clinical hypnotherapy

Post on 15-Mar-2016






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Clinical Hypnotherapy is a powerful therapeutic tool that deals with the causes of problems rather than the symptoms. As a non-invasive, safe and natural method of treating a wide variety of conditions, it is appropriate for use with children and adults. Hypnotherapy helps you to heal yourself. In my 10 years experience as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I have seen this confirmed over and over again. Can Hypnotherapy help me? And what is Hypnosis? So what is Clinical Hypnotherapy?


Clinical Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy helps you to heal yourself. In my 10 years experience as a Clinical

Hypnotherapist, I have seen this confirmed over and over again.

So what is Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a powerful therapeutic tool that deals with the causes of problems

rather than the symptoms. As a non-invasive, safe and natural method of treating a wide variety

of conditions, it is appropriate for use with children and adults.

And what is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a deep sleep-like state of relaxation, which assists you to focus inwardly. You can

overcome unwanted behaviours, difficulties, habits, and self-imposed limitations by accessing

the sub-conscious mind, as this part of the mind is more receptive to appropriate suggestions and


You will then move forward in your life on a more positive path, having greater control over

your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. The benefits are long-lasting and often permanent.

Can Hypnotherapy help me?

It is estimated that 85% of all age groups will respond readily to hypnotherapy.

The following excerpt gives you an idea of what to expect from a session:

‘In a bid to cut out excess booze and boost his confidence, Guardian and Herald reporter –

and hardened sceptic - Keir Dawson, turned to hypnotherapy.

There was no swinging pendulum, no spiralling eyes, no clucking like a chicken, or

pretending to be Elvis……. Admittedly when I turned up for my session with Clinical

Hypnotherapist Sarah Joy – a member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis…

I didn't know what to expect. And as a hypno-sceptic, I wasn't prepared to believe I could be

sent into a trance of any kind. How wrong I was. Hypnotism gets a poor press. For many

people, me included, it conjures up images of shiny-suited men convincing drunken revellers

to humiliate themselves……. But the reality is hugely different and Sarah was quick to

reinforce the distinction in our 30 minute pre-session chat. Sarah tailors each of her sessions

to the client's personality and circumstances, based on what they have told her. So half an

hour later I was in a big comfortable armchair covered in a blanket and staring at the wall.

The lights were low and Sarah was speaking slowly and calmly. -o swinging pendulum just

gentle suggestions.

I felt my eyelids become heavy, and eventually drop. It was like being perched on the edge of

sleep. I could still hear Sarah's voice and the traffic outside the room…. But after a few

minutes, I was definitely in a deep, deep trance. I saw shapes, and colours, and it triggered

memories I had long forgotten.

...occasionally I felt as though was drifting away from my body. And then the hour-long

session was at an end and I was counted back to reality.

One week later he reported: 'I'm drinking no more than 2 drinks a day and feeling good

about it'. After 3 weeks he cut down even further.’

Get it here,

Presented by Eli D.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

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