client testimonials for michelle dear

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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What’s the word on Michelle Dear?

Haven’t you heard? Her clients are

thrilled! Check it out!

TestimonialsMichelle Dear

Don W.

A "Super" Planview support situation

I would like to recognize Michelle Dear for her outstanding help with National Grid's BusinessObjects upgrade last night. I can't think of a better choice of words—she has the "stick to it till the customer is set" attitude. Please realize that you have a "rare find" in this very hectic world.

Dick Tusia, Sr. Vice President, Customer Services

As you can see from Ben S.’s e-mail, we have turned the corner at Ceridian. This was no small feat to get this situation turned around. I would like to thank the following folks who went above and beyond multiple times to ensure success at Ceridian.


Michelle Dear for jumping in and taking the lead on working through all the open Ceridian issues.

You have all proven once again what makes PlanView the great company it is.

Rob B., Info Tech

I wanted to drop you a line to let you know how much we appreciated the attention we received from Michelle concerning our ScoreBoard issues. The amount of effort she extended us to get us up a running on ScoreBoard should be commended!

Anthony M.

I'm writing to express my pleasure with a recent BusinessObjects support issue that Michelle Dear helped us out with. She was very pleasant, professional, and patient with me while walking me through a configuration problem where I have little expertise. She showed a thorough knowledge of the application, and was very prompt in her dealings with us.

Michelle's an obvious asset to your team, and I appreciate her efforts very much. Should we have future issues, I hope I'm fortunate enough to work with her on finding a solution.

Darius Sitzman, Business Intelligence Analyst

Michelle, I just wanted to say a big "THANK YOU" from Jason and I. The guys at Keybank were ready to write a check today if we showed them that we handle Earned Value robustly (which we do). Thanks to you rallying and setting up the demo server with minutes notice, we were able to score a slam-dunk on the demo. Thanks so much, we couldn't have done it without you!

Carol H.

Michelle is an invaluable asset to your organization. I have had the pleasure of attending several Planview online training classes for BusinessObjects lead by Michelle as well as having received outstanding customer service from her. She was very helpful, professional, and knowledgeable, and handled my issue in a more than timely manner. She acknowledged my sense of urgency and responded with the same level of urgency.

I truly appreciate Michelle and her efforts to resolve this issue as well as the excellent training I have received from her on-line courses. I look forward to working with her in the future.

Bill B.

Not for nothing but Michelle Dear is awesome - feel free to pass this along to the proper folks.

Dear Michelle,

Thank you very much for the personal effort you put forth in communicating and, ultimately, resolution. Had it not been for you, I don't believe we would have reached resolution so soon. Your help was certainly recognized and appreciated.

Shannon E.

Mark T.

Thanks Michelle! You are appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love my clients!

Axel G.

I just wanted to let you know that we greatly appreciate all of the support that you've given us. The Planview training session is now going full speed ahead with all of your help. What are we going to do without you ;-)

Again, many thanks to you.

Dwayne C., Info Tech

While I cannot speak for the company, I just wanted to drop you a line and say thank you for all the time and hard work you have put in helping us resolve our Scoreboard/Datamartissues. I know we still have a few problems but I wanted you to know that your perseverance and attitude have been outstanding.

Lenore C.

I wanted to tell you what a marvelous job Michelle did with the recent series of 4 Business Object classes. I am brand new to the Business Objects side of Planview and the way the materials was presented made it very understandable.

The fact that she included live demonstration screen shots in the presentation made the reference materials very useful to go back to and I wish all Planview instructors included information at that level. Also—the way she handles questions is so professional and welcoming. She is a true delight to work with.

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