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We can have Peace Right Now!


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We can have Peace in Exchange for a Special 5 minute Prayer Offered by the Pope and the Bishops! Come, Learn about It! Then, Insist Upon It!

But still we can have Peace Right Now!

To find out how, You are invited Come to Niagara Falls, Canada September 8-13, 2013

“Because they have deceived my people,saying: Peace, and there is no peace.” -Ezechiel 13:10

How many times have talks aimed at peace ended in war? How many times will we trust in the wisdom of leaders who have no wisdom, because they have no fear of God? How long will the leaders of the Catholic Church ignore the only hope for peace in the Church and peace in the world? How long will we risk Heaven’s wrath by failing to obey Our Lady?

CHRISTOPHER FERRARA, ESQ.Christopher A. Ferrara earned his Baccalaureate and Juris Doctor degrees from Fordham University. He is President and Chief Counsel of the American Catholic Lawyers Association. He has written extensively on Catholic issues. His articles have appeared in The Latin Mass and The Remnant, and other publications. He authored several books, including Liberty, The God that Failed, The Secret Still Hidden, False Friends of Fatima and translated into English Antonio Socci’s book, Il Quarto Segreto di Fatima. (The Fourth Secret of Fatima). He together with John Salza debated Giuseppe De Carli at our conference in Rome at – The Fatima Challenge, May 2010. The results of that historic debate are detailed in Mr. Ferrara’s account “Vindication”. It changed the landscape of the Fatima controversies forever.

JOE SCHEIDLERPerhaps the world’s foremost Pro-Life warrior, Mr. Scheidler is National Director of the Pro-Life Action League and has fought for the unborn on the front lines for decades. Known as the Green Beret of the Pro-Life movement, he has been prosecuted, persecuted and threatened and remains undaunted. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in his favor in his decades-long battle with the National Organization of Women. He does not back down. Mr. Scheidler is an example to us of what courage can accomplish, and how grace will sustain us in all our tribulations if we remain loyal to the truth.

JOHN VENNARIWriter, researcher, catechist, Editor of the monthly journal, Catholic Family News. His articles have also appeared in publications such as Christian Order, The Fatima Crusader and The Angelus. He is author of the books Close-ups of the Charismatic Movement and The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita: A Blueprint for the Subversion of the Catholic Church. He has been interviewed by various news agencies around the world, including the BBC.



BARBARA SKURNOWICZBarbara Skurnowicz lives in Michigan with her husband John. She is a Catholic mother of 3 vaccine injured daughters. She has been researching the history and complications from the vaccination program for over 20 years after her daughters had serious adverse reactions from their childhood vaccines. She is currently founder and President of HealthCare Professionals for Vaccine Choice in Michigan an organization seeking legislation to prevent forced vaccinations as a condition of employment in Michigan for health care workers.

PAUL A. BYRNE, M. D.Dr. Byrne is Board Certified in Pediatric, Neonatal and Prenatal Medicine. He is an international lecturer on medical ethics and a staunch opponent of abortion and euthanasia. A past president of the Catholic Medical Association and a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, Dr. Byrne has made presentations on Life issues to 9 state legislatures. He is chairman of the Ethics Committee, City of Faith Medical and Research Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma.


WE MUSTHeaven!The aim of government is the good of the governed. And what higher good is there than the salvation of souls? “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Luke 12:31

look to

The Most Rev. S. Michael Augustine, Archbishop Emeritus of Cuddalore and Pondicherry, India, in conjunction with The Fatima Center, is convening a meeting in Niagara Falls, Canada, from September 8, 2013 to September 13, 2013 to examine the condition of the world and the Church and to urge our leaders to take the only action that can avert the economic, political and military disaster that is looming –


Government without God – secularism – has failed! How could anyone ever believe it might succeed? How can you ignore the Creator and His laws and think that His Creation is yours to refashion according to your own ideas? Secularism has been the most insane experiment in the history of human folly!

CATHERINE PEARSONCatherine Pearson, an American Catholic laywoman of deep faith and traditional piety, who writes with conviction and well reasoned arguments that the Pope should once again call for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Catherine is the author of the thought-provoking article Now is the Time proving that the Consecration of Russia will be a great good to Russia and the world and the Church. Her definitive report Fatima’s Unfinished Business is a sequel which proves the Consecration of Russia is not done and that is because the Popes are living under an undisclosed major threat.

DR. BRUCE M. WALTERS, M.D.Dr. Walters is a psychiatrist and the Medical Director for the Ottawa County Community Mental Health System in Michigan. He also serves as psychiatrist and medical consultant for Livingston County Catholic Charities and outpatient psychiatrist for a third-party, low-cost Catholic clinic, St. Luke Hometown Healthcare in Brighton, Michigan. He is a close student of the Message of Fatima as it relates to the economic and geopolitical problems we are currently facing. Dr. Walters is the author of the book Russian Sunrise.

You can also donate to Our Lady’s Apostolate to help cover the enormous cost of this undertaking. And you

can pray, pray, pray that Our Lady will at last be obeyed.

You can be a part of “Fatima: The Path to Peace!” Don’t miss this God-given opportunity!

If you cannot come, you can follow the conference on, where the talks will be posted as the conference progresses.



PETER CHOJNOWSKI, Ph. D.He is a Professor of Philosophy and holds a degree in Political Science and a Ph.D. in Philosophy. He specializes in the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas and Catholic Social Thought. His articles have appeared in various Catholic journals, including The Angelus, Faith and Reason and The Review of Metaphysics.

CORNELIA FERREIRACornelia has authored various books exposing the New Age Movement and Feminism. She holds a Master of Science degree and is an internationally-known writer and lecturer. Her articles have appeared in “Catholic Family News”, and “Christian Order”.

MICHAEL MATTHe has been editor of The Remnant since 1994. A graduate from Christendom College, he has written hundreds of articles on the state of the Church as well as on the anti-Chrisitan political trends in the world. Michael’s addresses prove himself to be a powerful opponent of anti- Catholic movements.

BRIAN MCCALL Ph.D.He is an attorney, writer, scholar and University Professor of Law. He explains the economic crisis as a result of a failure to adhere to Catholic principles. He is author of the new book: “The Church and the Usurers, Unprofitable Lending for the Modern Economy”.

THE HON. MARIO BORGHEZIOMember of the European Union Parliament, Mr. Borghezio wants Europe to return to its Catholic roots. He is a strong supporter of the Fatima Message. He is a leading supporter in the petition to the E.U Parliament regarding the Consecration of Russia.

JOHN MCMANUSMr. McManus served his country in the US Marine Corps. He has made numerous radio and television appearances, including C-SPAN and Larry King. Mr. McManus is also the author of numerous books, such as The Insiders and Changing Command, the Betrayal of the American Military.

God must come first! His justice is the key to all other good things – to peace and prosperity! And justice means rendering to God the obedience that is His due as Creator. When we know for certain that God has asked us to do something, we invite our ruin, spiritually and materially, if we refuse to do it.

God sent Our Lady to Fatima to ask a simple thing: Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. God has waited almost a century now for the world to honor that request. But the world has gone its own way. Look at the results!

“Fatima: The Path to Peace!” is a call to a return to sanity in the governance of the world and the Church, for the two cannot be separated! The first step on that road to return is for all leaders – in the nations and in the Church – to realize we have been given a guaranteed solution to the many problems that confront us.

If the Pope and bishops, in unison, consecrate Russia – by name – to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady has promised that Russia will be converted and peace will be granted to the whole world. So much can be gained! So little is asked in return! Why not try it?

And Our Lady has told us that if the consecration is delayed, we risk “the annihilation of nations” and great suffering for the Pope and persecutions of the Faithful. She has also told us “Only I can help you.” WE HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO TURN! OUR LADY IS OUR ONLY HOPE AND HELP!

So we are bringing together leaders of Church and state for a grand summit in Niagara Falls, Canada. We are inviting members of the Canadian Parliament, the European Union Parliament, the United States Congress and Catholic bishops from throughout the world. And we invite all men and women of good will who long for peace. Come! Hear! Learn! Pray! Implore our leaders to act!

This conference will be historic! Already we have commitments from prominent people in the world of politics and the media. You can be a part of this great gathering that aims at nothing less than transforming the world of hate and violence into one of love and peace. It can be done. You can help do it!


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JOHN F. SALZA, J.D.He is an attorney and author of many best-selling books including Masonry Unmasked, Why Catholics Cannot Be Masons. He is also co-author (along with Robert Sungenis) of “The Consecration of Russia”. He has been a frequent guest on Catholic radio and television.

DR. ERVIN JOHN DOAKFormer Professor of Economics at St. Mary’s University in Halifax, Canada where he taught for 37 years. He is an expert in the interaction between government and the private sector economy. He will explain satan’s role in current human history.

WILLIAM F. JASPERHe is Senior editor of The New American - He has been an accredited journalist covering the U.N. for two decades - Mr. Jasper is one of America’s top investigative reporters, known for his intrepid undercover work and fearless exposes. His exhaustive investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing uncovered the deceit in the lone-bomber account of the Justice Department. He has written two books on the dangers of one-world government: Global Tyranny … Step by Step and The United Nations Exposed.


DR. RON PAULDr. Paul has spent more than two decades in the U.S. Congress, often as its only voice of reason. As a two-time presidential candidate for the Republican nomination, Dr. Paul has brought his message to hundreds of millions of people through nationally televised debates. Dr. Paul was the only candidate to call for an end to militarism, a withdrawal of U.S. troops from foreign soil, and the strict adherence to the Just War Principles. He has called for an end to the Federal Reserve Bank, which imperils the economy by printing money out of thin air. He has called for a return to the gold standard as a way to fulfill the Biblical mandate for an honest system of “weights and measures.” And he has fought for the Pro-Life cause. As an obstetrician who has delivered more than 4,000 babies, Dr. Paul knows the science of life. He knows abortion is murder. And he has the courage to say so. Dr. Paul stands by the truth, in season and out. He knows that the course governments are following can only lead to greater catastrophes than those we are now suffering. We are pleased to have this courageous defender of life and truth at “Fatima: The Path to Peace!”

There may be more to follow. Stay updated on conference developments at www.fatima.orgCONFERENCE SPEAKERS THE FOLLOWING SPEAKERS HAVE COMMITTED TO SPEAKING AT THE CONFERENCE

G. EDWARD GRIFFING. Edward Griffin is a writer and documentary film producer with many successful titles to his credit. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand. He has dealt with such diverse subjects as the Federal Reserve System, terrorism, internal subversion, the history of taxation, U.S. foreign policy, the science and politics of cancer therapy, the Supreme Court, and the United Nations. His better-known works include The Creature from Jekyll Island, World without Cancer, and The Fearful Master. Mr. Griffin is Founder and President of American Media, The Cancer Cure Foundation, and Freedom Force International.

FATHER NICHOLAS GRUNERFather Nicholas Gruner B.Com., S.T.B., S.T.L., S.T.D. (Cand.), is a graduate of McGill University, where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Commerce. He then studied in Rome at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) where he received his Bachelor’s and his Licentiate degrees of Sacred Theology. There he has also completed with highest honors all of the courses for his Doctorate. Father Gruner has dedicated his 37 years in the priesthood to promoting the Message of Fatima. He directs the largest Fatima apostolate in the world and publishes a quarterly magazine, The Fatima Crusader. His apostolate has published many critically important books on the Fatima Message, and distributes millions of sacramentals and pieces of Fatima literature worldwide. The Fatima Center operates more than 40 websites in over 5 languages (all accessible through, advancing the public’s understanding and awareness of Our Lady of Fatima’s requests, and clearly drawing much attention to Church authorities to publish the whole 3rd Secret of Fatima and respond to the entirety of Our Lady’s Message. The Fatima Center broadcasts around the clock on a regular TV channel in Rome, as well as on the worldwide web (in English and Italian), at Fr. Gruner is the principal author of the book World Enslavement of Peace...It’s up to the Pope.

FATHER PAUL KRAMERFather Paul Kramer (S.T.B., M.Div., S.T.L. Cand.) has been a Catholic priest for more than 35 years. He earned his Bachelor’s degrees in Philosophy and Sacred Theology at the prestigious Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) in Rome, and his Master’s degree in Divinity at Holy Apostles College in Cromwell, Connecticut. He has been an assiduous student of Catholic prophecy for more than 40 years, with studies encompassing both the Old and New Testaments, as well as the many Church-approved apparitions of Our Lady (especially those of Our Lady of Fatima), and volumes of prophecies made by reputable Catholic mystics and saints throughout the past 2,000 years. He is the author of three books: The Theological Vindication of Roman Catholic Traditionalism, The Suicide of Altering the Faith in the Liturgy, and his latest book, The Mystery of Iniquity, now in its 3rd edition. He is also the editor and a principal contributor for The Devil’s Final Battle.


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