral ofSt. Joseph in Hartford by then-BishopHenry J. O’Brien. He first served asparochial vicar at St. Thomas Church inWaterbury, where his lifelong ministry tothe Catholic Hispanic community began.He studied the Spanish language in orderto minister to the Catholic Hispanic com-munity. In 1957, he was assigned asparochial vicar at Immaculate ConceptionParish in Waterbury, where he celebratedhis first Spanish Mass. In 1959, he wasappointed to St. Cecilia Parish inWaterbury, where he established a Mass inSpanish and a center for Spanish-speakingpeople. He served the parishioners of thisparish for more than 40 years, including aspastor from 1972 until his retirement in2001. Among his many accomplishments

were sponsoring refugee families fromPuerto Rico, Cuba, Viet Nam andCambodia, as well as being a social activistfor Catholic causes. His awards includethe prestigious archdiocesan MissionSociety Award and the Bishop DonnellyMemorial Award for outstanding individ-ual achievement toward Catholic socialjustice. In his retirement, he continued toserve the Catholic community by celebrat-ing the Mass and administering the sacra-ments at various parishes. AuxiliaryBishop Christie A. Macaluso, vicar generalof the archdiocese of Hartford, celebrated aMass of Christian Burial at St. PeterClaver Church. Auxiliary Bishop EmeritusPeter A. Rosazza preached the homily.

✙ Most Rev. F. Joseph Gossman, SCC’50,PS’52, and SMS’56, (Raleigh), who led theDiocese of Raleigh for 31 years before heretired in 2006, died August 12, 2013, aftera long illness at the age of 83. He wasordained a priest of the Archdiocese ofBaltimore in 1955. He served as an assis-tant pastor, cathedral administrator, vicechancellor, tribunal official and St. Mary’sSeminary professor before he was namedan auxiliary bishop of Baltimore in 1968 atthe age of 38. He was the first U.S. bishopto be ordained in the new, simplified cere-mony for the ordination of a bishop, whichhad just received Vatican approval for usein the United States on an experimentalbasis as part of the liturgical reforms fol-lowing the Second Vatican Council.When Bishop Gossman was made bishopof Raleigh in 1975, 38,000 Catholics inthe diocese formed a tiny minority, lessthan 2 percent of the 2.5 million people inthe eastern half of North Carolina. Duringhis 31-year tenure, the Catholic populationmore than quadrupled. An increasingHispanic population fueled some of thegrowth. He supported a nuclear freeze inthe early 1980’s and in 1990, before thePersian Gulf War, warned against unilater-al U.S. military action. Bishop Gossmanwas a member of the Anglican-RomanCatholic dialog in the United States andin 1991 was a leader in the formation of astatewide Catholic-Lutheran covenant, anagreement of joint witness and collabora-tion that at the time was only the secondsuch covenant in the nation. In 1992, he

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was one of five Southern bishops whoissued a joint statement opposing the use ofthe death penalty. In 1994, he was a par-ticipant in a joint Catholic-Anglican com-mission that unanimously agreed on a five-point affirmation of shared Eucharisticbelief. In 1999, he started the Raleighdiocesan Reconciliation Initiative, a pro-gram of pastoral outreach to Catholics sep-arated from the sacraments because ofirregular marriages. In 2000, he joinedwith Bishop Curlin in seeking an end tothe death penalty in North Carolina. Afuneral Mass was celebrated on August 20at St. Michael the Archangel CatholicChurch in Cary, NC. Bishop Wilton D.Gregory, Archbishop of Atlanta, wasPrincipal Celebrant, with Msgr. Gerald L.Lewis the homilist. Bishop Michael F.Burbidge, six bishops and priests of the diocese concelebrated. In attendance weredeacons, religious and diocesan seminari-ans who joined family, friends and diocesanand parish staffs.

✙ Fr. William F. Murphy, PS’52 andSMS’56, (Providence), died November 13,2013, at the age of 82. He was ordained apriest on May 26, 1956 in the Cathedral ofSS. Peter and Paul in Providence byBishop Russell J. McVinney. Fr. Murphyserved as assistant pastor at St. CharlesChurch in Woonsocket, St. Peter Churchin Warwick, St. Joseph Church inNewport, and St. Patrick Church inCumberland. In 1975 he was appointedpastor of Sacred Heart Church inWoonsocket, and was transferred to St.Timothy in Warwith in 1988. In 1996, Fr.Murphy retired as pastor emeritus and tookup residence at St. John VianneyResidence in Providence. A concelebratedMass of Christian Burial was offered at St.Timothy Church in Warwick.

✙ Fr. Andrew J. Plesa, SMS’56,(Rockford), died June 21, 2013, at the ageof 87, after a long illness. He was ordainedto the priesthood on May 26, 1956, byBishop Martin McNamara at St. JosephChurch in Aurora, IL. He served asparochial vicar at St. Peter Church, SpringGrove; St. Joseph Church, Elgin;Cathedral of St. Peter, Rockford; and OurLady of Good Counsel, Aurora. Fr. Plesa

became pastor at Sacred Heart Church,Aurora; SS. Peter and Paul Church, Cary;and St. Peter Church, Spring Grove. Hewas dean of the McHenry Deanery from1984-1987, was a diocesan consultor form1995-1999, and was a fourth degree Knightof Columbus. He retired in 2001. Afuneral Mass was celebrated at St. MaryChurch in DeKalb, with Bishop David J.Malloy as the main celebrant.

✙ Fr. Stanley J. Sikora, PS’53 andSMS’57, (Hartford), died peacefully onJune 21, 2013, at the age of 82. He wasordained to the priesthood on May 25,1957, in St. Lawrence O’Toole Church inHartford by Archbishop Henry J. O’Brien.Fr. Sikora served as assistant pastor atBlessed Sacrament Parish in Waterbury,SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish inHartford, St. Casimir Parish in Terryville,St. Stanislaus Parish in Bristol, again at SS.Cyril and Methodius, Sacred Heart Parishin New Britain, St. Jerome Parish in NewBritain, and St. Mary Parish in Milford. In1993, Fr. Sikora was appointed administra-tor of St. Stanislaus Parish in Waterbury.He retired in 2001. Archbishop Henry J.Mansell celebrated a Mass of ChristianBurial on June 26 at Sacred Heart Churchin New Britain.

✙ Edmund A. Evanowski, Sr., SCC’52and SMS’59, died August 22, 2013, at theage of 82. Edmund was employed as awarehouse supervisor in Woodbridge for 26years, retiring in 1995. He then worked asa baker in Piscataway for several years. Hewas a veteran of the U.S. Army, and acommunicant of St. Francis Cabrini R.C.Church in Piscataway where he served asthe CCD coordinator and Vice Presidentof the PTA. He is survived by his lovingwife, Stella (Gonzales Evanowski), six chil-dren, thirteen grandchildren and three sib-lings. A Mass of Christian Burial was cele-brated at St. Francis Cabrini R.C. Churchon August 27.

✙ Msgr. William J. Carton, SMS’59,(Trenton), died July 13, 2013, at the age of79. Msgr. Carton was ordained a priestSept. 19, 1959, in St. Mary of theAssumption Cathedral, Trenton, by BishopGeorge W. Ahr. As a parochial vicar, heserved in St. Paul Parish, Princeton; St.

Bernadette Parish, Parlin; St. JoachimParish, Trenton, and Holy Cross Parish,Rumson. During this time he also held theposition of Mercer County director forCatholic Relief Services and Catholicchaplain to the Trenton Fire Department.After serving for six months as temporaryadministrator of Holy Cross, Msgr. Cartonwas named administrator of St. MaryParish, Deal. He was installed as pastorthere in 1974, and served for 12 years. Hewas then appointed pastor of St. Markparish for 12 years. He was named aPrelate of Honor to His Holiness by PopeJohn Paul II in 1997. He retired in 2008,and lived with fellow priests in VillaVianney and assisted with Masses andother liturgical celebrations in area parish-es. Bishop David M. O’Connell was prin-cipal celebrant of a Mass of ChristianBurial in St. Mark Church, Sea Girt.

✙ Fr. Andre J. Meluskey, SCC’53 andSMS’59, (Harrisburg), died June 16, 2013,on his 83rd birthday. He was ordained tothe priesthood on March 14, 1959, in St.Patrick Cathedral, by the late BishopGeorge L. Leech. Fr. Meluskey served atSt. Francis Xavier Church in Gettysburg,St. Joseph Church in York, St. Patrick’s inYork, St. Edward Parish in Shamokin. In1967 he was named Chaplain for theHarrisburg State Hospital, Local Directorof Catholic Charities, Chaplain to theSisters of Mercy at Mercycrest Conventand Director of the Spanish Apostolate.He was then assigned to St. ColumbaChurch in Bloomsburg, then to St. Joseph’sChurch in Danville, where he was thedirector of Migrant Ministries. Fr.Meluskey later was named Pastor ofAssumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryRoman Catholic Church in Lancaster, St.James in Steelton, St. Anne in Lancaster,Corpus Christi in Chambersburg,Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Maryin McSherrystown. In 2000 he became aSenior Priest for St. Patrick Church inCarlisle. A Mass of Christian Burial wascelebrated at St. Patrick Church inCarlisle, with Bishop William J.Waltersheid, Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburg,as the Principal Celebrant.

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✙ Joseph E. Emerson, PS’58 and SMS’62,died on June 12, 2013, at the age of 77.He was the husband of BernadetteOlszewski Emerson, his wife of 39 years.After attending St. Charles College,Catonsville, Loyola College, Baltimore,and St. Mary’s Seminary, he received hislaw degree from the University ofBaltimore in 1965. Joe was an AssistantCounty Attorney in Montgomery County,MD, and in the private practice of law inBaltimore. From the office’s start inMaryland, he served in the PublicDefender’s Office in Baltimore City andHoward County from 1972 through 1978.He completed his law career serving as theDeputy County Attorney in FrederickCounty, MD from 1979 until his retire-ment in 1996. Joe had been a member ofthe Elks Club and was a past President anda life member of the Optimist Club ofFrederick. He was a member and pastPresident of the St. Vincent dePaulSociety, and a faithful member of St. Johnthe Evangelist in Frederick, MD. A Massof Christian Burial was celebrated at St.John the Evangelist with Fr. J. KevinFarmer, SMS’92, (Baltimore), officiating.

✙ Msgr. Robert W. Fulton, SMS’62,(Mobile), died August 18, 2013, at the ageof 76. He was ordained a priest on May31, 1962 at the Cathedral-Basilica of theImmaculate Conception, Mobile, for thethen-diocese of Mobile-Birmingham.Msgr. Fulton served as assistant pastor at

Cathedral parish, Mobile; Christ the KingParish, Daphne; St. John Parish,Warrington, FL; St. James Parish, Gadsden;St. Bede the Venerable Parish and St.Peter Parish, Montgomery, where he alsotaught at Montgomery Catholic HighSchool. Msgr. Fulton was then assigned aspastor of St. Elizabeth Parish, Greenville;Christ the King Parish, Andalusia; St.Martin Parish, Troy; St. Margaret Parish,Bayou LaBatre; St. Maurice Parish,Brewton; and Our Lady of the Gulf Parish,Gulf Shores. In 2002, Msgr. Fulton waselevated to the title of Monsignor as aChaplain to His Holiness, Pope John PaulII. A Mass of Christian Burial was cele-brated at Our Lady of the Gulf Parish.

✙ Fr. Edward C. Connelly, SMS’65,(Baltimore), died August 18, 2013, at theage of 80. Fr. Connelly was ordained onMay 22, 1965 by Bishop Daniel J. Feeney,Bishop of Portland, ME. He was incardi-nated into the Diocese of Portland, MEand released for service to the Society ofSt. Sulpice soon afterwards. He remaineda member of the Society until his incardi-nation into the Archdiocese of Baltimoreon April 25, 1979 by Archbishop WilliamBorders. After his ordination he wasassigned to teach at St. Mary’s Seminaryon Paca Street where he served from 1966-1969. He was then sent to teach at St.Mary’s in Catonsville from 1972-1976.Beginning in 1972 he served as part-timeassociate pastor for St. Pius X parish in

Baltimore. He served as full-time associatepastor for St. Pius X from 1976-1987. In1987 he was appointed pastor of St.Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Crofton,where he remained until his retirement in2012. A Funeral Mass was celebrated atSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, presidedby Bishop William C. Newman.

✙ Fr. David W. Howell, SMS’65,(Bridgeport), died April 4, 2013, at the ageof 73. He was ordained a priest on May22, 1965, at St. Augustine Cathedral byBishop Walter W. Curtis. Fr. Howell’s firstassignment was as parochial vicar of St.Stephen Parish in Trumbull. He served asa territorial vicar, was a member of theDiocesan Priests’ Council from 1982-1983,and was appointed as auditor-instructor inthe diocesan tribunal in 1983. Fr. Howellwas appointed pastor of St. Joseph’s in1986. He remained at the parish until hisretirement in 2008. He lived at theCatherine Dennis Keefe Queen of theClergy Residence Stamford from his retire-ment until the time of his death. A Massof Christian Burial was celebrated withMsgr. Jerald A. Doyle as the principal cele-brant and Msgr. Scheyd delivering thehomily.

✙ Fr. Edward T. Alberts, SMS’75,(Nashville), died June 21, 2013, at the ageof 65. Fr. Alberts was ordained on May 24,1975 at St. Edward Church in Nashville byBishop James D. Niedergeses. Fr. Albertswas the first priest ordained by BishopNiedergeses, who had been ordained andinstalled as bishop only four days before.He served the next six years in Knoxville,then part of the Diocese of Nashville, asassociate pastor at Sacred Heart Churchand later Holy Ghost Church, a teacher atKnoxville Catholic High School and CYOdirector for the Knoxville Deanery. In1981, he was appointed pastor of St.Patrick Church in McEwen, and in 1983became pastor of St. Ignatius. The diocesedecided to establish a new parish inBrentwood and in 1989 Fr. Alberts wasappointed pastor. He was the first andonly pastor of Holy Family Church inBrentwood. A Funeral Mass was held onJune 25 at Holy Family with Bishop DavidChoby presiding.

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Anonymous (14)Rev. Msgr. Lloyd E. AikenRev. Frank D. AlmadeRev. David J. ArseneaultRev. W. Pierre BakerRev. David J. BaranowskiRev. Msgr. Robert G. BarcioRev. Msgr. A. Thomas BaumgartnerDr. William E. BeckerRev. Edward M. BellRev. Donald M. BergMr. Lawton Blandford, Jr.Rev. Peter C. BodensteinerRev. Msgr. Richard J. BozzelliRev. Msgr. John J. BrackenRev. William E. BreslinRev. Donald BriceRev. Paul R. BueterRev. Robert J. BurbankRev. John L. CairnsRev. Nicholas J. CalabroCh. Capt. Steven V. CarlsonRev. Anthony M. CarotenutoRev. Peter F. Chirico, S.S.Rev. Lionel G. ChouinardRev. Hugh F. CreanRev. Frederick J. Cwiekowski, S.S.Rev. Gary G. DavisMr. Robert J. DegnanMr. and Mrs. Robert A. del RussoRev. Martin H. DemekRev. James E. DiemandRev. Robert J. DonnellyRev. Msgr. Andrew DuboisRev. Msgr. John L. FitzGerald,

CHC, USNRev. John W. FlemingRev. William P. FoleyRev. Kevin J. Forsyth

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. GilheanyRev. Stephen J. GleesonMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. GuiffreRev. James G. GuttingRev. C. Robert HabermanRev. Raymond L. Harris, Jr.Rev. Msgr. Cletus J. HawesRev. Donald J. HawesMr. James E. HayesRev. Thomas J. Hayes, D.Min.Rev. W. Paul HillRev. Msgr. Mervin J. HoodRev. Msgr. John P. HopkinsMost Rev. William R. Houck, D.D.Rev. Thomas R. Hurst, S.S.Rev. John F. HynesDr. James P. JenkinsRev. Archpriest Michael D. KirklandRev. John M. KisslingMr. Gerald L. KlarsfeldRev. Daniel J. KnepperRev. David J. KochRev. Msgr. Henry A. KriegelRev. Norman J. KrutzikRev. Joseph G. M. KurnathRev. Alphonse S. LabieniecRev. John R. LaneseRev. Leo J. Larrivee, S.S.Rev. Donald G. LearyRev. Robert F. Leavitt, S.S.Rev. Msgr. Gerald L. Lewis, V.G.Rev. George A. LimmerMr. and Mrs. M. Kevin LynchMr. E. Sherwood MacDonaldMr. Richard E. MandevilleRev. Robert B. MattinglyRev. Ronald P. MayRev. Thomas J. McDermottRev. Robert J. McEleney

Rev. Vincent dePaul McMurry, S.S.Rev. Msgr. Charles W. McNameeMr. Richard F. MeehanMr. and Mrs. Anthony R. MigniniRev. Msgr. Chester M. MoczydlowskiRev. Msgr. George B. MoellerRev. Christopher P. MooreRev. James M. MoranRev. Bernard J. MullaneRev. Mr. Philip J. NewtonHon. Raymond A. NovakRev. Mark A. NowakRev. Robert A. OursRev. John F. PaarRt. Rev. Joseph W. PekarVery Rev. Thomas J. Peterman, VFRev. Joseph H. PettitRev. Thomas J. PeytonRev. Justin P. PinoRev. Msgr. Daniel J. PlocharczykDr. Paul P. PurtaRev. Brian M. RaffertyRev. Msgr. Peter R. RianiMr. Robert J. RuthRev. J. Patrick RyanRev. Thomas A. ScalaDr. James R. SchaeferRev. Laurence Schlegel, O.S.B.Very Rev. John F. ScottRev. James L. SecoraRev. Msgr. Michael P. ShugrueVery Rev. Richard SmithRev. A. Leo SpodnikMr. and Mrs. Frederick R. SwallowMr. Leonard A. TartagliaRev. Michael L. TaukeRev. Edward J. TheinRev. Paul K. ThomasRev. John J. Thome

Rev. Msgr. Philip F. Thoni, CH (LTC) USA, Ret.

Rev. Msgr. Michael J. TierneyRev. Msgr. Ronald A. Tosti, Ret.Mr. Gerard G. TrageserRev. Msgr. F. Charles TroncaleMr. Stanley TuchalskiVery Rev. Thomas R. Ulshafer, S.S.Rev. Richard F. VickeryRev. Leonard E. VoytekRev. Francis X. WallaceRev. Harry P. WeaverRev. Theodore R. WeitzelRev. Sean G. WintersRev. John J. Zec


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Rev. Richard L. Conboy †Rev. Alan M. Dillmann †Rev. E. Gerard Huesman †Rev. William J. Lee, S.S. †Mr. Charles Little †Rev. Andre J. Meluskey †Rev. Stanley T. Nakowicz †Rev. Joseph K. Parzymies †Ms. Ruth E. Pfeiffer †Rev. Msgr. John R. Torney †

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