clinic case studies su 13

Post on 11-May-2017






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Term: Su 13 Name: Heather Howe

Clinician: Dr. Prasad Intern: Sp 2

Clinical Case Study

A 24 yr old male arrives at clinic because, after recent loss in family, he has been experiencing fright, palpitations, restlessness, insomnia due to excessive dreams, poor memory, suspiciousness and paranoia.

Tongue & coating: A pale tongue with a thin, white coating

Pulse image: A fine pulse

Pathology: Insufficiency of Heart Blood

Treatment principles: Supplement the heart and nourish blood


San Yin Jiao (Sp 6), Yin Ling Quan (Sp 9), Xue Hai (Sp 10),

Guan Yuan (CV 4), Qi Hai (CV 6), Ju Que (CV 14), Shen Men (Ht 7).

Rx: Si Wu Tang (Four Materials Decoction)


(Dang Gui) (Chuan Xiong)

(Bai Shao) (Shu Gan Di Huang)

Term: Su 13 Name: Heather Howe

Clinician: Dr. Prasad Intern: Sp 2

Clinical Case Study

A 35 year old female comes to clinic for treatment of extreme heat in the five centers along with insomnia from restless sleep, tidal fever, flushed cheeks in the afternoon, a dry mouth at night, night sweats, blurred vision or night blindness, dizziness, tremors and contraction of the sinews and muscles, numbness of the limbs, fragile nails, lateral costal pain, early menstruation, scanty menstruation, as well as painful menstruation during the first few days.

Tongue: A red tongue with scanty coating or a pale tongue with a red tip

Pulse: A fine, wiry, perhaps even fast pulse

Pathology: Liver Blood, Kidney Yin Vacuity

Treatment principles: Nourish the liver and supplement yin

Acupuncture point: Gan Shu (Bl 18), Ge Shu (Bl 17), Qu Quan (Liv 8), San Yin Jiao (Sp 6), Guan Yuan (CV 4)

Rx: Qi Ju Di Huang Wan (Lycium & Chrysanthemum Rehmannia Pills)

(Gou Qi Zi) (Ju Hua)

(Shan Zhu Yu) (Gan Shan Yao)

(Ze Xie) (Fu Ling)

(Mu Dan Pi) (Shu Di Huang)

Term: Su 133362593 Name: Heather Howe

Clinician: Dr. Prasad Intern: Sp2

Clinical Case Study

A 54 year old female comes in complaining of periumbilical palpitations followed by an up-surging of qi from the abdomen to the sternum, cold limbs and body (especially when nervous) but restoration of the heat in the limbs when relaxed and at ease, and heart palpitations.

Tongue : A white, slimy tongue coating.

Pulse: A wiry pulse that tends to be hooked. This means that pulses in the inch or cun positions lack root.

Pathology: Liver Qi Counterflowing Upward

Treatment principles: Soothe the liver and downbear upward counterflow


Tai Chong (Liv 3), Shan Zhong (CV 17), Nei Guan (Per 6), Gong Sun (Sp 4)

Rx: Ben Tun Wan (Running Piglet Pill)

(Chuan Lian Zi) (Fu Ling)

(Li Zhi He) (Xiao Hui Xiang)

(Mu Xiang)

Term: Su 13 Name: Heather Howe

Clinician: Dr. Prasad Intern: Sp 2

Clinical Case Study

A female patient age 26 has recently noticed relatively small rashes on her arms and legs that are red in color, burning hot, and itch. After scratching the skin with one's fingernails raised rashes appear. This is accompanied by heart vexation, scanty sleep, and a dry mouth but no thirst.

Tongue & coating: A red tongue with a red tip and a thin, yellow coating

Pulse image: A fine and rapid or wiry, rapid pulse

Pathology: Deficient Heat in the Heart Channel

Western Condition: Commonly, such patients are prone to allergies and suffer from polysystemic chronic candidiasis (pscc).

Treatment principles: Cool the blood, clear the heart, and stop itching

Acupuncture Points:

Qu Chi (LI 11), He Gu (LI 4), Wei Zhong (Bl 40),

Xue Hai (Sp 10), San Yin Jiao (Sp 6), Shao Fu (Ht 8)

Rx: Liang Xue Xiao Feng San (Cool the Blood & Disperse Wind Powder)

(Sheng Di) (Dang Gui)

(Jing Jie) (Chan Tui)

(Ku Shen) (Bai Ji Li)

(Zhi Mu) (Shi Gao)

(Gan Cao)

*Dietary therapy is as important as stress reduction in treating this kind of pattern.

Term: Su 13 Name: Heather Howe

Clinician: Dr. Prasad Intern: Sp 2

Clinical Case Study

Mother brings her son age 10 in because since yesterday he had been complaining of stomach and epigastric distension and pain, bad breath, acid regurgitation, nausea, loss of appetite, loose stool with frequent, foul-smelling flatulence

Tongue & coating: A thick, slimy tongue coating

Pulse image: A slippery pulse

Pathology: Food Stagnation in the Stomach and Epigastrium

Treatment principles: Harmonize the stomach and disperse accumulations


Tian Shu (St 25), Zhong Wan (CV 12), Liang Men (St 21),

Zu San Li (St 36), Nei Ting (St 44)

[Additional points: If there is headache, add He Gu (LI 4). If there is burping and belching, add Nei Guan (Per 6), if there is transformative heat, add Qu Chi (LI 11).]

Rx: Bao He Wan (Protect Harmony Pills)

(Shen Qu) (Shan Zha)

(Lai Fu Zi) (Chen Pi)

(Ban Xia) (Fu Ling)

(Lian Qiao)

Term: Su 13 Name: Heather Howe

Clinician: Dr. Prasad Intern: Sp 2

Clinical Case Study

Man, age 60 comes in coughing, with excessive phlegm, the sound of the cough heavy and turbid. He claims cough is due to phlegm because coughing stops after the phlegm is discharged. The phlegm is thick, sticky phlegm and white in color. The coughing with excessive phlegm becomes worse after meals and worse after eating sweet, oily, slimy foods. All this is accompanied by chest oppression, nausea, bodily fatigue andoccasional loose stools

Tongue & coating: A white, thick, slimy tongue coating

Pulse image: Soggy and slippery

Pathology: Phlegm Turbidity Obstructing the Lungs

Treatment principles: Fortify the spleen and dry dampness, transform phlegm and stop coughing


Fei Shu (Bl 13), Pi Shu (Bl 20), Shan Zhong (CV 17),

Zu San Li (St 36), Feng Long (St 40)

Rx: Er Chen Tang (Two Aged [Ingredients] Decoction plus San Zi Yang Qin Tang (Three Seeds Nourish [One's]Parents Decoction)

(Chen Pi)

(Ban Xia) (Fu Ling)

(Gan Cao) (Bai Jie Zi)

(Su Zi) (Lai Fu Zi)

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