classifying matter scavengar hunt

Post on 22-May-2015






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For a school project


Classifying Matter Scavenger Hunt

By John R. Voyles

Copper (Element)

This image displays a penny. Pennies are made of copper.

Water (Compound)

Water is a compound of the elements hydrogen and oxygen. This is water in a cup.

Table Salt (Compound)

Sodium Chloride is table salt. A compound of the elements sodium and chlorine, this is table salt in a spoon.

Canola Oil (Mixture)

Crisco Pure Canola Oil is a mixture of many different chemical compounds.

Jelly Beans (Mixture)

This bag of Jelly beans is an uneven mixture of the different flavors.

Soda (Mixture)

This glass is filled with soda. Soda is an uneven mixture of substances including carbon gas that releases itself in bubbles when you pour it.

Homogeneous Mixtures

Flour and Sugar

This is an even mix of the compounds flour and sugar, one spoonful each.

Ketchup and Mustard

Here we mixed a spoonful of Heinz Ketchup and a spoonful of Mustard together into a homogeneus mixture.

Heterogeneous mixtures


This is a lamp. The lamp is a heterogeneus mixture because there’s different amounts of glass and steel. It is an uneven mixture.


This is my dog. She is a heterogeneus mixture because she has organs, blood, brains, fur, skin and various different substances making up her body.

The End

This has been the “Classifying Matter Scavenger Hunt”

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