classical india rules 1.there are three teams: brahma, vishnu, and shiva. 2.each round, the team...

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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  • RULES 1.There are three teams: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. 2.Each round, the team chooses a team member to go up. 3.The questions are sorted out by difficulty and are rated by stars. The questions with one star are the easiest, and the questions with 5 starts are the hardest. 4.At the beginning of each round, a random number between 1-3 is chosen. Brahma is 1, Vishnu is 2, and Shiva is 3. 5.When the question is displayed, the team representative has an option to answer without multiple choice. This option only lasts for 10 seconds. To use this feature, click on Hermione. 6.After 10 seconds, the multiple choices will appear and the representatives can converse with the team.
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  • Question Here a)Answer A b)Answer B c)Answer C d)Answer D
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  • SCORING 1.Each star is worth 10 points. Therefore, the 1-star questions are 10 points and the 5-star question is 50 points 2.If you get a question wrong, you lose double the amount of points the question was worth. For example, if you get a 5-star question wrong, you lose 100 points. 3.If you get a question wrong while using a Hermione, then you lose double the amount of points the question was worth and an extra 25 point loss. 4.Yes, there is negative points.
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  • 1
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  • Which mountain ranges protect India? a)Hindu Kush and the Himalayas b)Atlas Mountains and Hindu Kush c)Ural and Zagros Mountains d)Grampian and Caucus Mountains
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  • Which of the following originated in India? a)Islam b)Legalism c)Daoism d)Buddhism
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  • Which of the following did Asoka NOT do? a)Convert to Buddhism after meeting a Buddhist b)Build extensive roads for his empire c)Build stupas d)Create a law code
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  • Where do the inhabitants of India come from? a)China b)Himalayan Mountains c)Africa d)Caucus Steppes
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  • Who was the most well known Mauryan Emperor? a)Chandragupta b)Asoka c)Chandra Gupta III d)Kautilya
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  • A holy text of India written in a period of questioning: a)Arthashastra b)Upanishads c)Vedas d)Shakuntala
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  • Who were the Aryans? a)People who migrated to India b)People who moved to the Anatolia Region c)Natives of India d)Indo-Saxons
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  • Where do the winter monsoons come from? a)The Himalayas b)The Indian Ocean c)The Hindu Kush Mountains d)Anatolia
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  • What did the Jains believe? a)There is bad in everyone b)All people are good c)All life is sacred d)People are flawed
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  • What led to the decline of the Guptas? a)Mongol Invasion b)Invasion of the White Huns c)Overtaken by the Yellow Huns d)Death of Chandragupta Make the other team lose points! -
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  • This Indian Emperor was very paranoid due to his hiring of many spies: a)Asoka b)Chandragupta c)Chandra Gupta d)Atila
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  • Where are the Caucus Mountains? a)Next to the Baltic Sea b)Between Black and Caspian Sea c)Northern Africa d)Greece
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  • What were the native Indians called when the Aryans invaded? a)Hittites b)Dasas c)Vaisyas d)Sudras
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  • Who were the Ksatriyas? a)Rulers & Warriors b)Founders of Hinduism c)The untouchables d)Heretics
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  • What social role did the Aryans take? a)Nobles b)Peasants c)Serfs d)Sudras
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  • What is Dharma? a)Social position in next life is determined by conduct in present life b)Set of moral & ethical rules that govern the conduct of each class c)Another name for Kharma d)The idea of Junzi
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  • This class made up the Brahmins caste: a)Food providers b)Workers c)Farmers d)Priests
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  • How were the Mauryan and Gupta Empires different? a)Mauryan was larger b)Gupta was larger c)Mauryan banned Buddhism d)Gupta converted to Christianity
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  • Which empire was Chandragupta part of? a)Gupta b)Mauryan c)Kopan d)Bhartrian
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  • Who were the Hittites? a)People who migrate to India b)People who came from the Caucus Mountains c)People who inhabited the Indus River Valley d)People who dominated Southwest Asia for 450 years
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  • Which of the following was NOT an advancement of the Classical Indians? a)Zero b)The decimal system c)Pi d)Base 2, a.k.a. binary
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  • Who were the Vaisya? a)The thighs of Brahman b)Providers of food c)Traders and merchants d)All of the above
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  • Where was the Mauryan empire centered? a)Tamil b)Indus River Valley c)Sardinia d)Kanlinga Double Points! x2
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  • Which god was the preserver? a)Brahma b)Vishnu c)Shiva d)Gandhi
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  • What was a Jajman? a)A member of the caste system b)One who gives service c)One who gives gifts d)A priest
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  • RANDOM POINTS Click on your team color to win 100 Points! +100 +100 +100
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  • What is a Kamin? a)An Indian Warrior b)The last leader of Kopan c)One who believes in Karma d)Someone who serves a Jajman
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  • Which of the following is NOT a technology of the Indo-Europeans? a)Domesticated horses b)Gun Powder c)Tribes d)A common language
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  • Team Brahma A
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  • B
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  • C
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  • D
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  • Hermione
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  • Team Vishnu A
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  • B
  • Slide 43
  • C
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  • D
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  • Hermione
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  • Team Shiva A
  • Slide 47
  • B
  • Slide 48
  • C
  • Slide 49
  • D
  • Slide 50
  • Hermione

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