clauses, sentence structure & modifiers...

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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Clauses, Sentence Structure & Modifiers [29]


SWBAT distinguish between independent and dependent clauses, and identify different sentence structure AMB a worksheet.

Which paragraph is more interesting?

Example 1: Earth day is tomorrow. We will celebrate. Everyone should bring a reusable water bottle. You should bring a “no-waste” lunch. Please bring your money. The Garden Club is selling plants.

Example 2: Earth day is tomorrow, and our school will celebrate. Everyone should bring a reusable water bottle and a “no-waste” lunch. Be sure to bring your money because the garden club is selling plants to raise money for the school garden.


Clause: a group of related words that has both a subject and a verb.

Independent clause: can stand on its own as a sentence.

Dependent clause: cannot stand by itself as a sentence because it has a subordinating conjunction (e.g. after, although, because) at the beginning of the clause and more information is needed to understand the meaning.

Sentences can contain a variety of clauses.

Underline Clauses

Underline independent clauses twice and dependent clauses once.

Because you helped me clean my room, I will help you pick up your toys.

Alice plays the clarinet and Rebecca plays the trumpet.

The Student Council will meet when Mrs. Shafer arrives.

Sentence Structure

1 Independent Clause: Simple Sentence

Joe took the family car.

2 Independent Clauses: Compound Sentence

I went to the store, and I bought an apple.

1 Independent & 1 Dependent Clause: Complex Sentence

Although his mother had warned him, Joe took the family car.

Underline Clauses

Underline independent clauses twice and dependent clauses once.

Because you helped me clean my room, I will help you pick up your toys.

Alice plays the clarinet, and Rebecca plays the trumpet.

The Student Council will meet when Mrs. Shafer arrives.

Punctuating Clauses

Compound sentence: add a comma and a coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) or just a semicolon.

Complex sentence: a comma after a dependent clause only if it comes before an independent clause.

Even if the storm comes, we are still going to have practice.

I will always remember you, and I will always be grateful for all your hard work.

Denise told her mother about damaging the car, even though her mother had warned her about using it

Cyrus brought his dog, his cat, two gerbils, and a parakeet with him on vacation.

Billie keeps obsessing about her grades, and she is starting to worry me.

Even after he apologized, Matt’s friendship with Carey was never the same.

I know he goes to bed early, but I need to call Uncle Max right now.

Independent Work [28]

Underline independent clauses twice and dependent clauses once. Tell the sentence structure of each. SKIP TWO LINES!

1. I will pick the tomatoes when they turn red.

2. I wanted to ride my bike to the park, but my tire was flat.

3. A bear was sleeping in the top of a tree on the golf course.


SWBAT identify and correct misplaced and dangling modifiers AMB a modifier correcting activity.

I rode an elephant in my pajamas.

Misplaced modifier: a word, phrase, or clause acting as an adverb or adjective that is describing an unintended word.

Create sentences:

gold lost man’s he a watch

woman dog in a blue dress caught the the

You promised on Monday you would play basketball with me.

Driving down the street, the dog jumped out from nowhere.

Independent Work [28]

Directions: Rewrite each sentence below by rearranging or rewriting the words to make sure the modifiers are describing the appropriate words.

The art dealer sold a picture to the woman in the silver frame.

When in fourth grade my mother changed jobs.

Slithering through the grass, we watched the garden snake.

When he was three years old, Max’s uncle showed him how to fly a kite.

We stood in line to buy tickets for the show for twenty minutes.

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