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Client Handbook

TTP Coventry

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


Welcome to TTP Coventry 3

TTP Recovery Communities 3

TTP Mission Statement 3

Vision Statement 3

Core Values 3

Client Group 4

The Staff Team 4

Treatment Model & Programme 4

Abstinence and our philosophy 4

12 Step Fellowships 5

The spiritual aspect of our Programme 5

TTP Programme 5

Admission 6

Aftercare 8

Family, Visits & Carers 8

Visitors 8

What you can expect from us 9

What we expect from you 10

Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco 10

Personal Property 10

Post 11

Telephone Calls 11

Loans/Borrowing 11

Support Programme 11

Buddies 12

Leaving the service 12

Nuisance and Harassment 12

Unsuitable use of TTP Premises 13

Intimate relationships 13

Pets 13

Reporting Repairs 13

Damage to Property & Charges 13

Health & Safety 13

Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults 14

Quality Assurance 15

Copy of Treatment Contract Agreement 16

Verbal and written warning 17

Discharge Planned & Unplanned 18

Policies & Procedures 19

Confidentiality Policy 19

Disciplinary Procedures 20

Complaints Procedure 20

Equal Opportunities Policy 21



Welcome to TTP Coventry

We hope that this handbook will give you the information you need to settle in and help you make the most of your stay with us. The first few days at a new place are always daunting, so please read this handbook carefully and make sure you talk to a member of staff if you have any questions.

TTP Recovery Communities TTP Counselling Ltd was formed in February 2006 as a 12 step abstinence residential rehab centre. The original values of accessible, well-run client-centred treatment have remained at the centre of all activities. We aim to achieve:

• Long-term abstinence for all our clients improvements in individual clients’ social functioning and community rehabilitation

• Developments in individual clients’ life skills and educational or vocational skills and goals

• Develop individual clients’ personal independence and responsibility, enabling clients to maintain family and social support networks

TTP Mission Statement1. To see people released from alcohol/drug addiction to lead a wholesome, stable and

productive life. To have hope for the future, a purpose for living and self-worth.

2. To improve the quality of life of those affected by their own or someone else’s addiction.

3. To provide life enhancing education.

4. To be great to work with.

5. To be a great place to work.

Vision StatementEvery person and family suffering from drug and alcohol addiction has a free choice to fully recover from their addiction and achieve their potential.

Core Values 1. We act with integrity and show respect

2. We are all accountable

3. We are passionate about our business, our service and our clients

4. We have the humility and hunger to learn

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


5. We love success

6. We strive for simplicity

Client GroupTTP Coventry is for those over the age of 18 who wish to reach the goal of abstinence from drugs and/or alcohol.

The Staff TeamAll our staff members are specifically trained for their work in the Centre. The Centre Manager, Counsellors, Recovery Coaches and Support Staff are all available to support you with all your needs and you will be provided with a Primary Counsellor on joining us, who will co-ordinate your care throughout your stay. All staff receive regular supervision, training and support.

Treatment Model & Programme The TTP Coventry programme addresses the whole person - body, mind and spirit. As part of your care plan, you will experience a medically managed detoxification, but this will be alongside a wealth of sessions, groups and talks which will help you make the most of your stay and tools to support you into the future.

Abstinence and our philosophyOur belief and experience is that when you suffer from addiction to alcohol and/or drugs, in order to recover, it becomes necessary to abstain from all mood and mind altering substances, including alcohol and in some cases prescription drugs. Often our clients have tried many times to stop and have been unable to do so for any significant amount of time. It’s not stopping that’s the problem its staying stopped.

There is much more to recovery than just stopping drinking and using, in fact stopping drinking and using is usually the easy bit, it’s dealing with the reasons why you drank and used drugs, self- destructively, that can be the hard part but clients don’t have to do this alone and we need to be there for you to support you every step of the way, as nothing is worse than going back to the life you lived before. At TTP, we believe you can become the best version of yourself you are capable of being and that the most rewarding years of your life are ahead.

In order to achieve this goal our programme is designed to support the client in the best possible way through group therapy sessions, workshops, videos, individual counselling, art and other complementary therapies and attending self-help 12-step meetings.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


Treatment does not end when clients leave us and we will work out an after-care package to ensure the best chance of recovery after clients graduate. We will offer after-care and discharge plans to continue recovery and we also strongly suggest continued attendance at regular 12-step meetings.

Complete abstinence is also paramount in our residential centres in order to keep the other clients safe.

12 Step FellowshipsWe strongly recommend regular attendance at 12 step meetings but we are not the fellowship, we do not represent them nor do they represent us. We do not arbitrate people’s behaviour around the fellowships and we respect very deeply the confidentiality and traditions of the fellowships. It is not our position to question the behaviour of the fellowships or their representatives. Our responsibility will include guiding clients towards meetings and to offer advice on how to find and get the most from them. Part of your treatment contract will be, during treatment clients attend at least 5 meetings a week with the fellowship of your choice.

The spiritual aspect of our ProgrammeThe 12 step model is a spiritual model and an emphasis is placed on the client looking outside of himself for a source of courage and hope. We are not a religious organisation and the client must never be told by a member of staff that a particular religion or faith is preferable over any other, nor indeed necessary. It would go against our policy of open minded inclusiveness if a representative of TTP were to force their belief system on anyone else and would be an example of intolerance were you to criticise the belief system of another. Clients are encouraged to seek help and comfort from any source you find that comfort in. For many, this may be the centre itself, the fellowship, a belief system, a religion, nature or any other source.

TTP ProgrammeYour Primary Group: When you have settled in, you will be assigned a primary group (a group of peers – with a maximum of 12 members who are at different stages of their treatment). This will be your group during the whole of primary treatment and with whom you will spend many of the structured activities. A counsellor is assigned as key worker for each group and will become your key worker, to whom you can go for guidance, support and advice on all aspects of your treatment.

Process Groups: This is a ‘therapy’ group, occurring most days, where you will be able to talk openly and safely about anything you choose.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


Social Activities: You will regularly take part in activities such as drama, music and art designed to help us express ourselves in fun and creative ways.

About every six weeks (to ensure that a client will benefit from at least one day), we all enjoy a family day. This is a day dedicated to families, friends and carers and you are the hosts during that day. A Senior Counsellor will prepare a morning’s presentations including a short talk explaining the nature of the disease of addiction, as well as an opportunity for guests to meet your loved one’s focal counsellor. The afternoon will be taken up with client’s entertaining your guests with drama, music, poetry, dance, etc. This is an excellent day for the clients and your loved ones and very popular.

Workshops: A full timetable of workshops address all aspects of addiction.

Step Groups and Worksheets: Clients will be given regular worksheets around the 12 steps and other issues. They are designed to give you an opportunity to look at your life and behaviour in a structured way. You will later read out your work to your peers for feedback and support. Any client with literacy issues will be helped towards alternative methods of addressing these issues.

One to one counselling: Group work is, on the whole, much more effective as an addiction modality than individual work, however for some clients, the need for extra one-to-one counselling may be identified. In such cases, we will provide a specialised one to one worker for weekly sessions.

TTP Community Group: TTP Coventry values the opinions and experience of its service users, therefore, we offer this opportunity for you to have your say and influence the programme and how the treatment programme is delivered within TTP.

House Meetings: Regular house meetings address the day to day issues, informing you about the itinerary of the day and events happening within the Centre.

AdmissionOn admission day you should arrive at TTP Coventry at the pre-arranged time and report to the administration office. The admissions manager or another member of staff will greet you.

You will immediately be taken into a private room where you will work through the induction and orientation process, informing you (and family members) of what you can expect from your time with us.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


You will normally have already completed an initial assessment but this will need to be expanded on and, if a detox is required, a full medical assessment will be conducted by our doctor and a suitable detox regime agreed with you.

We will make sure that everyone involved understands every aspect of the detox procedure and an agreement will be signed between you and the Centre. (See Treatment Contract.)

All medication that you bring in with you will need to be checked by our doctor, which may include checking that a valid prescription is in place. We may need to contact your GP for relevant information. All medication, including detox medication, that is prescribed directly to you by the doctor, or your GP, might be held for safekeeping at TTP Coventry and returned to you, depending on the outcome of a risk assessment, daily, weekly or permanently. This will be reviewed on a regular basis.

For general medical matters, you will be signed up as a temporary patient with a local surgery, including a dental practice if you require.

You and your belongings will be searched as part of the admission procedure, so please make sure you do not bring any drugs (other than those prescribed for you), alcohol or dangerous objects. Any mobile phones, money, bank cards and valuables will be held for safekeeping at TTP Coventry and returned to you on discharge. A complete list of everything you need to bring and what you should not bring will have been sent to you before you arrived at the Centre.

You will then be afforded the opportunity to spend some brief time with your family, loved ones or referrer before being shown around the rest of the Centre and to your sober living house... and your treatment begins!

If a client arrives under the influence: In all cases the safety of the individual, peer group and staff within the Centre is paramount.

A risk assessment will be carried out and a decision will be made whether to admit the client or postpone the admission. If admission is agreed, the admissions criteria will be followed as usual, and the client will be taken to their own room and allowed time to come around or sleep. Note: no detoxification medication can be given until a safe amount of time has elapsed. No client will be allowed to engage in any part of the programme or mix with other clients whilst under the influence. The client will be put under high observation criteria, to ensure their, other clients’ and staff safety.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


AftercareThere is a free aftercare group at the Centre every week, which can be accessed for up to 12 months after discharge.

The most important factor is the client’s commitment to whatever aftercare is agreed upon. The Centre maintains close communication with the referring agency to ensure a smooth treatment journey and to help avoid relapse.

Family, Visits & CarersWe recognise that without the support of family and friends many will never gain recovery. We also recognise that this can be very hard on those family members and friends. We offer a support and advice group each family day as well as individual family meetings where requested. After four weeks of treatment, you will be eligible for visits and these take place on Sundays. You will not have to stay in the Centre but will be able to go out with your family, within the city limits between 1pm and 10pm. Please make sure your families are aware that you should not enter bars or pubs during your visit. All visitors planning to come to a Sunday visiting session MUST register for that session by 4pm on the preceding Tuesday afternoon, to allow for staffing provision.

VisitorsVisitors are asked to hang up all coats and keep all personal possessions and valuables with them at all times.

Whilst we welcome guests into the service, please remember that TTP Coventry is responsible for all visitors whilst in attendance at the Centre. All visitors are asked to comply with the Centre’s Treatment Contract, health and safety procedures and guidelines. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in visitors being asked to leave.

Staff reserve the right to ask any visitor to leave the premises if this is deemed necessary.

Under certain limited circumstances, individuals are able to negotiate visiting times outside these parameters.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


What you can expect from usYou have the right to:

• Receive the treatment which the Centre has undertaken to provide. This will be a supportive, professional and consistent service.

• Respect at all times.

• Access information held about you by the organisation. If you would like to see the records we keep, please speak to a member of staff who will arrange an appointment for you to view them. You will not be allowed to take the file off the premises but you are welcome to have a copy of any of the documents that relate to you if you wish, for a small fee to cover the cost.

• Expect that this information be treated with confidentiality, within the limits of the confidentiality policy. A copy of this is at the back of this booklet.

• The maximum amount of choice possible in relation to the service provided, subject to treatment contract

• A safe and secure environment and to be free from harassment, to be treated fairly and equally and for social, emotional, religious and cultural difference to be respected.

• Make compliments, comments or complaints. TTP Coventry aims to provide its services efficiently and to a high standard. Where we are doing so we would like to hear about it, similarly if you feel that we have not provided you with the level of service you expected you could comment or make a complaint. The complaints procedure is printed at the end of this booklet.

• Make suggestions as to how the service can be improved. We aim to ensure that the service is truly accountable to clients, through the provision of information about the services provided, consultation over any proposed changes to the service, and the opportunity to complain or comment about those services. There is a TTP Coventry Community Meeting held each week specifically to encourage client suggestions as to how we can improve our service. In addition, you will be asked to complete an exit survey to help inform future developments. You are invited to use an advocate of your choice to speak on your behalf. A service user representative is available to help you. Ask a member of staff to tell you who this is and how to get hold of them.

• Have your views listened to.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


What we expect from youIn order to help you get the very best out of the service we need you to work with us and comply with the guidelines. On admission to the service a member of staff will provide you with this handbook and you will be asked to sign the Treatment Contract.

Alcohol, Drugs and TobaccoTTP Coventry is an alcohol and drug free service. You and your visitors must not bring alcohol or non-prescribed and illicit drugs onto the premises. All use of prescribed drugs must be notified to staff on admission and agreed by our Doctor. You must not use alcohol or illegal drugs or abuse other drugs including prescribed drugs while at the Centre. Clients are required to agree to random and planned drug testing procedures. A positive drugs test may lead to discharge from the programme.

TTP adhere to the national smoking legislation and, therefore, clients and their visitors can only smoke in the designated areas.

Personal Property We cannot accept responsibility for any personal property lost, mislaid, stolen or damaged, which you have not given to us for safekeeping. Clients are not permitted to use computers or games consoles while at the Centre so any brought in will be given to a member of staff to be stored in the safe until discharge.

Clients are required to hand in their bank cards and cash on entering the Centre and have the opportunity each day to take out money they may need for food, cigarettes, etc. Clients should refrain from bringing large amounts of cash and credit/debit cards with them if possible. All cash and credit cards/bank cards are handed in and kept in the safe at the Centre. We recommend that you bring no more than £70 per week for personal expenses.

Weapons and pornographic materials found on TTP premises will always be confiscated and may be handed in to the police.

You may be asked to submit any electrical appliances for safety inspection as requested in order for us to fulfil health and safety regulations.

On completion of your programme, please take all your belongings with you, as we are unable to store personal property. You must not remove any property belonging to TTP Coventry or other clients.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


PostClients are required to not have post sent directly to their private accomodation or Sober Living houses, but to the Centre:


TTP may request that any post received be opened in the presence of a member of the staff team.

Telephone Calls Clients are not permitted to use mobile phones while in the Centre, nor during the first four weeks of treatment. If you bring a mobile with you, on your first day, it will need to be handed in to a member of staff. Clients can use payphones or, in emergencies, use the office phones. Families and carers can call the Centre but we will not give out any information unless you have given us permission to do so. This will be covered by the appropriate form during your induction. The Centre number is 02476 837067.

Loans/Borrowing You are requested not to borrow money from or to lend money to other clients. TTP Coventry is unable to lend money to clients, but we have a dedicated team who will be able to help you, if necessary, organise your benefits, including the application of crisis loans.

Support Programme TTP will aim to provide continued support to help you complete your programme. It is strongly recommended that you participate in all the groups and activities that are available to you. Your Care Plan seeks to enable both you and us, to best address the needs that were identified through your referral and assessment process. If these change, please discuss this with staff, through your reviews.

If you require personal care, e.g. help with feeding, washing, waking, these issues will be identified in your Care Plan. Staff will work with you to enable you to be as independent as you can, whilst being able to access all aspects of the programme. Physical health improvements will be reviewed through your Care Plan and interventions will be adapted as your needs might change.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


If you require external health care services e.g. podiatry, wound care, diabetes nurse, please let us know prior to admission in order for visits to be arranged.

Buddies On arriving at TTP, a buddy will be assigned to you from within the client group. This will be another client who has been in treatment sufficiently long to be chosen by the staff to fulfil the following responsibilities:

• To accompany the newcomer at all times, making sure that you’re safe

• To explain the treatment structure, elaborating on timetables

• To Support you with therapeutic assignments, e.g. life story, step work, daily dairies, td’s…

• To be welcoming and supportive of the newcomer

• To show the area where smoking is permitted

• To help the newcomer understand and abide by the treatment contract

Leaving the serviceDischarge and aftercare plans will form part of your Care Plan and should be strictly adhered to in order to get the best from your stay here and to ensure the effects are long lasting. Your stay here will be flexible depending upon your needs.

We will aim to support you with your moving-on arrangements. We will include other key parties such as your Care Co-ordinator (if you have one) with regards to these arrangements.

Clients are strongly advised against leaving before the end of their treatment.

TTP Coventry cannot be held responsible for any client who self-discharges.

Nuisance and Harassment You must not carry out any action, which causes nuisance to other clients, staff or visitors to the Centre.

You must not commit any harassment of, or aggression on the grounds of race, ethnic origin, nationality, gender, age, mental health, religion, sexual orientation or disability. Any such action will be seen as a serious breach of contract.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


Unsuitable use of TTP PremisesYou must not use any TTP premises for trading, business or professional, or for any illegal, immoral or improper purposes, or for any purpose which would reflect badly on TTP.

Intimate relationships Peer support and group camaraderie are essential aspects to a successful detoxification programme. However, we ask that you do not form intimate relationships while at TTP. This is deemed to be detrimental to your treatment.

PetsDue to health and safety regulations, we are unable to allow you to bring pets into the Centre.

Reporting RepairsIf you become aware of a repair to TTP premises that needs to be carried out, please complete a Maintenance Form and pass to your Counsellor/Key worker. So that we may keep the property in good repair, it is important that you tell us about any repairs as soon as you can for health and safety reasons.

Damage to Property & Charges The cost of repairing any damage to the property or fixtures and fittings that has been caused by you may be charged to you. Any client who persistently causes damage to our property may be asked to leave. We treat persistent damage as a serious breach of contract.

Health & SafetyYou must not knowingly carry out any action, which would harm the health and safety of yourself, or any other person within the service. Each individual has a responsibility to monitor and report any potential hazards, which may cause harm or be a risk to self and others. A fire drill will be held at regular intervals and the fire alarms are tested on a weekly basis.

If you discover a fire: -

1. Raise the alarm by operating the nearest alarm point

2. Leave the premises immediately by the nearest exit

3. Contact the Emergency Services. Ring 999 and ask for Fire Brigade

4. When telephone is answered say, FIRE AT TTP COUNSELLING CENTRE, 4 THE QUADRANT, COVENTRY, CV1 2EL

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


If you hear the fire alarm: -

1. Leave the premises by the nearest available exit

2. Close all doors behind you

3. Report to the person in charge at the assembly point. Your assembly point is in the Quadrant main road, in front of the building, on the other side of the small wall.


1. Run or shout, this tends to cause panic

2. Re-enter the building until told to do so by the Fire Brigade

3. Put yourself at risk

If you smell gas:

• Put out all cigarettes

• Do not use matches or naked flames

• Do not use electrical switches - either on or off

• Open doors and windows to get rid of the gas

• Contact a member of staff immediately

Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults It is our responsibility to protect people from abuse whilst in our service. By abuse, we mean of a physical, sexual, psychological and financial nature. All staff are trained to deal with allegations which will be treated seriously. You can talk to a member of staff about this and a copy of our policy on Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults can be provided on request.

If you suspect that another client is being abused, let a member of staff know as soon as you can. If you do not want to tell your Counsellor/Key worker, tell the manager who is Trudy Sealy.

You may prefer to speak to a member of TTP Coventry staff who does not work at the scheme. In this case, please contact the Operations Manager, TTP Counselling LTD, Telford Place, 1 Telford Way, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 1HT or on 01582 816056.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


You may wish to contact someone who does not work for TTP Coventry. You can contact the social services department, the police, the Care Quality Commission (03000 616161) or the local authority.

If the report is made against another client, they may be offered other temporary accommodation whilst the report is investigated depending on the seriousness of the allegation. Your concerns will be addressed promptly and with sensitivity.

Should an allegation be made about a visitor, the person will be excluded from the project whilst it is investigated.

Quality AssuranceThe Health and Social Care Act 2008 came into force on 1st October 2010, and from that date all English Care Providers must comply with The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010 and the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009. They are core requirements, which apply to all Health and Social Care Providers. They stipulate standards which no provider is expected to operate below, and are designed to ensure the protection and safe guarding of clients promoting their health, welfare and quality of life. The Care Quality Commission (formerly CSCI) is the body responsible for ensuring these standards are implemented.

NICE guidelines 2007 states that ‘the aim of all drug treatment should be abstinence’ and in keeping with this guideline all clients engaged with the service should be motivated towards an abstinent lifestyle. The treatment contract should be signed by all clients as part of their induction procedure. The responsibility for acting within the boundaries of the contract lies solely with the client, supported by the other clients and TTP staff. The responsibility for any action needed as a result of not staying within these boundaries falls to the Treatment Team supported by information gathered by other staff, volunteers, and peers. Our guideline is not to work with gossip but only with verifiable information. Below is a copy of the treatment contract, which you will sign on entering treatment.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


Copy of Treatment Contract (You will be given a separate copy to sign on admission)


I, …………………………………………………………………, (The client) whilst attending and receiving treatment at TTP Counselling Centre (TTP), fully understand and agree to adhere to the following conditions of treatment:

1) To abstain from using any form of mind or mood alerting substance including alcohol. This includes medication that has not been prescribed or sanctioned by our Doctors or authorised members of their medical team or a senior member of the TTP team.

2) Not to mix, associate or spend time in the company of anyone who uses any form of mind or mood altering substance.

3) To not collude with, or enable any peer to use any form of mind or mood altering substances.

4) To not spend time with any person who has been discharged or self discharged from any drug or alcohol treatment facility.

5) To not allow any peer to use your mobile phone.

6) To not enter into any form of illegal activity or enter any establishments where illegal activity may take place.

7) To refrain from gambling or entering any establishments where gaming or gambling take place.

8) To refrain from entering into any form of exclusive or sexual relationship whilst engaged in Primary or Secondary Care, such action may lead to discharge from treatment

9) To refrain from entering pubs, bars and clubs.

10) To attend all timetabled activities, one-one counselling sessions and complete all written and therapeutic assignments on time and when requested to do so.

11) To attend 12 Step fellowship meetings of A.A, C.A, N.A, (or other 12 Step fellowships) every evening with at least two members of your TTP peer group. You are expected to attend a minimum of 5 meetings per week

12) To refrain from using any form of violence or threatening behaviour to peers, staff, visitors, property or members of the community. Anyone who commits a violent act will be reported to the police and charges pursued.

13) Mobile phones and personal stereos must be handed in to the office each morning and collected each evening. They are not to be used on our premises between the hours of 9.00am and 4.30pm. Mobile phones are not to be used during the first month of treatment and thereafter at the sole discretion of the counselling team.

14) To abide with the no smoking and out of limits areas. All of TTP premises are smoke free zones. Smoking is permitted outside where ashtrays are provided.

15) To be accompanied and supported by at least two peers at all times or as directed.

16) To respect the confidentiality of all peers, ex-peers and all people including staff involved with TTP.

17) To not discriminate against any person at TTP. This includes discrimination in relation to age, gender, sexuality, colour, creed, size, religion or social standing. Discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated!

18) To take part in random drug tests as and when requested to do so or as directed by the courts or probation services. A positive result and adulterated tests may result in instant discharge from treatment. Refusal to provide a sample may also lead to discharge from treatment.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


19) To speak directly, before 9am, to a senior member of the counselling team if you are unable to attend treatment for any reason.

20) To not have any visits during the first four weeks of treatment. Subsequent visits for the forthcoming week are to be requested during community group each Tuesday.

21) Not to bring a motor vehicle whilst engaged in treatment.

22) To treat each other in a respectful, tolerant and caring manner.

23) To not make any applications for crisis loans or grants without the permission of the senior counselling team and the senior management team. The benefits agency will not accept any application for such a loan or grant, unless a letter accompanies it from one of the directors of TTP.

24) To request that all mail and personal deliveries be sent to the Treatment Centre.

In order for every client to benefit fully from our treatment programme, an atmosphere of safety, trust and respect must exist and it is essential that every group member respects the confidentiality of their peers. Any information presented or heard within the centre is strictly confidential and the identities of peers and group members must not be disclosed to anybody outside of TTP.

In order to provide the best possible care our team operates within a multi-disciplinary protocol and through this process we are able to maintain a constant understanding of every client’s personal requirements. Information given to one counsellor or member of staff may be shared with other members of the team; this may include their personal and / or group supervisors; however each client will remain anonymous at this level. If a counsellor feels that you are at risk to yourself or another person it may be necessary to extend this confidentiality but they will always use their best endeavours to discuss this with you first.

Disciplinary procedures are taken seriously and are handled by the entire therapeutic team; a breach of this contract may be dealt with by verbal warning, written warning or discharge from treatment. A decision to take disciplinary action will only take place after careful consideration by the TTP Counselling Centre team.

Should you feel cause to complain about the conduct of a member of staff, structure or delivery of our programme, medical supervision, condition of premises or feel aggrieved or concerned that the conduct of any individual or individuals within the centre may have undermined your physical or emotional well-being, you are at liberty and have the right to ask for a complaints form.

You have the right, upon written request, to examine any information that is recorded about you by TTP Counselling Centre.

The above conditions of treatment have been explained to me and I fully understand that my failure to comply with any of the above terms could result in my immediate discharge from treatment.

Verbal and written warningFor minor breaches of the treatment contract, we would normally give the client a verbal warning (although this is a ‘verbal’ warning, a note is, of course, made in the client’s file). At this point, the client should be very clear that this will lead to a discharge if things do not change. A written warning follows this, if the required change does not emerge. This is the last resort and will include an imminent date of discharge. It should be made clear to you that this discharge is now in place and can only be prevented by these changes emerging before this date.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


Discharge Planned & UnplannedA pre-arranged discharge plan is to be completed during the intake and admission process.

Planned Discharge – Definition

A planned discharge is the successful completion of treatment goals and the initial phase of the Care Plan.

Aftercare requirements should be identified in and during initial assessment and referral.

A planned discharge needs the input and agreement of all interested parties, and should agree with initial goals and criteria of the Care Plan.

A client review meeting will be conducted in the final weeks of the client placement. The client, with your TTP Coventry Counsellor/Key worker and sometimes with your care co-ordinator, will discuss your treatment journey, progress and aftercare provision with any further recommendations added to the Care Plan.

All funders, referrers and care co-ordinators will be given Progress Reports and a Discharge Report.

Unplanned Discharge – Definition

An unplanned discharge can be defined as a break in the care planned treatment episode and can be for two reasons.

1. A therapeutic discharge. A therapeutic discharge is usually through the non-compliance with the treatment contract or goals.

All breaches of contract will firstly be addressed through a Therapeutic Team Meeting, where discussion of all factors and particular circumstances will be taken into account. Agreement will then be made to the next course of action. All decisions will be made in line with TTP Coventry policies and procedures. An immediate discharge follows a major contract breach such as primary or secondary clients drinking or using drugs. In some circumstances, clients may be offered treatment at an alternative TTP Centre.

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


Non-compliance can also be defined by the client not meeting or working towards their own identified Care Plan and not working within the therapeutic programme schedule (see treatment contract).

2. Self-discharge. A self-discharge is defined as a client interrupting their own planned treatment episode for any reason. In such cases staff will use all resources available to them with a view to helping the client complete their treatment journey.

Funders, the care co-ordinator and referrer’s family members who are on the confidentiality waiver, will be immediately informed of the agreed course of action and may be asked to help the client engage in the treatment process. If a discharge is deemed necessary then the pre-arranged discharge plan will be implemented.


Confidentiality Policy The staff and directors of TTP Coventry believe that services should be provided in a confidential manner to encourage open communication and honesty. Users of the services at TTP Coventry will be given the opportunity to choose, as far as possible, what information about themselves and their circumstances is shared, when it is shared and with whom it is shared with, so that the most effective support can be provided.

TTP will not give out information whether learned directly, indirectly or by inference, to a third party (other than staff within TTP) without the prior agreement and permission of the individual concerned, BUT, we will disclose information to other appropriate professionals if we believe there is a risk of harm to yourself or others.

Where a confidentiality waiver has been signed by the client information may be shared with those named persons and organisations mentioned on the waiver.

In order for every client to benefit fully from our treatment programme, an atmosphere of safety, trust and respect must exist and it is essential that every group member respects the confidentiality of their peers. Any information presented or heard within the Centre is strictly confidential and the identities of peers and group members must not be disclosed to anybody outside of TTP. In order to provide the best possible care our team operates within a multi-disciplinary protocol and through this process we are able to maintain a constant

Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


understanding of every client’s personal requirements. Information given to one counsellor or member of staff may be shared with other members of the team; this may include their personal and/or group supervisors; however each client will remain anonymous at this level. If a counsellor feels that you are at risk to yourself or another person it may be necessary to extend this confidentiality but they will always use their best endeavours to discuss this with you first.

If you are party to information which you think may be an exception to the policy, or upsets you in any way, you are obliged to share this with a member of staff BEFORE you leave the building.

Disciplinary ProceduresDisciplinary are taken seriously and are handled by the entire Therapeutic Team. A breach of this contract may be dealt with by verbal warning, written warning or discharge from treatment. A decision to take disciplinary action will only take place after careful consideration by the TTP Therapeutic Team.

Complaints ProcedureShould you feel cause to complain about the conduct of a member of staff, structure or delivery of our programme, medical supervision, condition of premises or feel aggrieved or concerned that the conduct of any individual or individuals within the Centre may have undermined your physical or emotional well-being, you are at liberty to ask for a complaints form. The staff members of TTP Coventry are committed to providing the best service possible. If you have a complaint you should speak to your Counsellor/Key worker as soon as possible, telling them how you feel. If you are unable to do this you should put the complaint in writing (preferably using the form at the reception desk) and hand it to a member of staff, or ask the service user representative to help you. If your complaint is about a member of staff, and you have tried to resolve it with him/her, you should speak to the Centre Manager (or, if it is about the Centre Manager, another member of staff), and ask them to help resolve the problem. Before you make a complaint, it is important to think about what you want to happen as a result of your complaint, and to make this clear at the beginning.

You may want:






Client Handbook – TTP Coventry


You should normally complain within two weeks of the events happening, or within two weeks of becoming aware that you have something to complain about. We will keep all information you give us confidential. We aim to sort out your complaint quickly and you should expect a full response within 10 working days.

If you have a complaint or need to raise a concern and you, for any reason, feel you cannot take this directly to TTP Coventry staff or management you have the right to complain directly to the regulatory body at:

Care Quality Commission National Correspondence City Gate Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 4PA Contact No: 03000 616161 Email:

Equal Opportunities PolicyTTP seeks to promote equal opportunities. TTP is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting equal opportunity as it provides services to members of the community regardless of gender, race, religion, disability, sexuality, age, class, physical appearance or economic status within the bounds of its influence. In TTP Coventry practices, this commitment will influence all its actions. TTP will endeavour to create an atmosphere of mutual respect between employees and the community it serves and will continually monitor and review procedures to ensure there are no discriminatory practices.

Access to employment at TTP Coventry is to be open and fair, and all forms of discrimination must be eliminated from employment practices whilst still adhering to the need for all those employed to be in sympathy with our ethos.

TTP staff and volunteers will develop the very best practice and promote the equal opportunities policy within the team and in relation to involvement of members of the community. Training and development opportunities will be open to all our staff and volunteers.

TTP will not allow any language that would offend others be it age, gender, race, disability, religion, infirmity, sexuality, class, physical appearance or economic status, or against common decency.

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